658 research outputs found

    Boliviadendron, a new segregate genus of mimosoid legume (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade) narrowly endemic to the interior Andean valleys of Bolivia

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    Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data sampling all species of Leucochloron alongside representatives of genera of the Inga and Albizia clades of the larger ingoid clade of mimosoid legumes (sensu Koenen et al. 2020) confirm the non-monophyly of the genus Leucochloron. We show that Leucochloron bolivianum is placed in the Albizia clade, while the remaining four species of Leucochloron are placed in the Inga clade, in line with previous results. To rectify this non-monophyly, L. bolivianum is segregated as the new genus, Boliviadendron, with a single species, Boliviadendron bolivianum, narrowly endemic to the interior Andean valleys of Bolivia. We illustrate this new segregate genus, present a map of its distribution and discuss the striking lack of morphological distinctions between Boliviadendron and Leucochloron, as well as the phylogenetic and morphological affinities of Boliviadendron to the genera Enterolobium and Albizia

    A metodologia de Lamarck

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    Neste artigo, o método científico de Jean-Baptiste Lamarck é estudado sob o ponto de vista de seu discurso metodológico, bem como sob o ponto de vista de sua prática científica. Essa metodologia é comparada à preconizada por Condillac, assim como à dos "ideólogos" (idéologues) grupo no qual se costuma incluir o próprio Lamarck. Mostra-se que o discurso metodológico de Lamarck assemelha-se ao dos ideólogos; no entanto, sua prática científica não se coaduna com esse enfoque. Em vez de seguir uma abordagem empirista, a obra de Lamarck se fundamenta em princípios metafísicos gerais sobre a natureza. Sob o ponto de vista dos ideólogos, seu trabalho deveria ser rejeitado - o que de fato ocorreu - como um mero sistema (système) metafísico - no sentido pejorativo utilizado pelos seguidores de Condillac. No entanto, o presente artigo argumenta que esse é justamente um importante e inovador aspecto da obra de Lamarck, que permitiu a eclosão do evolucionismo moderno

    Flora da Bahia: Leguminosae – Enterolobium (Clado Mimosoide: Ingeae)

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    We present the taxonomic treatment of the genus Enterolobium for the state of Bahia, Brazil. Five species were recorded, for which we provide an identification key, descriptions, comments, data on the period of fruiting and flowering, as well as illustrations and maps of geographical distribution in Bahia.Apresentamos o tratamento taxonômico do gênero Enterolobium para o estado da Bahia, Brasil. Foram registradas cinco espécies, para as quais fornecemos uma chave de identificação, descrições, comentários, dados do período de floração e frutificação, além de ilustrações e mapas de distribuição geográfica na Bahia

    On the Breeds of Cattle—Historic and Current Classifications

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    Classification of cattle breeds contributes to our understanding of the history of cattle and is essential for an effective conservation of genetic diversity. Here we review the various classifications over the last two centuries and compare the most recent classifications with genetic data. The classifications devised during the 19th to the late 20th century were in line with the Linnaean taxonomy and emphasized cranial or horn morphology. Subsequent classifications were based on coat color, geographic origin or molecular markers. Several theories were developed that linked breed characteristics either to a supposed ancestral aurochs subspecies or to a presumed ethnic origin. Most of the older classifications have now been discarded, but have introduced several Latin terms that are still in use. The most consistent classification was proposed in 1995 by Felius and emphasizes the geographic origin of breeds. This is largely in agreement with the breed clusters indicated by a biochemical and molecular genetic analysis, which reflect either groups of breeds with a common geographic origin or single breeds that have expanded by export and/or crossbreeding. We propose that this information is also relevant for managing the genetic diversity of cattl