1,270 research outputs found

    Influencia de la organización del tiempo sobre la creatividad en las agencias de publicidad

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    La creatividad es el principal atributo en la valoración de la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos por las agencias de publicidad. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis sobre cómo la creatividad se ve afectada por la organización del tiempo de trabajo y los horarios en la agencia de publicidad. Se estudian las consecuencias negativas que se derivan de estos aspectos, así como el tipo de medidas que se utilizan para paliar estos efectos negativos. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo se realizaron entrevistas personales a una muestra de directores creativos ejecutivos de las principales agencias de publicidad en España

    Relación de los planificadores estratégicos y los creativos. Aplicación al caso español.

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the Department of Creativity and the Account Planning Department in Spain. The planners are responsible to develop a deep research of the consumer with the objective that this knowledge can serve the creative department to guide communication and effectively reach the consumer. There are reviews on the specific sets and relationships between the Account Department and Creativity, but we do not find any analysis which provides information on the positive or negative interaction of the planners and creative. Thus, to address this reality we have developed a double investigation. On the one hand, we have chosen a quantitative research through a questionnaire to account planners who work in Spain from which were obtained 62 responses and a qualitative study from four in-depth interviews with recognized creative

    Planktonic Chlorophyceae from the lower Ebro River (Spain)

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    On samples obtained in 4 seasonal periods between April 1999 and February 2000 from the last 18 km of Ebro River (Spain) some interesting planktonic coccal green algae (Chlorophyceae) were found. This paper offers comments and taxonomical observations on 60 taxa. Crucigenia smithii (Kirchner) W. et G. S. West, Crucigeniella pulchra (W. et G.S.West) Komárek, Elakatothrix genevensis (Reverdin) Hindák, E. subacuta Koršikov, Nephrocytium schilleri (Kammerer) Comas, Oocystidium ovale Kor{ikov, Pseudoschroederia antillarum (Komárek) Hegewald et Schnepf, Scenedesmus denticulatus var. fenestratus (Teiling) Uherkovich, S. pannonicus Hortobágyi, Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott, Tetrachlorella alternans (G.M. Smith) Koršikov and Tetrastrum komarekii Hindák were found for the first time in this country. The best represented genus was Scenedesmus, with 16 taxa

    Menores y redes ¿sociales?: de la amistad al cyberbullying

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    En el siguiente trabajo se estudian cuatro cuestiones relacionadas con el fenómeno de las redes sociales y el acoso digital, a través de los datos obtenidos por el proyecto Generaciones Interactivas, que entre marzo y junio de 2009 encuestó en España a 13.000 menores de entre 6 y 18 años: ¿Es el acceso a Internet determinante a la hora de estar expuesto a recibir agresiones virtuales? ¿Facilita el acceso el desarrollo de conductas negativas de agresión a terceros? ¿Qué papel juegan el género y la edad en esta realidad de víctimas y agresores? Las redes sociales, tan populares entre este grupo de edad, ¿constituyen un caldo de cultivo para este tipo de prácticas

    Evidence for early Pliocene and late Miocene transgressions in southern Patagonia (Argentina): 87Sr/86Sr ages of the pectinid "Chlamys" actinodes (Sowerby)

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    Numerical ages based on 87Sr/86Sr dating of calcitic shells belonging to the pectinid "Chlamys" actinodes (Sowerby) document the only late Miocene (Tortonian) sea flooding event in the Austral Basin at Cabo Buentiempo (8.95±0.82Ma, 2 s.e.), and provide evidence of the first documented early Pliocene (Zanclean) transgression in Argentina recorded at Cañadón Darwin (5.15±0.18Ma, 2 s.e., Austral Basin) and at Terraces of Cerro Laciar (5.10±0.21Ma, 2 s.e.), southern San Jorge Basin). The sedimentary rocks deposited during the Tortonian are correlated with the youngest beds deposited by the "Entrerriense Sea" that covered northern Patagonia. The Zanclean marine episode is correlated with the long-term cycle represented in the Southern Hemisphere by the flooding events recorded in Cockburn and James Ross Islands (Antarctica) and in North-Central Chile.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Bioclimatology, structure, and conservation perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana deciduous forests on Mediterranean bioclimate in the South-Central part of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The plant variability in the southern Iberian Peninsula consists of around 3500 different taxa due to its high bioclimatic, geographic, and geological diversity. The deciduous forests in the southern Iberian Peninsula are located in regions with topographies and specific bioclimatic conditions that allow for the survival of taxa that are typical of cooler and wetter bioclimatic regions and therefore represent the relict evidence of colder and more humid paleoclimatic conditions. The floristic composition of 421 samples of deciduous forests in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula were analyzed. The ecological importance index (IVI) was calculated, where the most important tree species were Quercuspyrenaica, Aceropalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylusavellana. These species are uncommon in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula, forming forests of little extension. An analysis of the vertical distribution of the species (stratum) shows that the majority of the species of stratum 3 (hemicriptophics, camephytes, geophites, and nanophanerophytes) are characteristic of deciduous forests, and their presence is positively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to humidity and presence of water in the soil (nemoral environments), while they are negatively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to high temperatures, evapotranspiration, and aridity. This work demonstrates that several characteristic deciduous forest taxa are more vulnerable to disappearance due to the loss of their nemoral conditions caused by gaps in the tree or shrub canopy. These gaps lead to an increase in evapotranspiration, excess insolation, and a consequent loss of water and humidity in the microclimatic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Slow and fast micro-field components in warm and dense hydrogen plasmas

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    The aim of this work is the investigation of the statistical properties of local electric fields in an ion-electron two component plasmas for coupled conditions. The stochastic fields at a charged or at a neutral point in plasmas involve both slow and fast fluctuation characteristics. The statistical study of these local fields based on a direct time average is done for the first time. For warm and dense plasma conditions, typically Ne1018cm3N_{e}\approx 10^{18}cm^{-3}, % T_{e}\approx 1eV, well controlled molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of neutral hydrogen, protons and electrons have been carried out. Relying on these \textit{ab initio} MD calculations this work focuses on an analysis of the concepts of statistically independent slow and fast local field components, based on the consideration of a time averaged electric field. Large differences are found between the results of these MD simulations and corresponding standard results based on static screened fields. The effects discussed are of importance for physical phenomena connected with stochastic electric field fluctuations, e.g., for spectral line broadening in dense plasmas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Cyberbullying: un análisis comparativo en estudiantes de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Perú y Venezuela

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    This study explores the issue of cyberbullying from a cross-cultural perspective. The focus is on the examination of the extent of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México, Peru, Venezuela tweens and adolescents’ experiences of cyberbullying. A survey study of 21.000 students from 10 to 18 years. In this paper, “cyberbullying” refers to bullying via electronic communication tools: mobile phone/video/picture/text message, Internet/gaming/instant messaging

    Alcohol and Drug Use by Professional Drivers in Spain

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    Abstract The self evaluation of health status, the presence of pathological processes and the consumption patterns of medicaments and alcohol in a sample of Spanish professional drivers is analyzed in this study. 13% of professional drivers claim to suffer a pathological process, while 12.75% say they are taking medicaments. 46% of professional drivers drink alcohol every week, with an average consumption of 16.8 ± 11.8 grams of pure alcohol per day, and 8.7% have a score of 8 or more points in the AUDIT test. These results show that the presence of pathological processes, the consumption of medicaments, of alcohol and its related problems is frequent in Spanish professional drivers. Introduction The use of alcohol, and to a lesser extent of medicinal drugs, is common in the population (1-4). Earlier studies have also shown frequent consumption of these substances among drivers. There is, however, little information regarding professional drivers, either in Spain or elsewhere

    Tracing drought effects from the tree to the stand growth in temperate and Mediterranean forests: insights and consequences for forest ecology and management

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    How drought affects tree and stand growth is an old question, but is getting unprecedented relevance in view of climate change. Stress effects related to drought have been mostly studied at the individual tree level, mostly investigating dominant trees and using their responses as indicator for the impact at the stand level. However, findings at tree and stand level may differ, as the stand responses include interactions and feedbacks that may buffer or aggravate what is observed at the individual tree level. Here, we trace drought effects on growth and development from tree to the stand scale. Therefore, we analyse annually measured data from long-term experiments in temperate and Mediterranean forests. With this analysis, we aim to disclose how well results of dominant tree growth reflect stand-level behaviour, hypothesizing that drought resistance of dominant trees’ can strongly deviate from the overall sensitivity of the stand. First, we theoretically derive how drought responses at the stand level emerge from the tree-level behaviour, thereby considering that potential drought resistance of individual trees is modulated by acclimation and tree–tree interactions at the stand level and that the overall stress response at the stand level results from species-specific and size-dependent individual tree growth and mortality. Second, reviewing respective peer-reviewed literature (24 papers) and complementing findings by own measurements (22 experiments) from temperate and Mediterranean monospecific and mixed-species forests, we are able to reveal main causes for deviations of tree-level and stand-level findings regarding drought stress responses. Using a long-term experiment in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), we provide evidence that the species-dependent and size-dependent reactions matter and how the size–frequency distribution affects the scaling. We show by examples that tree-level derived results may overestimate growth losses by 25%. Third, we investigate the development of the growth dominance coefficient based on measurements gathered at the Bavarian forest climate stations. We show that drought changes stand biomass partitioning in favour of small trees, reduce social differentiation, and homogenize the vertical structure of forests. Finally, we discuss the drought-related consequences of the social class-specific growth reaction patterns for inventory and monitoring and highlight the importance of these findings for understanding site-specific stand dynamics, for forest modelling, and for silvicultural management