189 research outputs found

    Progressive hearing loss and cerebellar ataxia in anti-Ma2-associated autoirnrnune encephalitis

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    Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Neurol & Neurocirurgia, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Departamento de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia, São Paulo SP, BrasilWeb of Scienc

    Endonuclease IV Is the Main Base Excision Repair Enzyme Involved in DNA Damage Induced by UVA Radiation and Stannous Chloride

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    Stannous chloride (SnCl2) and UVA induce DNA lesions through ROS. The aim of this work was to study the toxicity induced by UVA preillumination, followed by SnCl2 treatment. E. coli BER mutants were used to identify genes which could play a role in DNA lesion repair generated by these agents. The survival assays showed (i) The nfo mutant was the most sensitive to SnCl2; (ii) lethal synergistic effect was observed after UVA pre-illumination, plus SnCl2 incubation, the nfo mutant being the most sensitive; (iii) wild type and nfo mutants, transformed with pBW21 plasmid (nfo+) had their survival increased following treatments. The alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis assays pointed that (i) UVA induced DNA breaks and fpg mutant was the most sensitive; (ii) SnCl2-induced DNA strand breaks were higher than those from UVA and nfo mutant had the slowest repair kinetics; (iii) UVA + SnCl2 promoted an increase in DNA breaks than SnCl2 and, again, nfo mutant displayed the slowest repair kinetics. In summary, Nfo protects E. coli cells against damage induced by SnCl2 and UVA + SnCl2

    Prediction of postoperative facial swelling, pain and trismus following third molar surgery based on preoperative variables

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    Objective: This paper investigates the relationship between preoperative findings and short-term outcome in third molar surgery. Study design: A prospective study was carried out involving 80 patients who required 160 surgical extractions of impacted mandibular third molars between January 2009 and December 2010. All extractions were performed under local anesthesia by the same dental surgeon. Swelling and maximal inter-incisor distance were measured at 48 h and on the 7th day postoperatively. Mean visual analogue pain scores were determined at four different time periods. Results: One-hundred eight (67.5%) of the 160 extractions were performed on male subjects and 52 (32.5%) were performed on female subjects. Median age was 22.46 years. The amount of facial swelling varied depending on gender and operating time. Trismus varied depending on gender, operating time and tooth sectioning. The influence of age, gender and operating time varied depending on the pain evaluation period (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Short-term outcomes of third molar operations (swelling, trismus and pain) differ depending on the patients' characteristics (age, gender and body mass index). Moreover, surgery characteristics such as operating time and tooth sectioning were also associated with postoperative variables

    Fitotoxicidade na cultura de soja causada por deriva simulada de dicamba

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate injury symptoms on soybean not tolerant to dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid), as well as crop yield, after the application of sub-rates of the herbicide to simulate physical drift in tropical conditions. Dicamba rates of 0, 5.8, 14.4, 28.8, 57.6, and 576 g acid equivalent per hectare were applied at the vegetative (V3) and reproductive (R1) stages of soybean, using a backpack sprayer pressurized with CO2, equipped with air-induction flat fan spray nozzles; the pressure and rate of application were 250 kPa and 200 L ha-1, respectively. Visible injury, the soil-plant analysis development (SPAD) index (leaf chlorophyll content) at 14 days after herbicide application, and soybean crop yield were evaluated. These variables were influenced by the crop stage in which the dicamba rates were applied. Rates below 28.8 g ha-1 caused less injury to soybean when applied at the R1 stage; however, there were no differences in yield between stages. A 1% dicamba drift in tropical conditions reduces soybean yield by 12%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os sintomas de injúria em soja não tolerante ao dicamba (ácido 3,6-dicloro-2-metoxibenzóico), bem como a produtividade da cultura, após a aplicação de subdoses do herbicida para simulação da deriva física em condições tropicais. Doses de dicamba de 0, 5,8, 14,4, 28,8, 57,6 e 576 g de equivalente ácido por hectare foram aplicadas nos estádios vegetativo (V3) e reprodutivo (R1) da soja, com uso de pulverizador costal acionado por CO2, dotado de pontas de jato plano com indução de ar; a pressão e a taxa de aplicação foram de 250 kPa e 200 L ha-1, respectivamente. Foram avaliados injúria visual, índice “soil-plant analysis development” (SPAD) (teor de clorofila das folhas) aos 14 dias após a aplicação do herbicida e produtividade da cultura de soja. Essas variáveis foram influenciadas pelo estádio da cultura em que as doses de dicamba foram aplicadas. Doses inferiores a 28,8 g ha-1 causaram menor injúria na soja quando aplicadas no estádio R1; contudo, não houve diferenças de produtividade entre os estádios. A deriva de dicamba de 1%, em condições tropicais, reduz a produtividade da soja em 12%

    Pseudo eliminação da hanseníase em estado no nordeste brasileiro: análise a partir de regressão por pontos de inflexão e modelo bayesiano empírico local

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    Background and Objectives: Alagoas is a Brazilian state in which leprosy is eliminated, but there is evidence that it is a pseudo-elimination. To analyze the temporal and spatial dynamics of leprosy in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, in between 2010 and 2015. Methods: Ecological study. Six indicators of leprosy monitoring were analyzed. Secondary data from the National System of Notifiable Diseases were used to calculate the indicators. For the temporal analysis we adopted joinpoint regression model. The trend has been ranked in increasing, decreasing or stationary. For the spatial analysis, the Local Empirical Bayesian Model and the Global and Local Moran Statistics were used. Significance was set at 5% and 95% CI. Results: The analysis by joinpoint showed a tendency to reduce the prevalence coefficient (APC=-11.2, p=0.008) and to increase the proportion of contacts examined (APC=7.0, p=0.015). The general detection coefficient, the coefficient of cases with degree II of physical incapacity and the proportion of cure showed a stationary pattern. The coefficient of detection in children under 15 years showed an inversion of the trend from 2013 (APC=7.8, p=0.011). The Moran statistic showed spatial autocorrelation, with municipalities more priority in the hinterland of the state. Conclusion: Althought being considered as eliminated in Alagoas, the high burden in the general population, the presence in children under 15 years of age and of incapacitated individuals, the fragile cure rate, the dubious quality of the contact survey and the geographical location of the state constitute the set of elements that maintain that elimination is a purely virtual process. Keywords: Leprosy. Spatial analysis. Medical informatics.Justificación y Objetivos: Alagoas se configura como un estado brasileño en el cual la lepra se encuentra eliminada, sin embargo, hay evidencias de que se trata de una pseudo-eliminación. Analizar la dinámica temporal y espacial de la lepra en el estado de Alagoas-Brasil, entre 2010 y 2015. Métodos: Estudio ecológico mixto. Se analizaron seis indicadores de seguimiento de la lepra. Los datos secundarios del Sistema Nacional de Agravios de Notificación se utilizaron para el cálculo de los indicadores. Para el análisis temporal se adoptó joinpoint regresion model. La tendencia fue clasificada en creciente, decreciente o estacionaria. Para el análisis espacial, se utilizó el Modelo Bayesiano Empírico Local y la Estadística de Moran Global y Local. Se adoptó una significancia del 5% y el intervalo de confianza 95%. Resultados: El análisis por joinpoint mostró una tendencia de reducción del coeficiente de prevalencia (APC=-11,2, p=0,008) y del aumento de la proporción de contactos examinados (APC=7,0, p=0,015). El coeficiente de detección general, el coeficiente de casos con grado II de incapacidad física y la proporción de curado presentaron patrón estacionario. El coeficiente de detección en menores de 15 años mostró inversión de la tendencia a partir de 2013 (APC=7,8, p=0,011). La estadística de Moran mostró autocorrelación espacial, con municipios más prioritarios en el sertão del estado. Conclusiones: A pesar de ser tenida como eliminada en Alagoas, la elevada carga en la población general, la presencia en menores de 15 años, la presencia de individuos incapacitados, la frágil tasa de curación, la calidad dudosa del examen de contactos y la ubicación geográfica del estado constituyen el conjunto de elementos que sostienen que la eliminación se trata de un proceso meramente virtual.Justificativa e Objetivos: Alagoas configura-se como um estado brasileiro no qual a hanseníase encontra-se eliminada, todavia há evidências de que se trata de uma pseudo eliminação. Neste sentido o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a dinâmica temporal e espacial da Hanseníase no estado de Alagoas-Brasil, entre 2010-2015. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo ecológico incluindo seis indicadores de monitoramento da hanseníase obtidos a partir de dados secundários do Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação Para a análise temporal, adotou-se joinpoint regression model. A tendência foi classificada em crescente, decrescente ou estacionária. Para a análise espacial, utilizou-se o Modelo Bayesiano Empírico Local e a Estatística de Moran Global e Local. Resultados: A análise por joinpoint mostrou tendência de redução do coeficiente de prevalência (APC=-11,2; p=0,008) e de aumento da proporção de contatos examinados (APC=7,0; p=0,015). O coeficiente de detecção geral e de indivíduos com grau II de incapacidade física, bem como a proporção de cura apresentaram padrão estacionário. O coeficiente de detecção em menores de 15 anos mostrou inversão da tendência a partir de 2013 (APC=7,8; p=0,011). A estatística de Moran mostrou autocorrelação espacial, com municípios mais prioritários no sertão do estado. Conclusão: Apesar de a hanseníase ser considerada eliminada em Alagoas, a elevada carga na população geral, a presença em menores de 15 anos e de indivíduos incapacitados, a frágil proporção de cura, a qualidade duvidosa do exame de contatos e a localização geográfica do estado constituem elementos que sustentam que a eliminação trata-se de um processo operacional e não real. Descritores: Hanseníase. Análise espacial. Informática médica

    Superação de dormência e vigor em sementes de Fava-d’Anta (Dimorphandra gardneriana Tulasne)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effciency of different methods of overcoming of dormancy in Dimorphandra gardneriana Tulasne seeds, aiming to provide technical and scientifc knowledge to enable the creation of a protocol for germination. In an experiment conducted at ‘Laboratório de Análise de Sementes’, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (CCA-UFPB), in a completely randomized experimental design, seeds of fava d’anta were subjected to the following treatments: control consisting of non-carifed seeds mechanically scarifed with sandpaper Nº 120, mechanically scarifed seeds with sandpaper and soaked in distilled water for 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours, seeds subjected to blunt the region opposite to the hilum of nail with pliers, seeds subjected to blunt the region opposite to the hilum of nail with pliers and put on immersion in water distilled for 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours, chemical scarifcation with concentrated sulfuric acid for 5, 10 and 15 minutes. After the treatments, the seeds were tested for germination and vigor (emergence, speed of germination and emergence, length and dry weight of roots and hypocotyl). Mechanical scarifcation with sandpaper and lopping followed by immersion in distilled water for six hours favor the percentage of seed germination and the seedling emergence of Dimorphandra gardneriana and treatments using sulfuric acid dramatically reduced the strength of these seeds.O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes métodos para a superação da dormência em sementes Dimorphandra gardneriana Tulasne, visando fornecer conhecimentos técnico-científicos que permitam a criação de um protocolo de germinação. Em um experimento realizado no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (CCA-UFPB), em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, as sementes de D. gardneriana foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: testemunha que consistiu de sementes não escarificadas, sementes escarificadas mecanicamente com lixa n° 120, sementes escarificadas mecanicamente com lixa e submetidas à embebição em água destilada por 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas, sementes submetidas ao desponte na região oposta ao hilo com alicate de unha, sementes submetidas ao desponte na região oposta ao hilo com alicate de unha e postas em embebição em água destilada por 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas, escarificação química com ácido sulfúrico concentrado por 5, 10 e 15 minutos. Após a aplicação dos tratamentos as sementes foram submetidas a testes de germinação e vigor (emergência, índice de velocidade de germinação e de emergência, comprimento e massa seca de hipocótilo e raízes). A escarificação mecânica com lixa e o desponte seguidos de imersão em água destilada por seis horas favorecem a porcentagem de germinação de sementes e emergência de plântulas de Dimorphandra gardneriana, e os tratamentos utilizando ácido sulfúrico reduziram drasticamente o vigor destas sementes

    Jornalismo político no Facebook? As fanpages dos jornais O Estado do Maranhão(MA) e A Tarde (BA) como “distribuidoras” de informação sobre as eleições 2016

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    Este artigo analisa como as eleições de 2016 ganharam visibilidade na cobertura jornalística feita pelos jornais O Estado do Maranhão(MA) e A Tarde (BA), nas páginas do Facebook. Trata-se de um estudo comparado para compreender similaridades e diferenças no espaço destinado ao tema político-eleitoral em cada um dos jornais de diferentes localidades do Nordeste. A análise está amparada na importância da informação jornalística nos processos eleitorais, assim como no papel das redes sociais digitais no processo de circulação e recirculação de conteúdos informativos. A técnica de pesquisa empregada é a análise de conteúdo, a partir de uma abordagem quantitativa. O período de observação compreende toda a disputa eleitoral de 2016, na qual os dois veículos fizeram 1.871 postagens no Facebook

    Correlation between parafunctional habits and temporomandibular dysfunction: Systematic review / Correlção entre hábitos parafuncionais e disfunção temporomandibular: Revisão sistemática

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    Introduction: Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is a term belonging to the orofacial pain group that affects the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and adjacent structures. TMD can be triggered by parafunctional habits, which are actions performed without specific natural function of the human being, becoming risk factors. Objectives: To evaluate through a literature review the correlation between parafunctional habits and temporomandibular dysfunctions. Methods: The articles were researched in the PubMed and Scielo databases, from 2009 to 2019. As inclusion criteria: articles published in English and Portuguese with the key words "Temporomandibular Joint", "Parafunctional Habits" and "Temporomandibular Dysfunction". Themes that were not related to the theme were excluded. Results: Eight articles were selected, in which six of them correlated the parafunctional habits with the signs and symptoms of TMD. Through these studies, it was seen that people develop a painful symptomatology, affecting even quality of life. In parallel, through other articles, there is a possible relationship between the intensity of physical activity with the degree of TMD found, and also the emergence of certain habits after certain surgeries. Conclusion: It is remarkable the correlation between the various parafunctional habits and TMD. Thus, the dentist should be paid, during diagnosis, to their presence and consider, as part of the treatment, guidelines for the reduction of these habits, obtaining success in controlling dysfunction

    Endonuclease IV Is the Main Base Excision Repair Enzyme Involved in DNA Damage Induced by UVA Radiation and Stannous Chloride

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    Stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ) and UVA induce DNA lesions through ROS. The aim of this work was to study the toxicity induced by UVA preillumination, followed by SnCl 2 treatment. E. coli BER mutants were used to identify genes which could play a role in DNA lesion repair generated by these agents. The survival assays showed (i) The nfo mutant was the most sensitive to SnCl 2 ; (ii) lethal synergistic effect was observed after UVA pre-illumination, plus SnCl 2 incubation, the nfo mutant being the most sensitive; (iii) wild type and nfo mutants, transformed with pBW21 plasmid (nfo + ) had their survival increased following treatments. The alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis assays pointed that (i) UVA induced DNA breaks and fpg mutant was the most sensitive; (ii) SnCl 2 -induced DNA strand breaks were higher than those from UVA and nfo mutant had the slowest repair kinetics; (iii) UVA + SnCl 2 promoted an increase in DNA breaks than SnCl 2 and, again, nfo mutant displayed the slowest repair kinetics. In summary, Nfo protects E. coli cells against damage induced by SnCl 2 and UVA + SnCl 2