168 research outputs found


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    Origin and Development of Moral Sense: A Systematic Review

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    The literature suggests that the moral sense is based on innate abilities. In fact, it has been shown that children show the capacity for moral discernment, emotions and prosocial motivations from an early age. However, the moral sense is a complex construct of an evolutionary and social nature that evolves under the influence of interpersonal relationships. The emergence and development of moral sense is a challenge that has prompted many research studies with the aim of achieving a clear comprehension of moral development. However, success has been scarce, and studies relevant to this subject are limited. Thus, a systematic review of studies relevant to this topic was conducted to clearly establish how moral sense emerges and develops. An Ovid search was conducted to retrieve relevant items for this systematic review. The databases that were electronically visited are Cross-reference, Google Scholar and PubMed. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were imposed on the retrieved items to retain only relevant resources. Twenty-six studies were found valid for inclusion in this systematic review. The results of these studies were presented differently: In order to effectively analyze the selected papers and bring out the results more clearly, a categorization of the approaches adopted in the studies was carried out. The approaches identified were: "Natural Moral Sense," "Social Relationships and Moral Development," and "Environmental Factors and Moral Development." The evidence that emerged from the analysis of the papers was collected to produce a general basic model that explains moral development while also serving as a link between the various studies. First, moral sense is found to be innate in humans; individuals can naturally respond morally to various dilemmas. As seen among children and young infants, moral sense naturally exists. Second, it can be socially nurtured through social interactions and exposure to various environmental factors. Various research studies were reviewed in this systematic review to obtain a consensus on how moral sense emerges and develops. From the systematic review, the moral sense is found to be innate. However, moral development is fostered by social interactions and environmental factors


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    Previous research has provided a review of the literature on the state of research on mobile learning, but the use of m-learning and MALL to formal and informal learning of foreign languages needs further study. The need to review the language learning assisted by mobile devices emerges from a globalized context, in which pedagogy must question itself to plan and design research drawings in which mobile learning assumes a fundamental importance in teaching practice aimed above all at new generations of students.This study adopts a meta-analysis approach to systematically review the literature, thus providing a more complete analysis and synthesis of 83 studies from 2009 to 2018. Previous studies focus on the effectiveness and design of the mobile learning system.The search for databases and citations was performed by limiting the keywords referring to m-learning and to MALL. Compared to existing reviews, the results confirm revealing a skill-based approach to language learning with an emphasis on vocabulary, learning factors that influence students' perceptions and availability to use new cellular technologies

    The effect of motor development in adolescence on cognition: A cumulative literature review

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    The equal motor activity of the other sense organs is a prerequisite for the development of cognitive processes. The methodology used is a cumulative literature review structured on 10 systematic phases and is replicable. Showing considerable potential for cumulative research, the theory of motor development in adolescence appears to be a promising topic for a literature review and especially for the development of developmental psychology. The articles selected, starting from Gibson’s theory of 1979, use the concept of affordance as a principle of mediation between the environment and the development of the body. The modern view of motor development emphasizes the connection between genetic factors and environmental factors and that motor behaviour is the expression of this intrinsic interaction. The results produced suggest a functional relationship between action and language and, more generally, parallel development between cognitive, social-affective, and motor development. Conclusion: This evidence allows us to structure training courses in adolescence with effects on multiple cognitive domains. In addition to muscle development, the competence and development of movement is also explained through the balance of different subsystems

    Becoming Support Teachers at the University of Foggia During the Pandemic. An Exploratory Survey

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    The paper aims to deepen the characteristics, training needs and critical issues related to the initial training of the support teachers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The first part offers a synthetic theoretical framework about the problem. The second part presents the results, still in the initial phase of elaboration, of an exploratory survey conducted among some students attending the active training internship (TFA, fifth cycle) at the University of Foggia. An initial analysis of the results reveals the profile of a rather motivated aspiring support teacher, eager to acquire new skills, with a good level of confidence in technology. The article proposes, in the final part, paths for reflection and action that can be used by training designers and academic decision makers in order to optimize future specialization training for support teachers, at multiple levels

    Nuovi sviluppi per la professione di studioso?

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    Nel dibattito internazionale si discute ormai da tempo dell’opportunità di modificare l’oligopolio degli editori scientifici, di facilitare l’accesso libero ai dati della ricerca e di sviluppare prassi innovative di disseminazione delle migliori esperienze di insegnamento. Ma la rivoluzione, annunciata e da molti attesa, si scontra con alcune difficoltà. In primo luogo esse sono legate alla generazione di nuovi modelli economici che possano ristabilire un equilibrio per tutti gli attori, editori compresi. In secondo luogo sono riferibili a una nuova visione etica e normativa del diritto di accesso ai prodotti scientifici, in veste di studiosi e di cittadini. In terzo luogo tali criticità sono riconducibili alle dinamiche di valutazione delle ricerca e alla carriera accademica, in un sistema dominato da forti resistenze al cambiamento. Occorre ricordare, inoltre, le discontinuità introdotte dalla questione dei formati (Limone, 2012), cioè l’ingresso di diverse tipologie narrative tra le forme della comunicazione accademica. Siti web e blog, presentazioni animate, videogiochi, simulazioni interattive, video-documentari, podcast e infografiche, dovrebbero essere ammessi a buon diritto tra i materiali per la divulgazione scientifica e sottoposti a specifiche valutazioni con metriche alternative. La digitalizzazione, insieme alla reticolarità e all’apertura (Weller, 2011), rappresentano i maggiori fattori di cambiamento della pratica accademica e impongono un ripensamento del ruolo e delle competenze dello studioso che non è più rimandabile

    Videogames e projetos didáticos na educação para a saúde

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    The paper aims to underline that playing video games is a healthy activity at least for two reasons: it promotes meaningful learnings and fosters healthy lifestyles. The paper is a reflection on a possible didactic revolution where among digital technologies; video games are the principal instruments that are able to design healthy lifestyles in school settings. Scientific and academic research in the educational videogame field and their integration into didactic processes is very active and offers several challenges that school can’t ignore anymore. Video games in the didactic field represent one of the most concrete and innovative examples in redefining the educational syllabus in school systems. Video games also represent strategic teaching tools that allow to manage in a creative way even complex problems, such as health issues, as they stimulate understanding and encourage exploration

    Digital Resilience and Psychological Wellbeing of Italian Higher Education Students: An Exploratory Study

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    Covid-19 pandemic has increased the use of technology in the educational field. While previous literature has demonstrated the benefits of using technology in educational environments, the risks related to problematic digital behaviors have been less investigated. Digital resilience represents a protective factor for students’ learning outcomes and emotional wellbeing. The main aim of this study was to explore Italian university students’ digital resilience levels and their psychological wellbeing in terms of stress and psychological resilience. 94 students (F=57.4%) aged 19-57 (M=31.11, SD=9.04) completed an ad-hoc questionnaire on digital resilience which included the Perceived Stress Scale, the KOP-26, and the Brief Resilience Scale. Descriptive statistics, item analysis, and bivariate correlations were performed. Results showed that Italian students reported higher levels of stress (M=21.53, SD=6.92) than the Italian normative sample. In addition to this, they perceived good levels of both psychological and digital resilience: they reported being aware of potential strategies for preparing for and responding to cyber threats and how to face negative online experiences. These results could usefully inform interventions aimed at helping them to recognize and manage risks and threats when online
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