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    190 research outputs found

    Efforts to Improve Student Learning Activities Using the Quantum Learning Model Theme of Events in Life Class V SD 101911 Sidodadi Batu 8 Pagar Merbau

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    This study aims to: (1) determine the results of student learning activities before learning by using the Quantum Learning model on the theme of life events in class V SD Negeri 101911 Sidodadi Batu 8 Deli Serdang. (2) knowing the efforts to increase student learning activities using the Quantum Learning model on the theme of events in life in class V SD Negeri 101911 Sidodadi Batu 8 Deli Serdang. Based on the results of observations and tests filled out by students, it can be concluded that teachers have been able to maintain and improve the implementation of teaching and learning activities using the Quantum Learning model and learning video media. This is based on the results of observations which show an increase with the improvement of teaching and learning activities based on observer observations. Student learning activities have also increased, this can be seen from the increase in the average percentage of student learning activities, namely in cycle I 68% to 91% in cycle II. It can be concluded that the percentage of student learning activities using the Quantum Learning model and learning video media in cycle II has increased by 41%. The percentage of implementation of the Quantum Learning model using video reaches 89% in teacher (researcher) activities in carrying out learning in the classroom

    Information Services Through the Trait And Factor Approach to Improve Student Career Planning

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    In improving career planning for students as a teacher, they must be able to choose which services and approaches to use. Information services are one of the services that help individuals get a variety of new information. through the trait and factor approach in information services helps students get information, especially in the career field. So that students are able to plan their career in the future. In this study, the aim was to determine students' understanding of career planning through information services using the trait and factor approach. The method used is by analyzing the literature review, in this case, the researcher analyzed previous studies. The results of the study found that information services through the trait and factor approach were effective in improving student career planning

    Metaphor of Covid-19 in Kompas Daily as a Means of Learning Indonesian Language of PGSD Students

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    The objective of this study is to describe the type of conceptual metaphor in Covid-19 news in Kompas daily between December 2021 to February 2022. This research is qualitative research using semantic and cognitive approaches. A semantic approach is used to parse linguistic units in metaphorical expressions. Meanwhile, cognitive approaches are used to parse the conceptualization of metaphors. The data collected with documentation, observation, and note taking. The observation was carried out by examine at news related to Covid-19 using metaphorical expressions. The note taking technique carried out by writing down the metaphorical expressions used in Covid-19 news in Kompas daily. Data analysis was carried out using the matching method followed by technique of critical element segment and technique of same interrelational. The technique of critical element segment is used to determine the lingual elements in metaphorical expressions. Meanwhile, the technique of same interrelational is used to determine the correspondence of the source domain of metaphorical expressions. The results of this study show that in the Covid-19 news in Kompas daily from December 2021 to February 2022, three types of conceptual metaphors were found that are often used by journalists. The three metaphors include ontological metaphors, structural metaphors, and orientational metaphors

    Implanting of Religious Character on Learners at SDN 3 Tangkiling Palangka Raya City

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kinerja guru agama dalam membangun karakter religius di SD Negeri 3 Tangkiling. Sekolah itu memiliki tiga ajaran agama: Islam, Kristen dan Hindu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembinaan karakter religius siswa SD Negeri 3 Tangkiling menggunakan tiga metode pembinaan karakter religius yaitu keteladanan, disiplin, dan pembiasaan. Selain itu, beberapa aspek karakter religius yang digunakan adalah: 1) cinta damai, 2) toleransi, 3) menghargai perbedaan agama, 4) teguh pendirian, dan 5) menolak perundungan dan kekerasan.Beberapa faktor pendukung tersebut adalah: 1) lingkungan sekolah, 2) rencana pembelajaran, 3) lingkungan rumah

    Group Counseling Services To Improve Self-Concept Through Good Adjustment In The New Normal Era

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    Children who have a good self-concept will see themselves well too, and this will affect their adjustment. The purpose of this study is to find out 1. An overview of a person's self-concept 2. The way a person adapts. Good adjustment will help someone to be able to interact with their environment, especially the school environment. The results of the discussion show that a good self-concept or a person's perspective on himself is good, then he will easily accept all the weaknesses and strengths in himself and this can help him to be able to adjust himself well

    Information Services Using the Small Group Discussion Learning Method to Improve Students' Interpersonal Communication Skills

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    This literature study research aims to determine the effectiveness of the small group discussion method to improve students' interpersonal communication skills. The 21st century learning skills in students' interpersonal communication skills are still relatively low because the learning strategies used by teachers are still not precise and effective. The learning process still uses teacher center so that students only listen and take notes. As a result, students' interpersonal communication skills are still relatively low, so the small group discussion method is applied during learning. This research is a literature study research. The data collection technique used is Editing by combining data from the results of article analysis. The data analysis used is deductive data analysis, that is, general facts are made to be more specific. The source of this research is to use secondary sources and primary sources. The results of the literature review in this study showed that the use of the small group discussion method, namely the interaction of 4-5 members of a group of students to solve a problem, thus showing an increase in communication skills such as grammar, conveying ideas, clarity of pronunciation and clarity of delivery of material and increased communication skills interpersonal students such as exchanging opinions, arguments, respecting opinions and making conclusions based on the results of the post test in previous studies compared to the results of the pre-test of students before being given action

    Analysis of the Application of the Picture and Picture Learning Model in View of the Activeness of Students in the Science Subject of Grade IV Elementary School

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    This study aims to analyze the application of the picture and picture learning model seen from the activeness of students. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with semistructured interview techniques. Data collection techniques used interview instruments given to class IV teachers and instruments distributed to observers to observe the activities of fourth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 19 Surabaya. Based on the results of teacher interviews, the use of the picture and picture learning model makes students active in the learning process. Meanwhile, based on the results of the activity questionnaire, the average student from observations made by the observer obtained a percentage of 87.74% in the very active category, indicating that the results of student activities obtained a percentage of 81% -100%, being very active . It can be concluded that the picture and picture learning model makes students active in learning

    Contextual-Based Student Work Sheet Development in Mathematics Class IV at SD Negeri 206 Simpang Nibung

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    This study aims to develop teaching material products in the form of Contextual-Based Student Worksheets in Mathematics Class IV SD Negeri 206 Simpang Nibung which are valid and practical to use in the learning process. The research method is RD (Research and Development), using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using a scalelikert and scalegutman. The results of the research based on the analysis of the linguist's assessment showed 0.80 and the validation results of media experts were 0.78 and the results of material validation were 0.85. Overall the results of the analysis and calculation of the value of the questionnaire from the team of experts, contextually based Student Worksheets fall into the high category with a percentage of 0.81. While the results of the teacher practicality test are classified as very practical and the results of the trialsone to one classified as very practical as well as the results of trialssmall group very practical. The overall results of the practicality test are in the very practical category with a percentage of 87.6% so that it can be concluded that contextually based Student Worksheets in Mathematics are valid and practical to use

    Effect of Early Ability, Learning Independence, and Attitude of Confidence Towards Student Involvement

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    Many schools and universities in Indonesia have implemented combination learning or blended learning. Many factors influence student involvement in blended learning, including initial abilities, independent learning, and student attitudes. This study aims to determine the effect of initial abilities, learning independence and self-confidence on student involvement in blended learning. The initial ability variable is measured from the aspect of skills in using information technology, the willingness to use information technology, the availability of information technology, and confidence in the reliability of information technology. Learning independence is measured by not depending on others, disciplined behavior, a sense of responsibility, behaving based on initiative, and exercising self-control. The attitude variable of self-confidence is measured by confidence in using information technology, asking and answering questions, expressing opinions, and completing tasks on their own. Student involvement in online learning is viewed from 3 dimensions, namely cognitive, emotional and behavioral involvement. This study uses a non-experimental quantitative research design and is analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). Data was collected using a questionnaire and distributed to students in Indonesia. The study results show that learning using blended learning initial abilities, learning independence, and self-confidence affect student involvement

    The Effectiveness of Group Counseling Using a Humanistic Existential Approach in Reducing FOMO Learning in the New Normal Era

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    Indonesia, such as the increasing spending of money by the younger generation and the rise of social media applications, makes the younger generation always want to satisfy their emotional needs, but they don't have enough money so that it becomes social pressure for the younger generation. Anxiety about being left behind makes it difficult for this generation to say no, and this phenomenon is one of the factors why there is Fomo syndrome. This study contains problem solving from FOMO Learning in the New Normal Era, with Humanistic Existence through Group Counseling to increase student learning responsibility, assistance to individuals in group situations that are prevention and healing, and directed at providing convenience in class development and growth. This research is research designed using the library method. The results are in the form of Humanistic Existential counseling emphasizing core human conditions. Normal personality development is based on the uniqueness of each individual


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