64 research outputs found

    Poverty Dynamics in Turkey: A Multinomial Logit Model

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    The availability of longitudinal data allows researchers to analyse the dynamics of poverty. By using the Turkish Statistical Institute’s (TurkStat) Income and Living Conditions Survey micro dataset, we analyse the households’ long-term monetary poverty conditions. We categorise poverty as transitory and chronic and employ the multinomial logit method to analyse determinants of each types of poverty. Results indicate that education and household size are the most effective factors for reducing transitory poverty, and for chronic poverty, the most effective factors are having a regular job and having a skilled occupation; insurance, home ownership, and number of children are important determinants for both types of poverty

    Supkutana ektopija pluća u vratnom području u teleta - prikaz slučaja.

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    This case presents a clinical, radiological and histopathological description of ectopic lung in a calf. The present case was a 45-day-old, female Simmental calf, showing a congenital mass in the lower neck region. Upon clinical inspection, it was determined that the calf was in excellent condition, but a pedunculated tumorlike mass appeared in the neck region. Palpation revealed that the mass had normal body temperature and was somewhat hard and flexible. The mass was surgically removed under inhalation anesthesia and diagnosed as an ectopic lung based on the histopathological examination. The calf was monitored for two years after the operation and was observed to be healthy and better developed than its peers. We concluded that a rare case like this should be presented as a contribution to the literature and veterinary practice.Prikazan je klinički, radiološki i histopatološki opis ektopije pluća u teleta. U ženskog teleta simentalske pasmine, u dobi od 45 dana, primijećena je kongenitalna masa u ventralnom području vrata. Tele je klinički bilo u odličnoj kondiciji s visećom masom nalik na tumor u području vrata. Palpacijom je ustanovljena masa normalne tjelesne temperature, ponešto tvrđa i pomična. Masa je kirurški bila uklonjena pod inhalacijskom anestezijom. Dijagnosticirana je ektopija pluća na osnovi histopatološke pretrage. Tele je bilo promatrano tijekom dvije godine nakon operacije. Ostalo je zdravo i bolje se razvijalo od ostalih iste dobi. Prikaz ovog slučaja koristan je prilog literaturi i veterinarskoj praksi

    ınıf Öğretmenlerinin Matematiğe ve Öğretmenliğe İlişkin İnançlarının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi

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    Öğretmen inançları, öğretmenlerin öğretim sürecindeki uygulamaları üzerinde etkili olup bu inançların ortaya çıkarılarak farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi, inançların bu değişkenlerle etkileşimini ortaya koymak açısından katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu açıdan eldeki çalışmada, öğrencilerin matematiksel temellerinin oluşturulmasında önemli rolü olan sınıf öğretmenlerinin matematiğe ve öğretmenliğe ilişkin inançlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu tarama çalışmasının katılımcı grubu 510 sınıf öğretmeninden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma verileri, Matematik Odaklı Epistemolojik İnanç, Matematik Odaklı Pedagojik İnanç, Öğretmenlik Yeteneği İnancı ve Öğretmenlik Bilgisinin Önemi İnancı ölçekleri aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, öğretmenlerin matematiğin günlük yaşamla ilişkili olduğu, matematiğin yapılandırmacı yaklaşımla öğretilmesi gerektiği, öğretmenlik yeteneğinin sonradan kazanıldığı ve öğretmenlikte sınıf yönetimi bilgisinin önemli olduğu inanç puanları yüksek bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, matematiğin günlük yaşamla ilişkisi, öğretmenlik yeteneğinin sonradan kazanıldığı, çocuk gelişimi ve öğrenci bilgisi ile sınıf yönetimi bilgisinin önemli olduğu inançları cinsiyete göre%253B matematiksel bilginin kesinliği inancı ise lisansüstü eğitim alıp almamaya göre farklılık göstermektedir. Son olarak, öğretmenlerin kıdem değişkeniyle, matematiğin günlük yaşam ilişkisi, matematiksel bilginin kesinliği, öğretmenlik yeteneğinin doğuştan olduğu, sonradan kazanıldığı veya hem doğuştan gelip hem de sonradan kazanıldığı inançları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişkiler saptanmıştır

    Determination of Primary Surface Water Pollution Indicators by Multivariate Statistical Techniques in an Industrialized Basin

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    This study aimed to investigate the point and diffuse pollution sources of high total phosphorus (TP) pollution detected in the dry and wet seasons of the industrialized and urbanized Saz-Cayirova Basin through field observation and multivariate statistical techniques. In this context, nineteen water quality parameters were analyzed in surface water samples collected monthly between June 2020 and July 2021 from nineteen different sites along the Saz-Cayirova stream. Firstly, two reference sites representing a better surface water status were determined and assessed the water quality on the stream tributaries affecting the wastewater treatment plant in the two Organized Industrial Zones (OIZ). Secondly, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed to evaluate the complex water quality dataset and reveal the latent sources of TP pollution. The results showed that the tributaries in the pressure of OIZ discharges were highly enriched in COD, TOC, NO3-N, NH3-N, and TP concentrations compared to the reference level. Compared with reference sites, the concentrations of the four heavy metals examined were at a plausible level. Besides, the pollution sources of TP were industrial processes wastewater such as dyeing, washing, phosphating, domestic wastewater from OIZ, urban diffuse waters with organic character, and continuous discharges of undefined sources. The seasonal variation of TP values is observed relatively low, indicating that the stream network is greatly affected by point source pollution. Our observation and analysis imply that the treatment technologies adopted by the OIZ wastewaters plant is sufficient to treat heavy metals. However, measures need to be formulated to remove TP and organic pollution from the secondary production process. © 2022, Avestia Publishing. All rights reserved

    Clinical Relevance of Preoperative Neutrophil to Lymphocyte and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio in Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Objective:The association of preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) with postoperative tumor stage and Fuhrman nuclear grade was investigated in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC).Materials and Methods:Data of 123 patients, who were operated due to RCC, in our clinic was analysed. NLR and PLR were evaluated in patients who were classified according to tumor stage (T1 and T2 low stage, T3 and T4 high stage) and Fuhrman nuclear grade (grade 1 and 2 low-grade, grade 3 and 4 high-grade). NLR and PLR were compared using Levene’s test between the groups.Results:Sixty four patients were female (52.1%) and 59 were male (47.9%). All haematological parameters were expressed as 103/μL. Mean age, blood neutrophil, lymphocyte and platelet counts, and NLR and PLR values of the patients were 62.49±12.43 years, 6.27±2.8, 2.05±0.83, 263.72±89.03, 4.01±3.93, and 149.73±82.1, respectively. The most common histologic subtype was recorded as clear cell RCC (76.4%). NLR and PLR were 3.83±3.22 and 142.79±66.66, respectively in the low-stage group and 4.43±5.29 and 165.85±109.41, respectively in the high stage group. As for the Fuhrman nuclear grading, NLR and PLR were 3.81±3.45 and 146.63±87.36, respectively in the low-grade group and 4.61±5.387 and 159.32±63.42 in the high-grade group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>0.05).Conclusion:Although not statistically significant, high tumor stage and nuclear grade were positively correlated with NLR and PLR. It is concluded that, further multi-center and prospective studies with larger samples are needed to derive meaningful results

    Optic Neuropathy and Macular Ischemia Associated with Neurosarcoidosis: A Case Report

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    In this study, we present a case of bilateral optic neuropathy and macular ischemia in the right eye associated with neurosarcoidosis. A 26-year-old woman presented to our clinic with complaints of bilateral blurred vision. Bilateral granulomatous anterior uveitis, vitritis, optic neuropathy, and macular ischemia were detected in the right eye in slit-lamp examination. She also reported complaints of fever, weakness, sweating, arthralgia, and headache for 2 months. She was referred to the pulmonary diseases unit of our hospital due to hilar lymphadenopathy seen in her chest x-ray, and biopsies were taken for diagnostic purposes. Histological analysis of the mediastinal lymph node biopsies revealed chronic, non-caseating, granulomatous inflammation. Furthermore, the patient was referred to a neurologist due to concomitant complaint of intense headaches. She was diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis supported by findings on cranial magnetic resonance imaging and lumbar puncture. She received a 3-day course of high-dose (1 g/day) intravenous steroid treatment (methylprednisolone) followed by a tapering dose of oral prednisone. The patient began receiving oral methotrexate 15 mg/week as a steroid-sparing agent. Significant improvement in neurological and ophthalmological symptoms occurred in the first week of treatment. In this case report, we emphasized that neurosarcoidosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with both bilateral optic neuropathy and macular ischemia. Furthermore, early diagnosis and timely treatment of neurosarcoidosis are important for favorable visual outcomes

    Emergence of Internet of Things Ecosystem, Smart Home Ecosystem and Smart Home Niche in Sweden

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    Internet of things (IoT) and smart home are two popular subjects on which both the expectations and uncertainties are high. Regarding the smart home niche in Sweden, the market is not thriving in spite of the continuous development in technology. There is a deficiency on direct input from the actors in IoT and smart home ecosystems in the literature, which creates a gap between academia and practices in the field. The focus of this MSc thesis is to bridge this gap with the aim of exploring the emergence of IoT ecosystem, smart home ecosystem and the smart home niche in Sweden, in terms of actors’ involvement, visions and expected benefits, by using the lens of ecosystem and strategic niche management perspectives. A comprehensive literature review and two in-depth workshops are conducted involving various actors. After synthesizing the results, the conclusions are: neither the values in IoT and smart home ecosystems nor how the value networks are being shaped is clear for most of the actors; hence, they are reluctant to take initiative. End-users’ views on ‘smart home’ alter from one to another; yet, they all need to see smart home solutions meeting with their immediate needs. Today, the smart home niche in Sweden is slowly raising from the ashes of the late 1990s failed attempts, and it is mainly driven by different actors’ involvement in state-funded projects.Sakernas internet (internet of things – IoT) och smarta hem är två växande ämnen där det både finns höga förväntningar och stor osäkerhet. Trots den tekniska utvecklingen på marknaden verkar denna nisch inte växa i Sverige. Bristen på direkt input från aktörer inom IoT och smarta hem i litteraturen skapar ett gap mellan akademin och praxis i detta område. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att överbrygga denna klyfta i syfte att utforska framväxten av IoT-ekosystem, smarta hem-ekosystem och den smarta hemnischen i Sverige, när det gäller aktörers engagemang, vision och förväntade fördelar, genom att använda en ekosystemlins och strategiska nischhanteringsperspektiv. En omfattande litteratgenomgång och två fördjupade workshops har genomförts med olika aktörer. Efter att ha sammanställt resultaten är slutsatserna: varken värdena för IoT och smarta hemekosystem eller hur värdenätverket utformas är klart för de flesta aktörer, och därför är de motvilliga att ta initiativ. Konsumenternas bild av ”smarta hem” varierar, men trots det behöver de se smartahemprodukter och tjänster som kan möta deras omedelbara behov. I nuläget växter nischen för smarta hem i Sverige långsamt ur askan från det sena 1990-talets misslyckade försök, och den drivande kraften är framförallt olika aktörers deltagande i statligt finansierade projekt

    Hilmi Ziya Ülken düşüncesinde din-ahlâk ilişkisi

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    ÖZET Hilmi Ziya Ülken son dönem Türk düşüncesinde önemli yeri olan mütefekkirlerimizdendir. Din ve ahlâk gibi iki önemli konunun da insanlığın en eski konularından olduğu bir gerçektir. Çalışmamızda din ve ahlâk konusunu Ülken’in fikirleri çerçevesinde öncelikle ayrı ayrı ele aldık. Din konusundaki önemli tanım ve tespitlerini, belirli sınıflandırmalarını, analizlerini değerlendirdikten sonra diğer bölümde ahlâk konusunda birçok eseri olan düşünürün, ahlâkın temeli ve amacı konusundaki düşüncelerini, ahlâk nazariyelerine getirdiği eleştirilerini, öngördüğü kendi ahlâk sistemini ayrıca değerlendirdik. Son bölümde de iki alan arasında ki ilişkiyi yine düşünürün fikirleri çerçevesinde ortaya koymaya çalıştık.--------------------ABSTRACT Hilmi Ziya Ülken is one of the thinkers who has an important place in the last periof of Turkish World of thought. It is a fact that religion and ethics are the two important ancient fields of humanity. İn our study first, we have dealt with the fields of religion and ethics separately within the frame of Ülken’s World of thought. We have evaluated definitions and determinations, certain classifications and analyses in the field of religion, in after section we have evalvated the views of the thinker about the basis and the aim of the ethics, his criticism about thearies of ethics and views about his own ethic system. İn the last section we have tried to reveal the relation betwen these two fields within the frame of the thinkers views