16 research outputs found

    Identificação de conflito de uso da terra em Áreas de Preservação Permanente no município de Salto de Pirapora, SPIdentification of land use conflicts in Permanent Preservation Areas in Salto de Pirapora city

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    O Código Florestal brasileiro é uma importante ferramenta no auxílio da conservação das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP). Entretanto, a aplicação dessa lei é bastante limitada. Com o uso de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, o mapeamento dessas áreas permite uma identificação da ocorrência de conflitos de uso da terra, o que poderá tornar-se um suporte na fiscalização do cumprimento da legislação. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a ocorrência de conflitos do uso da terra associados às APP de acordo com a legislação vigente, de modo a fornecer subsídios para o planejamento e gestão territorial. O mapeamento do uso da terra foi realizado pelo método de vetorização manual baseada nas técnicas de fotointerpretação, utilizando-se ortofotos referentes ao ano de 2011. A hidrografia e nascentes foram vetorizadas manualmente com base em cartas topográficas do Instituto Geográfico e Cartográfico de São Paulo para a determinação das APP. Os resultados indicaram que 17,16% do município é ocupado por APP de cursos d’água e nascentes. Desse percentual, 50,70% possuem cobertura vegetal e 41,94% encontram-se em situação de conflito, sendo a classe campo limpo apresentou a maior ocorrência (20,77%), seguida por silvicultura (8,85%) e campo sujo (3,65%). Esses resultados fornecem um suporte na fiscalização do cumprimento da legislação, além de subsidiar diretrizes de ações de restauração e conservação das APP.Abstract The Brazilian Forest Code is an important helping tool to preserve the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA). However, the application of this law is rather limited. With the use of Geographic Information Systems, mapping these areas allows the identification of the occurrence of land use conflicts, and could become a support in the enforcement of the law. This study aimed to identify the occurrence of land use conflicts associated with PPA in accordance with current legislation, to provide information for planning and land management. The mapping of land use was performed by manual vectorization method based on photo-interpretation techniques, using orthophotos from 2011. The hydrography and springs were manually vectorized based on analog topographic maps to determine the PPA. The results indicated that 17.16% of the municipality falls as PPA streams and springs, this area has vegetation cover of 50.70% and 41,94% lies in conflict, and the class of grassland with higher incidence (20.77%), followed by forestry class (8.85%) and dirty land (3.65%). These results provide support in the enforcement of the law in addition to supporting guidelines for restoration and conservation actions of PPA

    Natural Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi in a Dog from Bahia State - Northeast of Brazil

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    Background: Chagas Disease (CD) is a parasitic anthropozoonosis caused by the Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), a protozoan transmitted by insects from the Reduviidae family. Several species of wild and domestic animals, humans included, are susceptible, developing acute clinical signals (myocarditis and cardiac arrhythmias) or chronic signals (drop on the performance and syncope) of the disease. In Brazil, the disease in dogs shows variable indexes of occurrence. The present paper describes the natural infection by T. cruzi in a canine living in the city of Barra, in the state of Bahia, Brazil, a region classified as high risk of vulnerability for the CD in the northeast of Brazil.Case: A 9-year-old male dog, non-specific breed, was referred to the clinic the Veterinary Clinic for Small Animals, at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital), at the Federal University of the West of Bahia. Its owner reported the presence of bloody secretion in the penile region. During the physical exam it was possible to observe an increase in the volume of the penis base. All of the animal’s physiological parameters were within normal levels. Blood samples and cytological laminas from the lesioned area were collected and sent to the Laboratory of Veterinary Clinical Pathology in the same institution. The cytological exam showed monomorphic population of great round cells with a round nucleus, condensed chromatin and one to two prominent nucleolus, abundant and slightly basophilic cytoplasm, with multiple stippled vacuoles, thus confirming a Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) case. With the blood exam one observed a thrombocytopenia, neutrophilia with a deviation on the left and the presence of a trypomastigote form of Trypanosoma sp. in the blood smears. A complete blood sample was sent to the Laboratory of Pathology and Molecular Biology from the Fiocruz-BA (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in the State of Bahia), being identified by the PCR technique, T. cruzi.Discussion: During the complete blood count, specifically using the blood smear, the microscopic visualization of the trypomastigote form of the Trypanosoma sp., a hemoparasite of filiform aspect, with undulating membrane over the whole body and free flagellum, confirming a case of trypanosomiasis. Such diagnostics had not been considered up to this moment, as the animal did not present any clinic symptomatology that indicated the pathological condition. The high levels of parasitemia presented by the animal, confirmed by the presence of the protozoan in the blood smear, probably indicate the acute phase of the infection, period in which the multiplication and development of the agent is higher, consequently allowing the visualization of the hemoparasite in the lamina. Although the TVT had proved to be the main derogatory factor of sanity and wellbeing of the animal, one calls the attention in this case for the trypanosomiasis, a zoonosis that causes great risk to the sole health, highlighting that the canine species is taken as an important reservoir of T. cruzi, relevant for the maintenance and interaction among the domestic and wild cycles of the Chagas Disease. This is the first report of a canine naturally infected by T. cruzi in the west Region of the State of Bahia. It is, thus, important to emphasize its significance once dogs can be reservoirs of the protozoan, acting in their life cycle and epidemiological chain of the Chagas Disease, enabling the infection of triatomines and humans. Future studies should be done with the purpose of determining the predominance of the agent in the region of the city of Barra, in the State of Bahia

    A list of land plants of Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Brazil, highlights the presence of sampling gaps within this protected area

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    Brazilian protected areas are essential for plant conservation in the Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots. A major challenge for improving conservation actions is to know the plant richness, protected by these areas. Online databases offer an accessible way to build plant species lists and to provide relevant information about biodiversity. A list of land plants of “Parque Nacional do Caparaó” (PNC) was previously built using online databases and published on the website "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil." Here, we provide and discuss additional information about plant species richness, endemism and conservation in the PNC that could not be included in the List. We documented 1,791 species of land plants as occurring in PNC, of which 63 are cited as threatened (CR, EN or VU) by the Brazilian National Red List, seven as data deficient (DD) and five as priorities for conservation. Fifity-one species were possible new ocurrences for ES and MG states

    Landscape analysis of the Salto de Pirapora city as suport to environmental planning

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    The disorderly process of land use and occupation in Salto de Pirapora city, resulting in an intense forest fragmentation, and the lack of research in the city, led the development of this work, organized into three chapters. With the main objective to determine areas of interest for conservation and thus provide support for Salto de Pirapora planning and environmental management. Chapter 1 describes the mapping of use and occupation of land, and was set 14 classes. The results indicated an agroforestry system matrix, with the following most representative classes in the territory: clean field representing 29.49% of the municipal area, followed by forestry class with 21.88%. The forest remnants represent 21.32% of the territory. It also describes the situation of the Protect Area of the city, that doesn’t have a decree regulating its functioning, showing an urgent need to expedite the process of its creation. Chapter 2 describes the Permanent Preservation Areas conflict, indicating that 17.16% of the city is occupied by PPA streams and springs. Of this percentage, 50.70% have vegetation and 41.94% lies in a situation of conflict, highlighting the importance of a recovery plan for the natural vegetation of these areas. Chapter 3 addresses the areas of interest for conservation selected by AHP. According to the results, 700 mapped fragments, 9 had priority Very High and 14 had High (3.29%), corresponding to 44.71% of the forest cover. Adding the fragments of Very Low and Low classes, was obtained 534 fragments (76.29%), corresponding to 32.94% of the vegetation cover. The AHP application in GIS environment for selecting conservation areas of interest was efficient in evaluating the distribution of the fragments in the landscape according to their priority, offering alternatives to assist the territorial planning and arrangement process of the city. And finally, it is concluded that the current scenario of forest cover in Salto de Pirapora city is worrisome due to the disorderly process of land use and occupation. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to the characterization of the territory and assist the decision of the planners regarding the development of conservation strategies and forest restoration programs, especially in Permanent Preservation Areas. Through multi-criteria analysis, areas of interest for conservation based on their ecological relevance can be prioritized, providing support for the process of planning and environmental management of the city and facilitates the targeting of conservation actions for the whole territory.Não recebi financiamentoO processo desordenado de uso e ocupação da terra no município de Salto de Pirapora, resultando em uma intensa fragmentação florestal, e a escassez de pesquisas no município, motivaram o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, organizado em três capítulos. Tendo como objetivo principal determinar áreas de interesse para conservação e com isso, fornecer subsídios para o planejamento e gestão ambiental do município de Salto de Pirapora, SP. O Capítulo 1 descreve o mapeamento do uso e ocupação da terra, sendo determinadas 14 classes. Os resultados indicaram uma matriz agrossilvicultural, com as seguintes classes mais representativas no território: campo limpo correspondendo 29,49% da área do município, seguida pela classe da silvicultura com 21,88%. Os remanescentes de floresta do município representam 21,32% do território. E também, descreve a situação da UC do município, que ainda não possui um Decreto que regulamente seu funcionamento, evidenciando a urgência em agilizar o processo de sua criação. O Capítulo 2 descreve os conflitos sobre Áreas de Preservação Permanente, indicando que 17,16% do município é ocupado por APP de cursos d’água e cabeceiras, desse percentual, 50,70% possui cobertura vegetal e 41,94% encontra-se em situação de conflito, evidenciando-se a importância de um plano de recomposição da vegetação natural dessas áreas. O Capítulo 3 aborda as áreas de interesse para conservação selecionadas pelo método AHP. De acordo com os resultados, dos 700 fragmentos mapeados, 9 apresentaram prioridade Muito Alta e 14 Alta (3,29%) e correspondem a 44,71% da cobertura florestal. Somando-se os fragmentos das classes Muito Baixa e Baixa, obteve-se 534 fragmentos (76,29%), que correspondem a 32,94% da cobertura vegetal. A aplicação do método AHP em ambiente SIG, para a seleção de áreas de interesse para a conservação mostrou-se eficiente na avaliação da distribuição dos fragmentos na paisagem de acordo com sua prioridade, oferecendo dessa forma, alternativas para auxiliar o processo de planejamento e ordenamento territorial do município. E, por fim, conclui-se que o atual cenário da cobertura florestal no município de Salto de Pirapora é preocupante devido ao processo desordenado de uso e ocupação da terra. Espera-se que esses resultados contribuam com a caracterização do território e auxilie as tomadas de decisão dos planejadores no que diz respeito a elaboração de estratégias conservacionistas e programas de restauração florestal, principalmente em Áreas de Preservação Permanente. Por meio de análise multicriterial pode-se priorizar áreas de maior interesse para a conservação com base em sua relevância ecológica, fornecendo subsídios para o processo de planejamento e gestão ambiental do município e facilita o direcionamento de ações conservacionistas para todo o território

    Self-sampling coupled to the detection of HPV 16 and 18 E6 protein: A promising option for detection of cervical malignancies in remote areas.

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    OBJECTIVE:To evaluate both the performance and acceptability of a method coupling self-sampling with detection of cervical malignancy via elevated HPV 16 and 18 E6 oncoproteins (OncoE6™ Cervical Test) in remote areas in Brazil. METHODS:Women living in rural villages in proximity to Coari city, Amazonas, Brazil were invited to participate in a cervical cancer screening study. 412 subjects were enrolled; there were no refusals. In addition to E6 protein detection, DNA was extracted from the brushes and evaluated for HPV genotypes by PCR (PGMY09/11), followed by typing by the Papillocheck™ if positive. Subjects who were found to be positive for OncoE6 or HPV-DNA were referred for colposcopy. RESULTS:For 110 subjects (27%) this was the first cervical cancer exam. Overall the HPV-DNA prevalence was 19.1% (n = 79); 1.4% (n = 6) were positive by the OncoE6 Test. Fifty-six women attended the invitation for colposcopy where nine had an abnormal cervix and were subsequently biopsied. Histopathological analysis revealed 2 CIN3, 2 carcinomas and 5 CIN1. OncoE6 called two out of the three HPV 16 or 18 associated CIN3+ lesions. CONCLUSIONS:The findings suggest that self-administered sample collection in combination with OncoE6 Test is feasible in this population. This could enable expanded screening coverage while ensuring a high specificity which is imperative given the remote geographic location, since women bearing abnormal test results would necessitate travel and logistical burden to access colposcopy and treatment