70 research outputs found

    The development of a purification procedure for Peptide:n-Glycosidase A from Prunus amygdalus : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry at Massey University

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    Peptide-N4-acetyl-β-glucosaminyl) asparagine amidases cleave the amide bond between N-linked glycans at N-acetylglucosamine and asparagine, liberating intact oligosaccharide chains from glycoproteins. Although PNGase A is commonly used by glycobiologists for removal of N-Iinked glycans from plant sources, much less is known about it than about PNGase F, an enzyme that is more commonly used for deglycosylating proteins. New studies on PNGase A have been initiated, with the aim of carrying out complete biochemical and structural studies in order to determine the substrate specificity, isoelectric point, primary, secondary and tertiary structures. Comparisons will then be made with PNGase F, whose three-dimensional structure is known. The first step in these studies is therefore to obtain some pure protein and amino acid sequence. Although purification protocols have been published previously, it was difficult to produce a homogeneous preparation following these methods and they have hence been modified. The methods used are described in Chapter 2 and the results of four preparations, using almond meal and almond emulsin as starling materials, are reported in Chapters 3-6. Although PNGase A had not been purified to homogeneity, an active band excised from a native gel and analysed by SDS-PAGE showed four major bands. Which band represents PNGase A remains to be determined

    Novel O-linked methylated glycan antigens decorate secreted immunodominant glycoproteins from the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus

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    Glycan molecules from helminth parasites have been associated with diverse biological functions ranging from interactions with neighbouring host cell populations to down-modulation of specific host immunity. Glycoproteins secreted by the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus are of particular interest as the excretory-secretory products (termed HES) of this parasite contain both heat-labile and heat-stable components with immunomodulatory effects. We used MALDI-TOF-MS and LC-MS/MS to analyse the repertoire of N- and O-linked glycans released from Heligmosomoides polygyrus excretory-secretory products by PNGase A and F, β-elimination and hydrazinolysis revealing a broad range of structures including novel methylhexose- and methylfucose-containing glycans. Monoclonal antibodies to two immunodominant glycans of H. polygyrus, previously designated Glycans A and B, were found to react by glycan array analysis to a methyl-hexose-rich fraction and to a sulphated LacDiNAc (LDN; GalNAcβ1-4GlcNAc) structure, respectively. We also analysed the glycan repertoire of a major glycoprotein in Heligmosomoides polygyrus excretory-secretory products, VAL-2, which contains many glycan structures present in Heligmosomoides polygyrus excretory-secretory products including Glycan A. However, it was found that this set of glycans is not responsible for the heat-stable immunomodulatory properties of Heligmosomoides polygyrus excretory-secretory products, as revealed by the inability of VAL-2 to inhibit allergic lung inflammation. Taken together, these studies reveal that H. polygyrus secretes a diverse range of antigenic glycoconjugates, and provides a framework to explore the biological and immunomodulatory roles they may play within the mammalian host

    Bank Islam serah zakat perniagaan kepada UMP

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    KUANTAN 7 Ogos - Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) menyerahkan zakat perniagaan berjumlah RM30,000 kepada Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) untuk disalurkan kepada mahasiswa kurang berkemampuan

    Glycomic analysis of life stages of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni reveals developmental expression profiles of functional and antigenic glycan motifs

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    Contains fulltext : 155377.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Glycans present on glycoproteins and glycolipids of the major human parasite Schistosoma mansoni induce innate as well as adaptive immune responses in the host. To be able to study the molecular characteristics of schistosome infections it is therefore required to determine the expression profiles of glycans and antigenic glycan-motifs during a range of critical stages of the complex schistosome lifecycle. We performed a longitudinal profiling study covering schistosome glycosylation throughout worm- and egg-development using a mass spectrometry-based glycomics approach. Our study revealed that during worm development N-glycans with Galbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAc (LeX) and core-xylose motifs were rapidly lost after cercariae to schistosomula transformation, whereas GalNAcbeta1-4GlcNAc (LDN)-motifs gradually became abundant and predominated in adult worms. LeX-motifs were present on glycolipids up to 2 weeks of schistosomula development, whereas glycolipids with mono- and multifucosylated LDN-motifs remained present up to the adult worm stage. In contrast, expression of complex O-glycans diminished to undetectable levels within days after transformation. During egg development, a rich diversity of N-glycans with fucosylated motifs was expressed, but with alpha3-core fucose and a high degree of multifucosylated antennae only in mature eggs and miracidia. N-glycan antennae were exclusively LDN-based in miracidia. O-glycans in the mature eggs were also diverse and contained LeX- and multifucosylated LDN, but none of these were associated with miracidia in which we detected only the Galbeta1-3(Galbeta1-6)GalNAc core glycan. Immature eggs also exhibited short O-glycan core structures only, suggesting that complex fucosylated O-glycans of schistosome eggs are derived primarily from glycoproteins produced by the subshell envelope in the developed egg. Lipid glycans with multifucosylated GlcNAc repeats were present throughout egg development, but with the longer highly fucosylated stretches enriched in mature eggs and miracidia. This global analysis of the developing schistosome's glycome provides new insights into how stage-specifically expressed glycans may contribute to different aspects of schistosome-host interactions

    Olfactomedin 4 serves as a marker for disease severity in pediatric respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection

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    Background: Respiratory viral infections follow an unpredictable clinical course in young children ranging from a common cold to respiratory failure. The transition from mild to severe disease occurs rapidly and is difficult to predict. The pathophysiology underlying disease severity has remained elusive. There is an urgent need to better understand the immune response in this disease to come up with biomarkers that may aid clinical decision making. Methods: In a prospective study, flow cytometric and genome-wide gene expression analyses were performed on blood samples of 26 children with a diagnosis of severe, moderate or mild Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection. Differentially expressed genes were validated using Q-PCR in a second

    Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant-specific IgE obscures true atopy and exhibits ⍺-1,3-fucose epitope-specific inverse associations with asthma.

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    BACKGROUND: In high-income, temperate countries, IgE to allergen extracts is a risk factor for, and mediator of, allergy-related diseases (ARDs). In the tropics, positive IgE tests are also prevalent, but rarely associated with ARD. Instead, IgE responses to ubiquitous cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) on plant, insect and parasite glycoproteins, rather than to established major allergens, are dominant. Because anti-CCD IgE has limited clinical relevance, it may impact ARD phenotyping and assessment of contribution of atopy to ARD. METHODS: Using an allergen extract-based test, a glycan and an allergen (glyco)protein microarray, we mapped IgE fine specificity among Ugandan rural Schistosoma mansoni (Sm)-endemic communities, proximate urban communities, and importantly in asthmatic and nonasthmatic schoolchildren. RESULTS: Overall, IgE sensitization to extracts was highly prevalent (43%-73%) but allergen arrays indicated that this was not attributable to established major allergenic components of the extracts (0%-36%); instead, over 40% of all participants recognized CCD-bearing components. Using glycan arrays, we dissected IgE responses to specific glycan moieties and found that reactivity to classical CCD epitopes (core β-1,2-xylose, α-1,3-fucose) was positively associated with sensitization to extracts, rural environment and Sm infection, but not with skin reactivity to extracts or sensitization to their major allergenic components. Interestingly, we discovered that reactivity to only a subset of core α-1,3-fucose-carrying N-glycans was inversely associated with asthma. CONCLUSIONS: CCD reactivity is not just an epiphenomenon of parasite exposure hampering specificity of allergy diagnostics; mechanistic studies should investigate whether specific CCD moieties identified here are implicated in the protective effect of certain environmental exposures against asthma

    Cross-reactivity of glycan-reactive HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies with parasite glycans

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    The HIV-1 Envelope glycoprotein (Env) is the sole target for broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). Env is heavily glycosylated with host-derived N-glycans, and many bnAbs bind to, or are dependent upon, Env glycans for neutralization. Although glycan-binding bnAbs are frequently detected in HIV-infected individuals, attempts to elicit them have been unsuccessful because of the poor immunogenicity of Env N-glycans. Here, we report cross-reactivity of glycan-binding bnAbs with self- and non-self N-glycans and glycoprotein antigens from different life-stages of Schistosoma mansoni. Using the IAVI Protocol C HIV infection cohort, we examine the relationship between S. mansoni seropositivity and development of bnAbs targeting glycan-dependent epitopes. We show that the unmutated common ancestor of the N332/V3-specific bnAb lineage PCDN76, isolated from an HIV-infected donor with S. mansoni seropositivity, binds to S. mansoni cercariae while lacking reactivity to gp120. Overall, these results present a strategy for elicitation of glycan-reactive bnAbs which could be exploited in HIV-1 vaccine development.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement 681137 (to K.J.D. and I.H.), the Medical Research Council (MRC) (to K.J.D. [MR/K024426/1]), The Rosetrees Trust (to K.J.D. [M686]) and Fondation Dormeur, Vaduz (to K.J.D). This research was funded or supported by the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London and/or the NIHR Clinical Research Facility. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Health Service (NHS), the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), or the Department of Health. N.R. acknowledges funding from Ministry of Science and Education grants CTQ2017-90039-R, RTC-2017-6126-1, and CTQ2011-27874 (fellowship to K.B.) and the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program from the Spanish State Research Agency (grant MDM-2017-0720). F.A. was funded by the Wellcome Trust (104958/Z/14/Z). J.A. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the grant PID2019-109395GB-I00. J.A. and S.M. acknowledge support of BBSRC (grant BB/P010660/1). T.H. and S.W. were funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Norwich Research Park Doctoral Training Grant BB/M011216/1. IAVI’s work is made possible by generous support from many donors, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Irish Aid, the Ministry of Finance of Japan in partnership with The World Bank, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), and the United States Agency for International Development. The full list of IAVI donors is available at www.iavi.org. Brendan McAtarsney and Jonathan Hare from the IAVI Human Immunology Lab (HIL) for coordinating the samples transfers and shipments. Monica Agromayor and the KCL Nikon Centre for assistance and advice on confocal microscopy. NMRI strain Schistosoma mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata snails were provided by the NIAID Schistosomiasis Resource Center, Rockville, USA.Peer reviewe

    Transcriptome Kinetics of Circulating Neutrophils during Human Experimental Endotoxemia

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    Polymorphonuclear cells (neutrophils) play an important role in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the development of sepsis. These cells are essential for the defense against microorganisms, but may also cause tissue damage. Therefore, neutrophil numbers and activity are considered to be tightly regulated. Previous studies have investigated gene transcription during experimental endotoxemia in whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. However, the gene transcription response of the circulating pool of neutrophils to systemic inflammatory stimulation in vivo is currently unclear. We examined neutrophil gene transcription kinetics in healthy human subjects (n = 4) administered a single dose of endotoxin (LPS, 2 ng/kg iv). In addition, freshly isolated neutrophils were stimulated ex vivo with LPS, TNFα, G-CSF and GM-CSF to identify stimulus-specific gene transcription responses. Whole transcriptome microarray analysis of circulating neutrophils at 2, 4 and 6 hours after LPS infusion revealed activation of inflammatory networks which are involved in signaling of TNFα and IL-1α and IL-1β. The transcriptome profile of inflammatory activated neutrophils in vivo reflects extended survival and regulation of inflammatory responses. These changes in neutrophil transcriptome suggest a combination of early activation of circulating neutrophils by TNFα and G-CSF and a mobilization of young neutrophils from the bone marrow

    Cross-reactivity of glycan-reactive HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies with parasite glycans

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    The HIV-1 Envelope glycoprotein (Env) is the sole target for broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). Env is heavily glycosylated with host-derived N-glycans, and many bnAbs bind to, or are dependent upon, Env glycans for neutralization. Although glycan-binding bnAbs are frequently detected in HIV-infected individuals, attempts to elicit them have been unsuccessful because of the poor immunogenicity of Env N-glycans. Here, we report cross-reactivity of glycan-binding bnAbs with self- and non-self N-glycans and glycoprotein antigens from different life-stages of Schistosoma mansoni. Using the IAVI Protocol C HIV infection cohort, we examine the relationship between S. mansoni seropositivity and development of bnAbs targeting glycan-dependent epitopes. We show that the unmutated common ancestor of the N332/V3-specific bnAb lineage PCDN76, isolated from an HIV-infected donor with S. mansoni seropositivity, binds to S. mansoni cercariae while lacking reactivity to gp120. Overall, these results present a strategy for elicitation of glycan-reactive bnAbs which could be exploited in HIV-1 vaccine development