25 research outputs found

    Formation of undulating seafloor bedforms during the Minoan eruption and their implications for eruption dynamics and slope stability at Santorini

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    The Minoan eruption of Santorini is one of the largest Holocene volcanic events and produced several cubic kilometers of pyroclastic flows emplaced on the submerged flanks of the volcano. Marine geophysical surveys reveal a multitude of undulating seafloor bedforms (USBs) around Santorini. While similar structures are known from other volcanoes worldwide, Santorini offers the unique opportunity to relate USB formation with volcanic processes during one of the best-studied volcanic eruptions worldwide. In this study, we combine high-resolution seismic reflection data with multibeam echosounder bathymetry to reveal the internal architecture of USBs around Santorini and to relate their morphological characteristics to formational processes. The USBs around Santorini were formed during the Minoan eruption and represent the seafloor expression of mass transport deposits. Three types of deposits differ in composition or origin. (1) Depositional USBs, which can only be found to the north of the island, where Minoan eruption ignimbrites reach their maximum thickness and the undulating topography is the result of thrusting within the deposit. (2) USBs related to slope failures of volcaniclastics from the entire Thera Pyroclastic Formation, which can be found east, south, and west of the island. (3) USBs associated with deep-seated deformation, which occurs on the southwestern flank along an area affected by rift tectonics and extends to a depth of more than 200 m below the seafloor. In cases (2) and (3), the USBs are formed upslope by block rotation and downslope by thrusting. Our study indicates that these processes may have contributed to the generation of the devastating Minoan tsunami. Since Santorini is located in one of the most tectonically active regions in the Mediterranean, capable of producing earthquakes with magnitude M7+, our study has important implications for hazard assessment. A strong earthquake located close to the island may have the potential to reactivate slope instabilities posing a previously undetected but potentially significant tsunami hazard

    Poseidon Berichte - Paphsanias Volcano Cruise POS512, 25.04.2017 – 06.05.2017, Heraklion (Griechenland) – Heraklion (Griechenland)

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    Summary Cruise POS512 was scheduled for ten working days from 25.4. to 6.5.2017 in order to (1) produce a bathymetric map of the Epidavros Basin near the peninsula of Methana, (2) survey the volcanic structures of the Paphsanias Volcanic Field with the ROV PHOCA, and (3) sample the volcanic rocks. The Paphsanias Volcanic Field was found in 1987 but only one rock sample had been recovered and the size, age and composition of the lavas were unknown. Historic reports suggested an eruption on Methana and potentially off the coast some 2000 years ago. The bathymetric survey showed that six volcanic structures form the volcanic field ranging from simple lava flows on the seafloor, small cone-like structures to relatively complex crater-like structures with small volcanic domes. The largest volcanoes are about 200 m high and have diameters of about 2 km. The northern two complex Volcanoes 1 and 2 are relatively young and consist of steep lava flows and dome-like structures with little sediment. No indication of very young volcanism and hydrothermal activity was found. In contrast, the four southern structures are mostly sediment-covered and outcrops of volcanic rocks are rare and often covered by thick carbonate and MnOOH crusts. These four edifices are older than the northern two. Lava samples range from olivine-bearing basalts to plagioclase-amphibole-biotite-phyric andesites and dacites. All lavas appear to be fresh but few show signs of submarine extrusion and quenching. Volcaniclastic material was rarely observed and sampled indicating that explosive volcanic activity did not occur. During cruise POS512 13 ROV dives recovered 163 samples including 131 fresh lavas from four different volcanoes of the Paphsanias Volcanic Field and 427 nm of bathymetric survey was carried out

    POS511 Cruise Report, The Christiana-Santorini Volcanic Complex, 01.04.2017 (Heraklion) - 22.04.2017 (Heraklion)

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    R.V. POSEIDON Cruise No.: 511 Dates, Ports: 01.04.2017 (Heraklion) - 22.04.2017 (Heraklion) Research Subject: The Christiana-Santorini Volcanic Comple

    POS511 Cruise Report, The Christiana-Santorini Volcanic Complex, 01.04.2017 (Heraklion) - 22.04.2017 (Heraklion)

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    R.V. POSEIDON Cruise No.: 511 Dates, Ports: 01.04.2017 (Heraklion) - 22.04.2017 (Heraklion) Research Subject: The Christiana-Santorini Volcanic Comple

    Geochemistry of CO2-Rich Gases Venting From Submarine Volcanism: The Case of Kolumbo (Hellenic Volcanic Arc, Greece)

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    Studies of submarine hydrothermal systems in Mediterranean Sea are limited to the southern Italian volcanism, while are totally missing in the Aegean. Here, we report on the geochemistry of high-temperature fluids (up to 220°C) venting at 500 m b.s.l. from the floor of Kolumbo submarine volcano (Hellenic Volcanic Arc, Greece), which is located 7 km northeast of Santorini Island. Despite the recent unrest at Santorini, Kolumbo submarine volcano is considered more active due to a higher seismicity. Rizzo et al. (2016) investigated the He-isotope composition of gases collected from seven chimneys and showed that are dominated by CO2 (>97%), with only a small air contamination. Here we provide more-complete chemical data and isotopic compositions of CO2 and CH4, and Hg(0) concentration. We show that the gases emitted from different vents are fractionated by the partial dissolution of CO2 in water. Fractionation is also evident in the C-isotope composition (ÎŽ13CCO2), which varies between -0.04 and 1.15‰. We modeled this process to reconstruct the chemistry and ÎŽ13CCO2 of intact magmatic gases before fractionation. We argue that the CO2 prior to CO2 dissolution in water had ÎŽ13C ∌-0.4‰ and CO2/3He ∌1 × 1010. This model reveals that the gases emitted from Kolumbo originate from a homogeneous mantle contaminated with CO2, probably due to decarbonation of subducting limestone, which is similar to other Mediterranean arc volcanoes (e.g., Stromboli, Italy). The isotopic signature of CH4 (ÎŽ13C ∌-18‰ and ÎŽD ∌-117‰) is within a range of values typically observed for hydrothermal gases (e.g., Panarea and Campi Flegrei, Italy), which is suggestive of mixing between thermogenic and abiotic CH4. We report that the concentrations of Hg(0) in Kolumbo fluids are particularly high (∌61 to 1300 ng m-3) when compared to land-based fumaroles located on Santorini and worldwide aerial volcanic emissions. This finding may represent further evidence for the high level of magmatic activity at Kolumbo. Based on the geo-indicators of temperature and pressure, we calculate that the magmatic gases equilibrate within the Kolumbo hydrothermal system at about 270°C and at a depth of ∌1 km b.s.l

    Structural evolution and disintegration of oceanic intraplate volcanoes: The Bathymetrists Seamounts and its relation to Sierra Leona Rise (eastern equatorial Atlantic) - Cruise No. M152/2, 03.01. – 12.02.2019, Las Palmas (Spain) – Walvis Bay (Namibia), SEDIS

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    Summary The Bathymetrists Seamounts (BSM) are located north of the volcanic Sierra Leone Rise in the eastern Atlantic between 6° and 9°N. The three W-E, N-S and NE-SW striking directions of the seamounts indicate a clear structural control for the emplacement of these volcanoes. The origin of the melts, their relationship to the Sierra Leone Rise and the role of the faults in the formation of the melts are unknown as the BSM could be explained by plume related volcanism or decompression melting beneath deep (transform) faults. The SEDIS-cruise M152/2 of RV METEOR strove for a better understanding of the life cycle of submarine volcanoes and their effect on the oceanic lithosphere in the oceanic intraplate setting of the BSM and the relationship to the Sierra Leone Rise. The aims were: 1) to understand the interaction between crustal thickness, tectonics and volcanic phases, 2) to investigate the structural, chronological and petrological evolution of individual seamounts and seamount chains, 3) to review slope failures and resulting mass flow processes. We addressed these objectives by more than 4000 km highresolution reflection seismic and more than 5000 km of parametric echosounder, multi-beam, and gravity and magnetic profiles. Rock samples for ground truthing and geochemical research have been collected during 14 dredge stations. We further determined the concentrations in surface seawater and air and the state of air-sea exchange of a number of nowadays globally banned pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Zusammenfassung Die Bathymetrists Seeberge liegen nördlich der Sierra Leone Schwelle, einer vulkanischen Plattform im östlichen Atlantik zwischen 6° und 9° N. Diese submarinen Vulkane gruppieren sich entlang W-E, N-S und NE-SW Trends, was eine strukturelle Kontrolle der Vulkanentstehung indiziert. Die Schmelzentstehung sind unbekannt und können mit PlumeVulkanismus oder Dekompressionsschmelzen unter bisher nicht untersuchten Störungen und tiefen Transformstörungen zusammenhĂ€ngen. Der Bezug zur Sierra Leone Schwelle ist ebenfalls unbekannt. Im Zuge der SEDIS-Expedition M152/2 mit FS METEOR wurde der Lebenszyklus von Unterwasservulkanen und deren geochemischen Einfluss auf die ozeanische LithosphĂ€re der Bathymetrists Seeberge untersucht. Anhand der profilhaften geophysikalischer Messungen und Dredge-Proben wollen wir 1) die Wechselwirkung zwischen KrustenmĂ€chtigkeit, Tektonik und Vulkanismus verstehen, 2) die strukturelle, chronologische und petrologische Entwicklung von Vulkanen und Vulkanketten untersuchen, und 3) Auslösemechanismen, Transportprozesse und Volumina von Hangrutschungen studieren. Zur Bearbeitung der wissenschaftlichen Fragen sammelten wir mehr als 4000 km mehrkanal-reflexionsseismischer und mehr als 5000 km parametrische Sedimentecholot, FĂ€cherlot, Schwere und Magnetik-Profile. FĂŒr die geochemischen Arbeiten sammelten wir an 14 Stationen Gesteinsproben unter Einsatz einer Dredge. Die regelmĂ€ĂŸige Beprobung der Luft und des OberflĂ€chenwassers diente der Bestimmung der Konzentration von heute weltweit verbotenen Pestiziden, polychlorierten Biphenylen, bromierten Flammschutzmitteln, polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen und deren Derivaten und um den Austausch zwischen Luft und Meer weiter zu verstehen

    Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM 122 working area dataset) of RV METEOR during cruise M152/2

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    Multibeam bathymetry raw data was recorded in the North Atlantic Ocean during cruise M152/2 that took place between 2019-01-03 and 2019-02-12. The data was collected using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 122