300 research outputs found

    Molecule-by-Molecule Writing Using a Focused Electron Beam

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    The resolution of lithography techniques needs to be extended beyond their current limits to continue the trend of miniaturization and enable new applications. But what is the ultimate spatial resolution? It is known that single atoms can be imaged with a highly focused electron beam. Can single atoms also be written with an electron beam? We verify this with focused electron-beam-induced deposition (FEBID), a direct-write technique that has the current record for the smallest feature written by (electron) optical lithography. We show that the deposition of an organometallic precursor on graphene can be followed molecule-by-molecule with FEBID. The results show that mechanisms that are inherent to the process inhibit a further increase in control over the process. Hence, our results present the resolution limit of (electron) optical lithography techniques. The writing of isolated, subnanometer features with nanometer precision can be used, for instance, for the local modification of graphene and for catalysis.</p

    Population-level emergence of bedaquiline and clofazimine resistance-associated variants among patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis in southern Africa: a phenotypic and phylogenetic analysis

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    Background: Bedaquiline and clofazimine are important drugs in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis and are commonly used across southern Africa, although drug susceptibility testing is not routinely performed. In this study, we did a genotypic and phenotypic analysis of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from cohort studies in hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to identify resistance-associated variants (RAVs) and assess the extent of clofazimine and bedaquiline cross-resistance. We also used a comprehensive dataset of whole-genome sequences to investigate the phylogenetic and geographical distribution of bedaquiline and clofazimine RAVs in southern Africa. Methods: In this study, we included M tuberculosis isolates reported from the PRAXIS study of patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis treated with bedaquiline (King Dinuzulu Hospital, Durban) and three other cohort studies of drug-resistant tuberculosis in other KwaZulu-Natal hospitals, and sequential isolates from six persistently culture-positive patients with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis at the KwaZulu-Natal provincial referral laboratory. Samples were collected between 2013 and 2019. Microbiological cultures were done as part of all parent studies. We sequenced whole genomes of included isolates and measured bedaquiline and clofazimine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for isolates identified as carrying any Rv0678 variant or previously published atpE, pepQ, and Rv1979c RAVs, which were the subject of the phenotypic study. We combined all whole-genome sequences of M tuberculosis obtained in this study with publicly available sequence data from other tuberculosis studies in southern Africa (defined as the countries of the Southern African Development Community), including isolates with Rv0678 variants identified by screening public genomic databases. We used this extended dataset to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships across lineage 2 and 4 M tuberculosis isolates. Findings: We sequenced the whole genome of 648 isolates from 385 patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis recruited into cohort studies in KwaZulu-Natal, and 28 isolates from six patients from the KwaZulu-Natal referral laboratory. We identified 30 isolates with Rv0678 RAVs from 16 (4%) of 391 patients. We did not identify any atpE, pepQ, or Rv1979c RAVs. MICs were measured for 21 isolates with Rv0678 RAVs. MICs were above the critical concentration for bedaquiline resistance in nine (43%) of 21 isolates, in the intermediate category in nine (43%) isolates, and within the wild-type range in three (14%) isolates. Clofazimine MICs in genetically wild-type isolates ranged from 0·12-0·5 μg/mL, and in isolates with RAVs from 0·25-4·0 μg/mL. Phylogenetic analysis of the extended dataset including M tuberculosis isolates from southern Africa resolved multiple emergences of Rv0678 variants in lineages 2 and 4, documented two likely nosocomial transmission events, and identified the spread of a possibly bedaquiline and clofazimine cross-resistant clone in eSwatini. We also identified four patients with pepQ frameshift mutations that may confer resistance. Interpretation: Bedaquiline and clofazimine cross-resistance in southern Africa is emerging repeatedly, with evidence of onward transmission largely due to Rv0678 mutations in M tuberculosis. Roll-out of bedaquiline and clofazimine treatment in the setting of limited drug susceptibility testing could allow further spread of resistance. Designing strong regimens would help reduce the emergence of resistance. Drug susceptibility testing is required to identify where resistance does emerge. Funding: Wellcome Trust, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health

    Clinical and self-reported markers of reproductive function in female survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Purpose: To evaluate the impact of treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) on clinical reproductive markers and pregnancy outcomes.Methods: This study was embedded within the DCOG LATER-VEVO study; a Dutch, multicenter, retrospective cohort study between 2004 and 2014. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), inhibin B, antral follicle count (AFC), and self-reported (first) pregnancy outcomes were evaluated in female childhood HL survivors and controls.Results: 84 HL survivors and 798 controls were included, aged 29.6 and 32.7 years old at time of assessment. Median age at HL diagnosis was 13.4 years. Cyclophosphamide equivalent dose (CED-score) exceeded 6000 mg/m2 in 56 women and 14 survivors received pelvic irradiation.All clinical markers were significantly deteriorated in survivors (odds-ratio for low AMH (&lt; p10) 10.1 [95% CI 4.9; 20.6]; low AFC (&lt; p10) 4.6 [95% CI 2.1; 9.9]; elevated FSH (&gt; 10 IU/l) 15.3 [95% CI 5.7; 41.1], low Inhibin B (&lt; 20 ng/l) 3.6 [95% CI 1.7; 7.7], p &lt; 0.001). Pregnancy outcomes were comparable between survivors and controls (± 80% live birth, ± 20% miscarriage). However, survivors were significantly younger at first pregnancy (27.0 years vs 29.0 years, P = 0.04). Adjusted odds-ratio for time to pregnancy &gt; 12 months was 2.5 [95% CI 1.1; 5.6] in survivors, p = 0.031. Adverse outcomes were specifically present after treatment with procarbazine and higher CED-score.Conclusion: HL survivors appear to have an impaired ovarian reserve. However, chance to achieve pregnancy seems reassuring at a young age. Additional follow-up studies are needed to assess fertile life span and reproductive potential of HL survivors, in particular for current HL treatments that are hypothesized to be less gonadotoxic.</p

    The rational design of a Au(I) precursor for focused electron beam induced deposition

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    Au(I) complexes are studied as precursors for focused electron beam induced processing (FEBIP). FEBIP is an advanced direct-write technique for nanometer-scale chemical synthesis. The stability and volatility of the complexes are characterized to design an improved precursor for pure Au deposition. Aurophilic interactions are found to play a key role. The short lifetime of ClAuCO in vacuum is explained by strong, destabilizing Au-Au interactions in the solid phase. While aurophilic interactions do not affect the stability of ClAuPMe3\, they leave the complex non-volatile. Comparison of crystal structures of ClAuPMe3 and MeAuPMe3 shows that Au-Au interactions are much weaker or partially even absent for the latter structure. This explains its high volatility. However, MeAuPMe3 dissociates unfavorably during FEBIP, making it an unsuitable precursor. The study shows that Me groups reduce aurophilic interactions, compared to Cl groups, which we attribute to electronic rather than steric effects. Therefore we propose MeAuCO as a potential FEBIP precursor. It is expected to have weak Au-Au interactions, making it volatile. It is stable enough to act as a volatile source for Au deposition, being stabilized by 6.5 kcal/mol. Finally, MeAuCO is likely to dissociate in a single step to pure Au

    Genetic affinities of an eradicated European Plasmodium falciparum strain

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    Malaria was present in most of Europe until the second half of the 20th century, when it was eradicated through a combination of increased surveillance and mosquito control strategies, together with cross-border and political collaboration. Despite the severe burden of malaria on human populations, it remains contentious how the disease arrived and spread in Europe. Here, we report a partial Plasmodium falciparum nuclear genome derived from a set of antique medical slides stained with the blood of malaria-infected patients from Spain’s Ebro Delta, dating to the 1940s. Our analyses of the genome of this now eradicated European P. falciparum strain confirms stronger phylogeographical affinity to present-day strains in circulation in central south Asia, rather than to those in Africa. This points to a longitudinal, rather than a latitudinal, spread of malaria into Europe. In addition, this genome displays two derived alleles in the pfmrp1 gene that have been associated with drug resistance. Whilst this could represent standing variation in the ancestral P. falciparum population, these mutations may also have arisen due to the selective pressure of quinine treatment, which was an anti-malarial drug already in use by the time the sample we sequenced was mounted on a slide

    a pilot study, 2013

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    Introduction After recognition of European outbreaks of Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs) associated with the emergence of PCR ribotype 027/NAP1 in 2005, CDI surveillance at country level was encouraged by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) [1]. In 2008, an ECDC-supported European CDI survey (ECDIS) identified large intercountry variations in incidence rates and distribution of prevalent PCR ribotypes, with the outbreak-related PCR ribotype 027 being detected in 5% (range: 0–26) of the characterised isolates [2]. The surveillance period was limited to one month and the representation of European hospitals was incomplete; however, this has been the only European (comprising European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) and EU candidate countries) CDI surveillance study. The authors highlighted the need for national and European surveillance to control CDI. Yet, European countries were found to have limited capacity for diagnostic testing, particularly in terms of standard use of optimal methods and absence of surveillance protocols and a fully validated, standardised and exchangeable typing system for surveillance and/or outbreak investigation. As of 2011, 14 European countries had implemented national CDI surveillance, with various methodologies [3]. National surveillance systems have since reported a decrease in CDI incidence rate and/or prevalence of PCR ribotype 027 in some European countries [4-8]. However, CDI generally remains poorly controlled in Europe [9], and PCR ribotype 027 continues to spread in eastern Europe [10-12] and globally [13]. In 2010, ECDC launched a new project, the European C. difficile Infection Surveillance Network (ECDIS-Net), to enhance surveillance of CDI and laboratory capacity to test for CDI in Europe. The goal of ECDIS- Net was to establish a standardised CDI surveillance protocol suitable for application all over Europe in order to: (i) estimate the incidence rate and total infection rate of CDI (including recurrent CDI cases) in European acute care hospitals; (ii) provide participating hospitals with a standardised tool to measure and compare their own incidence rates with those observed in other participating hospitals; (iii) assess adverse outcomes of CDI such as complications and death; and (iv) describe the epidemiology of CDI concerning antibiotic susceptibility, PCR ribotypes, presence of tcdA, tcdB and binary toxins and detect new emerging types at local, national and European level. The primary objectives of the present study were to: (i) test the pilot protocol for the surveillance of CDI in European acute care hospitals developed by ECDIS-Net (methodology, variables and indicators); (ii) assess the feasibility and workload of collecting the required hospital data, case- based epidemiological and microbiological data; and (iii) evaluate the quality of data collected, whether in the presence or absence of existing national CDI surveillance activities. A secondary aim was to assess the relationship between patient and microbiological characteristics and in-hospital outcome of CDI to confirm the added value of collecting detailed epidemiological and microbiological data on CDI at European level

    Genomic analysis of 18th-century kazakh individuals and their oral microbiome

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    The Asian Central Steppe, consisting of current-day Kazakhstan and Russia, has acted as a highway for major migrations throughout history. Therefore, describing the genetic composition of past populations in Central Asia holds value to understanding human mobility in this pivotal region. In this study, we analyse paleogenomic data generated from five humans from Kuygenzhar, Kazakhstan. These individuals date to the early to mid-18th century, shortly after the Kazakh Khanate was founded, a union of nomadic tribes of Mongol Golden Horde and Turkic origins. Genomic analysis identifies that these individuals are admixed with varying proportions of East Asian ancestry, indicating a recent admixture event from East Asia. The high amounts of DNA from the anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria Tannerella forsythia, a periodontal pathogen, recovered from their teeth suggest they may have suffered from periodontitis disease. Genomic analysis of this bacterium identified recently evolved virulence and glycosylation genes including the presence of antibiotic resistance genes predating the antibiotic era. This study provides an integrated analysis of individuals with a diet mostly based on meat (mainly horse and lamb), milk, and dairy products and their oral microbiome

    Standardised surveillance of Clostridium Difficile Infection in European acute care hospitals: A pilot study, 2013

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    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) remains poorly controlled in many European countries, of which several have not yet implemented national CDI surveillance. In 2013, experts from the European CDI Surveillance Network project and from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control developed a protocol with three options of CDI surveillance for acute care hospitals: a ‘minimal’ option (aggregated hospital data), a ‘light’ option (including patient data for CDI cases) and an ‘enhanced’ option (including microbiological data on the first 10 CDI episodes per hospital). A total of 37 hospitals in 14 European countries tested these options for a three-month period (between 13 May and 1 November 2013). All 37 hospitals successfully completed the minimal surveillance option (for 1,152 patients). Clinical data were submitted for 94% (1,078/1,152) of the patients in the light option; information on CDI origin and outcome was complete for 94% (1,016/1,078) and 98% (294/300) of the patients in the light and enhanced options, respectively. The workload of the options was 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 person-days per 10,000 hospital discharges, respectively. Enhanced surveillance was tested and was successful in 32 of the hospitals, showing that C. difficile PCR ribotype 027 was predominant (30% (79/267)). This study showed that standardised multicountry surveillance, with the option of integrating clinical and molecular data, is a feasible strategy for monitoring CDI in Europe
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