331 research outputs found

    Law of Art, Law of War: The Legacy of the Law of War in International Cultural Property Law

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    Issues of international art law tend to center on the restitution of lost works of art to their owners across borders. Wars today engender many disputes over rightful ownership; but historically, these conflicts were decided rather simply by the law of nations. Per one Judge Croke, “all property belonging to the enemy shall be liable to confiscation”. However, one of the earliest principles of just war in the modern era was the extension of special protections to works of culture. This principle, developed in the international conflict context, evolved through a lineage of international agreements into the basis for modern cultural property law – from the law of war, to the law of art. This post was originally published on the Cardozo International & Comparative Law Review on April 3, 2023. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above

    The Relationship Between the Site of Metastases and Outcome in Children With Stage IV Wilms Tumor: Data From 3 European Pediatric Cancer Institutions

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    The aim of this study was to analyze in detail the site of metastasis of stage 4 Wilms tumor (WT) and its correlation with outcome. The databases from 3 major European pediatric cancer institutions were screened for children with WT between 1994 and 2011. Of 208 children identified, 31 (14.9%) had metastases at diagnosis. The lung was affected in 29 children (93.5%) and the liver in 6 children (19.4%). Twenty-seven children (87.1%) had metastases isolated to 1 organ, with the lung being the most common site (80.7%). Five-year overall survival was significantly better in those children with distant disease in either lung or liver (95.8%) compared with those affected in both lung and liver (57.1%, P=0.028). Further, prognostic markers were the response of metastases to preoperative chemotherapy (P=0.0138), high-risk histology (P=0.024), and local stage (P=0.026). Five-year overall survival was 82.1% and 5-year event-free survival was 67.9%. The overall follow-up time was 74.1 and 87.2 (2 to 151) months among survivors, and the treatment-related complication rate was 16.7%. In conclusion, in our series of stage 4 WT, prognosis was excellent if histology was favorable, metastatic disease was isolated to either lungs or liver, and if metastases responded to preoperative chemotherapy

    The Relationship Between the Site of Metastases and Outcome in Children With Stage IV Wilms Tumor: Data From 3 European Pediatric Cancer Institutions

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    The aim of this study was to analyze in detail the site of metastasis of stage 4 Wilms tumor (WT) and its correlation with outcome. The databases from 3 major European pediatric cancer institutions were screened for children with WT between 1994 and 2011. Of 208 children identified, 31 (14.9%) had metastases at diagnosis. The lung was affected in 29 children (93.5%) and the liver in 6 children (19.4%). Twenty-seven children (87.1%) had metastases isolated to 1 organ, with the lung being the most common site (80.7%). Five-year overall survival was significantly better in those children with distant disease in either lung or liver (95.8%) compared with those affected in both lung and liver (57.1%, P=0.028). Further, prognostic markers were the response of metastases to preoperative chemotherapy (P=0.0138), high-risk histology (P=0.024), and local stage (P=0.026). Five-year overall survival was 82.1% and 5-year event-free survival was 67.9%. The overall follow-up time was 74.1 and 87.2 (2 to 151) months among survivors, and the treatment-related complication rate was 16.7%. In conclusion, in our series of stage 4 WT, prognosis was excellent if histology was favorable, metastatic disease was isolated to either lungs or liver, and if metastases responded to preoperative chemotherapy

    Taxation and democracy

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    In this study we are examining the validity of relationship between level of taxation and democracy, using a panel-model approach. The data-set covers the period 2002-2008, including 51 states. The main finding stresses that the assumed function are nonlinear, and has a quadratic U-shape

    The Dynamics of Democracy, Development and Cultural Values

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    Over the past decades many countries have experienced rapid changes in their economies, their democratic institutions and the values of their citizens. Comprehensive data measuring these changes across very different countries has recently become openly available. Between country similarities suggest common underlying dynamics in how countries develop in terms of economy, democracy and cultural values. We apply a novel Bayesian dynamical systems approach to identify the model which best captures the complex, mainly non-linear dynamics that underlie these changes. We show that the level of Human Development Index (HDI) in a country drives first democracy and then higher emancipation of citizens. This change occurs once the countries pass a certain threshold in HDI. The data also suggests that there is a limit to the growth of wealth, set by higher emancipation. Having reached a high level of democracy and emancipation, societies tend towards equilibrium that does not support further economic growth. Our findings give strong empirical evidence against a popular political science theory, known as the Human Development Sequence. Contrary to this theory, we find that implementation of human-rights and democratisation precede increases in emancipative values

    American welfare strategies: Three programs under the social security act

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    In the United States, a single piece of legislation, the Social Security Act, is the major vehicle through which the cash assistance to citizens is provided. This act contains many subprograms, programs so different in concept, administration and programmatic implication that many people do not know that the same piece of legislation makes them all possible. In this paper three programs—“social security,” “unemployment compensation,” and “public assistance”—are examined in a sociohistorical, sociocultural context. The roots of these programs are analyzed, their current operations outlined, and the policy problems currently confronting them are detailed. The ways in which the programs relate to the political mythology of the society is seen as important. Because of the continual conflicts arising out of the administration of public assistance, three special cases involving that program are mentioned.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45457/1/11077_2005_Article_BF01727600.pd

    Assessment of saddle fit in racehorses using infrared thermography

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    The aim of this study was to assess the influence of horse, saddle, and rider on saddle fit in racehorses by detecting pressure distribution using infrared thermography. In this study, 22 saddles used on 65 racing horses ridden by 21 riders were used. Data from horses including gender, breed, age, training intensity, and level of performance were collected. Type and mass of the saddle were also obtained, along with information about the rider's body mass and riding skills. Thermographic images of the saddle's panels were captured immediately after untacking the horse at each thermographic examination. On each thermographic image of the saddle panels, six regions of interest (ROIs) were marked, with mean temperature calculated within each ROI to indicate pressure distribution. Saddle fit was evaluated for right/left panel pressure, bridging/rocking pressure, and front/back pressure according to horse's: gender, breed, age, training intensity, level of conditioning, rider's skills, and load (saddle plus rider mass). There were statistically significant relationships (P < .05) between left/right asymmetry and age, training, intensity and load. In front/back pressure, there was a statistically significant relationship (P < .05) for load. No statistically significant relationships were observed between bridging/rocking pressure and the rest of the aforementioned variables. The study indicated that load, horse age, and training intensity influence pressure distribution in racing saddles. Therefore, animal age and load have to be considered in saddle fit. Infrared thermography has been confirmed as a useful tool in the evaluation of saddle fit in racing horses

    An overview of the taxonomy, phylogeny, and typification of nectriaceous fungi in Cosmospora, Acremonium, Fusarium, Stilbella, and Volutella

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    A comprehensive phylogenetic reassessment of the ascomycete genus Cosmospora (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) is undertaken using fresh isolates and historical strains, sequences of two protein encoding genes, the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (rpb2), and a new phylogenetic marker, the larger subunit of ATP citrate lyase (acl1). The result is an extensive revision of taxonomic concepts, typification, and nomenclatural details of many anamorph- and teleomorph-typified genera of the Nectriaceae, most notably Cosmospora and Fusarium. The combined phylogenetic analysis shows that the present concept of Fusarium is not monophyletic and that the genus divides into two large groups, one basal in the family, the other terminal, separated by a large group of species classified in genera such as Calonectria, Neonectria, and Volutella. All accepted genera received high statistical support in the phylogenetic analyses. Preliminary polythetic morphological descriptions are presented for each genus, providing details of perithecia, micro- and/or macro-conidial synanamorphs, cultural characters, and ecological traits. Eight species are included in our restricted concept of Cosmospora, two of which have previously documented teleomorphs and all of which have Acremonium-like microconidial anamorphs. A key is provided to the three anamorphic species recognised in Atractium, which is removed from synonymy with Fusarium and epitypified for two macroconidial synnematous species and one sporodochial species associated with waterlogged wood. Dialonectria is recognised as distinct from Cosmospora and two species with teleomorph, macroconidia and microconidia are accepted, including the new species D. ullevolea. Seven species, one with a known teleomorph, are classified in Fusicolla, formerly considered a synonym of Fusarium including members of the F. aquaeductuum and F. merismoides species complex, with several former varieties raised to species rank. Originally a section of Nectria, Macroconia is raised to generic rank for five species, all producing a teleomorph and macroconidial anamorph. A new species of the Verticillium-like anamorphic genus Mariannaea is described as M. samuelsii. Microcera is recognised as distinct from Fusarium and a key is included for four macroconidial species, that are usually parasites of scale insects, two of them with teleomorphs. The four accepted species of Stylonectria each produce a teleomorph and micro- and macroconidial synanamorphs. The Volutella species sampled fall into three clades. Pseudonectria is accepted for a perithecial and sporodochial species that occurs on Buxus. Volutella s. str. also includes perithecial and/or sporodochial species and is revised to include a synnematous species formerly included in Stilbella. The third Volutella-like clade remains unnamed. All fungi in this paper are named using a single name system that gives priority to the oldest generic names and species epithets, irrespective of whether they are originally based on anamorph or teleomorph structures. The rationale behind this is discussed

    Liberalization, globalization and the dynamics of democracy in India

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    In the closing decades of the twentieth century there has been an almost complete intellectual triumph of the twin principles of marketization (understood here as referring to the liberalization of domestic markets and freer international mobility of goods, services, financial capital and perhaps, more arguably, labour) and democratization . A paradigm shift of this extent and magnitude would not have occurred in the absence of some broad consensus among policymakers and (sections of) intellectuals around the globe on the desirability of such a change. There seems to be a two-fold causal nexus between marketization and democracy. The first is more direct, stemming from the fact of both systems sharing certain values and attitudes in common. But there is also a second more indirect chain from marketization to democracy, which is predicated via three sub-chains (i) from marketization to growth, (ii) from growth to overall material development welfare and (iii) from material development to social welfare and democracy. We examine each of these sub-links in detail with a view to obtaining a greater understanding of the hypothesized role of free markets in promoting democracies. In the later part of the paper we examine the socio-economic outcomes governing the quality of democracy in a specifically Indian context
