5 research outputs found

    On the promotion of catalytic reactions by surface acoustic waves

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    Surface acoustic waves (SAW) allow to manipulate surfaces with potential applications in catalysis,sensor and nanotechnology.SAWswere shown to cause astrong increase in catalytic activity and selectivity in many oxidation and decomposition reactions on metallic and oxidic catalysts. However,the promotion mechanism has not been unambiguously identified. Using stroboscopic X-ray photoelectron spectro-microscopy, we were able to evidence asub-nano-second work function change during propagation of 500 MHz SAWs on a9nm thick platinum film. We quantify the work function change to 455 meV.Such asmall variation rules out that electronic effects due to elastic deformation (strain) play amajor role in the SAW-induced promotion of catalysis.In asecond set of experiments,SAW-induced intermixing of afive monolayers thick Rh film on top of polycrystalline platinum was demonstrated to be due to enhanced thermal diffusion caused by an increase of the surface temperature by about 75 K when SAWs were excited. Reversible surface structural changes are suggested to be amajor cause for catalytic promotion

    Optical stimulated-Raman sideband spectroscopy of a single 9Be+ ion in a Penning trap

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    We demonstrate optical sideband spectroscopy of a single 9Be+ ion in a cryogenic 5 tesla Penning trap using two-photon stimulated-Raman transitions between the two Zeeman sublevels of the 1s22s ground state manifold. By applying two complementary coupling schemes, we accurately measure Raman resonances with and without contributions from motional sidebands. From the latter we obtain an axial sideband spectrum with an effective mode temperature of (3.1±0.4) mK. These results are a key step for quantum logic operations in Penning traps, applicable to high-precision matter-antimatter comparison tests in the baryonic sector of the standard model

    Resolved-sideband cooling of a single 9^9Be+^+ ion in a Penning trap

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    Manipulating individual trapped ions at the single quantum level has become standard practice in radio-frequency ion traps, enabling applications from quantum information processing to precision metrology. The key ingredient is ground-state cooling of the particle's motion through resolved-sideband laser cooling. Ultra-high-presicion experiments using Penning ion traps will greatly benefit from the reduction of systematic errors offered by full motional control, with applications to atomic masses and gg-factor measurements, determinations of fundamental constants or related tests of fundamental physics. In addition, it will allow to implement quantum logic spectroscopy, a technique that has enabled a new class of precision measurements in radio-frequency ion traps. Here we demonstrate resolved-sideband laser cooling of the axial motion of a single 9^9Be+^+ ion in a cryogenic 5 Tesla Penning trap system using a two-photon stimulated-Raman process, reaching a mean phonon number of nˉz=0.10(4)\bar{n}_z = 0.10(4). This is a fundamental step in the implementation of quantum logic spectroscopy for matter-antimatter comparison tests in the baryonic sector of the Standard Model and a key step towards improved precision experiments in Penning traps operating at the quantum limit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    On the Promotion of Catalytic Reactions by Surface Acoustic Waves

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    Surface acoustic waves (SAW) allow to manipulate surfaces with potential applications in catalysis, sensor and nanotechnology. SAWs were shown to cause a strong increase in catalytic activity and selectivity in many oxidation and decomposition reactions on metallic and oxidic catalysts. However, the promotion mechanism has not been unambiguously identified. Using stroboscopic X‐ray photoelectron spectro‐microscopy, we were able to evidence a sub‐nanosecond work function change during propagation of 500 MHz SAWs on a 9 nm thick platinum film. We quantify the work function change to 455 ΌeV. Such a small variation rules out that electronic effects due to elastic deformation (strain) play a major role in the SAW‐induced promotion of catalysis. In a second set of experiments, SAW‐induced intermixing of a five monolayers thick Rh film on top of polycrystalline platinum was demonstrated to be due to enhanced thermal diffusion caused by an increase of the surface temperature by about 75 K when SAWs were excited. Reversible surface structural changes are suggested to be a major cause for catalytic promotion.The authors thank Werner Seidel for technical support in the fabrication of the IDTs, Rolf J. Haug, Hannover, for help in preparation of the samples, and Leo Zhigilei for carefully reading the manuscript. The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020. LA and MF acknowledge support from Spanish MINECO through Grant No. RTI2018‐095303‐B‐C53. FM and BC acknowledges support from Spanish MINECO through Grants No. RYC‐2014‐16515, No. MAT2015‐69144‐P, No. SEV‐2015‐0496 and No. MAT2017‐85232‐R. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.Peer reviewe