38 research outputs found

    Habit and Exemplary Applied to Optimize the Intelligence of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Students in Surabaya City

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    Educating the life of the nation is the goal of the Republic of Indonesia. The importance of an intelligent nation has been understood by K.H. A. Dahlan since 1928. To realize a smart nation is done through education. The case of bullying that occurs in elementary school children is an example of educational failure. Is there a wrong value received by the child? The purpose of the study was to determine the spiritual intelligence of Muhammadiyah Elementary School students in Mulyorejo District, Surabaya City. A descriptive research, with field studies directly on the object of research in actual conditions, namely SD Muhammadiyah Surabaya, collecting data with questionnaires


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    This research aims to determine the process of the development of the independent character of elementary school students in learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic at SD Muhammadiyah 8 Surabaya in grades 4, 5, and 6 by referring to the achievement of indicators of independent character values and the obstacles that arise in their achievement. By using a qualitative approach, the discussion will be presented in a descriptive explanation. The research subjects are 99 upper-class student respondents (4, 5, and 6) at SD Muhammadiyah 8 Surabaya. The research is carried out only by taking data on March, April, and May 2020 as the research scope. In this research, data are collected giving online questionnaire observation techniques to students, accompanied by parents, and having direct interviews with class teachers and subject teachers. The discussion in this research shows that the level of development of the independent character of students has been built with an average of being in the category of culture and development even though there are still obstacles because they require assistance, either directly or indirectly from parents and teachers.Keywords: Character, Independence, Covid-19 Pandemi


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Teknik Klarifikasi Nilai (TKN), Ekspositori dan konsep diri terhadap sikap tanggung jawab siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar. Pada latar belakang dikemukakan bahwa pembelajaran PPKn masih pada konteks pengajaran pengetahuan, bukan penanaman sikap (knowing bukan being). Sebagai contoh terjadinya kasus bullying sebagai akibat nilai yang diajarkan dengan kata, bukan dengan pembiasaan, contoh atau penciptaan lingkungan belajar. Ada hubungan sebab akibat antara attitude bullying dan behavior bullying. Tindakan bullying merupakan wujud dari sikap negatif siswa atau sikap tanggung jawab siswa kurang. Artinya perilaku siswa ketika melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban dalam interaksi dengan lingkungan kurang baik. Sikap dipengaruhi konsep diri siswa, yaitu persepsi individu terhadap fisik, psikologis, kelebihan dan kekurangan yang menjadi karakteristik dirinya, yang terbentuk dari pengalaman berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dimana orang lain memiliki peranan yang signifikan dalam membentuk kepribadian. Untuk itu perlu dilaksanakan dalam pembelajaran sehingga dapat menumbuhkembangkan konsep diri positif siswa. Pendekatan pembelajaran SCL yang diimplementasikan dengan metode pembelajaran Teknik Klarifikasi Nilai yang bertujuan menumbuhkan kesadaran siswa dengan cara memberikan kebebasan untuk memilih, menghargai dan bertindak sesuai nilai kebaikan yang selanjutnya akan menentukan perilaku berlandaskan hubungan perasaan dan peningkatan kesadaran diri. Menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen dengan desain treatment by level 2x2. Populasi penelitian siswa pada limabelas SDN di Kecamatan Sidoarjo dan populasi terjangkau siswa kelas IV SDN Sedati Gede II, sejumlah 80 orang. Temuan: 1) Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara sikap tanggung jawab siswa yang belajar dengan TKN memperoleh skor 86,55 dan Ekspositori mendapatkan skor 81,64. 2) Terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dan konsep diri terhadap sikap tanggung jawab siswa sebesar 70,8%. 3) Ada perbedaan signifikan antara sikap tanggung jawab siswa yang belajar dengan TKN dan Ekspositori pada siswa yang memiliki Konsep Diri Tinggi. Uji Tuckey menunjukkan perbedaan rata-rata skor 9,00; 4) Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara sikap tanggung jawab siswa yang belajar dengan TKN dan Ekspositori pada siswa yang memiliki konsep diri rendah. Ditunjukkan dari Uji Tuckey perbedaan rata-rata skor 3,00. Terbukti TKN relevan dipergunakan untuk pendidikan sikap tanggung jawab sebagai implementasi dari pendidikan nilai dalam rangka Pendidikan Karakter di sekolah. Melalui penerapan TKN diharapkan terjadi internalisasi nilai pada diri siswa sehingga terwujud sikap kebaikan yang menjadi perilaku yang diulang-ulang dan pola hidup. Guru diharapkan dapat memahami dan menerapkan TKN dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Khususnya PPKn sebagai mata pelajaran yang sarat nilai, sehingga tercapai internalisasi nilai pada siswa. The study aims to determine the effect of the Value Clarification Technique (VCT), expository and self-concept on the attitudes of responsibility of fourth grade students in elementary schools. It was stated in the background that the Civics learning was still in the context of teaching knowledge, not instilling an attitude (knowing not being). As the example, the case of bullying as a result of values taught verbally, not by habituation, examples or creation of the learning environment since there is a causal relationship between attitude bullying and behavior bullying. Bullying is a manifestation of students' negative attitudes or the lack of attitude of responsibility. In other words, their attitudes were not so good when they performed their rights and obligations. Attitude is influenced by students' self-concepts on the physical individual perceptions, psychological, strengths and weaknesses as their characteristics which are formed from the experience of interaction with the environment where other people have a significant role in creating personality. For this reason, it needs to be implemented in learning so that students can develop their positive self-concepts. The SCL learning approach implemented by using the Value Clarification Technique learing method aims to foster student awareness by providing freedom to choose, respect and act according to the value of goodness which will further determine behavior based on feelings relationship and increasing of self-awareness. The research method used is an experimental research method with a 2x2 treatment level design. The research population is fifteen state elementary schools in Sidoarjo District and an adjucent population of Grade IV students of state elementary school of Sedati Gede II with a total of 80 students. The findings showed that 1) There was a significant difference on the scores of students’ attitudes of responsibility who studied by using VCT and expository. The score of students who studied using VCT and expository were 86.55 and 81.64. 2) There was an interaction effect between the learning method and self-concept on students' attitudes of responsibility by 70.8%. 3) Students who had a High Self-Concept tended to have significant different attitudes of responsibility on the use of VCT and expository technique in their studies. The Tuckey Test shows an average difference score of 9.00; 4) In contrast, students who had low self-concepts also tended to have significant different attitudes of responsibility on the use of VCT and expository in their studies and it was proofed by the Tuckey test which showed an average difference of 3.00. It is proven that VCT was appropriate to be used in learning attitudes of responsibility as the implementation of educational values in schools in line with the teaching character at schools. It is expected that by the implementation of VCT, the internalization of students' values will occur so that good behavior can be realized and becomes a habituation and lifestyle. Teachers are expected to understand and implement VCT in their learnings in schools. Especially in civics as a subject which contains of moral values, so that the internalization of these values can be achieved


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    The Independent Curriculum gives teachers freedom to choose various teaching tools so that learning can be adapted to the needs of learning and the interests of learners. One of the recommended learning models is Project Based Learning (PjBL) which is a learning activity in the form of making goods or services that are used as a vehicle for mastering competencies. The purpose of research how did a description of elementary school/mi Muhammadiyah teacher's knowledge in Surabaya about Project Based Learning? Approaches to the phenomenon, data processing is implemented with a descriptive data analysis strategy. Studies show that there are many teachers who do not understand correctly. Thus it is necessary to have a workshop in order for understanding and will to implement project based learning (PJBL), which is different from the model learning Problem Based Learning that has been adopted by Muhammadiyah elementary school/mi teachers. Keywords: Learning Model, Project Based Learning, Elementary Schoo


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    Purpose of Study: The development of learning model that can be used by teacher candidates and teacher's implementation thinking of national figures in learning. The goal of early-childhood as the next generation of the nation canrecognize, understand and emulate the thoughts of moral values of nationality. Local wisdom is increasingly urgent to be inserted during the learning process so that early-childhood has social and environmental character. This is in line with the depletion of natural resources and the complexity of community empowerment efforts. Local wisdom is a critical element for the success of community resource development and natural resource management. As a value, local wisdom is the values or behavior of local people living in interacting within the environment in which they live wisely. Research based upon the development on the instructional design model implemented for this study is based on the instructional design developed by Dick, Carey and Carey, The Systematic Design of Instruction. Research subjects were PG PAUD students, early-childhood students. Methodology: Research and Development (R & D) is appropriately used for innovation since it is planned, systematic and measurable for the purpose of creating novelty or innovation in all fields. The innovation can be a product innovation, model, procedure, design, work, and strategy. In this research, the concept of R & D is used as a way of creating a model of learning in order to develop a future-oriented, effective, ready-to-use and future-developed early childhood moral. Results: The result of lecturer's ability analysis in managing the local wisdom-based learning shows the criteria of Excellent, student activity and the completeness of local wisdom-based learning is effective, and get a positive and effective responses. Implications/Applications: The development of early childhood moral learning based on local wisdom was developed with the instructional design model implemented in this research based on the instructional design of The Systematic Design of Instruction of Dick, Carey and Carey through 10 (ten) stages. Need assessment showedthat development of early childhood moral learning tools was needed and should be based on local wisdom

    Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Kewarganegaran Pada Pendidikan Dasar

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    Tujuan pendidkan nasional yang tercantum dalam UU No. 20/2003 tentang Sisdiknas, hal itu membawa dampak pada keharusan menyelenggarakan pendidikan secara benar. Artinya guru dan siswa yang terlibat dalam pembelajaran dapat melaksanakan sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah yang telah disepakati. Guru melaksanakan pembelajaran secara profesional, artinya memiliki kompetensi sebagaimana disyaratkan dalam peraturan Perundang-undangan. Sedangkan siswa sebagai pebelajar hendaknya diperhatikan hak-haknya, agar dapat mengembangkan seluruh potensi yang ada pada dirinya

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Untuk Menumbuhkan Nilai Moral Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak: Pokok pikiran keempat Pembukaan UUD 1945 mewajibkan pemerintah dan para penyelenggaran negara untuk memelihara budi pekerti kemanusiaan yang luhur dan memegang teguh cita-cita moral rakyat yang luhur. Cita-cita luhur bangsa Indonesia tersebut tertuang dalam pasal 3 Undang-Undang No. 20 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2003. Tujuan tersebut dapat dilaksanakan melalui mata pelajaran PKn yang dapat mendukung pendidikan dalam menjadikan warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggung jawab. Karena seorang guru-setiap kata, pikiran, tindakan  dan asosiasinya  menjadi berarti bagi siswa. Untuk itu guru perlu memiliki kemampuan menerapkan model-model pembelajaran inovatif. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang baik digunakan adalah pembelajaran kooperatif. Slavin menyatakan pembelajaran koperatif, memiliki banyak perbedaan bentuk (tipe), tetapi semuanya melibatkan siswa yang bekerja dalam kelompok kecil atau tim yang saling membantu satu sama lain dalam mempelajari materi akademik. Dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif dapat ditemukan pendidikan nilai moral yaitu: siswa belajar sesuatu, terdapat penghargaan terhadap kelompok, tanggung jawab perseorangan, kesempatan yang sama untuk berhasil, belajar itu menyenangkan, bekerja berpasangan, bekerja kelompok dan lain - lain.Kata kunci: model pmbelajaran, PKn, guru,  kooperatif, nilai moralAbstract: The idea of awakening the 1945 Constitution obliges the government and the state to maintain the noble humanitarian character of the noble and full of the moral ideals of the lofty people. The noble ideals of the Indonesian nation are contained in article 3 of Law no. 20 on the National Education System Year 2003. The objective can be implemented through Civics subjects that can support education in realizing democratic and responsible citizens. Because a teacher - every word, thought, action and association becomes a means for students. For that teachers need to have the ability to apply innovative learning models. One of the good learning models used is cooperative learning. Slavin states cooperative learning, has many different forms (types), but all involve students working in small groups or teams that help each other in learning materials. In the cooperative learning model can be found moral education that is: students learn something, there are awards to the group, individual responsibility, equal opportunity for success, learning is fun, work in pairs, work groups and others.Keywords: model of learning, Civics, teacher, cooperative, mora


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      In the life of the nation, gotong royong is the foundation of the Indonesian nation; consisting of five values: cooperation, helping, solidarity and empathy, and non-violence. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition known as hyperactivity. Hyperactive sufferers sometimes have difficulty concentrating and maintaining the same work. Hyperactive students move frequently, are unable to perform or follow activities quietly, and talk too much. The purpose of this study is to explain the nature of mutual cooperation seen in hyperactive students in elementary school. This research was conducted through a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the character of mutual cooperation in hyperactive students needed guidance and began to develop. On the value of cooperation, they need guidance. The value of helping, began to develop. The value of solidarity and empathy still requires. The value of respect is starting to develop. The value of non-violence, still needs guidanc

    Pelatihan Penulisan Cerita Pendek Berbasis Multikulturalisme untuk Guru-Guru Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah di Surabaya

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melatih guru-guru sekolah dasar untuk menulis cerita bermuatan multikulturalisme untuk anak-anak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan bermitra kepada tiga sekolah dasar Muhammadiyah, yakni SDM 8 Surabaya, SDM 15 Surabaya, dan SDM 18 Surabaya. Masing-masing sekolah mengirimkan guru delegasi untuk mengikuti workshop penulisan kreatif yang diselenggarakan pada 7–8 Juli 2018. Pelatihan ini dilanjutkan dengan sesi 32 jam coaching clinic yang bertujuan me-review dan merevisi cerita pendek hasil karya guru mitra. Hasil dari pelatihan diketahui bahwa pendidikan multikulturalisme melalui cerita pendek untuk anak mampu menjadi sebuah cara yang efektif dalam menanamkan literasi budaya di sekolah dasar


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    This research aims to determine the use of environmentally based concrete media to instill the character of mutual cooperation. The research used a qualitative approach method with the research subjects being class III students, class III teachers, school principals, at SD Muhammadiyah 13 Surabaya. The data collection technique used in this research was triangulation techniques and sources. Triangulation techniques and sources were obtained from observations, interviews with the principal and class III teachers, as well as documentation in the form of learning outcomes. The results of this research state that no concrete environment-based media has yet been implemented, the aspect of instilling the character of mutual cooperation has been implemented by holding routine daily activities including: class picketing and group assignments