51 research outputs found

    Скоростные уравнения экситонного лазера

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    Получены скоростные уравнения экситонного лазера в системе взаимодействующих экситонов и выведены условия инверсной населенности и генерации.Указана принципиально новая возможность создания гамма-лазера.Отримано швидкістні рівняння екситонного лазера в системі взаємодіючих екситонів та виведено умови інверсної населеності, генерації. Показано принципово нову можливість створення гамма-лазераThe rate equations of the exciton laser in the system of interacting excitons have been obtained and the inverted population conditions and generation have been derived. The possibility of creating radically new gamma-ray laser has been shown

    Guía para la evaluación Nutricional

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    Una cuidadosa evaluación de las necesidades nutricionales de perros y gatos debe considerarse para mantener una salud óptima, como parte del tratamiento de enfermedades o para maximizar la calidad de vida en todos los animales. Por este motivo, el objetivo de esta guía de WSAVA es que se realice una evaluación nutricional y una recomendación nutricional específica en cada paciente y en cada visita. Esto será reconocido como la 5ta evaluación vital (5VA por sus siglas en inglés), siguiendo a los otros signos vitales de temperatura, pulso, respiración y evaluación del dolor que ya se tienen en cuenta en cada visita con el paciente. Realizar una breve evaluación del estado nutricional de rutina cuando se hace la historia y el examen clínico puede hacerse como parte de la revisión del paciente. Los factores de riesgo nutricionales que pueden ser identificados fácilmente por la historia clínica y el examen físico incluyen: edad (en crecimiento o adultos mayores), índice de condición corporal sub-óptimo (sobrepeso o delgado), pérdida de masa muscular, dieta atípica o casera, condiciones médicas o cambios en el apetito. Deberá hacerse una evaluación más profunda si uno o más factores han sido identificados. Esta guía provee un criterio para evaluar al animal y la dieta, y también factores clave de alimentación y ambientales. Adicionalmente se incluyen recomendaciones para interpretación, análisis y acción para que se pueda instituir un plan para optimizar el estado nutricional del animal. El cumplimiento por el dueño de las recomendaciones nutricionales requiere un trabajo conjunto del veterinario, técnicos o enfermeros veterinarios y demás personal de la clínica. Utilizar esta guía nutricional de WSAVA trabajando con el equipo en la educación nutricional continua, realizando la implementación de los protocolos apropiados y enfocándose en la comunicación con el cliente son componentes clave para alcanzar el objetivo de la evaluación del 5to signo vital

    The Second Maiden's Tragedy

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the perceived importance of specific competencies in professional veterinary practice and education among veterinarians in several countries. DESIGN: Survey-based prospective study. SAMPLE: 1,137 veterinarians in 10 countries. PROCEDURES: Veterinarians were invited via email to participate in the study. A framework of 18 competencies grouped into 7 domains (veterinary expertise, communication, collaboration, entrepreneurship, health and welfare, scholarship, and personal development) was used. Respondents rated the importance of each competency for veterinary professional practice and for veterinary education by use of a 9-point Likert scale in an online questionnaire. Quantitative statistical analyses were performed to assess the data. RESULTS: All described competencies were perceived as having importance (with overall mean ratings [all countries] >/= 6.45/9) for professional practice and education. Competencies related to veterinary expertise had the highest ratings (overall mean, 8.33/9 for both professional practice and education). For the veterinary expertise, entrepreneurship, and scholarship domains, substantial differences (determined on the basis of statistical significance and effect size) were found in importance ratings among veterinarians in different countries. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated a general consensus regarding the importance of specific types of competencies in veterinary professional practice and education. Further research into the definition of competencies essential for veterinary professionals is needed to help inform an international dialogue on the subject

    Assessment of competence in clinical reasoning and decision making under uncertainty: the Script Concordance Test method.

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    Real-life, complex problems often require that decisions are made despite limited information or insufficient time to explore all relevant aspects. Incorporating authentic uncertainties into an assessment, however, poses problems in establishing results and analysing its methodological qualities. This study aims at the development of a test on clinical decision making in veterinary medicine, and establishing its reliability and validity. The test is based on the Script Concordance Test format and covers a large sample of authentic cases and uncertainties. The answer key was compiled with reference to the professional judgements and decisions of a panel of experienced practitioners. From a substantive appraisal of the cases and items, analysis of the test results, and the responses from the experienced practitioners, it is concluded that this test validly represents the problems, decisions and uncertainties of clinical practice. In spite of the hindrances caused by the uncertainties included in the test, the reliability and validity of the test and its results could be evaluated and proved to meet measurement criteria

    Effective teaching in case-based education: Patterns in teacher behavior and their impact on the students’ clinical problem solving and learning

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    Case-based learning formats, in which relevant case information is provided just in time, require teachers to combine their scaffolding role with an information-providing one. The objective of this study is to establish how this combination of roles affects teacher behavior and that, in turn, mediates students’ reasoning and problem solving. Data on actual behaviors, intentions, effects and appreciation were collected using observations of case discussions, interviews, and a questionnaire in a mixed method, concurrent nested design. Cross-case analysis of the observed discussions revealed two patterns of combining the provision of information with scaffolding. Although students commonly responded to scaffolding interventions as intended, the results from the observations and the questionnaire showed that a pattern with a high level of concurrent scaffolding and provision of information should be avoided

    An instructional model for training competence in solving clinical problems

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    We examined the design of a course that aims to ease the transition from pre-clinical learning into clinical work. This course is based on the premise that many of the difficulties with which students are confronted in this transition result from a lack of experience in applying knowledge in real practice situations. It is focused on the development of competence in solving clinical problems; uses an instructional model with alternating clinical practicals, demonstrations, and tutorials; and extends throughout the last pre-clinical year. We used a ‘‘proof-of-concept’’ approach to establish whether the core principles of the course design are feasible with regard to achieving the intended results. With the learning functions and processes as a frame of reference, retrospective analysis of the course’s design features shows that this design matches the conditions from theories of the development of competence in solving clinical problems and instructional design. Three areas of uncertainty in the design are identified: the quality of the cases (information, openness), effective teaching (student and teacher roles), and adjustment to the development of competence (progress, coherence)

    An instructional model for training competence in solving clinical problems

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    We examined the design of a course that aims to ease the transition from pre-clinical learning into clinical work. This course is based on the premise that many of the difficulties with which students are confronted in this transition result from a lack of experience in applying knowledge in real practice situations. It is focused on the development of competence in solving clinical problems; uses an instructional model with alternating clinical practicals, demonstrations, and tutorials; and extends throughout the last pre-clinical year. We used a ‘‘proof-of-concept’’ approach to establish whether the core principles of the course design are feasible with regard to achieving the intended results. With the learning functions and processes as a frame of reference, retrospective analysis of the course’s design features shows that this design matches the conditions from theories of the development of competence in solving clinical problems and instructional design. Three areas of uncertainty in the design are identified: the quality of the cases (information, openness), effective teaching (student and teacher roles), and adjustment to the development of competence (progress, coherence)

    Goal orientations of health profession students throughout the undergraduate program: a multilevel study.

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    Background The achievement goal theory defines two major foci of students’ learning goals (1) primarily interested in truly mastering a task (mastery orientation), and (2) striving to show ones competences to others (performance orientation). The present study is undertaken to better understand if and how health profession students’ goal orientations change during the undergraduate program and to what degree gender, academic achievement, and self-efficacy are associated with mastery and performance orientation between students and within students over time. Method By means of an online questionnaire, students of medical, pharmaceutical, and veterinary sciences (N = 2402) were asked to rate themselves on mastery orientation, performance orientation, and self-efficacy at the beginning of five consecutive semesters. Data on grades and gender were drawn from university’s files. Multilevel analyses were used for data analysis. Results Students’ goal orientations showed relative stability over time, but substantial fluctuations within individual students were found. These fluctuations were associated with fluctuations in self-efficacy. Students’ gender, high school grades, study grades, and self-efficacy were all associated with differences in mastery or performance orientation between students. Self-efficacy was the strongest predictor for mastery orientation and grades for performance orientation. Conclusions The relatively strong association between the goal orientations and students’ self-efficacy found in this study emphasizes the potential of enhancing self-efficacy in health profession students. Also, for educators and researchers, fluctuations of both goal orientations within individual students are important to consider