1,933 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jumlah Ruas Dan Sudut Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Ubijalar ( Ipomoea Batatas L.) Lamb

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah ruas dan sudut tanam terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi beberapa varietas ubijalar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dilahan masyarakat amplas, Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia dengan ketinggian tempat + 25 m diatas permukaan laut, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan juni 2015 sampai dengan oktober 2015. Menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga faktor perlakuan yaitu : varietas (Antin-1 dan Sari), jumlah ruas ( jumlah ruas dua dan jumlah ruas tiga) dan sudut tanam (450 dan 00). Parameter yang diamati adalah pertambahan panjang tanaman, bobot umbi per sampel, jumlah umbi per sampel, panjang umbi per sampel, diameter umbi per sampel, bobot umbi per plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan panjang tanaman, bobot umbi per sampel, jumlah umbi per sampel, panjang umbi per sampel, diameter umbi per sampel, bobot umbi per plot. Interkasi antara varietas dan ruas berpengaruh nyata pada pertambahan panjang tanaman. Interkasi antara varietas dan sudut tanam berpengaruh nyata pada pertambahan panjang tanaman Interkasi antara ruas dan sudut tanam berpengaruh nyata pada pertambahan panjang tanaman. Interkasi antara varietas, ruas dan sudut tanam berpengaruh nyata pada pertambahan panjang tanaman

    The Effectiveness of Development Planning of Civil Servants Apparatus in Improving Competence in 2019

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    This study examines the effectiveness of the development planning of the state civil apparatus in increasing competence. The research objective is to understand how the planning for the development of the state civil apparatus in increasing competence by the Bener Meriah District Education and Training Personnel Board. The theoretical perspectives used are public administration theory, planning effectiveness theory, state civil servant resource management theory, and competency development. The research method used is qualitative. The results showed that planning for the development of the state civil apparatus in increasing competence by BKPP Bener Meriah Regency is still not effective, this can be seen from the indicators of planning effectiveness according to Cambel JP, including program success, target success, satisfaction with the program, levels of input and output and achievement of goals. all of which are still ineffective. Internal obstacles are due to the lack of budget for the education and training program so that they cannot provide competency development training for ASNs, and external obstacles are due to the lack of interest in ASNs to improve competence due to high training costs and lack of commitment from SKPK leaders in Bener Meriah Regency in motivating ASNs to improve their competence


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    Badal haji untuk orangpyang telahpwafat dalam perspektif mazhab maliki dan mazhab syafi’i yakni dalam pelaksanaan badal haji adanya perbedaan pendapat dikalangan ulama mazhab, adapyang membolehkanpdan adapyang tidak boleh. Yang membolehkanpialah mazhab syafi’i sedangkan yang tidak membolehkan ialah mazhab maliki. menurut mazhab maliki tidaklah boleh diwakilkan dengan alasan ibadah haji tidak dapat digantikan dengan orang lain sebagaimana shalat dan puasa sedangkan menurut sebagian ulama terkhusus mazhab syafi’i boleh diwakilkan dengan alasan jikalau seseorang yang telah memenuhi syaratnya wajib hajipnamun telah meninggalpdunia sebelumpiapmelaksanakannya maka boleh segera diwakilkan. Adapun yang menjadi rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalahpbagaimana badalphaji untukporang yangptelahpwafat dalam pandangan mazhabpmaliki dan mazhab syafi’i dan apa persamaan dan perbedaan badalphaji untukporang yangptelah wafatpmenurut mazhabpmaliki dan mazhab syafi’i. Adapunpmetode yang digunakanpdalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sumberpdata yangpdigunakan dalamppenelitian inipadalah sumberpdatapsekunder, metodeppengumpulan datapyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode  yang melalui studi kepustakaan yang disebut dengan Library reseach, yaitu dilakukan melalui cara mencari, mengkaji, serta menela’ah atau menganalisa pendapat dan perspektif para ulama yang terdapat dalam buku-bukunya sesuai dengan pembahasan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa menurut pendapat mazhab Maliki bahwa siapa pun yang wajib mengerjakan haji pada rukun Islam, yaitu haji fardhu, tidaklah boleh diwakilkan kepada siapa pun untuk mengerjakan haji sebagai pengganti dirinya. Baik dia sehat ataupun sakit yang diharapkan kesembuhannya. Hal ini di dasari dengan ibadah haji merupakan ibadah yang mendominan pada fisik maka hal ini tidak holeh diwakilkan kepada orang lain. Sedangkan menurut pendapat mazhab Syafi’i bahwa badal haji boleh untuk mereka yang lemah (orang yang sakit atau sudah berlanjut usia) dan bagiporang yang telahpmeninggal dunia. Denganpsyarat orang yang meninggal tersebut belum sama sekali melaksanakan ibadah haji. Adapun persamaan antara mazhab Maliki dan mazhab Syafi’i adalah bahwa kedua-duanya mengatakan ibadah haji itu wajib dilaksanakan bagi orang yangpmampu baikpsecara fisik, finansial dan keamanan. Dan keduanya sepakat juga bahwasanya badal haji itu boleh dibadalkan. Namun letak pada perbedaannya bahwa mazhab Maliki mengatakan harus memakai wasiat sedangkan mazhab Syafi’i tanpa dengan wasiat tetap dibolehkan.   Kata Kunci: Badal haji untuk orang yang telah wafat.   Abstract The badal hajj for people who have died is in the perspective of the maliki and shafimazhab, namely in the implementation of badal haj there are differences of opinion among mazhab scholars, some allow and some are not allowed. The ones that allow are the syafi'i schools while those who do not allow are the maliki schools. according to the Maliki mazhab it cannot be represented on the grounds that the pilgrimage cannot be replaced by other people such as prayer and fasting, while according to some scholars, especially the shafi'i school, it can be represented on the grounds that if someone who has met the requirements is obliged to do Hajj but has passed away before he performs it then he may immediately represented. As for the formulation of the problem in this study is how badal hajj for people who have died in the view of the mazhabmaliki and mazhabsyafi'i and what are the similarities and differences of badal hajj for people who have died according to mazhabmaliki and mazhabsyafi'i. The method used in this research the writer uses a qualitative approach, the data sources used in this research are secondary data sources, the data collection method used in this research is a method through library research called library research, which is done by means of looking for, studying, and analyzing or analyzing the opinions and perspectives of the scholars contained in their books in accordance with the discussion. Thepresults of thispstudy indicatepthat accordingpto the opinionpof the Maliki school, anyone who is obliged to perform Hajj in the pillars of Islam, namely haji fardhu, should not be represented by anyone to perform Haj as a substitute for himself. Either he is healthy or sick, he is expected to recover. This is based on the fact that the pilgrimage is the dominant worship in the physical so that this cannot be represented by other people. Meanwhile, according to the opinion of the Syafi'imazhab that badal haji is allowed for those who are weak (people who are sick or have aged) and for people who have died. With the condition that the person who died has never performed the pilgrimage at all. The similarities between the Maliki mazhab and the Syafi'i school are that both say that the pilgrimage is obligatory for people who are physically, financially and secure. And both of them agreed that the Hajj badal was allowed to be legalized. However, the difference lies in the fact that the Maliki school says that you must use a will, while the Syafi'i school without a will is still permitted.   Keywords: Badal Hajj for people who have dea

    Keterkaitan Karakteristik Kawasan Transit Berdasarkan Prinsip Transit Oriented Development (TOD) terhadap Tingkat Penggunaan Kereta Komuter Koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo

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    Koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo telah dilayani dengan kereta komuter dalam mendukung tulang punggung transportasi perkotaan Surabaya. Namun penggunaan moda ini belum optimal. Hal ini dilihat dari besarnya pergerakan penduduk yang masih didominasi oleh penggunaan kendaraan pribadi menyebabkan kemacetan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan strategi inovatif yang mengedepankan integrasi antara penggunaan lahan dengan transportasi, salah satunya melalui konsep Transit Oriented Development (TOD) di kawasan stasiun kereta di sepanjang koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo. Sebagai upaya pengimplementasiannya, perlu dilakukan studi mengenai keterkaitan karakteristik kawasan transit berbasis TOD terhadap jumlah penggunaan kereta komuter koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo. Melalui analisis korelasi diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa kepadatan penggunaan lahan (KLB), index keberagaman guna lahan (mixed use entrophy index) perdagangan dan jasa dan fasilitas umum, rata-rata lebar jalur pejalan kaki, dan luas jalur pejalan kaki signifikan memiliki hubungan korelasi yang kuat dengan tingkat penggunaan kereta komuter. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya potensi pengembangan kawasan transit berbasis TOD pada koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo dalam mendorong penggunaan kereta komuter


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    Classification is a method for compiling data systematically according to the rules that have been set previously. In recent years classification method has been proven to help many people’s work, such as image classification, medical biology, traffic light, text classification etc. There are many methods to solve classification problem. This variation method makes the researchers find it difficult to determine which method is best for a problem. This framework is aimed to compare the ability of classification methods, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), and Backpropagation, especially in study cases of image retrieval with five category of image dataset. The result shows that K-NN has the best average result in accuracy with 82%. It is also the fastest in average computation time with 17,99 second during retrieve session for all categories class. The Backpropagation, however, is the slowest among three of them. In average it needed 883 second for training session and 41,7 second for retrieve session

    Kewenangan Dan Kedudukan Dinas Syariat Islam Dalam Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Aceh

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    This study was conducted to determine how the relationship between institutions andenforcement of Syariat Islam in Aceh as well how the process of cooperation as well as theseparation of powers between the relevant institutions. The objectives to be achieved in thisresearch is to identify and analyze the role of the Department of Syariat Islam and itsposition in the governance of Aceh. This type of research is qualitative descriptive researchtype with survey research, by analyzing data in the field on a direct source in the form ofwords, the picture is not numbers, data obtained include interviews, field notes, documentsand so on others. This study aims to describe, summarize a variety of conditions, varioussituations that arise on implementation of Islamic Law in Aceh local governance which is theobject of this study, based on what happened then raised to the surface of the character /picture of conditions and circumstances. The focus of research is the Islamic Lawenforcement agencies in Aceh who participated in providing support and assist theDepartment in enforcing the Syariat Islamic Law.From the data processing research showed that the relationship of the Department ofSyariat Islam in Aceh with the relevant institutions have close cooperation and mutualsupport in the enforcement of Shariah. Cooperation between the Department of Islamic Lawwith the relevant institutions have been better when compared to previously where therelevant institutions to help the enforcement of Syariat Islam only as guidance only, but nowthe Department of Islamic Law together with the relevant institutions can conduct training,investigation, interrogation until the execution which will be performed by the judiciary ofSyariat Islam law in Aceh on the legality and authority he had. Socialization provided by thegovernment of Aceh has also been quite good, with a positive response from the people ofAceh and the Aceh government's support of the enforcement of Syariat Islam in Kaffah torealitation

    Statistical modeling and mix design optimization of fly ash based engineered geopolymer composite using response surface methodology

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    © 2018. This version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Fly ash-based geopolymer binders have been identified as one of the alternatives to the Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), which qualify the criteria of green construction material. In the process of enhancement of the properties of geopolymer; engineered geopolymer composite (EGC) is a recent development that is classified as the high-performance fiber reinforced geopolymer matrix. The philosophy of the development of EGC is to achieve high compressive strength and ductility. In this paper, statistical models are developed to predict the mechanical and post-cracking properties of EGC using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). In this regard, effects of three principal variables; molarity of sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio, and curing temperature on the properties of fresh and hardened EGC (setting time, compressive strength, elastic modulus, flexural strength, flexural toughness, ductility index, tensile strength, tensile first crack strength and tensile strain capacity) were investigated. All models are found significant because, and the difference between predicted R2 and adjustable R2 was found less than 0.2. The optimized mixture proportion was assessed using multi-objective optimization technique as discussed in the RSM literature. Finally, an experimental program was performed to validate the optimized mixture proportion. The predicted and experimental results were found in a close agreement because the variation between the predicted and the experimental results was obtained less than 5%. The proposed method can be performed for any objective value of the EGC property with desirability almost equal to one, improving the yield, the reliability of the product and the processes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Patterns of Using Masks in Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission in Makassar, Indonesia

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    The case of Covid-19 infection rate in Makassar, Indonesia is still high. Recently, the government is still implementing community activity restriction to reduce the rate of the pandemic. However, this is not enough, the policy needs to be accompanied by increasing the effectiveness of other intervention measures, including masks. This study aims to provide an overview of the behavioral pattern of using masks in the public area in Makassar. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data in taking appropriate steps in increasing efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in Makassar. The results of the study showed that public awareness in using masks is quite high, the motivation to use masks mostly comes from intrinsic motivation, and dominantly of the subject has been able to adapt to the behavior of wearing masks. However, some behaviors of wearing masks still need to be improved with health education, including frequently put on and take off behavior when using masks, the length of time using masks replacing with new or clean ones, management of masks that have been used so those masks are disposed of in a closed container as much as possible. To maintain the behavior of wearing masks in the public, it is necessary to conduct further research on the proper technique of wearing masks to reduce the feeling of shortness of breath and discomfort that mask users complain about and the prevention of condensation on glasses users when wearing masks.

    Online condition monitoring of MV cable feeders using Rogowski coil sensors for PD measurements

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    Condition monitoring is a highly effective prognostic tool for incipient insulation degradation to avoid sudden failures of electrical components and to keep the power network in operation. Improved operational performance of the sensors and effective measurement techniques could enable the development of a robust monitoring system. This paper addresses two main aspects of condition monitoring: an enhanced design of an induction sensor that has the capability of measuring partial discharge (PD) signals emerging simultaneously from medium voltage cables and transformers, and an integrated monitoring system that enables the monitoring of a wider part of the cable feeder. Having described the conventional practices along with the authors' own experiences and research on non-intrusive solutions, this paper proposes an optimum design of a Rogowski coil that can measure the PD signals from medium voltage cables, its accessories, and the distribution transformers. The proposed PD monitoring scheme is implemented using the directional sensitivity capability of Rogowski coils and a suitable sensor installation scheme that leads to the development of an integrated monitoring model for the components of a MV cable feeder. Furthermore, the paper presents forethought regarding huge amount of PD data from various sensors using a simplified and practical approach. In the perspective of today's changing grid, the presented idea of integrated monitoring practices provide a concept towards automated condition monitoring.This work is done under the project Smart Condition Monitoring of Power Grid that is funded by the Academy of Finland (Grant No. 309412)
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