396 research outputs found

    Salvador Fernández Ramírez.

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    Métodos alternativos ao uso de insecticidas

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    Titulación: Licenciatura en Química -- Materia: Química orgánica agrícolaEsta unidade didáctica inclúese na materia de Química Orgánica Agrícola que se imparte no quinto curso da licenciatura en Química e supón unha carga lectiva de 60 horas. O alumnado adquirirá coñecementos fundamentais sobre compoñentes orgánicos do solo, praguicidas e produtos naturais de interese agrícola. De xeito moi xeral pódese definir a Química agrícola como a parte da ciencia que estuda os principios químicos da agricultura e as aplicacións agrícolas da química. Desde a perspectiva da química orgánica, as aplicacións máis importantes en agricultura danse no campo dos praguicidas, é dicir, daqueles compostos, maioritariamente de natureza orgánica, que se utilizan para combater os diferentes tipos de pragas dos cultivos agrícolas. Este feito xustifica que a parte máis importante do programa desta materia (Química Orgánica Agrícola) trate do estudo dos diferentes tipos de pesticidas/praguicidas. O estudo dos praguicidas pódese expor con dous enfoques moi distintos: o químico, facendo un estudo con base na súa estrutura e clasificándoos segundo os seus grupos funcionais; e o biolóxico, que leva unha clasificación en función da súa actividade biolóxica. Neste caso optouse por unha primeira clasificación das substancias en función da súa actividade biolóxica e dentro de cada categoría polos seus grupos funcionais. Por último, é importante indicar que se fará un especial fincapé naqueles praguicidas que proveñen de fontes naturais e tamén se amosarán cales son as alternativas máis importantes á loita química convencional na protección dos produtos agrícolas. Preséntanse conceptos fundamentais acerca dos praguicidas, tales como as súas clases, tipos de formulacións empregadas para o seu uso e criterios xerais de toxicidade. Para o seu estudo, os pesticidas clasifícanse, segundo o tipo de praga que combaten, en insecticidas, funxicidas, herbicidas, acaricidas, nematicidas,etc.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Characterisation of differentially expressed trans-acting siRNA (tasiRNAs) facing stress conditions in melon

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    [ES] Los trans-acting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs) son una clase de pequeños RNAs (20 a 24 nts) reguladores descritos en plantas. Se producen a partir de regiones especí cas del genoma llamadas genes TAS. Los transcritos derivados de estos genes TAS son reconocidos y procesados por un miRNA y por una RNA polimerasa RNA dependiente 6 (RDR6) para generar un RNA de doble cadena, que es procesado por DCL4 en fragmentos en fase de 21 nts, llamados ta-siRNAs. Los ta-siRNAs funcionales se cargan en AGO y regulan a nivel post-transcripcional diversos genes en trans. Para identi car y caracterizar potenciales ta-siRNAs de Cucumis melo (melón) implicados en el proceso de respuesta a estrés, se trabajó con librerías de sRNAs obtenidas a partir de plantas de melón expuestas a 7 situaciones diferentes de estrés biótico y abiótico. Mediante una aproximación bioinformática, se predijeron 242 genes TAS candidatos. Dos de los más prometedores (TAS 915 y TAS 917) fueron posteriormente validados mediante ensayos biológicos y algoritmos computacionales. Sus secuencias presentaban homología con genes de la familia TAS3 de otras especies vegetales, cuyas dianas más relevantes son los Factores de Respuesta a Auxinas, que son reguladores a nivel transcripcional involucrados en procesos del desarrollo y respuesta a estrés. Además, la actividad de estos genes TAS fue con rmada a través de la identi cación y validación de los genes diana, su correlación con la acumulación de los transcritos TAS y análisis del degradoma. Los resultados obtenidos suponen la primera identi cación de ta-siRNAs funcionales en C. melo, y ofrecen una nueva perspectiva en cuanto a mecanismos de respuesta a estrés en melón regulados por estos pequeños RNAs no codi cantes.[EN] Trans-acting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs) are a class of small regulatory RNAs (20 to 24 nts) described in plants, which are produced from speci c genome regions called TAS genes. Transcribed fragments derived from these genes are recognised and processed by a miRNA and an RNA dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6) in order to generate a dsRNA, in turn processed by DCL4 into 21-nt phased fragments. One of these pieces, once loaded into AGO, constitutes a mature ta-siRNA able to regulate many target genes in trans, at post-transcriptional level. To identify and characterise potential Cucumis melo (melon) ta-siRNAs implicated in stress-responsive processes, sRNA libraries were obtained from melon plants exposed to seven di erent stress situations both biotic and abiotic. Via bioinformatic approaches, a total of 242 candidate TAS genes were predicted. Two of the most promising candidates (TAS 915 and TAS 917) were further validated following computational algorithms and biological assays. Their sequences showed a high homology with the TAS3 family of other plant species, whose most relevant targets are Auxin Response Factors, transcriptional regulators involved in development and stress responses. Besides, trans-acting activity of these TAS genes was con rmed via identi cation and validation of ta-siRNA targets, their correlation to TAS transcript accumulation and degradome assays. Our results represent the rst identi cation and functional validation of ta-siRNAs in C. melo and may provide novel insights into the role of this particular family of small non-coding RNAs in melon stress responses.Cervera Seco, LM. (2018). Characterisation of differentially expressed trans-acting siRNA (tasiRNAs) facing stress conditions in melon. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107590TFG

    Professionals calling in lifelong learning centers

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    Purpose: This study aims to understand how the way people see their work and the authentizotic character of their organizational climate contribute to the building of a Great Place to Work. Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents the results of a quantitative investigation that correlate the perceptions of organizational climate and the work orientations of professionals with different occupations on Portuguese lifelong education centers. Findings: The study indicates that all the core elements of an authentizotic organization contribute to explain what people potentially expect from their companies: adequate material conditions plus a meaningful contribution. Practical implications: The study has implications in the future for National Qualification Agency directors, education politicians and human resource managers who are responsible for providing good expectations within a healthy context of talent retention. Originality/value: The novel contribution of this paper is the finding that employee’s work orientations and authentizotic climate are related to each other in a Lifelong learning Center in the public education sector.Peer Reviewe

    Salvador Fernández Ramírez.

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    Quality of Leadership and Implicated Constructs

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    Purpose: The authors examine the role of values, trust, organizational culture, learning organizations and authentic leadership in explaining the quality of leadership. Design/Methodology: This is a theoretical text that allows approaches and intersections of the constructs with implications for the quality of leadership. Contributions/Findings: This present literature review confirms that there is a significant connection between authentic leadership and its components according to different authors’ point of view. Research Limitations/Implications: It is necessary to consider further some other important authors’ positions that are not considered in the present review. It was made a focused author’s selection of different continents and realities. Originality/Value: This review contributes to enhance the compilation of existing research on the examination of authentic leadership and its most important components.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cuervo y la lexicografía histórica.

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    Contaminaciones sintácticas y fraseológicas en el habla española actual

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    Implementación de una nueva formulación de deformación plana generalizada en un código de elementos finitos en MATLAB

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    El presente trabajo pretende desarrollar una nueva formulación del Problema Plano Generalizado (PPG) e implementarla en un código de elementos finitos en lenguaje MATLAB. El PPG es un tipo de configuración específica en la cual la geometría se define por una sección transversal que se extiende de manera cilíndrica a lo largo de un eje y las cargas de dominio o de contorno y restricciones en los desplazamientos son de tal forma que las soluciones de tensiones y deformaciones dependen únicamente de las coordenadas del plano perpendicular al eje del cilindro. Por lo tanto, el problema tridimensional puede ser reducido a dos dimensiones. Para la implementación de esta formulación se ha utilizado un elemento plano cuadrilátero serendípito de 8 nodos. En el capítulo 5 del trabajo se incluye un pseudocódigo, en el que se va explicando paso a paso las partes del código de elementos finitos. En el capítulo 6 del trabajo se valida la formulación sometiendo a elementos a problemas sencillos y comparando los resultados obtenidos numéricamente con los resultados analíticos. En el futuro, este trabajo podrá ser continuado para desarrollar dicha formulación en un código de elementos finitos comercial como Abaqus ®, por ejemplo.This thesis tries to develop a new formulation of the Generalized Plane Problem (GPP) and implement it in a finite element code in MATLAB script. The GPP is a specific configuration where the geometry is defined by a transversal cross section which is extended along an axis in a cylindrical way. The domain loads and contour loads and the boundary conditions are in a way that the stress and strain solutions only depend on the coordinates defining the plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. Therefore, the three-dimensional problem can be expressed by a two-dimensional one. For the implementation of this formulation, an 8-node serendipity element has been utilized. In chapter 5 a pseudocode is included, where the finite element code is explained step by step. In chapter 6, the formulation is validated by subjecting elements to some simple problems and comparing the numerical results to analytical results. In the future, this thesis could be continued in order to implement the formulation in a commercial finite element code, such as Abaqus ™.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriale

    Potential Satellite Cell-Linked Biomarkers in Aging Skeletal Muscle Tissue: Proteomics and Proteogenomics to Monitor Sarcopenia

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    [EN] Sarcopenia (Sp) is the loss of skeletal muscle mass associated with aging which causes an involution of muscle function and strength. Satellite cells (Sc) are myogenic stem cells, which are activated by injury or stress, and repair muscle tissue. With advancing age, there is a decrease in the efficiency of the regenerative response of Sc. Diagnosis occurs with the Sp established by direct assessments of muscle. However, the detection of biomarkers in real-time biofluids by liquid biopsy could represent a step-change in the understanding of the molecular biology and heterogeneity of Sp. A total of 13 potential proteogenomic biomarkers of Sp by their physiological and biological interaction with Sc have been previously described in the literature. Increases in the expression of GDF11, PGC-1α, Sirt1, Pax7, Pax3, Myf5, MyoD, CD34, MyoG, and activation of Notch signaling stimulate Sc activity and proliferation, which could modulate and delay Sp progression. On the contrary, intensified expression of GDF8, p16INK4a, Mrf4, and activation of the Wnt pathway would contribute to early Sp development by directly inducing reduced and/or altered Sc function, which would attenuate the restorative capacity of skeletal muscle. Additionally, tissue biopsy remains an important diagnostic tool. Proteomic profiling of aged muscle tissues has shown shifts toward protein isoforms characteristic of a fast-to-slow transition process and an elevated number of oxidized proteins. In addition, a strong association between age and plasma values of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) has been described and serpin family A member 3 (serpin A3n) was more secreted by atrophied muscle cells. The identification of these new biomarkers holds the potential to change personalized medicine because it could predict in real time the course of Sp by monitoring its evolution and assessing responses to potential therapeutic strategies.S