2,346 research outputs found

    Automatic sensitivity-adjustment for a curvature sensor

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    There are different techniques to sense the wavefront phase-distortions due to atmospheric turbulence. Curvature sensors are practical in their sensitivity being adjustable to the prevailing atmospheric conditions. Even at the best sites, the turbulence intensity has been found to vary at times over only a few minutes and regularly over longer periods. Two methods to automatically adjust the sensitivity of a curvature sensor are proposed: First, the defocus distance can be adjusted prior to the adaptive-optics (AO) loop through the acquisition of a long exposure image and can then be kept constant. Secondly, the defocus distance can be changed during the AO loop, based on the voltage values sent to the deformable mirror. We demonstrate that the performance increase - assessed in terms of the image Strehl-ratio - can be significant.Comment: Accepted for publication in the adaptive-optics feature of Applied Optic

    Plataformas para Vida Saludable (dentro del e-Bienestar / e-Salud)

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    Resumen de la ponencia El Contenido de la Conferencia se estructura en TRES Módulos básicos: 1.- Conceptos básicos: precisan el concepto Vida Saludable, dentro del espacio de Salud y Bienestar, así como los principales Colectivos implicados (sujetos de Rehabilitación, Mantenimiento, Promoción, …), sin excluir a otros Colectivos implicados en el Cuidado de la Pérdida de Salud (Enfermedad) y, dentro de ellos, aquellos que reúnen a los grupos más numerosos - Impacto - y con situaciones de salud más reiterativas - Prevalencia -, entre los que se señalan, de forma inequívoca, a los colectivos de Gente Mayor, con Enfermedades Crónicas y Dependencias consecuentes. 2.- Modelo de Plataforma: definen un Modelo de Plataforma que incluya una solución integral para realizar las tareas propias de su función, dentro de la opcional Red que se requiera, operando dentro de un contexto global TIC y sus componentes fundamentales: Redes de Comunicaciones, Sistemas de Información, Sistemas Electrónicos: Sensores y Actuadores, y Servicios. 3.- Soluciones disponibles: enumera diversas disponibilidades comerciales de soluciones conocidas para realizar las tareas implicadas. En resumen, la Conferencia aborda, desde un punto de vista conceptual y tecnológico, la optimización del ámbito fronterizo entre la Salud y el Bienestar, que es un espacio de gran trascendencia para la evolución global de los Servicios de Salud.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA): Propuesta de intervención logopédica en autismo

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    La creciente preocupación por los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) obliga a observar estos trastornos desde la perspectiva logopédica. En concreto, en este trabajo se analiza un tipo específico de TEA: el autismo clásico. Para ello, y tomando como base una paciente tratada durante las prácticas realizadas en el cuarto curso de logopedia, se propone una intervención logopédica basada en el Programa de Estimulación Precoz (PICET) y en la Rueda del Desarrollo. Con el fin de comprobar la efectividad de estas pruebas, éstas se realizaron al principio y al final del tratamiento. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos permite poner de manifiesto su utilidad para mejorar la calidad de vida del autista.Grado en Logopedi

    Hierarchical Control of the ATLAS Experiment

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    Control systems at High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments are becoming increasingly complex mainly due to the size, complexity and data volume associated to the front-end instrumentation. In particular, this becomes visible for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC accelerator at CERN. ATLAS will be the largest particle detector ever built, result of an international collaboration of more than 150 institutes. The experiment is composed of 9 different specialized sub-detectors that perform different tasks and have different requirements for operation. The system in charge of the safe and coherent operation of the whole experiment is called Detector Control System (DCS). This thesis presents the integration of the ATLAS DCS into a global control tree following the natural segmentation of the experiment into sub-detectors and smaller sub-systems. The integration of the many different systems composing the DCS includes issues such as: back-end organization, process model identification, fault detection, synchronization with external systems, automation of processes and supervisory control. Distributed control modeling is applied to the widely distributed devices that coexist in ATLAS. Thus, control is achieved by means of many distributed, autonomous and co-operative entities that are hierarchically organized and follow a finite-state machine logic. The key to integration of these systems lies in the so called Finite State Machine tool (FSM), which is based on two main enabling technologies: a SCADA product, and the State Manager Interface (SMI++) toolkit. The SMI++ toolkit has been already used with success in two previous HEP experiments providing functionality such as: an object-oriented language, a finite-state machine logic, an interface to develop expert systems, and a platform-independent communication protocol. This functionality is then used at all levels of the experiment operation process, ranging from the overall supervision down to device integration, enabling the overall sequencing and automation of the experiment. Although the experience gained in the past is an important input for the design of the detector's control hierarchy, further requirements arose due to the complexity and size of ATLAS. In total, around 200.000 channels will be supervised by the DCS and the final control tree will be hundreds of times bigger than any of the antecedents. Thus, in order to apply a hierarchical control model to the ATLAS DCS, a common approach has been proposed to ensure homogeneity between the large-scale distributed software ensembles of sub-detectors. A standard architecture and a human interface have been defined with emphasis on the early detection, monitoring and diagnosis of faults based on a dynamic fault-data mechanism. This mechanism relies on two parallel communication paths that manage the faults while providing a clear description of the detector conditions. The DCS information is split and handled by different types of SMI++ objects; whilst one path of objects manages the operational mode of the system, the other is to handle eventual faults. The proposed strategy has been validated through many different tests with positive results in both functionality and performance. This strategy has been successfully implemented and constitutes the ATLAS standard to build the global control tree. During the operation of the experiment, the DCS, responsible for the detector operation, must be synchronized with the data acquisition system which is in charge of the physics data taking process. The interaction between both systems has so far been limited, but becomes increasingly important as the detector nears completion. A prototype implementation, ready to be used during the sub-detector integration, has achieved data reconciliation by mapping the different segments of the data acquisition system into the DCS control tree. The adopted solution allows the data acquisition control applications to command different DCS sections independently and prevents incorrect physics data taking caused by a failure in a detector part. Finally, the human-machine interface presents and controls the DCS data in the ATLAS control room. The main challenges faced during the design and development phases were: how to support the operator in controlling this large system, how to maintain integration across many displays, and how to provide an effective navigation. These issues have been solved by combining the functionalities provided by both, the SCADA product and the FSM tool. The control hierarchy provides an intuitive structure for the organization of many different displays that are needed for the visualization of the experiment conditions. Each node in the tree represents a workspace that contains the functional information associated with its abstraction level within the hierarchy. By means of an effective navigation, any workspace of the control tree is accessible by the operator or detector expert within a common human interface layout. The interface is modular and flexible enough to be accommodated to new operational scenarios, fulfil the necessities of the different kind of users and facilitate the maintenance during the long lifetime of the detector of up to 20 years. The interface is in use since several months, and the sub-detector's control hierarchies, together with their associated displays, are currently being integrated into the common human-machine interface

    Flucht in den norden de Klaus Mann: Un acercamiento, a través de la ficción, a la experiencia vital de los exiliados del Régimen Nazi en Finlandia

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    En el siguiente trabajo presentamos un análisis sobre la experiencia vital de los exiliados del régimen nazi principalmente en Finlandia, a través de la obra Flucht in den Norden de Klaus Mann, publicada en París en 1934. Esta obra se encuadra dentro de la Deutsche Exilliteratur y fue la primera obra publicada por el autor en el exilio. El término de Deutsche Exilliteratur hace referencia a las obras literarias producidas por autores del ámbito germánico que se exiliaron del régimen nazi por motivos políticos o de índole racial. La etapa de su exilio se sitúa entre los años 1933 y 1945, es decir, entre el ascenso al poder de Hitler y la derrota definitiva del nazismo.Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt anhand des Buches Flucht in den Norden eine Analyse der Lebenserfahrungen deutscher politischer Flüchtlinge während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus insbesondere in Finnland vor. Flucht in den Norden wurde im Mai 1934 von seinem Verfasser, Klaus Mann, in Paris veröffentlicht. Dieses Werk gehört zur Deutschen Exilliteratur und war die erste Veröffentlichung Klaus Manns im Exil. Der Begriff „Deutsche Exilliteratur“ bezeichnet die literarischen Werke deutschsprachiger Autoren, die während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, das heißt, zwischen Hitlers Machtergreifung 1933 und der endgültigen Niederlage des Nationalsozialismus im Jahr 1945 aus politischen oder rassischen Gründen ins Exil gingen.Departamento de Filología Francesa y AlemanaGrado en Lenguas Modernas y sus Literatura

    Començar de Zero. De la programació educativa a la robòtica

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    Amb la realització d'aquest projecte es pretén donar resposta a una necessitat creixent en l'actualitat. El currículum de Tecnologia d'ESO, afortunadament, cada cop disposa de més continguts relacionats amb l'electrònica, la programació, l'automàtica i la robòtica. Tot i que ja fa temps que aquests continguts figuren al currículum, hi ha centres on encara no estan totalment integrats a la programació de l'assignatura, ja sigui per falta de recursos econòmics al centre o falta de coneixement per part dels docents encarregats d'impartir-ho. La intenció d'aquesta tesi és desenvolupar un projecte d'integració de la programació a tots els cursos on es pot relacionar amb el currículum, per tant de 2n a 4t d'ESO, partint del cas que mai abans s'ha treballat el món de la programació, l'automatització ni la robòtica

    Space, time and item coding in the lateral entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus

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    Episodic memory formation involves encoding information about space, items and time of an experience. In humans and animals, episodic memory formation depends on the interaction of associative areas with the hippocampus (HC) and its surrounding parahippocampal areas, in particular the entorhinal cortex (EC). The EC medial and lateral subdivisions (MEC and LEC), harbour a plethora of spatially and item modulated cell types, respectively. Thus, MEC and LEC were long considered specialised spatial and item coding centres, respectively, that conveyed this information to the HC, where it was integrated into one episodic memory. In agreement with this hypothesis, the firing of neurons in the HC is spatially modulated but is also modified by changes in contextual and item components of an environment. However, recent studies suggest that both the MEC and LEC carry out spatial and item coding, albeit the way these elements are encoded may differ. In addition, temporal coding in the hippocampus requires an intact MEC, however, the specific functional MEC cell types involved in this process are unknown. Thus, it is currently unclear how space, items and time are encoded in each of the entorhinal-hippocampal areas, and how the different entorhinal-hippocampal circuits contribute to the transmission and association of episodic memory components. In this thesis, I explored this question from three different angles: firstly, I characterized mechanisms of spatial and item coding in the LEC and in the CA1 hippocampal area; secondly, I studied the contribution of a specific MEC-to-LEC pathway to spatial and item coding in the LEC; thirdly, I evaluated whether the temporal coding process of phase precession in hippocampal neurons is dependent on a specific MEC functional cell type, namely grid cells. For this purpose, I performed and analysed in vivo electrophysiological recordings in freely moving mice subjected to a variety of experimental settings, and combined this with optogenetic tagging of neurons for circuit characterisation. The findings reported in this thesis fundamentally advance our understanding of the processes underlying episodic memory encoding in several ways. First, I found that spatial selectivity in the LEC decreases along the anteroposterior axis, and that spatially modulated neurons remap when the spatial framework changes. In addition, I describe distinct functional cell types in the LEC encoding for different object features. Importantly, spatial and object coding neurons appear to be distinct non-overlapping neuronal populations, arguing for a separate processing of items and space in the LEC. Interestingly, object coding neurons are selectively avoided by long-range GABAergic projections from MEC to LEC. In the HC, in turn, a subset of spatially modulated neurons also encode object-related information, suggesting that these two components of episodic memory are integrated, at least to some extent, in this region. These findings give experimental evidence to the episodic memory encoding process proposed by the cognitive map theory. Finally, in respect to temporal coding, I demonstrated that phase precession is intact in the HC when grid cell firing is disrupted in the MEC, indicating that this mechanism may be dependent on other MEC neurons and/or pathways. Together, these findings uncover new mechanisms of encoding and transmission of the three episodic memory components in the entorhinal-hippocampal circuits

    Tecnologías y servicios para la integración del hogar dentro del Sistema de Salud

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    La ponencia describe el escenario así como la arquitectura de las nuevas redes telemédicas- teleasistenciales propuesta para integrar el hogar dentro del Sistema de Salud. Igualmente, enumera las tecnologías disponibles para la configuración de las soluciones así como los servicios requeridos para el ejercicio de la actividad asistencial fuera del ámbito propiamente sanitario, singularmente el domicilio de los actores de los procesos, principalmente los pacientes. La ponencia se estructura de acuerdo con el siguiente esquema: -Precisiones conceptuales sobre la Terminología (TIC/TEIC, Salud/Bienestar, e-Salud/m-Salud, Telemedicina/Teleasistencia), Espacios- Escenarios de aplicación (Sanitario, Social, Sociosanitario, …) y Actores participantes (Profesionales, Pacientes, Gestores, …) -Paradigmas relativos tanto al espacio continuo de la Salud como a los colectivos que requieren actuación preferente (gente mayor, crónicos, dependientes, …) así como sus situaciones de posesión o carencia de Salud más impactantes. Análisis diferenciado del Sistema de Atención Básica de la Salud -Tecnologías básicas al servicio del proceso (Sistemas de Información, Comunicaciones y Trazabilidad de Indicadores de Salud y Bienestar) -Compendio de Servicios telemáticos disponibles (Tele Información-Formación, Tele Intercambio de Contenidos, Tele Intercambio Presencial, otros servicios complementarios) -Plataformas tecnológicas disponibles, tanto para el ámbito Personal como Social o Ambiental -Aplicaciones de interés, básicamente Teleasistencia Sanitaria y Social -Conclusiones y DebateUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Spectral-spatial classification of n-dimensional images in real-time based on segmentation and mathematical morphology on GPUs

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop efficient schemes for spectral-spatial n-dimensional image classification. By efficient schemes, we mean schemes that produce good classification results in terms of accuracy, as well as schemes that can be executed in real-time on low-cost computing infrastructures, such as the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) shipped in personal computers. The n-dimensional images include images with two and three dimensions, such as images coming from the medical domain, and also images ranging from ten to hundreds of dimensions, such as the multiand hyperspectral images acquired in remote sensing. In image analysis, classification is a regularly used method for information retrieval in areas such as medical diagnosis, surveillance, manufacturing and remote sensing, among others. In addition, as the hyperspectral images have been widely available in recent years owing to the reduction in the size and cost of the sensors, the number of applications at lab scale, such as food quality control, art forgery detection, disease diagnosis and forensics has also increased. Although there are many spectral-spatial classification schemes, most are computationally inefficient in terms of execution time. In addition, the need for efficient computation on low-cost computing infrastructures is increasing in line with the incorporation of technology into everyday applications. In this thesis we have proposed two spectral-spatial classification schemes: one based on segmentation and other based on wavelets and mathematical morphology. These schemes were designed with the aim of producing good classification results and they perform better than other schemes found in the literature based on segmentation and mathematical morphology in terms of accuracy. Additionally, it was necessary to develop techniques and strategies for efficient GPU computing, for example, a block–asynchronous strategy, resulting in an efficient implementation on GPU of the aforementioned spectral-spatial classification schemes. The optimal GPU parameters were analyzed and different data partitioning and thread block arrangements were studied to exploit the GPU resources. The results show that the GPU is an adequate computing platform for on-board processing of hyperspectral information