397 research outputs found

    Embates e (re)construção de sentidos na saúde brasileira contemporânea: uma análise pecheutiana

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    Esta dissertação desenvolve-se no bojo do panorama epistemológico da Análise de Discurso Materialista. Movimento desenvolvido por Michel Pêcheux nas brechas entre o materialismo histórico althusseriano, a psicanálise lacaniana e a linguística saussureana. O trabalho se divide em três momentos principais, tem início ao propor uma interlocução entre Saussure e Pêcheux, estabelecendo um diálogo direto entre o “efeito metafórico”, desenvolvido por Pêcheux, e noções centrais em Saussure, tais como analogia e relações sintagmáticas e associativas. No segundo momento, analisa-se o videodocumentário SUS 30 anos, no qual se busca compreender no âmbito do setor saúde os efeitos de sentido, pontos de tensão nas relações de identificação, resistência e assujeitamento, tanto do sujeito enfermeiro quanto da enfermagem como classe profissional. Por fim, de forma a investigar a organização do componente Saúde e seu funcionamento na interpelação dos sujeitos dentro da Constituição Federal de 1988 e da Lei 8080/90, constrói-se uma discussão entre este fragmento de legislação com a análise de discurso e a teoria da história. Ao recontextualizar conceitos e abordagens no âmbito da AAD-69 e articulá-los na busca dos funcionamentos pelos quais os embates e (re)construção de sentidos ocorrem na saúde brasileira, espera-se como contribuição desta dissertação promover interlocuções, mesmo que tímidas, entre as ciências da saúde e a análise de discurso.This thesis adopts the epistemological approach of French Discourse Analysis. It was developed by Michel Pêcheux, as an in-between area of the Althusserian historical materialism, Lacanian psychoanalysis and Saussurean linguistics. The thesis is divided into three main moments. It starts with a critical comparative analysis between Saussure and Pêcheux’s works, establishing connections around key concepts in the former, such as analogy, and syntagmatic and associative relationships with “metaphorical effect” in the latter. Seeking to understand how contradictory processes, such as identification, resistance, power struggle, and subjugation works within the health sector as they occur to both, nurses, and nursing at large, the SUS 30 anos docummentary was analyzed afterwards. At the end, the 1988 Federal Constitution of Brazil, as well as Law 8080/90, were faced with Marx’s theory of history and french discourse analysis to investigate the structure of the health component within the law. While working alongside a renewal movement of Pêcheux’s automated discourse analysis, this thesis intended to build bridges in gaps between health sciences and french discourse analysis by looking at how discourses in Brazilian healthcare can shape and rebuild meanings

    SSM: A Semantic Metasearch Platform for Scientific Data retrieval

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    Scientific research in all fields has advanced in complexity and in the amount of data generated. The heterogeneity of data repositories, data meaning and their metadata standards makes this problem even more significant. In spite of several proposals to find and retrieve research data from public repositories, there is still need for more comprehensive retrieval solutions. In this article, we specify and develop a mechanism to search for scientific data that takes advantage of metadata records and semantic methods. We present the conception of our architecture and how we have implemented it in a use case in the agriculture domain

    Towards natural language question generation for the validation of ontologies and mappings

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The increasing number of open-access ontologies and their key role in several applications such as decision-support systems highlight the importance of their validation. Human expertise is crucial for the validation of ontologies from a domain point-of-view. However, the growing number of ontologies and their fast evolution over time make manual validation challenging. Methods: We propose a novel semi-automatic approach based on the generation of natural language (NL) questions to support the validation of ontologies and their evolution. The proposed approach includes the automatic generation, factorization and ordering of NL questions from medical ontologies. The final validation and correction is performed by submitting these questions to domain experts and automatically analyzing their feedback. We also propose a second approach for the validation of mappings impacted by ontology changes. The method exploits the context of the changes to propose correction alternatives presented as Multiple Choice Questions. Results: This research provides a question optimization strategy to maximize the validation of ontology entities with a reduced number of questions. We evaluate our approach for the validation of three medical ontologies. We also evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of our mappings validation approach in the context of ontology evolution. These experiments are performed with different versions of SNOMED-CT and ICD9. Conclusions: The obtained experimental results suggest the feasibility and adequacy of our approach to support the validation of interconnected and evolving ontologies. Results also suggest that taking into account RDFS and OWL entailment helps reducing the number of questions and validation time. The application of our approach to validate mapping evolution also shows the difficulty of adapting mapping evolution over time and highlights the importance of semi-automatic validation.The increasing number of open-access ontologies and their key role in several applications such as decision-support systems highlight the importance of their validation. Human expertise is crucial for the validation of ontologies from a domain point-of-vi7115FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)2014/14890-

    Analyzing the Evolution of Semantic Correspondences between SNOMED CT and ICT-9-CM

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    International audienceThe combined use of Knowledge Organizations Systems (KOS) including ontologies, terminologies or codification schemas has widespread in e-health systems over the past decades due to semantic interoperability reasons. However, the dynamic aspect of KOS forces knowledge engineers to maintain KOS elements, as well as semantic correspondences between KOS up-to-date. This is crucial to keep the underlying systems exploiting these KOS consistent over time. In this paper we provide a pragmatic analysis of the evolution of mappings between SNOMED CT and ICD-9-CM affected by the evolution of these two KOS

    Requirements for Implementing Mappings Adaptation Systems

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    International audienceOntologies, or more generally speaking, Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) have been developed to support the correct interpretation of shared data in collaborative applications. The quantity and the heterogeneity of domain knowledge often require several KOS to describe their content. In order to assure unambiguous interpretation, overlapped concepts of different, but domain-related KOS are semantically connected via mappings. However, in various domains, KOS periodically evolve creating the necessity of reviewing the validity of associated mappings. The size of KOS remains a barrier for a manual review of mappings, and rather requires the support of (semi-) automatic solutions. This article describes our experiences in understanding how KOS evolution affects mappings. We present our lessons learned from various empirical experiments, and we derive primary elements and requirements for improving the automation of mapping maintenance


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    This study investigates the economic feasibility of a livestock-forest integration system between Nellore cattle and teak species implemented in Fazenda Bacaeri, in the municipality of Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The economic analysis was based on the dataset provided by the Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril and used to elaborate a cash flow, as well as on the following selected criteria, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Profitability Index, for a Minimum Attractive Rate of 4.15% annually. The risk analysis was also carried out using the Monte Carlo probabilistic method, considering seven variables, such as the clearcut and thinning wood price, lean cattle selling price, animal acquisition and forest harvesting costs, thinning and clearcutting yield. The calculated analyzed economic indexes are as follows R$ 4,083,307.77 NPV, 6.48% IRR and 21.36% PI, which indicates the economic feasibility of the studied integration system. The risk analysis shows that this is a low-risk project since the probability of NPV being negative was calculated as 14.4%. However, no matter how efficient the risk prediction tools are, producers must have technical assistance from trained professionals to adequately interpret and mitigate the risks. The studied forest-livestock integration system is economically feasible and low risk


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    The objective of this study was to elaborate a strategic diagnosis about integrating the forest component (teak) into extensive cattle raising areas, in Alta Floresta, northern Mato Grosso state. For this, the SWOT analysis consisted of initially identifying the internal factors, the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization (interviews) and the external factors, opportunities and threats external to the organization (bibliographic search) to elaborate the External and Internal Factor Evaluation Matrices. The data were obtained from applying semi-structured interviews to some of the key players in the agro-industrial chain, such as (3) producers, (3) farm managers, (2) professional technicians from the livestock field, and (3) collaborators of public institutions, and a bibliographic search/review as well. The answers given by each interviewee were scored according to their relevance. The scores assigned to internal and external factor evaluations were 2.83 and 3.24, higher than the average 2.5, indicating that the integration of forest with pasture areas is internally strong while the studied region has a favorable external environment. In general, the produced diagnosis indicates that the integration of livestock-forest is an attractive activity, promoting production diversity and collaborating with local development. However, there must be strategic planning between the different key players (government, public and private sectors) in order to foster the most appropriate activities for the region, guaranteeing the conditions for the consolidation of the forest-livestock integration system, given its great potential in relation to monoculture systems