117 research outputs found

    ESCOLÀ i TUSET, Josep Maria. Pseudo-Cebrià : Poemes

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    La Quaestio quam clamauit palam Saracenis de Tomas le Myésier

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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Jaime ALVAR ; Carmen BLÁZQUEZ ; Carlos WAGNER (eds.), Héroes, semidioses y daimone


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Josep Maria ESCOLÀ i TUSET, Pseudo-Cebrià : Poemes. Barcelona: Fundació Bernat Metge, 2007

    Notas bibliográficas

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    Obra ressenyada: Carlos Manuel REGLERO DE LA FUENTE, Cluny en España: los prioratos de la provincia y sus redes sociales (1073-ca.1270), León, Centro de Estudios e Investigación "San Isidoro" - Archivo Histórico Diocesano, 2008, 866 pp. ISBN 978-84-87667-96-

    El op. 38 Cent Noms de Déu de Ramon Llull como poesía anticoránica

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    In his Cent noms de Déu (Hundred Names of God), Raymond Llull presents a hundred poems of praise founded on the hundred attributes or virtues of God. It is in itself a work of piety, adapted in its psalmody to the liturgical hours. But at the same time, Llull deals with the Islamic issue of the hundred Names of God (al-asmā'al-ḥusnā), as he declares in the Prologue. His objective is to demonstrate the falsity of the Islamic belief in the unique and inimitable revelation of the Koran. By imitating and, as he sees it, exceeding the poetic quality of the Koran itself (sic), Llull attempts to demonstrate that the Koran is not a revealed text - and therefore not sacred. He thus argues against one of the main foundations of Islam, that is, the nature of the Koranic text. But far from restraining himself to a refutation, he intends to rival Islam by appropriating its forms, such that he can offer a kind of refu- tation ad intra which is hardly found in other contemporary or later authors