1,423 research outputs found


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    This article analyzes the official discourses of US ex-President George W. Bush and discursive elements that enabled him to build an identity dichotomy, represented on the one hand, the ‘terrorists’ and, on the other side, by ‘American’, being able to justify their actions in the international arena, culminating with the military intervention in Iraq in March, 2003. Supported by the theoretical basis provided by the poststructuralist, specially the arguments provided by authors such as David Campbell and Lene Hansen, and based on the assertion that the discourse matter and is the own reality, this research argues about the importance of understanding the intersection between identity and foreign policy, reflected in the myths and symbols around issues such as terrorism, democracy and weapons of mass destruction. At the end, I conclude that, more than discourses, the elements raised by the former president were able to shape a particular perception of ‘terrorists’ and ‘Americans’, and thereby direct all US foreign policy issues in international security.Keywords: Identity; Terrorists; Discourse; George W. Bush; United States.Este artigo analisa os discursos do ex-presidente norte-americano George W. Bush e os elementos discursivos que o permitiram construir uma dicotomia identitária, representada, por um lado, pelos ‘terroristas’ e, por outro, pelos ‘americanos’, sendo capaz de justificar suas ações em esfera internacional, culminando com a intervenção militar no Iraque em março de 2003. Com a base teórica fornecida pela teoria pós-estruturalista, sobretudo amparada nos argumentos teóricos levantados por David Campbell e Lene Hansen, e partindo da assertiva de que o discurso importa e se constitui na própria realidade, esta pesquisa argumenta da importância de se compreender o entrecruzamento entre identidade e política externa, refletida nos mitos e simbologias em torno de temas como terrorismo, democracia e armas de destruição em massa. Ao final, concluo que, mais do que discursos, os elementos levantados pelo ex-presidente foram capazes de moldar uma percepção particular dos ‘terroristas’ e dos ‘americanos’, e, com isso, orientar toda a política externa norte-americana em questões de segurança internacional.

    Soberania: um conceito em busca de definição

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    This essay critically analyze the historical evolution of state sovereignty and how the linguistic turn in the 1980s has changed its perception. We conclude that is a big challenge its study, but extremely important considering the current transformations nowadays, specially in times of international cooperation.Este artigo analisa a evolução histórica acerca da soberania estatal e como a virada linguística na década de 1980 modificou sua percepção. Ao final, concluímos ser desafiador o seu estudo, mas que, dada às constantes transformações atuais, em especial através da cooperação internacional, se mostra de grande relevância

    Developing Bus Rapid Transit Systems In Brazil Through Public Private Partnerships

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    By the end of the 1970’s, Brazil was leading the implementation of high-flow bus priority schemes. Busways were introduced in cities like São Paulo, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Goiânia under the coordination of a Federal agency. But the constitutional reform of 1988 delegated most of the Federal attributions back to States and Cities including those related to urban transit transportation, causing the curtailment of a successful national program. Many Brazilian cities are incapable of contracting financial debts to implement public infrastructures and private investments geared towards implementing new urban transport infrastructure are still very limited. In Brazil, there is a great predominance of buses over rail-based technologies in the provision of transit services. The operation of the transit systems is mostly private, with fares covering vehicle capital and operating costs whereas the public sector provides and maintains the infrastructure for operating the bus services. This paper explores new dimensions for the participation of the private sector in the provision of the transit infrastructure based on publicprivate partnership (PPP) schemes conceived for bus rapid transit (BRT) projects in São Paulo and Porto Alegre. The regulatory-normative framework in Brazil is based on the concept that the State should provide only infrastructure services that are essential and when no other source is available. The 1995 Concessions’ Law provided the legal-institutional framework for private participation to proceed on a wider scale in the country. A 2004 law establishes the general rules for PPP and provides for solid public payment guarantees as part of an additional effort to attract the private sector to invest in infrastructure and to eliminate the existing bottlenecks that have put the Brazilian economic development on hold. BRT systems, as opposed to rail-based technologies, have the ability to deliver a high-quality mass transit system within the budgets of even the low income municipalities. It is estimated that only the Brazilian cities with more than 1 million inhabitants present a potential for implementing 590 km of bus corridors. Most of the already existing busway corridors in Brazil need renovation and BRT systems offer the opportunity of increasing transit productivity while overcoming the problems generated by the irrationality of multiple superimposed radial routes converging to terminals located at the city centres. The BRT project of Porto Alegre consists of a diametral route crossing the city centre and linking trunk and feeding interchange terminals being planned to accommodate areas dedicated to retail and service activities. It is expected that these areas shall generate enough revenues to remunerate private investors, under a PPP scheme, for the construction of the terminals and most of the infrastructure required to upgrade some sections of the existing busways to BRT standards. The BRT project for the East-Northeast zone of São Paulo proposes to use value capture mechanisms made legal by the Statute of the Cities, enacted in 2001. These include the concept of an urban operation – a legally defined set of interventions and projects to be carried out within a specific area – and the issue of tradable certificates of additional building rights in the area. In combination, these mechanisms allow the anticipation of the financial resources required to execute the proposed projects needed to raise property values in the region.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    A produção acadêmica sobre o ensino médio no Brasil (2011-2016)

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    Esta pesquisa se organiza em torno da seguinte questão: como a produção científica tem sinalizado o ensino médio brasileiro? Possui como objetivo mapear, inventariar e analisar a literatura acadêmica sobre essa etapa da escolarização. Do tipo estado do conhecimento, assume como corpus documental: 81 teses, 41 dissertações e 63 artigos publicados no campo da educação. As fontes foram analisadas com base em indicadores bibliométricos: distribuição temporal, procedência autoral, referenciais teóricos mobilizados e temáticas abordadas nas pesquisas. Os resultados sinalizam para um interesse recorrente entre os pesquisadores do campo da educação em discutir o ensino médio a partir da ótica das políticas públicas educacionais

    Prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovasculares em adolescentes e comparação entre sexos

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    ABSTRACT: Objective: to describe and compare the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adolescents, according to sex. Method: cross-sectional study with elementary school students, aged between 12 and 13 years old, enrolled in a public school in São José do Rio Preto, SP. The following instruments were used for data collection: physical activity questionnaire for adolescents (FAQ), anthropometric data (weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference), in addition to the six-minute walk test (6MWT)). The investigated outcomes were insufficient levels of physical activity, excess body weight and low functional capacity. Results: sixty-four adolescents were analyzed, 32 of each sex. The most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor was low functional capacity (76%), followed by insufficiently active level (59%). When comparing the sexes, it was found that low functional capacity was the most prevalent factor in both males (72%) and females (75%). Female adolescents had higher mean BMI (p=0.01) and waist/height ratio (p<0.001) and walked a shorter distance (p=0.03) in the 6MWT than male adolescents. Conclusion: it was observed that low functional capacity was the most prevalent risk factor, regardless of gender. Insufficient levels of physical activity were more prevalent in male adolescents and excess body weight was higher in female adolescents. Keywords: Adolescent; Risk factors; Cardiovascular diseases; Physical activity.RESUMO: Objetivo: descrever e comparar a prevalência de fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares em adolescentes, de acordo com o sexo. Método: estudo transversal com estudantes do ensino fundamental, com idades entre 12 e 13 anos, matriculados em uma escola pública em São José do Rio Preto, SP. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos para coleta de dados: questionário de atividade física para adolescentes (QAFA), dados antropométricos (peso, estatura, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e circunferência da cintura), além do teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6). Os desfechos investigados foram níveis insuficientes de atividade física, excesso de peso corporal e baixa capacidade funcional. Resultados: foram analisados 64 adolescentes, sendo 32 de cada sexo. O fator de risco cardiovascular mais prevalente foi a baixa capacidade funcional (76%), seguida do nível insuficientemente ativo (59%). Na comparação entre os sexos, verificou-se que a baixa capacidade funcional foi o fator mais prevalente tanto no sexo masculino (72%) quanto no feminino (75%). As adolescentes do sexo feminino apresentaram maiores médias de IMC (p=0,01) e de razão cintura/estatura (p<0,001) e percorreram distância menor (p=0,03) no TC6 que os adolescentes do sexo masculino. Conclusão: observou-se que a baixa capacidade funcional foi o fator de risco mais prevalente, independentemente do sexo. Os níveis insuficientes de atividade física foram mais prevalentes nos adolescentes do sexo masculino e o excesso de peso corporal foi superior nas adolescentes do sexo feminino. Palavras-Chave: Adolescente; Fatores de risco; Doenças cardiovasculares; Atividade física

    Bilateral osteoporotic bone marrow defects of the mandible: a case report

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    Osteoporotic bone marrow defect of the jaws has been reported as a poorly demarcated radiolucency that affect mainly posterior mandible of middle-aged woman. The incidence of this condition is not exactly established and its pathogenesis remains unknown. An additional unusual case of osteoporotic bone marrow defects occurring bilaterally in the mandibular edentulous regions of a 32-year-old white woman is presented reinforcing its diagnostic criteria and histopathological findings


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    This paper shows the contribution of journal Movimento to the socio-cultural and pedagogical subfield of Brazilian Physical Education between 2004 and 2014. As a quantitative and qualitative work, it uses Scientometric and Bibliometric techniques to analyze the following indicators: frequency; link with post-graduate studies; funding; type of authorship; academic education; relationship with research groups; and institutional affiliation. The results show increase in collective works as a trend in the PE scientific field; Movimento’s performance in publishing studies produced in Brazil and abroad; and the need for policies that strengthen studies developed in the “periphery” of the National System of Post Graduation.Demuestra la contribución de la revista Movimento para la subárea sociocultural y pedagógica de la Educación Física brasileña, entre 2004 y 2014. De naturaleza cuanti-cualitativa, utiliza técnicas de la Cienciometría y Bibliometría para analizar los siguientes indicadores: periodicidad, vínculo con el posgrado, presencia de financiación, tipo de autoría, formación académica, relación con grupos de investigación y vínculo institucional. Los resultados muestran: el crecimiento de trabajos colectivos como tendencia en el campo científico del área, la actuación de la revista Movimento que vehicula investigaciones producidas en el país e internacionalmente y la necesidad de políticas que potencialicen los estudios desarrollados en la “periferia” del Sistema Nacional de Posgrado. Demonstra a contribuição da revista Movimento para a subárea sociocultural e pedagógica da Educação Física brasileira entre 2004 e 2014. De natureza quanti-qualitativa, faz uso de técnicas da Cienciometria e Bibliometria para analisar os seguintes indicadores: periodicidade; vínculo com a pós-graduação; presença de financiamento; tipo de autoria; formação acadêmica; relação com grupos de pesquisa; e vínculo institucional. Os resultados evidenciam: o crescimento de trabalhos coletivos como tendência no campo científico da área; a atuação da revista Movimento, que veicula pesquisas produzidas no país e internacionalmente; e a necessidade de políticas que potencializem os estudos desenvolvidos na “periferia” do Sistema Nacional de pós-graduação.

    TGF-β1 and its association with clinicopathological features, proliferative activity and prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma : an immunohistochemical study

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    Introduction: The prognostic value of transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-ß1) in oral cancer remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate TGF-β1 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) samples and its association with clinicopathological data, tumor proliferative activity, and patients’ prognosis. Methods: A total of 68 patients with histopathological diagnosis of OSCC were included, as well as 9 cases of normal oral mucosa for comparison purposes. The OSCC sample was categorized according to patients’ outcomes in favorable prognosis (n=30) or unfavorable prognosis (n=38). Immunohistochemical staining for TGF-β1 and Ki-67 were performed. The slides were semi-quantitatively and quantitatively evaluated for TGF-β1 and Ki-67, respectively. Results: TGF-β1 was significantly increased in OSCC compared to normal oral mucosa (<0.01). An inverse correlation was found between TGF-β1 and Ki67 staining in OSCC (p=0.01). No association was found between TGF-β1 expression and OSCC clinicopathological features, prognosis or survival. Conclusions: TGF-β1 had no prognostic value and appears to maintain its suppressive role concerning cell proliferation


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    Small ponds are vital inland water bodies, recognized as small repositories of freshwater biodiversity, but neglected in terms of conservation. Although high-elevation ponds are difficult to sample and monitor, it is important to extend their study, in view of their importance to aquatic biodiversity. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, size structure biomass and diversity of zooplankton community in a temporary pond (Lagoa Seca) of a low-alpine area in the southern part of Serra do Espinhaço mountain in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three ecological aspects were analyzed: (I) the taxonomic composition of the zooplankton assemblage, (II) the size structure and biomass of the main groups in the zooplankton community and (III) whether the morphometric characteristics and biomass of the zooplankton result from the dominance of the microzooplankton, as expected in habitats subjected to frequent and strong disturbances, such as temporary ponds. Zooplankton samples were taken during the rainy period (Oc­tober 2010 to January 2011) in different mesohabitats, from the shallowest areas covered by emergent macrophytes to the open water area covered mainly by submerged macrophytes. The zooplankton community consisted of a small number of taxa (29). Rotifera showed the highest richness, with 21 taxa recorded, of which the most constant species were the cosmopolitan Lecane lunaris, L. obtusa and Lepadella patella. Among the Cladocera, Bosmina freyi and Moina minuta were the pelagic species recorded. The other cladoceran species observed are associated with littoral vegetation, and represented mainly by Alona ossiani, Chydorus pubescens, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Ilyocryptus spinifer. The zooplankton biomass was very low (the maximum dry weight, observed at the peak of the rainy period in January was 62 ?g.m-3). The zooplankton community was dominated by the microzooplankton, with the maximum body length below 900 ?m. This assemblage was very changeable in the short term, both in numerical density and size structure, probably because of the highly variable hydrological regime of the pond. The results from zooplankton composition, including the first record of the rotifer Microcodon clavus to Minas Gerais state and the second in Brazil, highlighted the important role that high-elevation temporary ponds can play as aquatic biodiversity reserves. These unique ecosystems deserve greater efforts of research and monitoring, including studies of their hydrological pat­terns, biological diversity, and adaptive mechanisms of the zooplankton community.Small ponds are vital inland water bodies, recognized as small repositories of freshwater biodiversity, but neglected in terms of conservation.  Although high-elevation ponds are difficult to sample and monitor, it is important to extend their study, in view of their importance to aquatic biodiversity. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, size structure biomass and diversity of zooplankton community in a temporary pond (Lagoa Seca) of a low-alpine area in the southern part of Serra do Espinhaço mountain in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three ecological aspects were analyzed: (I) the taxonomic composition of the zooplankton assemblage, (II) the size structure and biomass of the main groups in the zooplankton community and (III) whether the morphometric characteristics and biomass of the zooplankton result from the dominance of the microzooplankton, as expected in habitats subjected to frequent and strong disturbances, such as temporary ponds. Zooplankton samples were taken during the rainy period (October 2010 to January 2011), in different mesohabitats, from the shallowest areas covered by emergent macrophytes to the open water area, covered mainly by submerged macrophytes. The zooplankton community consisted of a small number of taxa (29). Rotifera showed the highest richness, with 21 taxa recorded, of which the most constant species were the cosmopolitan: Lecane lunaris, L. obtusa and Lepadella patella. Among the Cladocera, Bosmina freyi and Moina minuta were the pelagic species recorded. The other cladoceran species observed are associated with littoral vegetation, and represented mainly by Alona ossiani, Chydorus pubesceus, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Ilyocryptus spinifer. The zooplankton biomass was very low (the maximum dry weight, observed at the peak of the rainy period in January was 62 µg.m-3). The zooplankton community was dominated by the microzooplankton, with the maximum body length below 900 µm. This assemblage was very changeable in the short term, both in numerical density and size structure, probably because of the highly variable hydrological regime of the pond.  The results from zooplankton composition, including the first record of the rotifer Microcodon clavus to Minas Gerais state and the second in Brazil, highlightedt the important role that high-elevation temporary ponds can play as aquatic biodiversity reserves. These unique ecosystems deserve greater efforts of research and monitoring, including studies of their hydrological patterns, biological diversity and adaptive mechanisms of the zooplankton community.Small ponds are vital inland water bodies, recognized as small repositories of freshwater biodiversity, but neglected in terms of conservation.  Although high-elevation ponds are difficult to sample and monitor, it is important to extend their study, in view of their importance to aquatic biodiversity. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, size structure biomass and diversity of zooplankton community in a temporary pond (Lagoa Seca) of a low-alpine area in the southern part of Serra do Espinhaço mountain in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three ecological aspects were analyzed: (I) the taxonomic composition of the zooplankton assemblage, (II) the size structure and biomass of the main groups in the zooplankton community and (III) whether the morphometric characteristics and biomass of the zooplankton result from the dominance of the microzooplankton, as expected in habitats subjected to frequent and strong disturbances, such as temporary ponds. Zooplankton samples were taken during the rainy period (October 2010 to January 2011), in different mesohabitats, from the shallowest areas covered by emergent macrophytes to the open water area, covered mainly by submerged macrophytes. The zooplankton community consisted of a small number of taxa (29). Rotifera showed the highest richness, with 21 taxa recorded, of which the most constant species were the cosmopolitan: Lecane lunaris, L. obtusa and Lepadella patella. Among the Cladocera, Bosmina freyi and Moina minuta were the pelagic species recorded. The other cladoceran species observed are associated with littoral vegetation, and represented mainly by Alona ossiani, Chydorus pubesceus, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Ilyocryptus spinifer. The zooplankton biomass was very low (the maximum dry weight, observed at the peak of the rainy period in January was 62 µg.m-3). The zooplankton community was dominated by the microzooplankton, with the maximum body length below 900 µm. This assemblage was very changeable in the short term, both in numerical density and size structure, probably because of the highly variable hydrological regime of the pond.  The results from zooplankton composition, including the first record of the rotifer Microcodon clavus to Minas Gerais state and the second in Brazil, highlightedt the important role that high-elevation temporary ponds can play as aquatic biodiversity reserves. These unique ecosystems deserve greater efforts of research and monitoring, including studies of their hydrological patterns, biological diversity and adaptive mechanisms of the zooplankton community


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    The study aims to analyze the possibilities and the needs to produce evaluation practices in physical education that take into account the knowledge valued by school education and the specificities of that discipline. It uses autobiographical narrative research as a theoretical and methodological framework.  Subjects are students of the 1st-4th grade elementary school in a municipal school in Serra, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Its sources include drawings, written pedagogical activities and physical education diaries. These evaluation instruments enabled students to narrate their body experiences by transforming mastery knowledge and relational knowledge into object-knowledge. El estudio busca analizar las posibilidades y las necesidades de producir prácticas evaluativas en la Educación Física que lleven en consideración los saberes valorados por la educación escolarizada y por las especificidades de esa asignatura. Utiliza la investigación narrativa autobiográfica como referencia teórico-metodológica y define, como colaboradores, alumnos del primer al cuarto año de la enseñanza fundamental de una escuela municipal del Ayuntamiento de Serra/Espírito Santo. Posee como fuentes: dibujos, actividades pedagógicas escritas y diarios de Educación Física. Esos instrumentos evaluativos posibilitaron que los discentes narrasen sus experiencias corporales, mediante la transformación de los saberes de dominio y relacionales en saberes-objeto. O estudo busca analisar as possibilidades e as necessidades de se produzir práticas avaliativas na Educação Física que levem em consideração os saberes valorizados pela educação escolarizada e pelas especificidades dessa disciplina. Utiliza a pesquisa narrativa autobiográfica como referencial teórico-metodológico e define, como colaboradores, alunos do primeiro ao quarto ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal da Prefeitura de Serra/Espírito Santo. Possui como fontes desenhos, atividades pedagógicas escritas e diários de Educação Física. Esses instrumentos avaliativos possibilitaram aos discentes narrar as suas experiências corporais mediante a transformação dos saberes de domínio e relacionais em saberes-objeto. 