2,258 research outputs found

    DRMs, Innovation and Creation

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    DRMs are intellectual property institutions. They transpose the empirical principle of copyright, which implicitly recognizes that specific ownership rules should be attached to non scientific creation, into the digital era. The legal protection of DRMs, a private means of enforcing content excludability, participates in the "privatization" of copyright protection. This, in turn, means that a proprietary software — governed by intellectual property rights, reinforced by public law — becomes the key to the vertical relations shaped by exclusive copyright. DRMs consequently represent a major stake in the competition to capture network effects in the content distribution vertical chaincopyright; distribution; DRMs; network effects

    Impact of dead zones on the response of a hadron calorimeter with projective and non-projective geometry

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    The aim of this study is to find an optimal mechanical design of the hadronic calorimeter for SiD detector which takes into account engineering as well as physics requirements. The study focuses on the crack effects between two modules for various barrel mechanical design on calorimeter response. The impact of different size of the supporting stringers and dead areas in an active calorimeter layer along the module boundary has been studied for single pions and muons. The emphasis has been put on the comparison of the projective and non-projective barrel geometry for SiD hadronic calorimeter.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Large Size Telescope camera support structures for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The design of the camera support structures for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Large Size Telescopes (LSTs) is based on an elliptical arch geometry reinforced along its orthogonal projection by two symmetric sets of stabilizing ropes. The main requirements in terms of minimal camera displacement, minimal weight, minimal shadowing on the telescope mirror, maximal strength of the structures and fast dynamical stabilization have led to the application of Carbon Fibre Plastic Reinforced (CFPR) technologies. This work presents the design, static and dynamic performance of the telescope fulfilling critical specifications for the major scientific objectives of the CTA LST, e.g. Gamma Ray Burst detection.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All CTA contributions at arXiv:1307.223

    Excitonic structure and pumping power dependent emission blue-shift of type-II quantum dots

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    In this work we study theoretically and experimentally the multi-particle structure of the so-called type-II quantum dots with spatially separated electrons and holes. Our calculations based on customarily developed full configuration interaction approach reveal that exciton complexes containing holes interacting with two or more electrons exhibit fairly large antibinding energies. This effect is found to be the hallmark of the type-II confinement. In addition, an approximate self-consistent solution of the multi-exciton problem allows us to explain two pronounced phenomena: the blue-shift of the emission with pumping and the large inhomogenous spectral broadening, both of those eluding explanation so far. The results are confirmed by detailed intensity and polarization resolved photoluminescence measurements on a number of type-II samples.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    ‘Playing with space': a conceptual basis for investigating active sport tourism practices

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    This paper proposes a conceptual tool, the expression ‘playing with space’, for the analysis of active sport tourism as a meaningful social practice. The expression issues from practice theories and pragmatic understandings of space, which emphasize the processual and contextual dimensions of human action and seek to seize altogether the corporealities and shared conceptions that constitute action. On such views, sport tourists are considered as reflexive and embodied beings, enjoying sensations, mobilities and places, and constantly (re)making sense of their own practices. I argue that the notion of ‘play’ allows for a comprehensive understanding of the ways active sport tourists engage with space, where space is viewed as an object or material for this play. Three major dimensions of active sport tourism are then identified: a set of playful and game-like practices with global space resulting in shared imaginaries and large-scale mobilities; a kinaesthetic play, based on freedom and sensations and deeply engaged in the materiality of the places and the omnipresent media practices that support the other dimensions of play while being fully integrated into the experience of sport tourism. This conceptual framework is a way to better understand the motives and practices of sport tourists; it is also a way to underline wider trends of contemporary leisure cultures: such cultures are increasingly integrated into the daily spheres of activity, increasingly playful and increasingly mediatized

    Specialised Centralities of Outdoor Sports: Global Hotspots, Modest Tourist Developments

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    The article introduces the notion of “specialised centrality” to denote places where tourist activity is based on a specific activity – outdoor sports in the case under study here. This notion offers a complement to territorial models of tourism, as it identifies small clusters that do not fit into either the category of tourist resorts or that of dispersed tourism. The notion takes into account both the spatial characteristics of these places and the way in which they are practised. This paper is based on field research carried out in major hotspots of outdoor sport tourism, and is illustrated in particular with the case of the Haute-Durance basin. The different dimensions of specialised centralities are outlined: material qualities, symbolic values and community co-presence. Examples of particularly isolated specialised centralities are presented in order to emphasise their modest dimensions in terms of territorialisation and economic activity. However, the different ways in which specialised centralities are integrated in the tourist fabric and the territory are also evoked. The article concludes by discussing how the perspective of centralities helps to refine the understanding of the relationship between tourist practices and territorial developments, and how the study of specialised centralities consolidates the analyses of the “presential” economy of tourist territories

    Protection biologique contre les nématodes à galles : test du champignon nématophage (Arthrobotrys conoïdes) : compte-rendu d'essai 2005

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    Les travaux menĂ©s par le GRAB depuis plusieurs annĂ©es ont permis de tester l’intĂ©rĂȘt des tourteaux vĂ©gĂ©taux, de neem et de ricin, et celui des engrais verts nĂ©maticides (tagetes, crotalaires
) dans la lutte contre les nĂ©matodes Ă  galles (Meloidogyne spp). Les rĂ©sultats de ces techniques s’avĂšrent alĂ©atoires selon les sites, et sont insuffisants pour lutter efficacement contre ce ravageur du sol, notamment dans les sites trĂšs infestĂ©s. L’avenir de la lutte contre les nĂ©matodes Ă  galles en agriculture biologique passe trĂšs vraisemblablement par l’association de plusieurs techniques : raisonnement de la rotation, avec cultures de plantes non-hĂŽtes ou rĂ©sistantes (porte-greffes), dĂ©sinfection (vapeur, solarisation), utilisation de tourteaux ou de la biofumigation (association d’un amendement et de la solarisation), engrais verts nĂ©maticides et utilisation de micro-organismes. Les travaux de M. Cayrol, Ă  l’INRA d’Antibes, avaient montrĂ© l’intĂ©rĂȘt du champignon nĂ©matophage Arthrobotrys, mais son utilisation s’était heurtĂ©e Ă  des problĂšmes de formulation et de conservation du produit. Aujourd’hui, la sociĂ©tĂ© Casale (Suisse) a mis au point une formulation sĂšche, sous forme de granulĂ©s, du champignon Arthrobotrys conoides, dont les modalitĂ©s d’utilisation sont en cours de mise au point. L’essai conduit en 2005 a donc pour objectif : - de tester l’effet nĂ©maticide du champignon Arthrobotrys conoides, - de tester diffĂ©rentes doses afin d’affiner les modalitĂ©s d’emploi. ParallĂšlement, un essai est conduit dans une autre station d’expĂ©rimentation afin d’évaluer l’effet du type de sol sur l’installation du champignon

    Formalisation du capital environnemental et projet de territoire : le cas des BiosphÀrenparks autrichiens

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    Les BiosphĂ€renparks autrichiens, territoires distinguĂ©s par un label de l’UNESCO pour leur gestion « durable », peuvent ĂȘtre efficacement analysĂ©s Ă  travers la notion de « capital environnemental ». Celle-ci permet d’englober l’ensemble des valeurs, notamment non-Ă©conomiques, attribuĂ©es aux objets de nature d’un espace donnĂ©, et surtout les relations sociales et culturelles qui Ă©laborent ces valeurs. Nous tentons ici de montrer la pertinence d’une telle approche, relationnelle, constructiviste et holiste, pour la comprĂ©hension des projets de dĂ©veloppement des territoires ruraux. Les BiosphĂ€renparks constituent en effet une plate-forme de coordination des efforts de formalisation d’un capital environnemental ; nous entendons par lĂ  la mise en correspondance des valeurs et des objets Ă  travers la diffusion de discours sur le territoire

    Lutte contre les nématodes à galles (Meloïdogyne spp.): essai de combinaison de moyens de lutte : compte-rendu 2005

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    Les travaux menĂ©s par le GRAB depuis plusieurs annĂ©es ont montrĂ© l’intĂ©rĂȘt potentiel de plusieurs techniques de lutte contre les nĂ©matodes Ă  galles (Meloidogyne spp.) en maraĂźchage biologique : tourteaux vĂ©gĂ©taux de neem (NĂ©matorg) et de ricin, engrais verts de tagetes minuta et tagetes patula. Par ailleurs, la dĂ©sinfection vapeur est pratiquĂ©e pour certaines cultures touchĂ©es par les nĂ©matodes Ă  galles, pour un coĂ»t souvent prohibitif et une efficacitĂ© alĂ©atoire, qu’il conviendrait d’estimer plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment. Cet essai a pour objectif : - de vĂ©rifier l’efficacitĂ© des tourteaux, en particulier le mĂ©lange Nematorg+ricin, des tagĂštes et de la dĂ©sinfection vapeur. - d’associer ces diffĂ©rentes techniques - d’étudier l’effet cumulatif de ces techniques sur une mĂȘme parcelle, sur plusieurs annĂ©es et sur diffĂ©rentes espĂšces cultivĂ©es. L’essai a dĂ©butĂ© en mars 2003 avec une culture de melons. Il s’est poursuivi en 2004 avec une culture de salades pendant l’hiver et une culture de potimarrons au printemps. En 2005, les rĂ©sultats concernent une culture de salade hivernale et du fenouil au printemps
