678 research outputs found

    Global and Local Agendas: The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and Innovative Sustainable Food Policies in Euro-Latin American Cities

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between the construction of international agendas and new sustainable local policies. Specifically, it analyzes the framework of sustainable food policy building at global and local scales. In this sense, we explore the international agreement called the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, and its influence on the development of local and global sustainable food-related policies through different innovative methods. To this end, the process of building the international alliance of local governments for the development of sustainable food systems is analyzed first, and secondly, its locations are investigated through the public actions and programs in three cities of the Euro-Latin American region: Madrid, Quito, and Valencia. Two conclusions are clear after our qualitative study: on one hand, local policies are designed and implemented through a double strategy: the substantive construction of the policy and its inclusion in the global agenda. On the other hand, both dimensions are fundamental and reinforce each other, specifically in the case of urban sustainable food policy.Fac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Incorporating the surgical treatment of symptomatic macromastia into a Breast Cancer Unit: could this be a useful management policy?

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    Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (OBS) is becoming an integral part of breast cancer management, but training is difficult and not easily available. We propose a bold management policy: the introduction of the reduction mammaplasty into a Breast Cancer Unit (BCU) as treatment for symptomatic macromastia. This management policy could bring about clear advantages both to patients (larged-breasted patients and those with a breast cancer) and surgeons

    AMELAT XXI: una experiencia de educación virtual de postgrado sobre América Latina

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    Este trabajo recoge la experiencia del proyecto AMELAT XXI, financiado por la Comisión Europea (2001-2003). El proyecto identificaba la necesidad de ofrecer formación de postgrado para aquellos que, deseosos de especializarse en estudios de América Latina, no pudiesen acceder a los estudios presenciales de las universidades tradicionales europeas. Algunos de los logros del mismo fueron la creación de dos cursos virtuales de postgrado sobre América Latina que están especialmente diseñados para estudiarse a distancia. Estos cursos, que son títulos propios de la UCM, se caracterizan por estar impartidos por profesores de seis universidades europeas gracias al uso de Internet y de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educació

    La autonomía territorial y la cuestión etnonacional de los pueblos indígenas: ¿se descoloniza el poder en México?

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    Este ensayo tiene como objetivo principal plantear los problemas ligados a la adopción de la autonomía territorial como el modelo de territorialidad política capaz de satisfacer las demandas de grupos étnicos culturalmente diferenciados y, a la vez, salvaguardar la soberanía del Estado-nación. Se aborda el análisis de la “colonialidad del poder” y se cuestiona hasta qué punto las estrategias indígenas de autonomía territorial luchan contra ella. De manera especial se estudiarán las demandas de autonomía territorial planteadas por las organizaciones indígenas en México, contrastándolas con algunas otras experiencias en Norteamérica y el Pacífico

    A política urbana em Madri: um relato provisório

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    Different stages of urban policies in Madris is our central reflexion of this article, trying to identify periods of internal coherence according to the city model pursuit and the actions developed. The description of actions is completed with an analysis of main key points in order to understand the difference and similitudes of the city model implemented by different governments even from the same party. Therefore, different factors are taken into account: if urban policiy is centered in the internal logic of the city, or if by contrary is oriented to a global context; if city is thought as a political space or mainly as a place for beneficts, or if the leadership of the different stages is local or is belongs to other government levels.El artículo reflexiona sobre las diferentes etapas por las que ha transcurrido la política urbana de la ciudad de Madrid, tratando de delimitar fases que presenten coherencia interna respecto del modelo de ciudad que se persigue y las acciones que se impulsan. La descripción de acciones se completa con una reflexión sobre las claves que permitirían entender las diferencias y similitudes en el modelo de ciudad que plantean distintos gobiernos que pertenecen al mismo partido político. Así se consideran diversos factores: si la política urbana se concentra en la lógica interna de la propia ciudad o se orienta hacia una lógica global; si se considera la ciudad como un espacio político o como un espacio de oportunidades económicas o si el protagonismo o liderazgo de las distintas fases es local o de otros niveles de gobierno.O artigo reflexiona sobre as diferentes etapas pelas quais transcorreu a política urbana da cidade de Madri, buscando delimitar fases que apresentem coerência interna face ao modelo de cidade buscado e as ações impulsionadas. A descrição das ações completa-se com uma reflexão sobre as principais dimensões que permitiriam entender as diferenças e similaridades no modelo de cidade defendido por governos diferentes pertencentes ao mesmo partido político. Consideram-se, desse modo, os seguintes fatores: se a política urbana concentra-se na lógica interna da própria cidade ou se orienta à uma lógica global; se a cidade é considerada como um espaço político ou como um espaço de oportunidades econômicas; ou se o protagonismo ou liderança das diversas fases é local ou de outros níveis de governo

    La experiencia de la inclusión

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    Mange in farmed rabbits

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    [EN] In this study we determined occurrence of mange in breeding rabbits on 1368 commercial farms in Portugal and Spain during 1996-2022. We obtained our information by carrying out 11 737 visits to 1334 doe farms, 11 farms only with growers, and 23 artificial insemination (AI) centres. The median size of the visited doe farms was 450 does (minimum to maximum: 100 2500 does) and 1175 does (ranging from100 to 6000 does) in 1996 and 2022, respectively. AI was used on 9% of the farms visited in 1996 and 95% in 2022. For our diagnoses we used (1) clinical observations on all visited farms to detect sarcoptic mange; (2) examination of the outer ear of breeding rabbits on a subset of farms to assess the prevalence of otodectic clinical mange (OCM); and (3) the examination of breeding rabbits and youngstock does (2.5 to 5.5 mo old) on a subset of 72 farms during 2018 to estimate prevalence of body mange compatible with cheyletiellosis. They were mainly clinical diagnoses, supported sometimes by a laboratorial confirmation. Over the course of the 27-yr clinical study, the cumulative incidence of sarcoptic mange was low; we recorded a total of 13 affected doe farms. The percentage of farms affected by OCM dropped from 55% in 1996 to 28% in 2022. OCM mean prevalence for the period 1996-2022 and 95% binomial confidence interval (CI) were 3.2% (95% CI [3.1-3.3%]), and 3.9% (95% CI [3.7-4.1%]) in does and bucks, respectively. We observed an improvement over time; the OCM yearly mean prevalence decreased from 7% in 1996 to 2.3% in 2022 in females and from 7.2% to 2.2% in males, respectively. This progress was compatible with the use of semen coming from AI centres; biosecurity measures and medical management also contributed. Genetic type was predisposing risk factor for OCM. Enabling risk factors were year and season (more affected in summer). Hair and skin disorders along the back, compatible with cheyletiellosis, were also assessed during 2018; we detected 50% of positive farms with various prevalence results in females, males or young does. In this study, we describe protocols observed in the control of benign and severe cases of mange in rabbitries, which included the use of ivermectin and synthetic acaricides. Ivermectin was used on 36% of doe farms visited during 2018-2022; we suggest that it should be used less often to lower its negative impact on the environment.Rosell, JM.; De La Fuente, LF.; Casais, R. (2024). Mange in farmed rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 32(1):57-71. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2024.20624577132

    A smart city for a more sustainable world: Transforming education through classroom practice

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    El futur de les ciutats no es pot entendre sense la implicació de la ciutadania i la generació d’ecosistemes d’innovació en els quals es puguin desenvolupar processos d’aprenentatge i participació activa. L’escola té el compromís irrenunciable d’afavorir espais d’experimentació personal i social per a l’alumnat, relleu generacional de la comunitat, i d’acompanyar cada infant en el seu itinerari vers els seus màxims horitzons d’èxit educatiu. En aquest article es presenta una recerca en acció a partir d’una experiència d’ensenyament i aprenentatge centrada en el disseny d’una ciutat inteŀligent i sostenible, una smart city, seguint models de reflexió-acció en un centre educatiu. Durant un trimestre l’alumnat de sisè de primària de l’escola pública Espai-3 realitza tot un procés guiat i creatiu per a la construcció d’una ciutat enriquida tecnològicament, aprofundint en la metodologia STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) - STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics). L’objectiu principal és treballar coŀlaborativament en equitat per afavorir l’interès pels estudis tecnològics i científics amb orientació humanista, especialment entre les noies. En grups heterogenis de nois i noies, l’alumnat ha identificat els problemes del seu entorn, ha reflexionat sobre les possibles solucions amb metodologies de disseny i ha fet hipòtesis sobre possibles solucions. Mitjançant la planificació creativa, des del model del pensament de dissenyador (o design thinking), nois i noies han seguit processos d’aprenentatge actiu (o learning by doing) i han avaluat posteriorment els resultats. Aquesta activitat ha estat nominada finalista en els premis d’innovació educativa (mSchools Student Awards) convocats conjuntament pel Citilab i el Departament d’Educació, l’any 2022.The future of cities cannot be understood without the involvement of citizens and the generation of innovational ecosystems where learning processes and active participation can be developed. The school has an inalienable commitment to foster spaces for personal and social experimentation for students, to promote generational renewal for the community, and to accompany each child on their journey towards their own horizons for educational success. In this article, the author presents an action-research based on a school experience. It is a teaching and learning project focused on the design of a smart city that follows models for reflection-action in educational centers. During a trimester, students in the final year of primary education at the Espai-3 state school have been working through a creative guided process to build a smart city. The main objective is to work collaboratively and in gender equity to foster interest in technology and science studies with a humanist orientation, especially among girls. In heterogeneous groups of students, boys and girls have identified problems in their environment, they have reflected on possible solutions, and they have learned different design methodologies. Through creative planning, by using the design thinking approach, the students have followed processes of active learning or learning by doing, and have evaluated the results that they have presented in each of the conflict situations or challenges they have encountered. The project has been named a finalist in the educational innovation awards (mSchools Student Awards), convened jointly by Citilab and the Catalan Department of Education in 2022

    La cooperación descentralizada para el desarrollo: retos de su coordinación en terreno

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    Los gobiernos locales están reivindicando un papel más activo en el desarrollo de sus territorios, y como consecuencia también en el marco del sistema internacional de cooperación para el desarrollo. Sus demandas se centran en que se preste atención tanto a sus necesidades como actores políticos del desarrollo, como a su inclusión en la definición de las agendas de desarrollo, más allá del marco interestatal de las relaciones tradicionales de cooperación para el desarrollo. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta ponencia es analizar los retos de la coordinación en terreno entre la cooperación oficial descentralizada y la estatal, desde la visión de los problemas y posibles soluciones generadas por actores relevantes de las Oficinas Técnicas de Cooperación, con especial atención al caso de Argentina y Uruguay, como ejemplos de países de renta media