707 research outputs found

    First Record Of Pogoniopsis Rchb. (orchidaceae: Triphorinae) In Santa Catarina State,southern Brazil

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    Pogoniopsis is an endemic and myco-heterotrophic orchid genus with only two species in Brazil that can be found growing under dense canopy. Pogoniopsis schenckii is more widely distributed,with records in the states of Bahia,Minas Gerais,Paraná,Pernambuco,Rio de Janeiro,and São Paulo. Here we record P. schenckii for the first time in Santa Catarina state,southern Brazil,in a subtropical broadleaved forest,as well the genus Pogoniopsis itself,expanding its southern distribution limit. In addition,a description and a distribution map of the collected specimens are presented. © 2016 Check List and Authors.12

    Negative powers of Laguerre operators

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    We study negative powers of Laguerre differential operators in R\R, d1d\ge1. For these operators we prove two-weight LpLqL^p-L^q estimates, with ranges of qq depending on pp. The case of the harmonic oscillator (Hermite operator) has recently been treated by Bongioanni and Torrea by using a straightforward approach of kernel estimates. Here these results are applied in certain Laguerre settings. The procedure is fairly direct for Laguerre function expansions of Hermite type, due to some monotonicity properties of the kernels involved. The case of Laguerre function expansions of convolution type is less straightforward. For half-integer type indices α\alpha we transfer the desired results from the Hermite setting and then apply an interpolation argument based on a device we call the {\sl convexity principle} to cover the continuous range of α[1/2,)d\alpha\in[-1/2,\infty)^d. Finally, we investigate negative powers of the Dunkl harmonic oscillator in the context of a finite reflection group acting on R\R and isomorphic to Z2d\mathbb Z^d_2. The two weight LpLqL^p-L^q estimates we obtain in this setting are essentially consequences of those for Laguerre function expansions of convolution type.Comment: 30 page

    Los antropónimos femeninos latinos de origen griego de la Península Ibérica

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    La presencia de nombres propios de origen griego en las inscripciones latinas de la Península Ibérica es notable. Abarca además un amplio período cronológico que se extiende en el tiempo como demuestra la documentación medieval procedente de iglesias y centros religiosos. El artículo muestra que la adaptación fonética y morfológica de estos nombres en latín se produjo de forma limitada, lo que justifica que la variedad de las formas de estos nombres griegos no conociera una expansión fuera del círculo cerrado de individuos que los llevaron en su momento.The presence of Greek Personal Names in the Latin in inscriptions coming from the Iberian Peninsula is considerable. Furthermore, from the evidence found in religious centres it is clear that these inscriptions comprise a broad chronological period reaching to Medieval times. This paper shows that the Phonetic and Morphological adaptation of these names was very limited in Latin. Consequently, the fact that the various forms of these Greek names did not expand outside the closed community which bore them is justified.El texto de este artículo fue presentado como comunicación en el XXIV Congreso Internacional de ICOS sobre Ciencias Onomásticas, Barcelona, 5-9 de septiembre de 2011 y se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación FFI2010-21807

    Limits of elliptic hypergeometric biorthogonal functions

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    The purpose of this article is to bring structure to (basic) hypergeometric biorthogonal systems, in particular to the q-Askey scheme of basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. We aim to achieve this by looking at the limits as p->0 of the elliptic hypergeometric biorthogonal functions from Spiridonov, with parameters which depend in varying ways on p. As a result we get 38 systems of biorthogonal functions with for each system at least one explicit measure for the bilinear form. Amongst these we indeed recover the q-Askey scheme. Each system consists of (basic hypergeometric) rational functions or polynomials.Comment: 27 pages. This is a self-contained article which can also be seen as part 1 of a 3 part series on limits of (multivariate) elliptic hypergeometric biorthogonal functions and their measure

    Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí (southern Brazil) shrub and herbs flora

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    This paper aim to characterize the herbaceous and shrub species diversity of Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí (PNSI). We identified 643 herbaceous and shrub species distributed in 110 families being the most representative family Asteraceae (62 species), Melastomataceae (49) and Rubiaceae (30), besides a two new records for Santa Catarina (Thelypteris glaziovii T.F. Reed and Pseudelephantopus spiralis Cronquist). We recorded 22 exotic species. Thus, due to the vast diversity of life and the rather large territory, PNSI is one of the most important spots for biodiversity conservation in Santa Catarina

    Clinical reasoning in canine spinal disease: what combination of clinical information is useful?

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    Spinal disease in dogs is commonly encountered in veterinary practice. Numerous diseases may cause similar clinical signs and presenting histories. The study objective was to use statistical models to identify combinations of discrete parameters from the patient signalment, history and neurological examination that could suggest the most likely diagnoses with statistical significance. A retrospective study of 500 dogs referred to the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals before June 2012 for the investigation of spinal disease was performed. Details regarding signalment, history, physical and neurological examinations, neuroanatomical localisation and imaging data were obtained. Univariate analyses of variables (breed, age, weight, onset, deterioration, pain, asymmetry, neuroanatomical localisation) were performed, and variables were retained in a multivariate logistic regression model if P<0.05. Leading diagnoses were intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE, n=149), intervertebral disc protrusion (n=149), ischaemic myelopathy (IM, n=48) and neoplasms (n=44). Multivariate logistic regression characterised IM and acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusions as the only peracute onset, non-progressive, non-painful and asymmetrical T3-L3 myelopathies. IVDE was most commonly characterised as acute onset, often deteriorating, painful and largely symmetrical T3-L3 myelopathy. This study suggests that most spinal diseases cause distinctive combinations of presenting clinical parameters (signalment, onset, deterioration, pain, asymmetry, neuroanatomical localisation). Taking particular account of these parameters may aid decision making in a clinical setting

    A Survey on q-Polynomials and their Orthogonality Properties

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    In this paper we study the orthogonality conditions satisfied by the classical q-orthogonal polynomials that are located at the top of the q-Hahn tableau (big q-jacobi polynomials (bqJ)) and the Nikiforov-Uvarov tableau (Askey-Wilson polynomials (AW)) for almost any complex value of the parameters and for all non-negative integers degrees. We state the degenerate version of Favard's theorem, which is one of the keys of the paper, that allow us to extend the orthogonality properties valid up to some integer degree N to Sobolev type orthogonality properties. We also present, following an analogous process that applied in [16], tables with the factorization and the discrete Sobolev-type orthogonality property for those families which satisfy a finite orthogonality property, i.e. it consists in sum of finite number of masspoints, such as q-Racah (qR), q-Hahn (qH), dual q-Hahn (dqH), and q-Krawtchouk polynomials (qK), among others. -- [16] R. S. Costas-Santos and J. F. Sanchez-Lara. Extensions of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality. J. Comp. Appl. Math., 225(2) (2009), 440-451Comment: 3 Figures, 3 tables, in a 22 pages manuscrip

    Tratamento de soluções aquosas de íons cálcio usando casca de arroz em batelada e em leito empacotado

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    Um dos grandes responsáveis pela poluição das águas e dos solos são os efluentes industriais. Devido ao alto custo de tratamento, os efluentes contendo contaminantes, como metais, são depositados diretamente nos rios ou no próprio solo. Dentre os métodos utilizados para o tratamento desses efluentes, a adsorção vem ganhando destaque por ser um método eficiente, de fácil aplicação e de custo relativamente baixo quando se utilizam materiais alternativos. O presente trabalho estuda a aplicação da casca e da cinza da casca de arroz como adsorventes na remoção de cálcio de soluções aquosas. Os ensaios foram realizados em batelada e em leito empacotado de comprimento de 200 mm, variando o diâmetro em 20 e 32 mm. Nos ensaios em batelada obteve-se, com a cinza da casca de arroz, a capacidade máxima de adsorção de 0,142 mmol g-1. Nos ensaios em coluna os resultados da cinza da casca de arroz também foram superiores, com destaque para a coluna de diâmetro de 32 mm, que indicou através dos resultados de pH maior capacidade de adsorção de cálcio. Deste modo, conclui-se que a adsorção pode ser uma destinação sustentável dos subprodutos do beneficiamento do arroz. doi: https://doi.org/10.18540/244694160201201602