164 research outputs found

    Evaluating audience experience

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    The Role of Mental Imagery in Conceptual Designing

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    In design literature, how designers think and how they design have been identified as a reflection of how they interact with their sketches. Sketching in architectural design is still a central concern which shapes our understanding of the design process and the development of new tools. Sketching not only serves as a visual aid to store and retrieve conceptualisations, but as a medium to facilitate more ideas, and to revise and refine these ideas. This thesis examined how mental imagery and sketching is used in designing by conducting a protocol analysis study with six expert architects. Each architect was required to think aloud and design under two different conditions: one in which s/he had access to sketching and one in which s/he was blindfolded (s/he did not have access to sketching). At the end of the blindfold condition the architects were required to quickly sketch what they held in their minds. The architects were able to come up with satisfying design solutions and some reported that using their imagery could be another way of designing. The resulting sketches were assessed by judges and were found to have no significant differences in overall quality. Expert architects were able to construct and maintain the design of a building without having access to sketching. The analysis of the blindfold and sketching design protocols did not demonstrate any differences in the quantity of cognitive actions in perceptual, conceptual, functional and evaluative categories. Each architect’s cognitive structure and designing behaviour in the blindfold activity mimicked her/his cognitive structure and designing behaviour in the sketching activity. The analysis of links between the design ideas demonstrated that architects’ performance in idea development was higher under the blindfold condition, compared to their sketching condition. It was also found that architects’ blindfold design performance was improved when they were more familiar with the site layout. These results imply that expert designers may not need sketching as a medium for their reflective conversation with the situation. This study indicates that constructing internal representations can be a strong tool for designing. Future studies may show that designers may not need sketching for the generation of certain designs during the early phases of conceptual designing

    Pentingnya Kepemimpinan Spiritual terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    Setiap perusahaan membutuhkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi kemajuan perusahaan. Dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia yang ada, perusahaan tidak hanya membutuhkan kesejahteraan materi tetapi juga membutuhkan penguatan nilai-nilai spiritual yang telah menjadi strategi besar dalam kajian bisnis. Salah satu faktor penting dalam yang menentukan keberhasilan suatu perusahaan adalah kepemimpinan. Seorang pemimpin harus bisa membuat karyawannya dapat menerapkan atau meningkatkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dengan cara membangun spiritualisme di dalam diri seseorang guna untuk membangkitkan mental atau rohani berupa keyakinan, ideologi, pedoman atau tuntutan, iman dan etika tidak hanya merubah karakter dan perilaku karyawannya saja, salah satu upaya yang dilakukanseorang pemimpin untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawanperusahaanadalahdengan menerapkan gaya spiritual. Oleh karena itu, kepeimimpinan spiritual terhadap kinerja karyawan sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. &nbsp

    Exploring Design Options for interactive Video with the Mnemovie hypervideo system

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    Mnemovie is an investigative hypervideo system for exploring design options for interactivity with digital motion picture files (video). The custom-designed software toolset is used to build a series of experimental interactive models from which three models were subsequently developed for initial user experience testing and evaluation. We compared interaction with each of the models across three groups of video file users, from expert to non-expert. Understanding participants preference for each model helps define the different dimensions of the actual user experience. We discuss how these findings and the subsequent development of persona scenarios can inform the design of hypervideo systems and the implications this has for interaction design

    An Insight on Designers' Sketching Activities in Traditional versus Digital Media

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This study aims at gaining an insight on designers' cognitive processes while sketching in digital vs traditional media. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from protocol analyses of six interior designers solving an interior space-planning problem through media transition. In order to encode the design behavior, a coding scheme was utilized that allowed the inspection of both the design activity and the responses to media transition in terms of the primitive cognitive actions of designers. The analyses of the coding scheme constituents, which are segmentation and cognitive action categories, allowed a comparative study demonstrating the effect of the use of different media in the conceptual design phase. The results showed that traditional media had advantages over the digital media, such as supporting the perception of visual-spatial features, and organizational relations of the design, production of alternative solutions and better conception of the design problem. These results also suggested implications for computer aids in architectural design to support the conceptual phase of the design process. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    An Analysis of Students in Independent Learning of Analytic Geometry During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the independence of students learning on the flat analytic geometry of the Covid-19. This research was conducted on students in the second semester with 72 resopondents consisting of 15 males and 52 females. Data retrieval is carried out using a self-sufficiency study poll as many as 20 items of statements that have been compiled based on learning independence indicators. The scale used in this study was the Likert scale. Data analysis to know the independence of learning students used descriptive analytical techniques with the ideal criteria namely the ideal mean and the ideal deviation standard. Based on data analysis obtained by the results of independence of learning with indicators: a self- confident is good enough (31.75%), the activeness is quite good (37.50%), discipline is good (52.10%), and responsibility is good (64.57%)


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    The main purpose of this research is to produce android-based learning media products. The research carried out is development research with 4D models (define, design, dvelopment, dessimination). The sample in this study was a student of class X SMK Avicena Rajeg Tangerang Regency in 2021. The data in the study was collected using a questionnaire, which consists of an expert validation questionnaire, and a student response questionnaire as a user. Based on the results of the analysis of research data conducted obtained a value of 75.50% for media experts and 75.60% for material experts with good categories. The next stage is a practicality test and questionnaire on a small scale and obtained a score of 75.17% with good and practical categories. So it was concluded that android-based learning media is feasible and practically used in mathematical learning


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    ABSTRAK Pendidikan karakter telah menjadi pembahasan menarik bagi pelaku pendidikan semenjak zaman Ki Hajar Dewantara. Referensi mengenai pendidikan karakter tidak berhenti diterbitkan, begitu juga jurnal-jurnal pendidikan yang mengupasnya kemudian mempublikasikannya dengan tujuan pelaku pendidikan tidaklah lagi merasa awam terhadap pendidikan karakter. Namun sejauh ini, penanaman karakter kepada peserta didik di sekolah, masih berupa wacana yang pada akhirnya tujuan pendidikan yang tertera pada Undang-Undang nomor 20 tahun 2003 serta cita-cita bangsa belumlah terwujud. Berbagai permasalahan di luar yang berhubungan dengan moral peserta didik, masih terus ada dan menjadi isu yang biasa didengar. Kajian ini membahas mengenai penanaman karakter diri peserta didik melalui pembelajaran matematika di sekolah yang tentunya dikembalikan dengan kesesuaian tujuan pendidikan dan cita-cita bangsa. Kajian ini juga mengarah pada pendidikan karakter yang direncanakan secara terstruktur oleh pelaku pendidikan agar pendidikan karakter dapat dilakukan secara konsisten. KATA KUNCI: pendidikan karakter, pembelajaran matematik

    Pengaruh Self Efficacy Siswa SMP terhadap Pemecahan Masalah pada Materi Aritmetika Sosial

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    This study presents the results of the influence of self-efficacy on problem solving abilities in social arithmetic material on students of SMP Negeri 3 Cikupa. The object of this study was all students of class VIII with 108 students consisting of 48 men and 60 women. The research method used is quantitative research methods. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and tests or exercises. The results showed that self-efficacy had a significant effect on the problem solving abilities of junior high school students, with the regression equation showing a positive effect, and closeness, namely 7.6%. The recommendation of this study, teachers should use other abilities to increase student self-efficacy


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    The learning process is a systematic activity deliberately designed by educators in order for the desired learning objectives to be achieved. One of the factors that affects the process of learning is a learning medium. Learning media is a tool that used by educators so that the concept or material to be delivered on target and meaningful for learners. This research was conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang in the mathematics education study program. The purpose of this research is to develop Ispring interactive media design. The methods used in this study are research and development with ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) models. The stages include analysis, design, development, and implementation. Based on the validation results of the experts by getting scores of 80.34% and 80% respectively with proper criteria, and the results of small-scale trials got score of 85% and 88.34% respectively which was feasible and usable
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