23,214 research outputs found


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    Considerado “o pai da Sociologia”, o francês David Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) buscou legitimar esta área do conhecimento como Ciência, a partir da releitura de seus grandes influenciadores, dentre os quais, destacam-se Auguste Comte, Saint Simon e Condorcet, assim como os ideais liberais da Université de Paris. A obra Educação e Sociologia, após a morte do seu autor, sobreviveu a críticas por mais de um século por tratar de conceitos sobre fato social, consciência social, anomia, solidariedade mecânica e orgânica, entre outros, que revolucionaram os estudos sociais. A referida obra foi elevada à categoria de clássico juntamente com as produções de Max Weber e Karl Marx por sua capacidade de interpretar o seu tempo, nortear aplicação de um método sociológico aos processos educacionais, que na atualidade, continua a influenciar os percursos formativos de várias gerações de educadores mundiais

    A OSCE: uma peça no processo de inclusão europeia

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    A Europa vive uma fase de grandes transforma- ções que serão determinantes para o futuro da OSCE. No contexto do alargamento da União Europeia é indispensável que um Estado adira aos padrões do Conselho da Europa e da OSCE. É no âmbito da União Europeia que a OSCE pode concretizar e dar coerência à sua concep- ção de segurança “integrada”, que abrange as dimensões económica, política e de segurança. A OSCE continua a ser, a nível regional, um quadro definidor das normas e princípios da segurança europeia. Em casos particulares de negociação entre a União Europeia e alguns dos seus parceiros, como no caso do Mediterrâneo, os mecanismos de prevenção e de resolução de conflitos utilizados pela OSCE poderiam servir de modelo para essas discussõe

    Stress in Organizations: between Efficiency and the Institutionalization of Fear

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    Sometimes organizations described as benevolent, focusing on stable procedures and cordial relations are regarded as examples of collective indolence and likely to be out-competed by aggressive, merciless and stress-prone organizations. In this paper we suggest that some managers and organizations follow a requisite stress principle, according to which stress inside organizations is treated as a variable to be equated to the stress level perceived to prevail in the institutionalized environment the organization operates. We thus predict the relationship between stress-inducing practices, individual responses and performance to be recursively explained. When organizations induce stress at levels that are different from those admitted institutionally as normal levels, there will be a negative response to this induction. When induced stress levels are considered excessive, activities will be inhibited because fear will control the capacity of people to deal with situations and act in an appropriate manner. The validity of this principle implies that control of stress in organizations is as complex as the level of stress in society: it will depend on the control of stress levels coming from society. The principle consequently puts an end to any management aspirations to use stress as a managing mechanism and for inducing behavior

    Alienação (Entfremdung) e Estranheza (Fremdheit) : dois paradigmas culturais do ocidente

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    Alienation and strangeness could be understood as markers of cultural paradigms. The first term is related to modernity as the second is to postmodernity. One stands for identity, the other for alterity. While the existence of the phenomenon of alienation becomes disputable, the discourse of strangeness becomes intensified in the European academic sphere. In a way, the discourse of strangeness is labeled by a cultural critic, which tries to justify "strange" for centuries dispelled by the European culture. Meanwhile, a phenomenology of alienation is developed to re-structure the term. Both phenomena are connected insofar as alienation can be understood as a temporary moment of strangeness. Both theories turned out to be productive in literary analysis.Entfremdung (alienação) e Fremdheit (estranheza) podem ser entendidos como demarcadores de paradigmas culturais. A primeira está para a modernidade, assim como a segunda está para a pós-modernidade. Uma está para identidade, e a outra para alteridade. Enquanto a existência do fenômeno da alienação tornou-se questionável na atualidade, o discurso sobre estranheza vem se consolidando no âmbito acadêmico europeu. Tal discurso é, em certa medida, marcado por uma crítica cultural que tenta fazer justiça ao "estranho" recalcado por séculos pela cultura europeia. Enquanto isso, uma fenomenologia da alienação começa também a se desenvolver, a fim de reformular o conceito. Os dois fenômenos relacionam-se na medida em que a alienação é entendida como um momento transitório da estranheza. Ambas as teorias têm se mostrado produtivas no campo da análise literária

    Prevenção da anemia em menores de dois anos

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    O seminário aborda as particularidades da população quanto aos problemas de saúde desencadeados pela anemia.Versão em H

    Blurred Boundaries

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    Navigating the Past, Present and Future of Jane Eyre.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/1057/thumbnail.jp

    Political Stability and Bank Flows: New Evidence

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    In this paper, a rich dataset of several countries is used to analyze how sound political measures affect cross-border bank flows.Furthermore, the paper is the first to comprehensively examine various components of political stability on the aforementioned subject using a larger sample than previous studies, and covering the period 1984–2013.This paper informs policy makers which particular aspects of political stability have a significant effect on cross-border bank flows and provide an outline on the favorable long term political and institutional development to increase such flows

    Cell death signaling at the crossroads of inflammasome activation

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    Study of salt stress tolerance in spelt

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    World population is increasing at an alarming rate while food productivity is decreasing due to the effect of various abiotic stresses. Soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic stress and a limiting factor for worldwide plant production. In addition to its important effects on yield, salt stress affects numerous cellular activities, including cell wall composition, photosynthesis, protein synthesis, ions and organic solutes. Up to 20% of the irrigated arable land in arid and semiarid regions is already salt affected and is still expanding. Improving salt tolerant varieties is of major importance, and efforts should be focused on finding adaptive mechanisms which are involved in salinity tolerance. In this study, several spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Spelta) genotypes and one cultivar of modern bread wheat were used to screen them for salt tolerance. Spelt is an old-European cereal crop currently attracting renewed interest as a food grain because it is said to be harder than wheat and requires less fertilizer. Spelt wheat is also becoming very attractive genetic source by plant breeders due to its wide adaptation ability to various stressful conditions such as soil salinity. In this study morphological parameters (e.g., leaf appearance; shoot elongation), dry matter production, mineral nutrients (especially Na and K), and activity of antioxidative enzymes were measured to select superior genotypes of spelt for salt tolerance. The results showed that Spelt genotype Sp41 is a salt sensitive genotype and genotypes Sp69, Sp96 and Sp912 are good candidates for salt tolerant genotypes