38 research outputs found

    First Step Towards a New Understanding of Radicalisation: Modeling Identity Fusion

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    We want to understand in which circumstances identity fusion occurs. We propose a model in which individual needs and interactions between agents and their social environment come together. We argue the personal identity of an agent will fuse with a group when it has a high need for significance and he is member of a group providing a means to gain significance. Agents cannot join all groups to meet their needs, as agents need to have a social connection with the group and need to be accepted within the group. The model allows for multiple scenarios to occur. Agents with a need for significance not necessarily become fused and will find alternative ways to satisfy their need

    Patch-Seq Protocol to Analyze the Electrophysiology, Morphology and Transcriptome of Whole Single Neurons Derived From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.The human brain is composed of a complex assembly of about 171 billion heterogeneous cellular units (86 billion neurons and 85 billion non-neuronal glia cells). A comprehensive description of brain cells is necessary to understand the nervous system in health and disease. Recently, advances in genomics have permitted the accurate analysis of the full transcriptome of single cells (scRNA-seq). We have built upon such technical progress to combine scRNA-seq with patch-clamping electrophysiological recording and morphological analysis of single human neurons in vitro. This new powerful method, referred to as Patch-seq, enables a thorough, multimodal profiling of neurons and permits us to expose the links between functional properties, morphology, and gene expression. Here, we present a detailed Patch-seq protocol for isolating single neurons from in vitro neuronal cultures. We have validated the Patch-seq whole-transcriptome profiling method with human neurons generated from embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (ESCs/iPSCs) derived from healthy subjects, but the procedure may be applied to any kind of cell type in vitro. Patch-seq may be used on neurons in vitro to profile cell types and states in depth to unravel the human molecular basis of neuronal diversity and investigate the cellular mechanisms underlying brain disorders.This work was supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Rubicon Fellowship (019.163LW.032) (to MvdH); the Brain Foundation, the Walker Family, and the Perpetual Impact Philanthropy (grant IPAP2017/0717) (to CB); the G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation, JPB Foundation, and the NIH (Grants MH095741, MH092758, and U01 MH106882) (to FG). GY was supported by R01 grants MH107369, HD085902, and AI095277 from the National Institute of Health and Seed Grant BRFSG-2014-14 from the Brain Research Foundation

    Seasonal changes in a sandy beach fish assemblage at Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, South Brazil

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    Copyright © 2004 Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF).Neste trabalho realizaramse amostragens, com uma rede de praia, de modo a estudar a comunidade de peixes de substrato arenoso na enseada de Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, Brasil. As amostragens realizaramse em intervalos de 3 horas durante períodos de 24 h, numa base bimensal, entre Abril de 1996 e Fevereiro de 1997. Verificouse existir uma variação sazonal no número de espécies, densidade de peixes e biomassa, tendo os valores mais elevados ocorrido em Fevereiro (38 espécies, 257.6 peixes 1000 mˉ², 2286.4 g 1000 mˉ²). Recolheuse um total de 67 espécies, pertencentes a 56 géneros e a 33 famílias, sendo a comunidade dominada por sete espécies pertencentes a três famílias: Atherinella brasiliensis (Atherinidae); Brevoortia pectinata, Harengula clupeola e Sardinella brasiliensis (Clupeidae); Anchoviella lepidontostole, Cetengraulis edentulus e Lycengraulis grossidens (Engraulidae). Tanto a diversidade de espécies (H′) como a equitabilidade (J′) foram médias a elevadas ao longo do ano devido à baixa dominância. A maior mudança na estrutura da comunidade ocorreu entre os meses de Inverno (Julho e Agosto) e as outras estações. Nenhuma das espécies dominantes pode ser classificada como residente. Os principais predadores foram Pomatomus saltator (Inverno) e Trichiurus lepturus (Verão). A maior parte das espécies observadas foram ou peixes juvenis ou espécies pelágicas de pequeno tamanho e fortemente gregárias.ABSTRACT: A shallow-water fish assemblage, over a soft, sandy bottom, at Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, Brazil, was sampled with a beach seine. Sampling was undertaken at 3 h intervals over 24 h on a bimonthly basis between April 1996 and February 1997. There was a seasonal variation in the number of species, density of fishes and biomass with the highest values in February (38 species, 257.6 fish 1000 mˉ², 2286.4 g 1000 mˉ²). A total of 67 species, belonging to 56 genera and 33 families were collected and the assemblage was dominated by seven species belonging to three families: Atherinella brasiliensis (Atherinidae); Brevoortia pectinata, Harengula clupeola and Sardinella brasiliensis (Clupeidae); Anchoviella lepidontostole, Cetengraulis edentulus and Lycengraulis grossidens (Engraulidae). Species diversity (H′) and equitability (J′) were medium to high throughout the year due to the low dominance. The largest change in the assemblage structure occurred between winter months (July and August) and the other seasons. None of the dominant species can be classified as a resident. Main predators were Pomatomus saltator (winter) and Trichiurus lepturus (summer). Most of the species observed were either juvenile fish or small pelagic and strongly gregarious species

    Patch-Seq Protocol to Analyze the Electrophysiology, Morphology and Transcriptome of Whole Single Neurons Derived From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    The human brain is composed of a complex assembly of about 171 billion heterogeneous cellular units (86 billion neurons and 85 billion non-neuronal glia cells). A comprehensive description of brain cells is necessary to understand the nervous system in health and disease. Recently, advances in genomics have permitted the accurate analysis of the full transcriptome of single cells (scRNA-seq). We have built upon such technical progress to combine scRNA-seq with patch-clamping electrophysiological recording and morphological analysis of single human neurons in vitro. This new powerful method, referred to as Patch-seq, enables a thorough, multimodal profiling of neurons and permits us to expose the links between functional properties, morphology, and gene expression. Here, we present a detailed Patch-seq protocol for isolating single neurons from in vitro neuronal cultures. We have validated the Patch-seq whole-transcriptome profiling method with human neurons generated from embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (ESCs/iPSCs) derived from healthy subjects, but the procedure may be applied to any kind of cell type in vitro. Patch-seq may be used on neurons in vitro to profile cell types and states in depth to unravel the human molecular basis of neuronal diversity and investigate the cellular mechanisms underlying brain disorders

    Exposome-Wide Association Study of Body Mass Index Using a Novel Meta-Analytical Approach for Random Forest Models

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    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity impose a considerable individual and social burden, and the urban environments might encompass factors that contribute to obesity. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of research that takes into account the simultaneous interaction of multiple environmental factors. OBJECTIVES: Our objective was to perform an exposome-wide association study of body mass index (BMI) in a multicohort setting of 15 studies. METHODS: Studies were affiliated with the Dutch Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium (GECCO), had different population sizes (688-141,825), and covered the entire Netherlands. Ten studies contained general population samples, others focused on specific populations including people with diabetes or impaired hearing. BMI was calculated from self-reported or measured height and weight. Associations with 69 residential neighborhood environmental factors (air pollution, noise, temperature, neighborhood socioeconomic and demographic factors, food environment, drivability, and walkability) were explored. Random forest (RF) regression addressed potential nonlinear and nonadditive associations. In the absence of formal methods for multimodel inference for RF, a rank aggregation-based meta-analytic strategy was used to summarize the results across the studies. RESULTS: Six exposures were associated with BMI: five indicating neighborhood economic or social environments (average home values, percentage of high-income residents, average income, livability score, share of single residents) and one indicating the physical activity environment (walkability in formula presented buffer area). Living in high-income neighborhoods and neighborhoods with higher livability scores was associated with lower BMI. Nonlinear associations were observed with neighborhood home values in all studies. Lower neighborhood home values were associated with higher BMI scores but only for values up to formula presented . The directions of associations were less consistent for walkability and share of single residents. DISCUSSION: Rank aggregation made it possible to flexibly combine the results from various studies, although between-study heterogeneity could not be estimated quantitatively based on RF models. Neighborhood social, economic, and physical environments had the strongest associations with BMI. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13393.</p

    Exposome-Wide Association Study of Body Mass Index Using a Novel Meta-Analytical Approach for Random Forest Models

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    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity impose a considerable individual and social burden, and the urban environments might encompass factors that contribute to obesity. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of research that takes into account the simultaneous interaction of multiple environmental factors. OBJECTIVES: Our objective was to perform an exposome-wide association study of body mass index (BMI) in a multicohort setting of 15 studies. METHODS: Studies were affiliated with the Dutch Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium (GECCO), had different population sizes (688-141,825), and covered the entire Netherlands. Ten studies contained general population samples, others focused on specific populations including people with diabetes or impaired hearing. BMI was calculated from self-reported or measured height and weight. Associations with 69 residential neighborhood environmental factors (air pollution, noise, temperature, neighborhood socioeconomic and demographic factors, food environment, drivability, and walkability) were explored. Random forest (RF) regression addressed potential nonlinear and nonadditive associations. In the absence of formal methods for multimodel inference for RF, a rank aggregation-based meta-analytic strategy was used to summarize the results across the studies. RESULTS: Six exposures were associated with BMI: five indicating neighborhood economic or social environments (average home values, percentage of high-income residents, average income, livability score, share of single residents) and one indicating the physical activity environment (walkability in formula presented buffer area). Living in high-income neighborhoods and neighborhoods with higher livability scores was associated with lower BMI. Nonlinear associations were observed with neighborhood home values in all studies. Lower neighborhood home values were associated with higher BMI scores but only for values up to formula presented . The directions of associations were less consistent for walkability and share of single residents. DISCUSSION: Rank aggregation made it possible to flexibly combine the results from various studies, although between-study heterogeneity could not be estimated quantitatively based on RF models. Neighborhood social, economic, and physical environments had the strongest associations with BMI. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13393.</p

    BRAF inhibitor resistance mediated by the AKT pathway in an oncogenic BRAF mouse melanoma model

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    BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B) inhibitors elicit a transient anti-tumor response in approximately 80% of BRAFV600-mutant melanoma patients that almost uniformly precedes the emergence of resistance. Here we used a mouse model of melanoma in which melanocyte-specific expression of BrafV618E (analogous to the human BRAFV600E mutation) led to the development of skin hyperpigmentation and nevi, as well as melanoma formation with incomplete penetrance. Sleeping Beauty insertional mutagenesis in this model led to accelerated and fully penetrant melanomagenesis and synchronous tumor formation. Treatment of BrafV618E transposon mice with the BRAF inhibitor PLX4720 resulted in tumor regression followed by relapse. Analysis of transposon insertions identified eight genes including Braf, Mitf, and ERas (ES-cell expressed Ras) as candidate resistance genes. Expression of ERAS in human melanoma cell lines conferred resistance to PLX4720 and induced hyperphosphorylation of AKT (v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1), a phenotype reverted by combinatorial treatment with PLX4720 and the AKT inhibitor MK2206. We show that ERAS expression elicits a prosurvival signal associated with phosphorylation/inactivation of BAD, and that the resistance of hepatocyte growth factor-treated human melanoma cells to PLX4720 can be reverted by treatment with the BAD-like BH3 mimetic ABT-737. Thus, we define a role for the AKT/BAD pathway in resistance to BRAF inhibition and illustrate an in vivo approach for finding drug resistance genes

    Report of the ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME)

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    131 pages.-- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)Five terms of reference (ToRs) were addressed at the working group. The first three terms of reference were standing ones. Under ToR A, new information on cetacean and seal population abundance, distribution, and population/stock structure, was reviewed, including information on vagrancy in cetacean and pinniped species. For cetaceans, coverage from the latest SCANS-IV survey (summer 2022) was presented as well as the results of recent regional/national surveys, particularly those in the Bay of Biscay and around the Iberian Peninsula. Updates on population estimates and distribution were provided for particular species studies, such as some coastal bottlenose dolphin populations. For seals, latest monitoring results were given for harbour, grey, and Baltic and Saimaa ringed seals. In addition, where possible, local long-term trends were illustrated for those species, based on earlier efforts by WGMME to assemble these data into a seal database. For both species’ groups, recent records of vagrant species were summarised. Under ToR B, cetacean and seal management frameworks in the North Atlantic were discussed, with an overview of the EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, and examples from the United Kingdom, Spain and the Faroe Islands of national management frameworks regarding marine mammals.ToR C provided an overview of new published information with regards to anthropogenic threats to marine mammal populations following on from the review by WGMME in 2015 (ICES, 2015) and subsequent updates. These were considered under the following headings: cumulative effects, fishery interactions, chemical pollution including marine debris, underwater noise, ship strikes and other physical trauma, tourism disturbance, climate change, and new pathogens (including avian influenza). ToR D focused upon bycatch. In support of WGBYC, this ToR aimed to contribute to the Roadmap for ICES PETS bycatch advice. ToR E involved liaison with other WGs. The Chairs of the newly-formed WGJCDP introduced to WGMME members, the Joint Cetacean Database Programme, which is to be hosted by the ICES Data Centre. The scope to collect information on other marine species besides cetaceans was discussed. A meeting with another newly formed ICES working group, on Marine Protected Areas, was planned but was deferred at the request of that group. On behalf of the working group, the Chairs would like to thank The Swedish Museum of Natural History for hosting the meetingN