285 research outputs found

    Robustness Diagram: a bridge between business modelling and system design

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    Use case driven development has proven being a good approach for capturing problem semantics in an orderly, structured description. However, it specifies an abstraction beyond practicity to guide system design process. Robustness diagrams are a simple solution for drafting a more formal description for business modelling. This very simplicity may, however, detract its value, falling short of capturing the rich business semantics. Stereotyping is the essence behind its robustness diagram mechanics. Symbols convey the abstraction necessary to catch the model semantics. Increasing the number of stereotypes we can achieve a closer match from model to design. Rules carefully stated for robustness diagram can help to translate highleveI information into well-behaved and predictable symbolic descriptions. This enhancement to robustness diagram helps to patch the gap between abstract model and project into a paved continuum. It has been used to train programmers to extract working and consistent systems out of use case specifications

    A new technique for tongue brushing and halitosis reduction: the X technique

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    The tongue is one of the primary sources of halitosis. The manual or mechanical removal of biofilm is known to decrease oral malodor. Objective: To evaluate a new tongue hygiene technique hereby referred to as “the X technique” and its effects on both halitosis and the number of microorganisms based on microbiological parameters and diagnostic features of the breath. Material and Methods: The study included thirty patients divided into a control group (patients without systematized guidelines of lingual hygiene, but who performed the mechanical cleaning of tongue dorsum, each in its own way), the 3R group (instructed to perform the movements of the X technique for 3 repetitions at each brushing), and the 6R group (instructed to perform 6 repetitions of the technique at each brushing). After two weeks, a new data collection was performed. Results: Patients in the 6R group presented the lowest score on the organoleptic assessment scale at the second consultation, followed by the 3R group and the controls. Regarding the self-perception of breath by the method of Visual Analog Scale (VAS), the control group did not perceive improvements in oral malodor; the results of the 3R group and the 6R group were similar. Conclusion: These results indicate that the X technique improves both measurements and perceptions of halitosis. Microbiological analyses revealed greatest reduction in the 6R group. The findings show that the X technique reduces both organoleptic scores and the number of bacterial colonies, and improves users’ perceptions of their breath

    Programa de Matemática do Ensino Básico

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    Este livro contém o programa de Matemática do ensino básico (1 a 9 anos)que entrou em vigor no ano letivo 2010/11, depois de uma fase prévia de experimentação.Ministério da Educaçã

    Structural flexural strengthening through material bonded to the concrete substrate

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    This article proposes an alternative method for the structural design of reinforced concrete elements strengthened in bending by metallic plates or fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bonded to the concrete substrate. It is proposed a new calculation procedure for the strengthening using thin adhered material bonded to the element surface that dispenses the iterative process generally used in the design. The proposed routine is validated by comparison with other methods. A practical example is also presented, applying the procedure to an element of a building where a load change was foreseen. As result, it was verified that the proposed procedure provides values similar to the trial-and-error method used in the FRP strengthening design. Results are also coherent with other methods available in the literature for metallic plates. Therefore, since this routine obtains similar values without using an iterative method, its applicability in the design becomes advantageous

    Pesquisa mercadológica: consumo de molho de frutas em Fortaleza e Região Metropolitana, Ceará, Brasil / Market research: consumption of fruit sauce in Fortaleza and Metropolitan Region, Ceara, Brazil

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    O conhecimento dos hábitos do consumidor melhora as estratégias para desenvolvimento de novos produtos com êxito no mercado alimentício. Dessa forma, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi realizar um levantamento de dados socioeconômicos, de consumo e de preferência dos consumidores da cidade de Fortaleza e Região Metropolitana (Ceará, Brasil) em relação a molho de frutas (MF). Utilizou-se um questionário online, o qual foi divulgado em mídias sociais e respondido voluntariamente. Os dados qualitativos foram submetidos ao teste estatístico qui-quadrado (p<0,10) e apresentados em histogramas de frequência. Obteve-se 462 respostas, sendo em sua maior parte do sexo feminino (67%), na faixa etária de 18 a 35 anos (86 %) e com graduação e pós-graduação (78%). As regionais III e V apresentaram maior concentração de consumidores. Foi observado relação entre a idade e o consumo de molhos, sendo maior na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos. Este mesmo grupo também mostrou maior interesse no consumo de MF. Sobre as embalagens, foi observado que há preferência por vidro ou plástico contendo 200 g do produto e que as mulheres são os consumidores que mais leem os rótulos no momento da compra. Segundo os consumidores, a pouca disponibilidade e variedade deste produto no mercado é que impede sua disseminação e maior consumo. Assim, o consumo de MF pode ser direcionado para pessoas com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, mulheres, com classe social média e com graduação e pós-graduação. Sendo MF uma boa opção para a implementação de um novo produto no mercado alimentício

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de cultivares de arroz irrigado por inundação lançadas para a região subtropical do Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to estimate the effects of genotype x environment interaction and the genetic potential of flood-irrigated rice cultivars, released between 1972 and 2017, for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experiments were carried out in the field, in all agroclimatic regions of flood-irrigated rice crop in the state, between the 2005/2006 and 2015/2016 crop years, totaling 60 environments (trials), with 1,961 experimental units. Twenty-five cultivars of irrigated rice were evaluated for the traits grain yield, plant height, days to flowering, and whole grain quality after milling. The values of adaptability and stability were estimated with the aid of mixed models. The rice cultivars BRS Pampa, BRS Pampeira, and BRSCIRAD 302 showed simultaneously high-genotypic grain yield, adaptability, stability, good agronomic traits, and good whole-grain yield after milling. 'BRSCIRAD 302' and 'BRS Pampa' show high-yield stability and can be recommended for all rice cultivation regions of Rio Grande do Sul. 'BRS Pampeira' is responsive to environmental improvements and is indicated for high-technology conditions.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os efeitos da interação genótipo x ambiente e o potencial genotípico de cultivares de arroz irrigado por inundação, lançadas entre 1972 e 2017, para o Rio Grande do Sul. Os experimentos foram realizados em campo, em todas as regiões agroclimáticas de cultivo de arroz irrigado por inundação do estado, entre os anos agrícolas de 2005/2006 e 2015/2016, no total de 60 ambientes, com 1.961 unidades experimentais. Vinte e cinco cultivares de arroz irrigado foram avaliadas quanto aos caracteres produtividade de grãos, altura de plantas, dias para o florescimento e qualidade de grãos inteiros após o beneficiamento. Os valores de adaptabilidade e estabilidade foram estimados por meio de modelos mistos. As cultivares de arroz BRS Pampa, BRS Pampeira e BRSCIRAD 302 apresentaram, simultaneamente, alta produtividade genotípica de grãos, adaptabilidade, estabilidade, bons atributos agronômicos e bom rendimento de grãos inteiros após o beneficiamento. 'BRSCIRAD 302' e 'BRS Pampa' apresentam alta estabilidade produtiva e podem ser recomendadas para cultivo em todas as regiões orizícolas do Rio Grande do Sul. 'BRS Pampeira' é responsiva às melhorias do ambiente e é indicada para condições de alta tecnologia

    Phyllochron variability and cutting management practices on the agronomic potential of sorghum

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    The phyllochron is an indispensable parameter associated with the potential production of sorghum. Accordingly, management practices applied directly in the sorghum crop, such as the cutting technique, provide the ability of plants to regrowth and reestablish the performance of vegetative and reproductive development of plants based on the stimulation of growth in the photosynthetically active area. Appropriately, the aim of this study was to evaluate the alterations in phyllochron and leaf emission rates expressed by the implementation of cutting management practices in sorghum plants from high and low-quality seeds. The study was performed in the experimental and didactic area of ​​the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) – Ibirubá campus, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized and the treatments were plants from higher (HQS) and lower (LQS) quality seeds and two-season crops (2015/16 and 2016/17) with eight replications. The mean phyllochron (°C day leaf-1), height (cm), main stem diameter (cm), number of nodes, dry mass (kg ha-1), and number of tillers were evaluated as a strategy to verify the performance of each treatment. Furthermore, meteorological data obtained from an automatic station was required to calculate phyllochron and evapotranspiration (ETc). Finally, this study indicated that the diameter of the stem and tillers is directly associated with the accumulation of a dry mass of the crop, based on the results of biomass productivity. Moreover, it was demonstrated that forage sorghum plants derived from HQS indicated a higher capacity to accumulate photoassimilates, stimulating the production of dry mass


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    The phyllochron is an indispensable parameter associated with the potential production of sorghum. Accordingly, management practices applied directly in the sorghum crop, such as the cutting technique, provide the ability of plants to regrowth and reestablish the performance of vegetative and reproductive development of plants based on the stimulation of growth in the photosynthetically active area. Appropriately, the aim of this study was to evaluate the alterations in phyllochron and leaf emission rates expressed by the implementation of cutting management practices in sorghum plants from high and low-quality seeds. The study was performed in the experimental and didactic area of ​​the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) – Ibirubá campus, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized and the treatments were plants from higher (HQS) and lower (LQS) quality seeds and two-season crops (2015/16 and 2016/17) with eight replications. The mean phyllochron (°C day leaf-1), height (cm), main stem diameter (cm), number of nodes, dry mass (kg ha-1), and number of tillers were evaluated as a strategy to verify the performance of each treatment. Furthermore, meteorological data obtained from an automatic station was required to calculate phyllochron and evapotranspiration (ETc). Finally, this study indicated that the diameter of the stem and tillers is directly associated with the accumulation of a dry mass of the crop, based on the results of biomass productivity. Moreover, it was demonstrated that forage sorghum plants derived from HQS indicated a higher capacity to accumulate photoassimilates, stimulating the production of dry mass.O filocrono é um parâmetro indispensável associado ao potencial de produção do sorgo. Nesse sentido, práticas de manejo aplicadas diretamente na cultura do sorgo, como a técnica de cortes, proporcionam a capacidade das plantas de rebrotar e restabelecer o desempenho do desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo das plantas a partir do estímulo do crescimento da área fotossinteticamente ativa. Apropriadamente, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações no filocrono e na taxa de emissão foliar expressas pela implementação do manejo de corte em plantas de sorgo a partir de sementes de alta e de baixa qualidade. O estudo foi realizado na área experimental e didática do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) – campus Ibirubá, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos foram plantas provenientes de sementes de qualidade superior (SQS) e inferior (SQI) e duas safras (2015/16 e 2016/17) com oito repetições. O filocrono médio (°C dia folha-1), altura (cm), diâmetro do caule principal (cm), número de nós, massa seca (kg ha-1) e número de perfilhos foram avaliados como estratégia para verificar o desempenho de cada tratamento. Além disso, dados meteorológicos obtidos de uma estação automática foram necessários para calcular o filocrono e a evapotranspiração (ETc). Finalmente, este estudo indicou que o diâmetro do caule e perfilhos está diretamente associado ao acúmulo de massa seca da cultura, com base nos resultados de produtividade de biomassa. Além disso, foi demonstrado que plantas de sorgo forrageiro derivadas de SQS apresentaram maior capacidade de acumular fotoassimilados, estimulando a produção de massa seca

    Soil Management and Water-Use Efficiency in Brazilian Coffee Crops

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    Brazil is a world leader in coffee production. However, currently, it coexists with recurrent and severe droughts, accompanied by intense heat, strong insolation and low relative humidity. As the cultivation is carried out primarily in the rainy season, these world climate variations have affected crops yields and fruits quality, requiring innovative actions that promote efficient use of water stored in the soil. Among several soil management practices that promote a more rational use of water, deep tillage combined with liming, gypsum and fertilizer amendments lead to an increase in effective depth of coffee roots, therefore reducing water stress. Moreover, intercropping with Urochloa sp. is highly efficient in enhancing soil structure, water infiltration and plant available water capacity. Additionally, other innovative techniques and practices are also introduced in this chapter