297 research outputs found

    El tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición de Sevilla (1480-1650): burocracia y hacienda

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Historia Moderna. Fecha de lectura: 22-6-198

    Haploinsufficiency of Activation-Induced Deaminase for Antibody Diversification and Chromosome Translocations both In Vitro and In Vivo

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    The humoral immune response critically relies on the secondary diversification of antibodies. This diversification takes places through somatic remodelling of the antibody genes by two molecular mechanisms, Class Switch Recombination (CSR) and Somatic Hypermutation (SHM). The enzyme Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) initiates both SHM and CSR by deaminating cytosine residues on the DNA of immunoglobulin genes. While crucial for immunity, AID-catalysed deamination is also the triggering event for the generation of lymphomagenic chromosome translocations. To address whether restricting the levels of AID expression in vivo contributes to the regulation of its function, we analysed mice harbouring a single copy of the AID gene (AID+/−). AID+/− mice express roughly 50% of normal AID levels, and display a mild hyperplasia, reminiscent of AID deficient mice and humans. Moreover, we found that AID+/− cells have an impaired competence for CSR and SHM, which indicates that AID gene dose is limiting for its physiologic function. We next evaluated the impact of AID reduction in AID+/− mice on the generation of chromosome translocations. Our results show that the frequency of AID-promoted c-myc/IgH translocations is reduced in AID+/− mice, both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, AID is haploinsufficient for antibody diversification and chromosome translocations. These findings suggest that limiting the physiologic levels of AID expression can be a regulatory mechanism that ensures an optimal balance between immune proficiency and genome integrity

    La Real Botica en el reinado de Felipe V

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    Mediante el estudio de todo el engranaje que hizo funcionar la real botica, es decir, por medio del análisis de la situación histórica, los antecedentes de la oficina respecto de la época que nos ocupa, el emplazamiento de sus habitaciones, el gobierno y la organización, el funcionamiento, la economía, ... Tratamos de alumbrara un periodo a través del cual el significado de la real institución evolucionó de simple elaboradora de medicamentos a ser considerada institución científica. Y desde ella, proyectos ideados por boticarios al servicio del rey pusieron las bases y cimientos de otros centros de gran actividad e importancia científica que prestigiaron la profesión farmaceútica durante el siglo XVII

    La introducción de la práctica química en la Real Botica Española

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    The introduction of Chemist in the elaboration of medicines in the Spanish Royal Pharmacy will finally be done effective at the same time that the proclamation of King Philipe V.Los intentos de introducir la aplicación de la química en la elaboración de medicamentos en la Real Botica española se harán realidad definitivamente, coincidiendo con la llegada a la corte de Felipe V y de su equipo de sanitarios: médicos, cirujanos y boticarios

    Smartfeeding: A Dynamic Strategy to Increase Nutritional Efficiency in Critically Ill Patients-Positioning Document of the Metabolism and Nutrition Working Group and the Early Mobilization Working Group of the Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (SOCMiC)

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    Critical illness; Intensive care units; Nutritional therapyMalaltia crítica; Unitats de cures intensives; Teràpia nutricionalEnfermedad crítica; Unidades de cuidados intensivos; Terapia nutricionalAdequate medical nutrition therapy for critically ill patients has an impact on their prognoses. However, it requires an individualized approach that takes into account the activity (phases of metabolic stress) and particularity of these patients. We propose a comprehensive strategy considering the patients’ nutritional status and the set of modifiable circumstances in these patients, in order to optimize/support nutritional efficiency: (1) A detailed anamnesis and an adequate initial nutritional assessment must be performed in order to implement medical nutrition therapy that is in line with the needs and characteristics of each patient. Furthermore, risks associated with refeeding syndrome, nutritrauma or gastrointestinal dysfunction must be considered and prevented. (2) A safe transition between nutrition therapy routes and between health care units will greatly contribute to recovery. The main objective is to preserve lean mass in critically ill patients, considering metabolic factors, adequate protein intake and muscle stimulation. (3) Continuous monitoring is required for the successful implementation of any health strategy. We lack precise tools for calculating nutritional efficiency in critically ill patients, therefore thorough monitoring of the process is essential. (4) The medical nutrition approach in critically ill patients is multidisciplinary and requires the participation of the entire team involved. A comprehensive strategy such as this can make a significant difference in the functional recovery of critically ill patients, but leaders must be identified to promote training, evaluation, analysis and feedback as essential components of its implementation, and to coordinate this process with the recognition of hospital management

    Sedimentos dolomíticos para-actuales: la "Tierra Blanca" de La Roda (Albacete)

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    Se estudian unos materiales dolomíticos para-actuales intentando reconstruir su génesis a partir de datos de campo y del empleo de técnicas de laboratorio: Análisis químico, difracción de rayos X, análisis térmico diferencial y microscopía (petrográfica y electrónica). El análisis litoestratigráfico, mineralógico y geoquímico nos ha permitido establecer un origen continental lacustre y proponer un modelo del proceso evolutivo de los materiales, que podría ser aplicado a la génesis de dolomías continentales en condiciones geomorfológicas y climáticas similares a !as estudiadas por nosotros

    Serum levels of immunoglobulins and severity of community-acquired pneumonia

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by a grant (08/PI 090448) from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) and CIBER de Respiratorio (06/06/0028), Madrid, Spain and a grant from 'Fundació Salut del Consorci Sanitari del Maresme'.There is evidence of a relationship between severity of infection and inflammatory response of the immune system. The objective is to assess serum levels of immunoglobulins and to establish its relationship with severity of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and clinical outcome. This was an observational and cross-sectional study in which 3 groups of patients diagnosed with CAP were compared: patients treated in the outpatient setting (n=54), patients requiring in-patient care (hospital ward) (n=173), and patients requiring admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) (n=191). Serum total IgG (and IgG subclasses IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4), IgA and IgM were measured at the first clinical visit. Normal cutpoints were defined as the lowest value obtained in controls (≤680, ≤323, ≤154, ≤10, ≤5, ≤30 and ≤50 mg/dL for total IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM and IgA, respectively). Serum immunoglobulin levels decreased in relation to severity of CAP. Low serum levels of total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 showed a relationship with ICU admission. Low serum level of total IgG was independently associated with ICU admission (OR=2.45, 95% CI 1.4 to 4.2, p=0.002), adjusted by the CURB-65 severity score and comorbidities (chronic respiratory and heart diseases). Low levels of total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 were significantly associated with 30-day mortality. Patients with severe CAP admitted to the ICU showed lower levels of immunoglobulins than non-ICU patients and this increased mortality

    The C-type lectin homologue gene (EP153R) of African swine fever virus inhibits apoptosis both in virus infection and in heterologous expression

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    AbstractThe open reading frame EP153R of African swine fever virus (ASFV) encodes a nonessential protein that has been involved in the hemadsorption process induced in virus-infected cells. By the use of a virus deletion mutant lacking the EP153R gene, we have detected, in several virus-sensitive cells, increased levels of caspase-3 and cell death as compared with those obtained after infection with the parental BA71V strain. Both transient and stable expression of the EP153R gene in Vero or COS cells resulted in a partial protection of the transfected lines from the apoptosis induced in response to virus infection or external stimuli. The presence of gene EP153R resulted in a reduction of the transactivating activity of the cellular protein p53 in Vero cell cultures in which apoptosis was induced by virus infection or staurosporine treatment. This is to our knowledge the first description of a viral C-type lectin with anti-apoptotic properties