125 research outputs found

    In Vitro Fertility of Post-thawed Epididymal Ram Spermatozoa After Storage at 5 Ā°C Before Cryopreservation

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    This study addressed the effects of storage duration of epididymides at 5 Ā°C before sperm collection and their fertility after cryopreservation in vitro. Spermatozoa from one of the testes pairs were immediately collected, evaluated and frozen (control group). The remaining epididymides were cooled to 5 Ā°C and stored for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h (experimental groups), after which spermatozoa were collected and frozen as in the control group. Before and after thawing, sperm motility, sperm viability and plasma membrane integrity were assessed. The fertilizing ability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa of each group was evaluated by in vitro fertilization of matured sheep oocytes. Sperm quality (sperm motility, viability, and plasma membrane integrity) at collection and after cryopreservation decreased as the duration of the epididymal storage interval increase (P < 0.05). The motility decreased steadily along the studied time periods. Although, the fertilizing ability of post-thawed epididymal spermatozoa gradually decreased as the storage period was prolonged, the spermatozoa collected from the cauda epididymides stored at 5 Ā°C for up to 96 h were able to fertilize 16%-65% of oocytes in vitro. Results of the present study showed that ram epididymal spermatozoa survive in storage at 5 Ā°C for up to 96 h. These spermatozoa maintain their fertilizing ability and may be suitable for use in IVF and other assisted reproductive procedures


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    Background : Nowadays people tend to use natural ingredients as a form of alternative medication, one of them Zingiber officinale, a kind of Zingiberaceae, believed as a medication for many diseases. As reported from the previous research, essential oil of Zingiber officinale had an antifungal effect on Klebsiella pneumonia and itā€™s extract affected on Candida albicans. Objective : The purpose of this study was to know chromatogram profile and antifungal activity of Zingiber officinale for Mallassezia furfur in vitro. Method : This study was experimental study using the ā€œpost test only control group designā€. Sample was essential oil of Zingiber officinale isolated by thin layer chromatograpy and Malassezia furfur with standard Mc Farland 0,5. The Silica Gel GF 254 as stationer phase and Chloroform benzene as mobile phase with 1:1 equation and UV light 254 nm as a spot clearing was used and to check antifungal activity, it was divided into 5 groups and a control groups. The test groups mixed with the different dose of Zingiber officinale from 6,25 % v/v until 100 % v/v. And the control group was positive control. Incubation was done for 2 days at 37o temperatures. Evaluation was carried on by seeing fungusā€™s growth in mediumā€™s surface. Result : The results of analysis using thin layer chromatography was found 4 spot. Antifungal activity determine after Kruskal-Wallis Test was done, the result was significant (p<0,05) and followed by Mann-Whitney Test, significant all of the doses. Conclusions : Zingiber officinale has four compoundsn that probably belonged to terpenā€™s group. Antifungal Zingiber officinale againts Malassezia furfur efectiv from concentration 6,25 % v/v. Keywords : Essential oil, Zingiber officinale Rosc, Malassezia furfu


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    Geological conditions at Tembalang areas and its surround, Semarang, as a Undulating ā€“ Hillocky morphology. Thatā€™s can be represented lithological and structural conditions. This surveys used the Geoelectrical sounding and combined with geological surface mapping. There are 15 points sounding of Geoelectrical, after interpreted with geological surface mapping, can be conclusion the Breccias lithologic overlay on the upper of Limestones lithologic and finding the reverse fault in the part north of areas survey. Keywords :Geoelectrical, reverse faul

    In Vitro Fertility of Post-thawed Epididymal Ram Spermatozoa after Storage at 5 Ā°C before Cryopreservation

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    This study addressed the effects of storage duration of epididymides at 5 Ā°C before sperm collection and their fertility after cryopreservation in vitro. Spermatozoa from one of the testes pairs were immediately collected, evaluated and frozen (control group). The remaining epididymides were cooled to 5 Ā°C and stored for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h (experimental groups), after which spermatozoa were collected and frozen as in the control group. Before and after thawing, sperm motility, sperm viability and plasma membrane integrity were assessed. The fertilizing ability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa of each group was evaluated by in vitro fertilization of matured sheep oocytes. Sperm quality (sperm motility, viability, and plasma membrane integrity) at collection and after cryopreservation decreased as the duration of the epididymal storage interval increase (P &lt; 0.05). The motility decreased steadily along the studied time periods. Although, the fertilizing ability of post-thawed epididymal spermatozoa gradually decreased as the storage period was prolonged, the spermatozoa collected from the cauda epididymides stored at 5 Ā°C for up to 96 h were able to fertilize 16%-65% of oocytes in vitro. Results of the present study showed that ram epididymal spermatozoa survive in storage at 5 Ā°C for up to 96 h. These spermatozoa maintain their fertilizing ability and may be suitable for use in IVF and other assisted reproductive procedures

    Pengaruh Experiental Marketing dan Persepsi Nilai terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen dengan Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Pengunjung Damar Coffee Malang

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of experiential marketing and perceived value on consumer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable for visitors to damar coffee Malang. The population in this study were all visitors to Damar Coffee Malang City. The sample used is some visitors to Damar Coffee Malang City. The technique used in sampling is accidental sampling technique, the sample selected is 100 respondents. The data were collected using a questionnaire method. The data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS software version 14 (Statistical Products and Service Solutions version 14). The results showed that Experiential Marketing has a direct effect on Customer Satisfaction, Perception of Value has a direct effect on Customer Satisfaction, Experiential Marketing has a direct effect on Consumer Loyalty, Perception of Value has a direct effect on Consumer Loyalty, Consumer Satisfaction has a direct effect on Consumer Loyalty, Experimental Marketing has a direct effect on Customer Loyalty. Indirectly on Consumer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as an intervening variable and Value Perception indirectly on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as an intervening variable.Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Perception of Value, Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfactio

    Habitat Quality Mud Crab (Scylla Serrata) in Mangrove Ecosystem of Bintan Bay, Bintan Distric, Riau Islands

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of small scale fisheries commodity that have high economic value and typically associated with good mangrove ecosystem. A habitat degradation will cause a serious impact on the existence of mud crab population. The puropse of this study was to assess the ecological quality of mud crab habitat condition on Bintan Bay's mangrove ecosystem. Ecological data collection was conducted by using plots line transect for mangrove and the mud carb data collection by using fishermen catch (fisher based survey). The results showed the value of habitat quality index (HQI) of mud crab (Scylla serrata) ranged from 52-82 which mean in the ā€œmoderateā€ category (index value 43-66) and "good" (index value 67-90). It showed that Bintan Bay's mangrove ecosystems was good enough to support the viability of mud crab. Habitat quality had a linier impact on body weight gain (R2 = 99.78%) and carapace width (R2= 99.21%). This showed that higher the index value of habitat quality, the size of the body weight and carapace width will increases


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    This study sought to examine the perspectives of studentsā€™ master program in Islamic religious education towards Sufism and Tarekat (Sufi orders). Specifically, the analysis focuses on their beliefs regarding the influence of foreign practices on Sufism and their explanations of the controversial doctrines associated with Tarekat. Utilizing a qualitative approach, the study deployed eight respondents who demonstrated high proficiency in the Sufism course. The research employed documentation studies and in-depth interviews as primary techniques. Before and after the Sufism course, respondents underwent assessments to gauge their attitudes towards the central tenets of Sufism and Tarekat. Results of this study indicated significant shifts in viewpoints, with the majority initially holding opposing perspectives that evolved positively after the course. Many graduates embraced Tarekat under the guidance of a MurshĆ®d (spiritual guide) and accepted doctrines such as dhikr-tarekat, talqin-dhikr, ma'rifat, and wahdat al-wujĆ»d. Consequently, Sufism lectures were found to have a constructive impact on fostering religious moderation among students, countering the negative narrative propagated by the Salafi campaign against Sufism and Tarekat. The findings suggest the importance of delivering Sufism lectures in master's program for Islamic religious education, emphasizing an objective approach due to their effectiveness in shaping graduate students' attitudes towards Tarekat


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    Abstract:Strengthening spiritual values through the dimensions of tasawwuf learning is one of the efforts to improve changes in students' moral mentality. Sheikh Ali Jum'ah as a charismatic cleric at Al-Azhar University and a former Mufi of Egypt, one of the international scholars who payed attention to the discourse, according to him, instilling modern Sufistic values of Sufism in the young generation can be a supporter of forming a young age who is religious and has good intellect. This article aims to examine and explore the Sufistic concept of AlÄ« Jum'ah to increase individual piety and discuss the relevance of its Sufistic theory to the learning of Islamic Religious Education in Higher Education. Using a literature review approach, his works are collected from various sources and studied interactively through the Islamic studies approach. The primary reference source is his work entitled At-TharÄ«q Ilā Allah, while the second reference refers to other books. The Sufistic concept of AlÄ« Jum'ah is built on six main principles where the axis is Allah Al-Makshd Al-Kulli. At the practical level, repentance, tafakkur, tadabbur, and consistency in dhikr are the primary tools for ma'rifatullah. Manhaj, the existence of a Murshid and a Salik are the essential pillars in the world of Sufism. Its sufistic relevances in PAI learning which substantially impacts on strengthening the five main components, namely learning objectives, learning materials, learning approaches, lecturers, and students in higher education.Abstrak: Memperkuat nilai-nilai spiritualitas melalui dimensi pembelajaran tasawwuf merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki perubahan mentalitas akhlak pada siswa. Syeikh Ali Jumā€™ah sebagai ulama kharismatik Universitas Al-Azhar dan manfat Mufi Mesir salah satu ulama internasional yang menaruh perhatian terhadap diskurus tersebut dimana menurutnya menanamkan nilai-nilai sufistik tasawwuf modern terhadap generasi muda dapat menjadi penyokong membentuk generasi muda yang religius serta memiliki intelektualitas baik. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelaah serta menjelajahi konsep sufistik AlÄ« Jumā€™ah dalam rangka meningkatkan kesalehan individu serta mengkaji relevansi teori sufistiknya terhadap pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Perguruan Tinggi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan literature review, karya-karya beliau dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber serta dianalisis secara interaktif melalui pendekatan Islamic studies. Sumber rujukan primer diambil dari karyanya berjudul At-TharÄ«q Ilā Allah sedangkan rujukan sekunder merujuk kepada kitab-kitab yang lainnya. Konsep Sufistik AlÄ« Jumā€™ah dibangun atas enam kaidah utama dimana porosnya adalah Allah Al-MakshÅ«d Al-Kulli. Tataran praktisnya, aktivitas taubat, tafakkur, tadabbur, dan konsistensi dalam dzikir menjadi alat utama menuju maā€™rifatullah. Manhaj, keberadaan Mursyid dan Seorang Salik merupakan rukun-rukun esensial dalam dunia tasawwuf. Relevansi sufistiknya dalam pembelajaran PAI berdampak kuat terhadap penguatan empat komponen utama yaitu tujuan pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, dosen, serta mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi


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    M. Fahrudin. S 840208112. The Correlation between the Ability of Reading Comprehension, Language Attitude and the Ability of Short Story Appreciation at Elementary School Students In Gugus Yudistira, Selogiri Wonogiri. Thesis: Surakarta: Indonesian Education Study Program, Post Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University. June 2009. This research aimed to determine the correlation between (1) the ability of reading comprehension and the ability of short story appreciation, (2) language attitude and the ability of short story appreciation, and (3) both the ability of reading comprehension and language attitude together and the ability of short story appreciation. The research was carried out at elementary schools in Gugus Yudistira Selogiri Wonogiri, from January to June 2009. The research method used was descriptive of correlational. The population of the research were the elementary school students in Gugus Yudistira Selogiri Wonogiri. The sample consisted of 120 students who were taken by using simple random sampling. The instruments used for data collection were: test for the ability of reading comprehension, test for the ability of short story appreciation; and questionary for language attitude. The technique used for analyzing the data was the statistical technique of regression and correlation. The result of the study shows that: (1) there is a positive correlation between the ability of reading comprehension and the ability of short story appreciation (r y1 = .87 at the level of significance Ī± = .05 with N = 120 where rt = .18); (2) there is a positive correlation between language attitude and the ability of short story appreciation (r y2 = .78 at the level of significance Ī± = .05 with N = 120 where rt = .18; (3) there is a positive correlation between both the ability of reading comprehension and language attitude together and the ability of short story appreciation (R y. 12 = .86 at the level of significance Ī± = .05 with N =120 where rt = .18). The above results show that both the ability of reading comprehension and language attitude simultaneously give significant contribution to the ability of short story appreciation .It means that both variables could be good predictors for the ability of short story appreciation. The analysis also indicates that the correlation between the ability of reading comprehension and the ability of short story appreciation is stronger than that language attitude and the ability of short story appreciation. It means that the ability of reading comprehension be considered a better predictor for the ability of short story appreciation than language attitude. Consequently, the teacher should pay more attention to the ability of reading comprehension than the other aspect -- - language attitude --- in improving short story appreciation class
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