134 research outputs found

    Melhoria de processos do sistema produtivo aplicando ferramentas Lean numa empresa de calçado de segurança

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialA presente dissertação, inserida no âmbito do 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, foi desenvolvida numa empresa produtora de calçado de segurança. O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi a melhoria das suas operações. A metodologia utilizada foi a investigação-ação, que consistiu na procura contínua de soluções para os problemas encontrados no dia-a-dia do chão de fábrica. Numa primeira fase, foi elaborado um mapeamento e diagnóstico do processo produtivo, sustentado pela utilização de ferramentas de análise como o VSM e o diagrama de spaghetti. Esta análise permitiu a deteção de problemas, como as elevadas paragens nas linhas, elevado índice de avarias e inconsistências na programação das máquinas, assim como layouts desatualizados. Seguidamente, foram apresentadas as propostas de melhoria com o objetivo de reduzir os desperdícios verificados nas diferentes secções da empresa. Destas propostas, destacam-se o SMED para a redução do tempo de setup nas máquinas de injeção de poliuretano, automação do processo de cardagem do calçado, normalização das rotinas de limpeza, reconfigurações do layout da secção do corte automático e no acabamento da injeção, formações dos operadores e criação de instruções de trabalho, controlo e planeamento das manutenções preventivas e a elaboração, em equipa, de um software de apoio e controlo da produção. Por fim, elaborou-se uma análise dos resultados obtidos durante o ano de 2018 em comparação com os resultados obtidos em 2019, considerando as propostas implementadas. Verificou-se uma redução em 50% do tempo de setup da máquina de injeção 2, resultando num aumento de produção de cerca de 55 pares por dia. A automação do processo de cardagem também reduziu o tempo desta operação em cerca de 50% e eliminou a operação de marcação manual dos limites de cardagem com giz. Foram libertos, no total, cerca de 245m2 de espaço fabril inaproveitado, o que permitiu uma reorganização do layout e redução das movimentações e transportes até então existentes. Com a implementação do um plano de manutenção preventiva foi possível reduzir o tempo despendido em manutenções corretivas na secção da injeção em 78%. O desenvolvimento interno de um software de apoio e controlo da produção permitiu uma poupança na ordem dos 55.000€.The following dissertation, inserted in the scope of the 5th year of the Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering, developed in a company producer of safety shoes. The main objective of this project was to improve it operations. The methodology used was action research, which consisted on the continuous search for solutions for the problems encountered daily. In the first phase, it was elaborated a mapping and diagnosis of the production process, supported by the use of analysis tools such as the VSM and the spaghetti diagram. This analysis allowed the detection of problems such as high line downtimes, high rate of machine malfunctions and inconsistencies, as well as outdated layouts. Subsequently, the improvement proposals were presented in order to reduce the waste found in the different sections of the company. Including the SMED, aimed to reduce setup time on polyurethane injection machines, shoe carding process automation, normalization of cleaning routines, layout reconfiguration of the automatic cut section, training of operators and creation of work instructions, control and planning of preventive maintenance and the elaboration, as a team, of a software for support and production control. Finally, it was made an analysis of the results obtained during the year of 2018 compared to the results obtained in 2019, considering the proposals implemented. There was a 50% reduction in the setup time of the injection machine 2, resulting in a production increase of about 55 pairs per day. The automation of the carding process also reduced the time of this operation by about 50% and eliminated the manual marking of the carding limits operation with chalk. In total, around 245m2 of unused manufacturing space was released that allowed a reorganization of the layout and reduction of the movements and transports that previously existed. With the implementation of a preventive maintenance plan it was possible to reduce the time spent on corrective maintenance in the injection section by 78%. With the in-house development of support and production control software it was possible to save € 55,000

    Vitamin D and chronic pain in the elderly

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic pain is a frequent complaint during medical visits, especially among the elderly. In the attempt to find more effective therapies with less adverse effects in this population, especially considering elderly people with neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain, there are studies relating vitamin D to pain, which could propose it as an analgesic alternative. This study aimed at reviewing in the literature the role of vitamin D in chronic musculoskeletal pain in the elderly. CONTENTS: Pubmed, Medline, LILACS, Cochrane Library and Scielo databases were queried for the last ten years, looking for studies in Portuguese and English. Initial search keywords were vitamin D and chronic pain, resulting in 220 articles, of which only those addressing musculoskeletal pain in the elderly were selected. From those, only ten met established criteria and were analyzed, resulting in: one systematic review, five transversal analytical studies, two case-series retrospective studies, one prospective observational study and one randomized and controlled clinical trial. Five studies have shown significant relationship between vitamin D deficit and chronic musculoskeletal pain; three studies have shown pain improvement after vitamin D supplementation and two have not observed pain improvement with such supplementation. CONCLUSION: Studies relating vitamin D to chronic pain in the elderly are still scarce and highly heterogeneous. The evaluation of vitamin D deficit should be more frequent during geriatric consultations, because this has been correlated to some painful syndromes and its correction could bring therapeutic benefits in some cases.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica é queixa muito frequente nas consultas, principalmente entre os idosos. Na tentativa de buscar terapêuticas mais eficazes e com menos efeitos adversos, nessa população, especialmente considerando idosos com dor neuropática e musculoesquelética, tem-se observado estudos que vêm relacionando a vitamina D a quadros dolorosos, o que poderia propô-la como uma alternativa analgésica. O objetivo deste estudo foi rever, na literatura, o papel da vitamina D na dor crônica neuromusculoesquelética em idosos. CONTEÚDO: Realizada a revisão bibliográfica na base de dados do Pubmed, Medline, LILACS, Biblioteca Cochrane e Scielo, contemplando os últimos 10 anos, títulos em português e inglês. Os descritores usados na busca inicial foram vitamina D e dor crônica, resultando 220 artigos, dos quais apenas os que se tratavam de dor neuromusculoesquelética em idosos foram utilizados. Destes, somente 10 preenchiam os critérios estabelecidos e foram analisados, resultando: um estudo de revisão sistemática, cinco estudos analíticos transversais, dois estudos retrospectivos do tipo série de casos, um estudo observacional prospectivo e um trial clínico randomizado e controlado. Observou-se em cinco estudos uma relação significativa entre a hipovitaminose D e dor crônica musculoesquelética, em três estudos uma melhora da dor após suplementação com vitamina D, e, em outros dois, não haver melhora da dor com esta suplementação. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos relacionando a vitamina D e a dor crônica em idosos ainda são escassos e bastante heterogêneos. A avaliação do déficit de vitamina D deveria estar mais presente nas consultas geriátricas, pois este tem sido correlacionado com certas síndromes dolorosas e sua adequação poderia trazer beneficio terapêutico em alguns casos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    S-BORM: Reliability-based optimization of general systems using buffered optimization and reliability method

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    Reliability-based optimization (RBO) is crucial for identifying optimal risk-informed decisions for designing and operating engineering systems. However, its computation remains challenging as it requires a concurrent task of optimization and reliability analysis. Moreover, computation becomes even more complicated when considering performance of a general system, whose failure event is represented as a link-set of cut-sets. This is because even when component events have smooth and convex limit-state functions, the system limit-state function has neither property, except in trivial cases. To address the challenge, this study develops an efficient algorithm to solve RBO problems of general system events. We employ the buffered optimization and reliability method (BORM), which utilizes, instead of the conventional failure probability definition, the buffered failure probability. The proposed algorithm solves a sequence of difference-of-convex RBO models iteratively by employing a proximal bundle method. For demonstration, we design three numerical examples with increasing complexity that includes up to 108 cut-sets, which are solved by the proposed algorithm within a minute with high accuracy. We also demonstrate its robustness by performing extensive parametric studies.Comment: Codes and data are available at https://github.com/jieunbyun/sbor

    Uncontrolled inexact information within bundle methods

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    International audienceWe consider convex nonsmooth optimization problems where additional information with uncontrolled accuracy is readily available. It is often the case when the objective function is itself the output of an optimization solver, as for large-scale energy optimization problems tackled by decomposition. In this paper, we study how to incorporate the uncontrolled linearizations into (proximal and level) bundle algorithms in view of generating better iterates and possibly accelerating the methods. We provide the convergence analysis of the algorithms using uncontrolled linearizations, and we present numerical illustrations showing they indeed speed up resolution of two stochastic optimization problems coming from energy optimization (two-stage linear problems and chance-constrained problems in reservoir management)

    Desafios da Homoafetivade: Uma Breve Aproximação da Identidade LGBT com as Garantias Constitucionais e as Formas de Cidadania

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    The article exposes the homoaffection and your recognition in society as a family, not only by the brazilian legal system, but by the exercise of citizenship of all LGBT - Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender, witch has still challenges to guarantee basic rights, as affectives unions, the reason of their appreciation by the Brazilian Supreme Court. There are pointed principles about the theme and their analysis into the judgment mentioned and citizenship´s concepts. The state of the art show the need of deeping the theme. The research, bibliographical and documental, is developed by the inductive and deductive methods.O artigo trata sobre homoafetividade e seu reconhecimento em sociedade como família, não apenas no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, mas pelo pleno exercício da cidadania da população LGBT – Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais e Transgêneros, que encontra ainda diversos desafios na efetivação de direitos básicos, a exemplo da união estável. Daí da necessidade de sua apreciação pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Apontam-se questões principiológicas ligadas à temática para, em seguida, abordá-la dentro do referido julgamento e nos conceitos de cidadania. O estado da arte demonstra necessidade de aprofundamento na temática e a pesquisa, bibliográfica e documental, desenvolve-se pelos métodos indutivo e dedutivo


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    RESUMO Este artigo aborda a conceituação de cultura e multiculturalismo, bem como aspectos culturais da população LGBT – Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais e Transgêneros, que aos poucos vêm ganhando espaço na pesquisa e, sobretudo, na sociedade. Em razão de seu histórico, acabou por criar, dentro do conceito amplo de cultura, identidades próprias, pouco difundidas e não integralizadas na sociedade heteronormativa. Atualmente, em vista de sua voz ganhar mais força, mormente ante o estado democrático de direito, a identidade LGBT exige seu espaço e desperta o debate pela igualdade sem, contudo, descaracterizá-la. Outrossim, a pesquisa aborda especificamente o caso da população transexual e suas questões de gênero na diversidade sexual. O objetivo deste trabalho, ante a problemática do preconceito ainda existente contra esta parcela populacional, é demonstrar a possibilidade de inserção e diálogo da identidade LGBT, tratando especificamente do caso das (os) transexuais. Para tanto são apresentados conceitos, tais como cultura, diversidade e multiculturalismo, associando-os com a causa LGBT na vertente da transexualidade. A pesquisa, desenvolvida a partir do método dedutivo, bibliográfica e documental, pretende, por fim, demonstrar a relevância da temática para a efetiva inserção social desta minoria de acordo com a sua construção identitária e gênero.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cultura e Multiculturalismo. Identidade e Gênero na Diversidade Sexual. Transexualidade.   ABSTRACT This article discusses the concept of culture and multiculturalism, and the identity aspects of the LGBT population - Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender, who are gradually gaining ground in research and especially in society. Considering their history, into the big concept of culture, they have created their own identities, which were not widespread and not integrated into heteronormativity society. Nowadays, as their voice gains strength, especially because of the democratic state of law, LGBT identity demands its space and call up the debate for equality without, however, de-characterize their identities. In addition, the research specifically treats the case of the transsexual population and their gender issues in sexual diversity. The objective of this work, observing the problem of prejudice still existing against this population, is to demonstrate the possibility of insertion and dialogue of the LGBT identity, dealing specifically with the case of transsexuals. For that, concepts such as culture, diversity and multiculturalism are presented, associating them with the LGBT cause in the transexuality aspect. The research, developed from the deductive method, bibliographical and documental, aims, finally, to demonstrate the relevance of the theme for the effective social insertion of this minority, according to the construction of their identities and gender. KEYWORDS: Culture and Multiculturalism; Identity and Gender in Sexual Diversity; Transsexuality

    Spatial-temporal of fire foci in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    This study evaluated the space-time variability of fire foci via environmental satellites for the State of Rio de Janeiro (SRJ) based on statistical procedures. The fire foci in the period of 2000 to 2015 were obtained from the BDQueimadas fire database. Descriptive, exploratory, and multivariate statistical analyses were performed in the software environment R i386 version 3.2.5. The north region had 6760 foci (21.11%), the south-central region had 3020 foci (9.43%), the Middle Paraíba had 6,352 foci (19.84%), the Metropolitan areas had 6671 foci (20.83%), and the Green Coast region had 292 foci (0.91%). The cluster analysis identified three homogeneous groups of fire foci (G1, G2, and G3) but did not include the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes (NA). The G1 group (6.21 ± 0.01 foci, 57.61%) included areas throughout the state and covered the coastal region and lowlands towards the north. The G2 group (6.21 ± 0.01 foci, 34.81%) included the northern, south-central, and coastal shallows regions. The G3 group (6.21 ± 0.01 foci, 9.78%) included the mountain ranges of the state. Environmental characteristics and socioeconomic are crucial in the dynamics of fire foci in Rio de Janeiro


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    Objective: to assess the Rooming-In Nursing team’s knowledge about mental distress during the puerperium and to offer subsidies for educational actions.Method: a descriptive and quantitative study carried out with 30 Nursing professionals from a public teaching hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. The data were collected between December 2020 and January 2021 using a structured questionnaire and analyzed descriptively.Results: 73.3% of the nursemidwives, nurses, and nursing technicians and assistants were aged ≥40 years old, and 80% had more than five years of working time. There was a predominance of knowledge about the role of Nursing and its respective practices in the assistance provided in cases of mental distress during the puerperium (majority of expected answers in 80% of the questions), in contrast to the knowledge about pathophysiology, symptoms and causes of puerperal blues, depression and psychosis (majority of expected answers in 40% of the questions).Conclusion: the results can support permanent education, aiming to expand the Nursing team’s knowledge and strengthen the care process

    Genome Sequence Of Streptomyces Wadayamensis Strain A23, An Endophytic Actinobacterium From Citrus Reticulata.

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    The actinobacterium Streptomyces wadayamensis A23 is an endophyte of Citrus reticulata that produces the antimycin and mannopeptimycin antibiotics, among others. The strain has the capability to inhibit Xylella fastidiosa growth. The draft genome of S. wadayamensis A23 has ~7.0 Mb and 6,006 protein-coding sequences, with a 73.5% G+C content.