993 research outputs found

    Suplementación de las raciones para vacas lecheras de alta producción con aceites de origen vegetal

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    La presente tesis doctoral se llevó a cabo con el objetivo principal de estudiar la posibilidad de mejorar la calidad nutritiva de la leche de vaca, en particular el contenido en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de la serie n-3 y CLA, y mejorar los rendimientos reproductivos, mediante la incorporación de aceites vegetales insaturados a la ración. Para la realización de la tesis doctoral se realizaron dos pruebas experimentales en las que se utilizaron un total de 380 vacas lecheras de raza Holstein. En la primera prueba se estudiaron los efectos de la suplementación con aceite de soja o de linaza sobre la producción y composición de la leche, así como sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos (AG) de la leche, en comparación con una ración isoenergética e isoproteica, sin grasa añadida, en inicio de lactación. En el segundo trabajo experimental, se utilizaron 374 vacas lecheras de raza Holstein que se agruparon en 6 lotes homogéneos y fueron distribuidos al azar a los distintos tratamientos experimentales, en dos réplicas por tratamiento. Las raciones experimentales fueron las mismas que se utilizaron en el experimento 1. [ABSTRACT]The main aim of this doctoral thesis was to study the possibility of improving both the nutritional quality of cow’s milk, particularly the n-3 series polyunsaturated fatty acid and CLA content, and reproductive performance by incorporating unsaturated vegetable oils in the cattle feed. For the purposes of the thesis, two experiments were carried out on a total of 380 Holstein dairy cows. The first experiment studied the effects of soya or linseed oil supplementation in early lactation on the production, composition and fatty acid profile of the milk, as compared with isoenergetic and isoproteic feed without added fat. In the second experiment 374 Holstein dairy cows were divided into 6 homogeneous groups and randomly assigned to the different experimental treatments, with two replicates per treatment. The feeds administered were the same as in the first experiment

    Efectos del COVID-19 en las principales variables macroeconómicas de España y Castilla y León

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    Cuando se declaró la pandemia mundial del COVID - 19 no podíamos prever los devastadores efectos que causaría para la salud de las personas ni para nuestra economía. En marzo de 2020, en España, se declaró el Estado de Alarma para combatir la primera ola de contagios entre la población. En ese momento, se produce una parada general de toda actividad productiva, salvo excepciones, como fueron los negocios de productos necesarios, farmacias, centros sanitarios, entre otros. Ello causó una disminución sin precedentes en la producción nacional, es decir, en el Producto Interior Bruto. De igual forma, muchos trabajadores vieron sus empleos afectados por las medidas adoptadas. El COVID - 19 también ha producido consecuencias en la inflación. Aunque en los primeros meses la tasa disminuyó, cuando comenzó la recuperación con la apertura de todos los mercados de manera coordinada se produjo una fuerte subida del nivel general de precios, que hoy por hoy se ha convertido en una de las mayores preocupaciones de nuestra economía. Finalmente, mencionar también la deuda pública. En el momento en el que la economía registra crecimiento negativo, las administraciones necesitaron recursos para comprar diferentes productos sanitarios como batas, mascarillas, tests de detección de la enfermedad, etc. Para ello, se acude a la deuda, lo que ha provocado un importante incremento en su tasa. Han sido dos años muy difíciles para nuestra economía y para la de todo el mundo, pero se atisba una ligera recuperación que se acerca a una situación económica similar a la que nos encontrábamos en febrero de 2020.When the global pandemic of COVID - 19 was declared, we couldn't foresee the devastating effects it would have on the health of people or the world economy. In March 2020, in Spain, the State of Alarm was declared to combat the first wave of infections among the population. At that time, there is a general stoppage of all productive activity, with exceptions, such as the businesses of necessary products, pharmacies, health centers, among others. This causes in the economy an unprecedented decrease in national production, that is, in the PIB. Similarly, many workers saw their jobs affected by the measures adopted. COVID - 19 has also had consequences on inflation. Although in the first months the rate decreased, when the recovery began with the opening of all markets in a coordinated manner, there was a sharp rise in the general level of prices that today has become one of the biggest concerns of our economy. Finally, mention also the public debt. At the moment when the economy stops, administrations need resources to buy different health products such as gowns, masks, disease detection tests, etc. To do this, the Debt is used, which has caused a significant increase in its rate. It has been two very difficult years for our economy and for the economy of the whole world, but a slight recovery is beginning to be seen, which is going through an economic situation similar to the one we found ourselves in February 2020.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Derech

    Use of Carbon Additives towards Rechargeable Zinc Slurry Air Flow Batteries

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    The performance of redox flow batteries is notably influenced by the electrolyte, especially in slurry-based flow batteries, as it serves as both an ionic conductive electrolyte and a flowing electrode. In this study, carbon additives were introduced to achieve a rechargeable zinc slurry flow battery by minimizing the zinc plating on the bipolar plate that occurs during charging. When no carbon additive was present in the zinc slurry, the discharge current density was 24 mA∙cm2^{-2} at 0.6 V, while the use of carbon additives increased it to up to 38 mA∙cm2^{-2}. The maximum power density was also increased from 16 mW∙cm2^{-2} to 23 mW∙cm2^{-2}. Moreover, the amount of zinc plated on the bipolar plate during charging decreased with increasing carbon content in the slurry. Rheological investigation revealed that the elastic modulus and yield stress are directly proportional to the carbon content in the slurry, which is beneficial for redox flow battery applications, but comes at the expense of an increase in viscosity (two-fold increase at 100 s1^{-1}). These results show how the use of conductive additives can enhance the energy density of slurry-based flow batteries

    The effects of auditory startle and nonstartle stimuli on step initiation in Parkinson's disease

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    [Abstract] Background. Auditory external cues enhance step initiation in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. We wanted to explore whether a startle reaction has a comparable effect on step initiation in PD. Methods. Thirteen PD patients and 13 aged-matched controls participated in this study. Electromyography pattern and onset toe-off time during a step initiation task were recorded in response to three different stimuli: a visual imperative stimulus; visual stimulus simultaneous with a nonstartle auditory stimulus and with a startle auditory stimulus. Results. In all subjects, onset of tibialis anterior was faster in the startle auditory condition, compared with the nonstartle auditory condition. However, in the patient group, there was no difference in onset of soleus and toe-off between the startle and nonstartle conditions. Conclusions. Startle reaction in PD patients demonstrates a disordered coupling between the anticipatory postural adjustments that initiate the weight shift and the movement to initiate toe-off during step initiation.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; PSI2008-0317

    Aerobic and resistance exercises in Parkinson's disease: a narrative review

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by rigidity, tremor, bradykinesia, and postural instability. Although dopaminergic therapies ameliorate many of the parkinsonian symptoms, especially in the early stages of the disease, as the disease progresses, efficacy of pharmacological therapy is diminished. Therefore, treatment of these symptoms continues to be a challenge. As a result, a significant number of rehabilitation strategies have been explored in order to improve the functional capability in this population. In the last two decades an interest in the role of physical exercise in the treatment of PD has emerged. In the current review we examine two modalities of exercise that have shown beneficial effects in improving motor action, balance, and gait in patients: aerobic training and resistance training. We conclude that although there are promising results suggesting the use of both modalities of exercises for the motor improvement in PD patients, the mechanism underlying these improvements are unknown and more studies with more defined designs and outcome measures are needed to further explore the impact of these two modalities of exercise on PD.La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es un trastorno neurodegenerativo progresivo caracterizado por rigidez, temblor, bradicinesia e inestabilidad postural. Aunque las terapias dopaminérgicas mejoran muchos de los síntomas parkinsonianos, especialmente en las primeras etapas de la enfermedad, a medida que la enfermedad progresa, la eficacia de la terapia farmacológica disminuye. Por lo tanto, el tratamiento de estos síntomas sigue siendo un desafío. Como resultado, se ha explorado un número significativo de estrategias de rehabilitación para mejorar la capacidad funcional en esta población. En las últimas dos décadas he emergido un interés en el papel del ejercicio físico en el tratamiento de la EP. En la presente revisión examinamos dos modalidades de ejercicio que han demostrado efectos beneficiosos en la mejora de la acción motora, el equilibrio y la marcha de los pacientes: el entrenamiento aeróbico y el entrenamiento de fuerza. Concluimos que aunque existen resultados prometedores que sugieren el uso de ambas modalidades de ejercicios para la mejora motora en pacientes con EP, el mecanismo subyacente a estas mejoras es desconocido y se necesitan más estudios con diseños y variables bien definidas para explorar el impacto de estas dos modalidades de ejercicio sobre la EP

    Differences using measured and calculated solar radiation in order to estimate the temperature of the conductor in overhead lines

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    In the last 20 years, installed wind power capacity in North of Spain has grown from 24 to more than 1,650 MW. In this geographical region, wind energy farms are located in places that are far away from the transmission networks so they have to be integrated into distribution networks. Build new overhead lines dedicated for a distribution energy is not the best way to increase the evacuation energy of the wind farms because the cost is quite strong. So, the aim to solve these issues, is by means of an increase in the capacity of existing lines using the dynamic management of the network. This paper is devoted to show the difference of the conductor temperature between the parameter of solar radiation measured by a pyranometer and the use of the theoretical solar radiation which is explained in CIGRE TB601 [1] and IEEE Std. 738-2012 [2] algorithms.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-R. The authors would also like to acknowledge Viesgo for its support