1,023 research outputs found

    Multienvironment Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis for Photosynthate Acquisition, Accumulation, and Remobilization Traits in Common Bean Under Drought Stress

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    Many of the world’s common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growing regions are prone to either intermittent or terminal drought stress, making drought the primary cause of yield loss under farmers’ field conditions. Improved photosynthate acquisition, accumulation, and then remobilization have been observed as important mechanisms for adaptation to drought stress. The objective of this study was to tag quantitative trait loci (QTL) for photosynthate acquisition, accumulation, and remobilization to grain by using a recombinant inbred line population developed from the Mesoamerican intragenepool cross of drought-susceptible DOR364 and drought-tolerant BAT477 grown under eight environments differing in drought stress across two continents: Africa and South America. The recombinant inbred line population expressed quantitative variation and transgressive segregation for 11 traits associated with drought tolerance. QTL were detected by both a mixed multienvironment model and by composite interval mapping for each environment using a linkage map constructed with 165 genetic markers that covered 11 linkage groups of the common bean genome. In the multienvironment, mixed model, nine QTL were detected for 10 drought stress tolerance mechanism traits found on six of the 11 linkage groups. Significant QTL × environment interaction was observed for six of the nine QTL. QTL × environment interaction was of the cross-over type for three of the six significant QTL with contrasting effect of the parental alleles across different environments. In the composite interval mapping, we found 69 QTL in total. The majority of these were found for Palmira (47) or Awassa (18), with fewer in Malawi (4). Phenotypic variation explained by QTL in single environments ranged up to 37%, and the most consistent QTL were for Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) leaf chlorophyll reading and pod partitioning traits. QTL alignment between the two detection methods showed that yield QTL on b08 and stem carbohydrate QTL on b05 were most consistent between the multilocation model and the single environment detection. Our results indicate the relevance of QTL detection in the sites in which bean breeding will be undertaken and the importance of photosynthate accumulation as a trait for common bean drought tolerance

    Network Activity Monitoring Against Malware in Android Operating System

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    Google’s Android is the most used Operating System in mobile devices but as its popularity has increased hackers have taken advantage of the momentum to plague Google Play (Android’s Application Store) with multipurpose Malware that is capable of stealing private information and give the hacker remote control of smartphone’s features in the worst cases. This work presents an innovative methodology that helps in the process of malware detection for Android Operating System, which addresses aforementioned problem from a different perspective that even popular Anti-Malware software has left aside. It is based on the analysis of a common characteristic to all different kinds of malware: the need of network communications, so the victim device can interact with the attacker. It is important to highlight that in order to improve the security level in Android, our methodology should be considered in the process of malware detection. As main characteristic, it does not need to install additional kernel modules or to root the Android device. And finally as additional characteristic, it is as simple as can be considered for non-experienced users

    Phenotyping common beans for adaptation to drought

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    Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) originated in the New World and are the grain legume of greatest production for direct human consumption. Common bean production is subject to frequent droughts in highland Mexico, in the Pacific coast of Central America, in northeast Brazil, and in eastern and southern Africa from Ethiopia to South Africa. This article reviews efforts to improve common bean for drought tolerance, referring to genetic diversity for drought response, the physiology of drought tolerance mechanisms, and breeding strategies. Different races of common bean respond differently to drought, with race Durango of highland Mexico being a major source of genes. Sister species of P. vulgaris likewise have unique traits, especially P. acutifolius which is well adapted to dryland conditions. Diverse sources of tolerance may have different mechanisms of plant response, implying the need for different methods of phenotyping to recognize the relevant traits. Practical considerations of field management are discussed including: trial planning; water management; and field preparation

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de un servicio a gran escala de comida saludable bajo el modelo de aprovisionamiento MRP

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    La tesis partió conociendo los principales problemas en los establecimientos de comida, para así determinar el objetivo general donde se evaluaría la implementación de este proyecto como una alternativa de solución. La composición del producto principal, las órdenes, es tomada del modelo del plato balanceado del CENAN. El análisis del macroentorno permitió conocer la influencia de los factores externos sobre las empresas peruanas, sumado al impacto del COVID-19. Asimismo, se analizó el sector interno para entender las fuerzas que influyen en su rentabilidad. La demanda para el último año del proyecto se calculó en 82,720 órdenes y la elección de la ubicación resultó de la evaluación de los factores más relevantes de localización sumado a los nuevos hábitos del consumidor, dando como resultado el C.C. Jockey Plaza. Para el dimensionamiento del servicio se analizó el tamaño del mercado, los recursos, la tecnología y el punto de equilibrio (230 órdenes/día), obteniéndose un tamaño de 234 órdenes/día. La capacidad instalada se calculó identificando los requerimientos: mano de obra y equipos. Para el requerimiento de insumos se evaluó la carta, el packaging y el contenido calórico. El ambiente de producción es por make to stock y el aprovisionamiento siguiendo el modelo MRP. Se elegirá el tipo de empresa Sociedad Anónima Cerrada, así como el MYPE Tributario, régimen que ayudará en el pago de impuestos y beneficios laborales. La evaluación financiera y económica con un COK del 14.31% obteniéndose un VAN financiero del S/158,628 y una TIR 49.83%; un VAN económico del S/105,551 y una TIR 26.98%. La investigación culmina dando a conocer el impacto positivo del proyecto en la sociedad, teniendo un valor agregado de S/ 3,316,350.The thesis started by knowing the main problems in food establishments, in order to determine the general objective where the implementation of this project would be evaluated as an alternative solution. The composition of the main product, the orders, is taken from the CENAN balanced plate model. The analysis of the macro-environment allowed us to know the influence of external factors on Peruvian companies, added to the impact of COVID-19. Likewise, the internal sector was analyzed to understand the forces that influence its profitability. The demand for the last year of the project was calculated at 82,720 orders and the choice of location resulted from the evaluation of the most relevant location factors added to the new consumer habits, resulting in the C.C. Jockey Plaza. For the dimensioning of the service, the size of the market, resources, technology and the breakeven point (230 orders / day) were analyzed, obtaining a size of 234 orders / day. The installed capacity was calculated by identifying the requirements: labor and equipment. For the requirement of inputs, the letter, the packaging and the caloric content were evaluated. The production environment is by make to stock and provisioning following the MRP model. The type of company Closed Anonymous Society will be chosen, as well as the MYPE Tributary, a regime that will help in the payment of taxes and labor benefits. The financial and economic evaluation with a COK of 14.31%, obtaining a financial NPV of S / 158,628 and an IRR of 49.83%; an economic NPV of S / 105,551 and an IRR of 26.98%. The investigation culminates by publicizing the positive impact of the project on society, having an added value of S / 3,316,350

    Genetic determination and JARID2 over- expression in a thermal incubation experiment in Casque-Headed Lizard

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    Artículo incubaciónNon-avian reptiles, unlike mammals and birds, have undergone numerous sex determina- tion changes. Casque-Headed Lizards have replaced the ancestral XY system shared across pleurodonts with a new pair of XY chromosomes. However, the evolutionary forces that triggered this transition have remained unclear. An interesting hypothesis suggests that species with intermediate states, with sex chromosomes but also thermal-induced sex reversal at specific incubation temperatures, could be more susceptible to sex determination turnovers. We contrasted genotypic data (presence/absence of the Y chromosome) against the histology of gonads of embryos from stages 35–37 incubated at various temperatures, including typical male-producing (26 ̊C) and female-producing (32 ̊C) temperatures. Our work apparently reports for the first time the histology of gonads, including morphological changes, from stages 35–37 of development in the family Corytophanidae. We also observed that all embryos developed hemipenes, suggesting sex-linked developmental het- erochrony. We observed perfect concordance between genotype and phenotype at all tem- peratures. However, analysis of transcriptomic data from embryos incubated at 26 ̊C and 32 ̊C identified transcript variants of the chromatin modifiers JARID2 and KDM6B that have been linked to temperature-dependent sex determination in other reptiles. Our work tested the validity of a mixed sex determination system in the family Corytophanidae. We found that XY chromosomes are dominant; however, our work supports the hypothesis of a con- served transcriptional response to incubation temperatures across non-avian reptiles that could be a reminiscence of an ancestral sex determination system.This study was supported by grants from PAPIIT-UNAM (No. RA-200516 and No. RA- 200518; https://dgapa.unam.mx/index.php/ impulso-a-la-investigacion/papiit) and CONACyT Basic Science grant (No. 254240; https://conacyt. mx/) awarded to D.C., and UAEMe ́x 4668/2019SF (https://www.uaemex.mx/) to OH-G

    Psychology in Latin America: A Qualitative Study of Commonalities and Singularities

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    Psychology in Latin America, its development, and main contributors have not received the attention they deserve among the scientific and professional English-speaking communities. The present study analyzes the contributions to psychology in Latin America made by the recipients of the Interamerican Psychology award in the Spanish or Portuguese category, granted by the Interamerican Society of Psychology. The award, instituted in 1976 and named Rogelio Díaz Guerrero since 2007, recognizes psychologists who have advanced the discipline as a science and profession in the Americas. To date, SIP has granted 26 such awards. This qualitative study identifies commonalities and singularities in the contributions made by the first 26 awardees. The commonalities were organized around three overlapping themes: social responsiveness, intersectionality of psychology and culture, and international engagement. The singularities were systematized into two overlapping themes: development of historically underdeveloped topics, and discipline transformations. Each theme is defined and illustrated accordingly. The commitment to advancing social justice and increasing the relevance of psychology in addressing social issues by the awardees as a whole stands out as an important characteristic of psychology in Latin America.Fil: Consoli, Andrés. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Flores, Iliana. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Sharma, Himadhari. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Sheltzer, Joshua. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Gallegos de San Vicente, Miguel Omar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación; ArgentinaFil: Pérez Acosta, Andrés. Universidad del Rosario; Colombi

    Heridas penetrantes abdominales con lesión vascular

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    Las lesiones vasculares intra abdominales representan con frecuencia un caso mortífero en un paciente contundido, en este artículo se expuso el escenario de tratamiento de 33 pacientes portadores de traumatismos abdominales penetrantes con lesión vascular, con edad promedio de 24,3 años de edad, intervenidos en los últimos 22 años. Se presentaron un total de 29 heridas vasculares y 35 lesiones asociadas. Los vasos más frecuentemente lesionados fueron: vena cava inferior (21,2%), vasos iliacos (24,2%) y sistema venoso portal (12,1%); con desgarro parcial del 70%. Las lesiones asociadas más frecuentes fueron las de intestino delgado (26%), seguidos por la de hígado (22%). El 72% de los vasos fueron reparados, efectuándose solo 6 ligaduras. La mortalidad de la serie fue del 40% (5 casos) todos ellos con lesiones de extrema complejidad. Se logró el seguimiento del 80% de los casos, los cuales están en buenas condiciones, habiendo desarrollado 2 complicaciones alejadas.Se logró el seguimiento del 80% de los casos, los cuales están en buenas condiciones, habiendo desarrollado 2 complicaciones alejadas.El manejo de estos traumatismos ha de ser agresivo en su monitorización, aportes de volumen e indicación quirúrgica, ya que la sospecha de la lesión vascular y su control, son la mejor arma terapéutica que se dispone

    Bean tolerance to low P in soils of Veracruz, México

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    Memorias del taller internacional sobre Bajo Fósforo en el cultivo del frijol, 13 al 15 de noviembre de 1995. Compilación y edición de Rodolfo Araya Villalobos.Tolerancia del frijol común a baja disponibilidad de fósforo en suelos de Veracruz, México. Durante dos años se evaluaron genotipos de frijol de diversos orígenes con el objetivo de identificar germoplasma adaptado a suelos ácidos, para el trópico de México. El estudio se realizó en Isla, Veracruz durante los ciclos agrícolas 1993-94 y 1994-95 en condiciones de humedad residual. EI primer año se evaluaron 234 materiales y 134 el segundo. Se utilizaron diseños experimentales de Iatice simples duplicados, dos repeticiones con la adición de cal (1,25 t/ha) y dos sin cal. Para Ia evaluación de genotipos se utilizaron dos índices: Rendimiento relativo (%) = (Fil sin cal lRi con cal)100 y li= (Ri sin cal/promsin) (Ri con cal/prom con). Se identificaron genotipos con altos rendimientos en ambos tratamientos (con y sin cal) como: G-3645, BAT 1467 y Chis. 3-A-1, así como genotipos con respuesta a la adición de cal como: DOR-390 y Phavu-t 125 y materiales con buena respuesta al tratamiento sin cal como: Chis-3-A-4, Chis-117-A e Hgo-67. Este último proveniente del altiplano mexicano, lo que abre las posibilidades de ampliarla base del germoplasma utilizado en el trópico.Bean tolerance to low P in soils of Veracruz, México. Different bean genotypes were evaluated in orderto identify material adapted to poor agricultural soils, mainly with low phosphorus content for the tropical areas of Mexico. The experiments were conducted in Isla, Veracruz, Mexico during 1993-94 and 1994-95; 234 and 134 bean materials were evaluated respectively. Simple Iatice and duplicated experimental designs were employed in combination with lime (1.25 t/ha) and without it. The variable used for assessing the response of the genotypes were: Relative grain yield (%)= Ri without /Fii with(100), Ii= (Ri without Iime/average without) ( Ri with/ave rage with). Results showed that promising genotypes in both treatments were: G-3645, BAT 1467 and Chis 3-A-1, and the ones with good response to the aplicatíon of lime were: DOR 390 and Phavu-t 125 and the material with good response without lime were: Chis 3-A-4, Chis 1 17-A and Hgo-67. This last genotype is from the Mexican Highlands and giries the apportunity for broadening the germplasm base in the low land tropics.Programa Cooperativo Regional de Frijol para Centroamérica, México y el Caribe (PROFRIJOL)Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR)Oficina de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM


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    RESUMENEl objetivo de esta investigación es determinar los tipos de herramientas gerenciales, sus beneficios y dificultades de adopción en las empresas. Para ello fueron encuestadas 60 organizaciones de economía popular y solidaria de los sectores de comercio, manufactura y servicios. Los resultados muestran que el análisis financiero, la planificación estratégica, la lluvia de ideas y el FODA, son las herramientas de gestión más utilizadas por este tipo de organizaciones. A diferencia de lo encontrado en la literatura, el FODA no ocupa la primera posición de preferencia y uso. En relación a los beneficios de implementación de este tipo de instrumentos, estas organizaciones las usan para la detección de nuevas oportunidades de negocio, la solución de problemas estratégicos y el desarrollo de procesos de mejora continua. Además, las dificultades en su implementación fueron la falta de recursos financieros, falta de tiempo para capacitación y bajo nivel de conocimientos en áreas de tecnología.Palabras-clave: Herramientas gerenciales. Beneficios empresariales. Barreras de implementación.ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to determine the types of management tools, their benefits and adoption difficulties. Sixty social and solidarity-based economy organizations of commerce, manufacturing and services were surveyed. The results show that financial analysis, strategic planning, brainstorming and SWOT are the most used. Unlike what is found in the literature, the SWOT does not occupy the first position in preference and use. The benefits of its implementation were the detection of new business opportunities, the solution of strategic problems and the development of continuous improvement processes. In addition, the difficulties in its implementation were the lack of financial resources, lack of time for training and low level of knowledge in technology areas.Keywords: Management tools. Business benefits. Implementation barriers

    Identification of novel drought-tolerant-associated SNPs in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a leguminous in high demand for human nutrition and a very important agricultural product. Production of common bean is constrained by environmental stresses such as drought. Although conventional plant selection has been used to increase production yield and stress tolerance, drought tolerance selection based on phenotype is complicated by associated physiological, anatomical, cellular, biochemical, and molecular changes. These changes are modulated by differential gene expression. A common method to identify genes associated with phenotypes of interest is the characterization of Single Nucleotide Polymorphims (SNPs) to link them to specific functions. In this work, we selected two drought-tolerant parental lines from Mesoamerica, Pinto Villa, and Pinto Saltillo. The parental lines were used to generate a population of 282 families (F3:5) and characterized by 169 SNPs. We associated the segregation of the molecular markers in our population with phenotypes including flowering time, physiological maturity, reproductive period, plant, seed and total biomass, reuse index, seed yield, weight of 100 seeds, and harvest index in three cultivation cycles. We observed 83 SNPs with significant association (p < 0.0003 after Bonferroni correction) with our quantified phenotypes. Phenotypes most associated were days to flowering and seed biomass with 58 and 44 associated SNPs, respectively. Thirty-seven out of the 83 SNPs were annotated to a gene with a potential function related to drought tolerance or relevant molecular/biochemical functions. Some SNPs such as SNP28 and SNP128 are related to starch biosynthesis, a common osmotic protector; and SNP18 is related to proline biosynthesis, another well-known osmotic protector