101 research outputs found

    Visuomeninės nuostatos ir (nepastebima)rezistencija Kaune vėlyvuoju sovietmečiu

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    This article deals with the main oppositional stances and their manifestations in Kaunas during the late Soviet period, employing the theoretical model of ‘unobtrusive practices of contention’ as formulated by H. Johnston and C. Mueller. During the analysed period the main oppositional groups in occupied Lithuania were of a rather non-conformist nature. One of the socially recognisable and visible forms of ideological protest was represented by ethno-cultural and Catholic movements, based on traditional values, another, by prowestern subcultures or artists’ gatherings. Even though the activities of these groups allow us to comprehend them analytically as the main hotbeds of resistance, strong negative stances towards the Soviet regime were widespread in the rest of society. Such stances didn’t acquire the form of evident, declarable or socially visible practices, yet they contributed to the success of Sąjūdis as a social movement. Social movements are largely connected with a collective identity and the securing or preservation of it. The oppositional stances discussed in the article grounded such a collective identity. Its existence provides an explanation of the rapid mobilisation of the movement – in just three weeks after its establishment in the rallies of Sąjūdis tens of thousands and very soon afterwards hundreds of thousands participated.Remiantis teoriniu H. Johnstono ir C. Mueller pasiūlytu nepastebimų opozicinių praktikų modeliu, straipsnyje siekiama aptarti, kokios buvo pagrindinės opozicinės laikysenos bei jų socialinė raiška Kaune vėlyvuoju sovietmečiu. Analizuojamu laikotarpiu okupuotoje Lietuvoje egzistavusioms esminėms opozicinėms visuomenės grupėms būdingas nesusitaikymas su esama situacija. Vieną socialiai atpažįstamo ir matomo ideologinio protesto formą atitiko tradicinėmis vertybėmis grįsti etnokultūriniai ir katalikiški sąjūdžiai, kitą – provakarietiškos subkultūros ar menininkų sambūriai. Nors šių grupių raiška leidžia jas analitiškai suvokti kaip svarbiausius rezistencijos židinius, stiprios neigiamos nuostatos sovietinio režimo atžvilgiu buvo išplitusios žymiai gausesniuose visuomenės sluoksniuose. Tokios visuomeninės nuostatos neįgijo akivaizdžių, deklaruotinų ar socialiai matomų opozicinių praktikų formos, tačiau jos prisidėjo prie Sąjūdžio, kaip socialinio judėjimo, sėkmės. Kadangi socialiniai judėjimai susiję su kolektyvine tapatybe ir jos įtvirtinimu arba išsaugojimu, straipsnyje atskleidžiama, kaip aptariamos opozicinės nuostatos kūrė socialinę terpę, leidusią atsirasti Sąjūdžio kolektyvinei tapatybei. Opozicinio konteksto egzistavimas leidžia paaiškinti sparčią Sąjūdžio kaip socialinio judėjimo mobilizaciją – praėjus vos trims savaitėms po susikūrimo, Sajūdžio demonstracijose dalyvavo dešimtys, o kiek vėliau – ir šimtai tūkstančių žmonių

    Deformation and fracture mechanisms in nanocellulose reinforced composites

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    Cellulose is the main constituent of plants. In the cell wall of plants, cellulose nanofibrils act as a reinforcing agent embedded in a matrix of hemicelluloses and lignin, forming a nanocomposite material. Manmade nanocellulose reinforced composites began to receive attention approximately two decades ago when isolation methods for nanocellulose were developed. However, studies on the deformation of these novel materials have been limited. The effect of the composites' preparation method on the mechanical properties was investigated and compared with theoretical models. Deformation mechanisms in composites reinforced with low weight fractions of different types of nanocellulose were investigated along with the effects of acetylation. Then the stress-transfer and micromechanics of composites reinforced with higher weight fractions of nanocellulose were studied using Raman spectroscopy. Finally, the effect of nanocellulose on thermomechanical properties of the composites and their behaviour in moist environment were addressed. The results show that the preparation method has an influence on the final mechanical properties of composites. Degassing of the nanocellulose/polymer mixture showed a positive effect on the Young's modulus and tensile strength at lower weight fractions of nanocellulose due to the lower viscosities of the mixtures. However, degassing had no effect on the density of the composites. Chemical modification significantly improved the dispersion of nanocellulose in non-polar media as Raman imaging revealed. In turn, the mechanical properties and deformation of the composites was different with respect to the degree of substitution. The toughening of poly(lactic) acid by the addition of low weight fractions of nanocellulose was attributed to extensive polymer crazing which was also dependent on the morphology and degree of substitution of the nanocellulose. Using Raman spectroscopy it was shown that the deformation micromechanics at high weight fractions of nanocellulose are network dominated. This leads to a stress transfer mechanisms similar to a composite within a composite, where composite strength is dependent on stress transfer within the dense network. The mechanical properties of the composites were improved as well as the glass transition temperature. The crystallization behaviour and, in turn, crystallinity of the composites was observed to be impeded at large weight fractions of nanocellulose. Furthermore, the composites had better mechanical properties in humid environments compared to the pure PLA matrix and the pure nanocellulose film. Thus embedding of hydrophilic fibrils in a hydrophobic matrix improves the performance of these materials in humid environments

    The impact of Language and culture on Sąjūdis

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    This article is a short introduction to how interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives can be developed for analyzing the phenomenon of national mobilization. The successful mass mobilization in Lithuania demonstrantes that Soviet mental programming was not successful in changing, using Rorty’s terminology, the most parochial terms in the final vocabularies of Lithuanians. National identity was preserved during the period of occupation, and provided the grounds for collective action. The success of mobilization (in the “noisy phase”) was closely connected with national values that were preserved during the period of Soviet occupation (the “quiet phase”), using various unobtrusive practices of contention in the context of bureaucratic nationalism, when state institutions in Lithuania were employing people who were nationally conscious. This, when a political opportunity emerged, allowed a rapid mass mobilization led by Sąjūdis.This publication is the result of the conference “Language, diversity and integration in the Enlarged EU: challenges and opportunities” sponsored by The Ministry of Education and Science of The Republic of Lithuani

    USSR on the eve of reforms : nomenklatura and inteligentsia in Lithuania

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    Staigios masinės mobilizacijos komunistinės sistemos visuomenėse ženkliai prisidėjo prie jos žlugimo. Liberalizacija Sovietų Sąjungoje buvo pagrindinė politinė galimybė atsirasti socialiniams judėjimams, vadovavusiems mobilizacijai, tokiems kaip Sąjūdis Lietuvoje. Šiame straipsnyje pristatoma sociopolitinės ir ekonominės situacijos, paskatinusios M. Gorbačiovo reformas, apžvalga. Sąjūdis, kaip ir kiti panašūs judėjimai, buvo glaudžiai susijęs su visuomenės grupėmis, sudariusiomis Sovietinį elitą - nomenklatūra ir inteligentija. Nors SSRS buvo itin centralizuota valstybė, federacinis principas, įrašytas sovietinėje konstitucijoje, paskatino vietinių elitų susiformavimą ir biurokratinio nacionalizmo atsiradimą. Todėl dalis nomenklatūros atstovų nebuvo abejingi tautiniams interesams. Inteligentija Sovietų Sąjungoje buvo gausus visuomenės sluoksnis. Dalis jos priklausė ir nomenklatūrai. Turėdami daugiau informacijos apie režimą nei dauguma visuomenės ir nusivylę esama padėtimi, nemažai inteligentijos atstovų neviešai laikėsi opozicinių pažiūrų. Įvairios oficialios organizacijos, dažniausiai kūrybinės sąjungos ir inteligentijos sambūriai, buvo panaudojamos tautinėms ir demokratinėms vertybėms puoselėti. Taip pat buvo vykdoma įvairi, nors ir netiesiogiai, bet režimui oponuojanti veikla. Bendra veikla sukūrė pasitikėjimo tinklus, o LTSR elito atstovai, atsiradus politinei galimybei, tapo Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžio iniciatoriais ir lyderiais.[...] This article provides an overview of the sociopolitical and economic situation which pushed M. Gorbachev to start reforms and liberalization in the USSR. [...] Sąjūdis, and other movements of similar nature, were linked rather directly to the social groups which constituted the Soviet elite - the nomenklatura and the intelligentsia [...]. Even though the Soviet state was extremely centralized, the federal principle inscribed in all editions of the Soviet Constitution facilitated the formation of local elites in the Republics. [...] Bureaucratic nationalism developed by favouring the needs of a particular Republic within the centralized distribution system of resources, goods and developmental planning. This is one of the important reasons why some members of the local nomenklatura were nationally minded. The Intelligentsia formed a numerous social group in the USSR. Part of that group belonged to the nomenklatura. It had better access to information about the regime and was not content with the situation; many of its members embraced oppositional views. Various official organizations, for the most part creative unions and gatherings of intellectuals, were used for the purpose of preserving and spreading national and democratic values. At the same time, part of the intelligentsia was engaged in various unobtrusive practices of contention. This common activity created networks of trust and a specific intellectual climate with the result that some members of the elite of the LSSR became, when the opportunity presented itself, the initiators and leaders of the pro-democratic national movement Sąjūdis