500 research outputs found

    Ripples: a tool for supervision and control of remote assets

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    We describe the Ripples cloud-based software for coordination and control of multiple remote assets. Ripples can ingest and disseminate data coming from multiple sources such as physical models, drifting sensors, marine traffic (AIS) and unmanned vehicles deployed in remote areas. On top of data dissemination and awareness, Ripples can also be used for planning the autonomous assets using satellite communications, maintaining the operators in the loop.Peer Reviewe

    Studying the Pacific Subtropical Front with multiple assets

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    We describe a novel approach to physical oceanography by coordinating remote sensing, multiple autonomous vehicles and ship borne sensors. In contrast with conventional oceanography where ships are the single point of sampling in the middle of a big ocean or are used simply as the base of operations from where autonomous vehicles are deployed, we propose a new approach where ship and autonomous vehicles are coordinated together via satellite communications. We conclude with results and lessons learned from a real-world deployment of the R/V Falkor oceanographic ship together with multiple autonomous vehicles to study the Pacific's Subtropical Front, 800 miles off the coast of San Diego

    Snapshot of macroalgae and fish assemblages in temperate reefs in the Southern European Atlantic Ecoregion

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    Most of the biodiversity studies in the South European Atlantic Shelf ecoregion are limited to shallow subtidal or intertidal habitats, while deeper reef habitats, also of relevant ecological importance, are particularly understudied. Macroalgal communities, associated fauna, and sea surface temperature were studied in deep reefs (25-30 m) at two locations in this ecoregion: Parcel, North of Portugal (41 degrees N), and Tarifa, Southern Spain (35 degrees N). Specifically, algal assemblages were assessed using biomass collection and associated ichthyofauna was assessed using visual census techniques using scuba. Seawater surface temperature was higher (>3 degrees C) in the southern region-Tarifa, compared to the northern region-Parcel. Our survey revealed 18 fish species and 23 algae species. The highest abundance of cold-water species (both macroalgae and fish species) was recorded in Parcel and warm-water species were dominant in Tarifa. In light of climate global trends, both regions might experience biodiversity shifts towards tropicalization. Current knowledge on their biodiversity is imperative to further evaluate potential shifts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lissom, a source level proof carrying code platform

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    This paper introduces a proposal for a Proof Carrying Code (PCC) architecture called Lissom. Started as a challenge for final year Computing students, Lissom was thought as a mean to prove to a sceptic community, and in particular to students, that formal verification tools can be put to practice in a realistic environment, and be used to solve complex and concrete problems. The attractiveness of the problems that PCC addresses has already brought students to show interest in this pro ject

    Reacções álcalis-carbonato em betão: caracterização mineralógica e química

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Geologia Económica (Prospecção Mineral) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2022A reacção alcális-carbonato (ACR) é uma das reacções alcális-agregado (AAR) mais sujeitas a debate mundialmente, correspondendo a uma reacção expansiva em betão envolvendo rochas carbonatadas dolomíticas impuras como agregado. As pedreiras de Kingston e Spratt (Canadá) foram ambas identificadas, desde a década de 50, como produtoras de agregado altamente reactivo quando incorporado em betão. O agregado de Spratt apresenta grandes quantidades de sílica reactiva dispersa na sua matriz, originando a reacção alcális-sílica (ASR), enquanto que o agregado de Kingston não aparenta originar produtos de reacção que expliquem a expansão observada. O presente estudo envolve duas aproximações ao problema: o estudo de agregados de rocha; a análise de danos e o estudo de prismas de betão ensaiados segundo o procedimento normativo CSA A23.2-14A (2014). Para a petrografia dos agregados de rocha, os grãos individuais foram separados em fracções de acordo com a cor e texturas observadas, levando à produção de superfícies polidas, assim como a produção das mesmas para cada prisma de betão disponível. Usando microscopia óptica, microscopia electrónica de varrimento e microssonda electrónica foram obtidas as composições químicas das diferentes mineralogias dos agregados de rocha, a composição de produtos de reacção identificados e a sua possível relação com a mineralogia identificada. No agregado de Kingston observou-se a presença de um processo metassomático, de baixa temperatura, que levou à silicificação e feldspatização da rocha carbonatada, assim como ao desenvolvimento da matriz dolomítica acompanhada de ilite e celestite. Não foram identificados produtos de reacção danosos nos prismas de betão com agregado de Kingston, embora a reacção entre o quartzo, feldspatos, filossilicatos, sulfatos (celestite) e sulfuretos (pirite) observados possa muito possivelmente levar à formação de reacções previamente conhecidas como danosas em betão, como é o caso da ASR ou da formação retardada de ettringite (DEF), levantando mais questões no que toca à ACR.Alkali-carbonated reaction (ACR) is one of the most discussed and studied alkali-aggregate reactions (AAR) world-wide. It involves impure carbonate rocks containing dolomite, leading to an expansive reaction inside concrete. Spratt and Kingston quarries have been identified some decades ago as the origin of strongly alkali reactive aggregates. Spratt aggregate contains free dispersed silica, and it experiences most probably an alkali-silica reaction (ASR) whilst the Kingston aggregate is classified as alkali-carbonate reactive, although no deterious products have been identified in deteriorated concrete. In the present study two approaches were used, giving emphasis on the petrographic characterization: the study of the rock aggregates; the analysis of concrete prisms manufactured for laboratory expansion tests, after performing the CSA A23.2-14A (2014) test. For the petrographic study of these rock aggregates, the crushed grains were split accordingly to their colour and texture under binocular microscope and thin sections were produced from each fraction, as well from the concrete prism available for the study. Optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and electron probe micro-analysis were used to obtain the mineralogical composition of the aggregates, chemical composition of the reaction products and possible relationship with the aggregate minerology. From the petrographic analysis of the Kingston aggregates, it was identified a low temperature metassomatic process, leading to the silicification and feldspatization of the carbonate rock, as well as the development of the dolomitic matrix accompanied with illite and celestite formation. No reaction products were observed in the concrete manufactured with the Kingston aggregate, although the presence of quartz, feldspars, sulphates (celestite) and sulphides (framboidal pyrite) in contact with the typical pore fluids in concrete, could lead to some previously known harmful reactions, such as ASR or delayed ettringite formation, leaving new questions regarding ACR

    Carcinoma do estômago : Diferentes localizações : Perfis clínico-patológicos e prognósticos diferentes?

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Medicina apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Port

    Associação entre a doença periodontal e a fibromialgia: revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Objetivo: Analisar a possível associação entre a fibromialgia e a doença periodontal. Métodos: Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa integrativa da literatura, com recurso às bases de dados PubMed, B-On, SciELO e Cochrane Library. Esta pesquisa foi submetida a critérios de inclusão e exclusão, em que apenas foram incluídos estudos que abordavam a possível associação entre a fibromialgia e a doença periodontal. Resultados: Da pesquisa integrativa da literatura resultaram 4 artigos, que demonstram a relação da doença periodontal com a fibromialgia. Estes resultados foram analisados. Conclusão: De acordo com a carência na literatura disponível sobre esta temática, as complicações identificadas mais comuns foram valores de placa bacteriana, sangramento e perda óssea mais aumentados em pacientes que sofriam de fibromialgia contudo e tendo em consideração apenas os 4 estudos que incorporam esta revisão, os resultados recolhidos que tentam demonstrar a associação da doença periodontal à fibromialgia não são suficientes.Objective: To analyze the possible association between fibromyalgia and periodontal disease. Methods: An integrative research of the literature was developed, using the databases PubMed, B-On, SciELO and Cochrane Library.This research was submitted to inclusion and exclusion criteria, in which only studies addressing the possible association between fibromyalgia and periodontal disease were included. Results: The integrative research of the literature resulted in 4 articles, which demonstrate the relationship of periodontal disease and fibromyalgia. These results were analysed. Conclusion: According to the lack in the available literature on this topic, the most common identified complications were higher bacterial plaque, bleeding and bone loss values in patients suffering from fibromyalgia however and taking into account only the 4 studies incorporating this review, the results collected that try to demonstrate the association of periodontal disease with fibromyalgia are not sufficient

    Modulação terapêutica das células percursoras do endotélio por anti-hipertensores

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2018A medula óssea contém um subtipo particular de células progenitoras com capacidade para se diferenciarem em células endoteliais. As células percursoras de endotélio (EPCs) desempenham um papel-chave na manutenção da homeostasia endotelial e promovem a reparação vascular. A concentração normal de EPCs em circulação é considerada um marcador de saúde vascular. O papel das EPCs na biologia vascular começa a ser melhor caracterizado, no entanto a sua função na hipertensão arterial (HTA) encontra-se ainda incompletamente estudada. Nomeadamente, os efeitos da terapêutica anti-hipertensora na biologia das próprias EPCs permanece pouco caracterizado. Partindo destas premissas, nesta revisão sistematizada foi realizada uma pesquisa no PUBMED escrutinando a associação entre EPCs e o nome de classes de anti- hipertensores. Foram obtidos 181 artigos e após aplicação de critérios de elegibilidade foram selecionados 23 artigos, 4 dos quais excluídos após segunda revisão do artigo completo. Classes como os inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina, os antagonistas dos recetores da angiotensina II e os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio demonstraram aumentar o número e a capacidade funcional das EPCs (mobilização, proliferação, diminuição da apoptose, resistência ao stress oxidativo e capacidade formadora de colónias). Já os diuréticos e os bloqueadores beta-adrenérgicos parecem não ter efeito modulador benéfico neste âmbito. Os nitratos orgânicos apresentam um efeito intermédio, dependendo do fármaco em questão. Serão necessários, mais estudos, com critérios metodológicos mais homogéneos para confirmar as observações supracitadas, podendo vir futuramente a serem aplicados eventuais protocolos de atuação terapêutica, tendo em consideração os efeitos pleiotrópicos destas células.Bone marrow contains a particular subtype of progenitor cells capable of differentiating into endothelial cells. Endothelial precursor cells (EPCs) play a key role in maintaining endothelial homeostasis and promote vascular repair. The normal concentration of circulating EPCs is a vascular health marker. The role of EPCs in vascular biology begins to be better characterized, however its role in arterial hypertension (AHT) is still incompletely studied. Notably, the effects of antihypertensive therapy on the biology of EPCs themselves remain poorly characterized. Based on these premises, in this systematized review a research was done in the PUBMED scrutinizing the association between EPCs and the name of antihypertensive classes. 181 articles were obtained and after application of eligibility criteria, 23 articles were selected, 4 of which were excluded after a second review of the complete article. Classes such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists and calcium channel blockers have demonstrated increased functional capacity of EPCs (mobilization, proliferation, increased apoptosis, resistance to oxidative stress and formative capacity of colonies). Diuretics and beta-adrenergic blockers, however, do not appear to have a beneficial modulatory effect in this context. Nitrates should have an intermediate effect depending on the drug in question. Further studies will be needed with more homogeneous methodological criteria to confirm the observations mentioned above, and future protocols for therapeutic action may be applied in future, taking into account the pleiotropic effects of these cells

    O prolongar da tradição na contemporaneidade. Espaço em transformação em Riba de Ave.

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    Pretende-se desenvolver um trabalho teórico-prático que aborda a problemáticada intervenção numa pré-existência e consequente reestruturação do gaveto navila de Riba D'Ave, em Famalicão. Através do desenvolvimento de uma propostade reabilitação de um edifício existente e a criação de um novo programa,procura-se abordar a problemática da intervenção arquitetónica numa malha urbanadesfragmentadaA dissertação pretende construir uma reflexão crítica sobre o processo de desenho.Utilizando o desenho como o principal instrumento de análise e pesquisa,e como veículo de verificação de ideias, apresentam-se referências, abordam-setemas de projeto, como a importância do lugar, o programa, a estratégia, a relaçãonovo/antigo e a restruturação do espaço público.It is purposed to develop a theoretical and practical work that addresses the issueof intervention in a before-existence and the consequent restructuring of onecorner in the village of Riba D'Ave in Famalicão. Through the developmentof a proposal for rehabilitation an existing building and the creation of a newprogram, seeks to address the question of intervention in a defragmented urbantissue.The dissertation aims to make a critical reflection on the drawing process. Usingthe drawing as the main tool for analysis and research, and as a means of checkingideas, are introduced references, are approached project themes like theimportance of place, program, relation new / old and restructuring of public space

    Incidental diagnosis of breast cancer in the pursuit of the treatment of intestinal obstruction

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    Intestinal lipomatosis is rare and often asymptomatic but can present with intestinal obstruction. Occasionally, metastatic breast cancer is identified in the ovary before a breast primary is discovered. We report the case of a 50-year-old woman diagnosed with synchronous intestinal obstruction due to lipomatosis, and incidental ovarian metastases from breast cancer. The patient presented with a 12-day history of nausea, diffuse abdominal pain, and constipation. An abdominal x-ray showed air-fluid levels, and computed tomography documented small bowel distention. An explorative laparotomy was performed, which revealed small bowel distention, an obstructive lesion of the ileocecal valve, three terminal ileum lesions, ascites, and heterogeneous ovaries. Right ileocolic resection and left oophorectomy were performed. The pathological diagnosis revealed lipomatous submucosal lesion of the ileocecal valve and ileum, and 17 lymph nodes, which were all negative for malignant cells. The oophorectomy revealed ovarian metastasis from breast carcinoma. Ascitic fluid was positive for malignant cells. Mammography and breast/axillary ultrasonography showed a solid nodule of the left breast, ductal carcinoma, and multiple enlarged left axillary lymph nodes, which were positive for neoplastic cells. Immunohistochemical evaluation showed hormonal receptor positivity and C-erb2 negativity. Breast magnetic resonance imaging showed a 14 mm left nodule and a positron emission tomography scan revealed 18F-FDG uptake in the left breast, left axillary lymph nodes, right ovary, and peritoneum. The tumor was staged as stage IV ductal breast carcinoma, cT1N1M1, Grade 2, Luminal B-like. The multidisciplinary oncological meeting proposed chemotherapy, and a re-staging breast MRI after chemotherapy, which showed a complete response. The patient started treatment with letrozole and remains disease-free 22 months after finishing chemotherapy