769 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic identification of the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament in dogs

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    Objective: To determine the ability to identify the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament during ultrasonographic examination of dogs. Study design: Canine cadaveric study. Sample population: Canine cervical spines (n = 35). Methods: Thirty-five canine cadavers with an estimated body weight of 6-35 kg were retrieved. Five cervical spines were dissected to assess the length and thickness of the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament and correlate ultrasound-guided injection of ink with anatomical dissection. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament was performed on 30 cadavers. The visibility of the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament in both the transverse and the sagittal planes was subjectively scored (0-3). Results: The dorsal atlantoaxial ligament was detectable on ultrasonographic examination in all cadavers: 27/30 and 28/30 were graded as moderately visible (grade 2) or clearly visible (grade 3) in the sagittal and transverse view, respectively. Only 1/30 cadaver specimen of a large breed dog was graded as 1 (indistinct) in both the sagittal and transverse planes. None of the cadavers were graded as 0 (not visible) in any view. Conclusion: The dorsal atlantoaxial ligament can be identified in ultrasonographic examination of normal canine cadavers. Future studies on animals with clinical atlantoaxial instability/subluxation are needed to evaluate the role of this imaging technique in providing a safer diagnosis of this condition. Clinical relevance: Ultrasonographic examination of the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament could potentially provide a noninvasive and safe imaging technique that may contribute to the diagnosis of atlantoaxial instability/subluxation in dogs

    Use of computed tomography to define a sacral safe corridor for placement of 2.7 mm cortical screws in feline sacroiliac luxation

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    Objectives: This study aimed to define a safe corridor for 2.7 mm cortical sacroiliac screw insertion in the dorsal plane (craniocaudal direction) using radiography and CT, and in the transverse plane (dorsoventral direction) using CT in feline cadavers. A further aim was to compare the values obtained by CT with those previously reported by radiography in the transverse plane. Methods: Thirteen pelvises were retrieved from feline cadavers and dissected to expose one of the articular surfaces of the sacrum. A 2.7 mm screw was placed in the sacrum to a depth of approximately 1 cm in each exposed articular surface. Dorsoventral radiography and CT scanning of each specimen were performed. Multiplanar reconstructions were performed to allow CT evaluation in both the dorsal and transverse planes. Calculations were made to find the maximum, minimum and optimum angles for screw placement in craniocaudal (radiography and CT) and dorsoventral (CT) directions when using a 2.7 mm cortical screw. Results: Radiographic measurement showed a mean optimum craniocaudal angle of 106° (range 97–112°). The mean minimum angle was 95° (range 87–107°), whereas the mean maximum angle was 117° (108–124°). Measurement of the dorsal CT scan images showed a mean optimum craniocaudal angle of 101° (range 94–110°). The mean minimum angle was 90° (range 83–99°), whereas the mean maximum angle was 113° (104–125°). The transverse CT scan images showed a mean dorsoventral minimum angle of 103° (range 95–113°), mean maximum angle of 115° (104–125°) and mean optimum dorsoventral angle of 111° (102–119°). Conclusions and relevance: An optimum craniocaudal angle of 101° is recommended for 2.7 mm cortical screw placement in the feline sacral body, with a safety margin between 99° and 104°. No single angle can be recommended in the dorsoventral direction and therefore preoperative measuring on individual cats using CT images is recommended to establish the ideal individual angle in the transverse plane

    Exploratory factorial analysis and psychometrics properties on the Scale of Sensed Parental Competencies. Version for parents (ECPP-p)

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    The lack of parental  (or relative) competence is related to the development of a model of unsuitable behaviour in children (sons or daughters), suffering the consequences of this fact. However, practically there is no existence of evidences that can measure this. The Scale of Parental Competence Sensed (parents vision) (ECPP-P) it is composed by twenty-two items which are structured in five factors. The ECPP shows some psychometric properties highly acceptables

    El motín contra Squilace en Cataluña

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    La enseñanza de la religión ¿Es posible un debate serio?

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    Cualquier cambio en los planes de estudios resulta, en el contexto político actual, polémico y ofrece ocasión para la batalla ideológica. En la última reforma educativa se ha cambiado, para mejor, la enseñanza de la asignatura de la religión, lo que ha provocado un embate de los detractores de lo religioso. En el siguiente artículo se explica lo razonable del nuevo estatuto y se despejan algunas dudas y errores sobre la enseñanza de las materias religiosas

    Evolution of Brazilian Democracy: Unveiling Election Dynamics in Political Issues, Negativity, and Acclaim

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    In recent years, Brazil, as the world's fourth-largest democracy, witnessed the dominance of polarized and symbolically charged electoral campaigns on social media, culminating in the election of a populist political figure in 2018 and his subsequent defeat in 2022. Extensive research has indicated that political campaigns often sidelined substantive policy proposals in favor of negative and divisive issues. However, a critical gap remains in the absence of temporal investigations contrasting the prevalence of negativity and acclaim campaigns on social media platforms during elections. This study addresses this gap by examining associations between political issues and negative and acclaim campaigns across two Brazilian electoral campaigns. Drawing upon a sample of messages posted on Twitter (n = 1,191) during the presidential elections of 2018 and 2022, our study reveals associations between substantive political issues, such as education and health, and acclaim campaign strategies, while the divisive issues of Covid-19 and corruption are associated with negative campaign strategies. Moreover, the results suggest that gender policy is related to both acclaim and negative messages since it is a polarizing issue in Brazilian politics. Our study also shows an increased negativity trend, with the 2022 presidential election campaign more likely to be negative than in 2018. By conducting a temporal analysis of Brazil's political context, our study sheds light on the evolving dynamics of political communication in the age of social media, contributing substantially to the literature on negativity in political campaigns

    El coche y el paraguas :comedia en un acto

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    Representada con aplauso en el teatro de Lope de Vega, el 17 de marzo de 1857Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Pie de imprenta tomado del colofónSign.:1(4º)Texto a dos col.Colección de comedias representadas con éxito en los teatros de Madri

    ¡Los dedos huéspedes! :comedia en un acto y en prosa

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    Para representarse en Madrid, el año de 1860Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Pie de imprenta tomado del colofónTexto a dos col.Colección de comedias representadas con éxito en los teatros de Madri

    Point of optimal kinematic error: Improvement of the instantaneous helical pivot method for locating centers of rotation

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    [EN] This paper proposes a variation of the instantaneous helical pivot technique for locating centers of rotation. The point of optimal kinematic error (POKE), which minimizes the velocity at the center of rotation, may be obtained by just adding a weighting factor equal to the square of angular velocity in Woltring's equation of the pivot of instantaneous helical axes (PIHA). Calculations are simplified with respect to the original method, since it is not necessary to make explicit calculations of the helical axis, and the effect of accidental errors is reduced. The improved performance of this method was validated by simulations based on a functional calibration task for the gleno-humeral joint center. Noisy data caused a systematic dislocation of the calculated center of rotation towards the center of the arm marker cluster. This error in PIHA could even exceed the effect of soft tissue artifacts associated to small and medium deformations, but it was successfully reduced by the POKE estimation.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government (Grants DPI2009-13830-C02-01, DPI2009-13830-CO2-02, DPI2010-20814-CO2-01, DPI2010-20814-CO2-02).De Rosario Martínez, H.; Page Del Pozo, AF.; Mata Amela, V. (2014). Point of optimal kinematic error: Improvement of the instantaneous helical pivot method for locating centers of rotation. Journal of Biomechanics. 47(7):1742-1747. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.02.003S1742174747
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