131 research outputs found

    Cárie dentária em crianças que frequentaram um programa odontológico de atenção materno-infantil

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    The main goal of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of caries in children that participate in a dental program attending mothers and children in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. A selection was made of 343 children of both genders, from 3 to 6 years of age. The mothers answered questionnaires and children were examined at the Infant Dental Clinic of the Federal University of Piauí. The epidemiological index dmft was applied and active white spot lesions were included. The SPSS for Windows program, version 11.1 was used and non-parametric tests carried out (Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis). An alpha error of 5% (0.05) was considered for the null hypothesis of false rejection, with a confidence interval of 95%. The results showed that 57.5% (197) of the children were breast-fed for a period longer than 12 months. The mean dmft index and percentages of caries-free children at the age of 3 was 1.86 (58.82%); at 4 years of age 1.94 (57.60%); at 5 years of age 1.98 (56.86%) and at 6 years of age 2.42 (42.55%). The decay component (d) was prevalent at all ages. When active white spot lesions were added to the dmft index, there was an increase of 7.2% for children who had caries activity and/or previous caries experience and 2.61% for those with dmft equal to zero. The daily consumption of fermentable carbohydrates and free demand breast-feeding were factors increasing caries activity. Dental follow-up after the program and the number of daily brushings were shown to be factors providing protection against caries . Based on the results, the authors were able to conclude that the program caused a positive impact on caries disease control, as the number of dental appointments kept influenced the dmft index values in a statistically significant manner.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o impacto apresentado por um programa de atenção materno-infantill na prevalência de cárie de crianças participantes. Foram selecionadas 343 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, nas idades de 3 a 6 anos. As mães responderam a questionários e as crianças foram examinadas em consultórios da clínica odontológica infantil da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI). Foi aplicado o índice epidemiológico ceod com acréscimo de lesões de manchas brancas ativas. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa SPSS para Windows, versão 11,1 e realizados os testes não paramétricos (Friedman e Kruskal-Wallis). Considerou-se um erro alfa de 5% (0,05) para hipótese nula de falsa rejeição, com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Os resultados mostraram que 57,5% (197) das crianças foram amamentadas ao seio por um tempo superior a 12 meses. A média do índice ceo-d e percentuais de crianças livres de cárie para a idade de 3 anos foi de 1,86 (58,82%); aos 4 anos, de 1,94 (57,60%); aos 5 anos, de 1,98 (56,86%) e aos 6 anos de 2,42 (42,55%). O fator cariado (c) foi prevalente em todas as idades. Quando foram acrescentadas ao índice ceo-d lesões de manchas brancas ativas, houve um aumento de 7,2% para crianças com atividade e/ou experiência anterior de cárie e de 1,72% para aquelas com ceod igual a zero. O consumo diário de carboidratos fermentáveis e a amamentação em livre demanda se apresentaram como fatores incrementais da atividade de cárie. O acompanhamento odontológico posterior ao programa e o número de escovações diárias demonstraram ser fatores de proteção contra a instalação da doença cárie. Baseados nos resultados, os autores puderam concluir que o programa provocou impacto positivo no controle da doença cárie, uma vez que o número de consultas freqüentadas influenciou nos valores do índice ceod de maneira estatisticamente significativa

    Topography of Primary Molar Pulp Chamber Floor: A Scanning Electron Microscopy and Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis

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    Objective: To determine in vitro the frequency, shape, type, diameter, and patency of accessory canals in the primary molars pulp chamber floor. Material and Methods: Sixteen healthy primary molars were evaluated by micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Descriptive analyses of the frequency, shape (round, oval, or irregular), type (blind, true, or hidden), patency and diameter of the accessory canals were performed. Results: Half of the teeth presented accessory canals, 62.5% of which were located in the upper molars and 37.5% in the lower molars. The most frequent shape was irregular. In three-dimensional analysis, blind accessory canals (12.5%) and with patency (18.7%) of the teeth were observed. The average accessory canal diameter was 51.97 µm (± 26.03 µm). Conclusion: Upper molars showed a higher frequency of accessory canals with larger diameters. The irregular shape was the most frequent. 18.7% of accessory channels showed patency

    O efeito nos contos de Marina Colasanti

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)-Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, 2014.Neste artigo, três contos de Marina Colasanti (1998) do livro O Leopardo é um Animal Delicado serão analisados sob a categoria do efeito presentes nas teorias de Edgar Allan Poe (1999), Julio Cortázar (2008) e Roland Barthes (1987)

    Dentin Thickness of Pulp Chamber Floor in Primary Molars: Evaluation by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

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    Objective: Use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images to evaluate the dentin thickness of the pulp chamber floor in primary molars. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study, conducted with CBCT images of teeth of children.  Primary molars with preserved pulp chamber floor were included. The dentin thickness of the pulp chamber floor in the primary molars was measured linearly in CBCT cross-sections. Data were descriptively analyzed and the Mann-Whitney test was applied (p<0.05). Results: 27 CBCT exams and 123 primary molars of children aged 4 to 13 years were analyzed; the majority was female (52.0%). In maxillary molars, the median dentin thickness was 1.50 (0.6–2.2) mm in the first and 1.65 (0.6–2.3) mm in the second (p=0.049) molars. In mandibular molars, the median was 1.20 (0.3–1.7) mm in the first and 1.60 (1.0–2.2) mm in the second (p<0.001) molars. Children aged 4 to 8 years showed less dentin thickness (p<0.001). Conclusion: The median dentin thickness of the pulp chamber floor in primary molars was 1.50 mm, ranging from 0.3 to 2.3 mm. Less dentin thickness was associated with younger children, teeth in the mandibular arch, and first molars

    Is Low Income Associated with Malocclusion in Primary Dentition Among Preschoolers?

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with malocclusion in the primary dentition of preschool children in a city of Brazilian Northeast. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 566 five-years-old preschool children who were enrolled in public and private preschools in the city of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Data were collected using a sociodemographic questionnaire administrated to parents/caregivers and clinical oral examination of the children was performed. Foster and Hamilton Index for primary teeth was used for the diagnosis of malocclusions. Descriptive analysis was carried out and Poisson regression was used to assesses the association with independent variables. Results: The prevalence of malocclusion was 51.2%. The most frequent types were Class II canines (17% and 16.8%), increased overjet (15.2%) and reduced overbite (14%). Anterior crossbite was present in 3.5% of the preschool children evaluated. There was an association between malocclusion and low family income (PR = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.01-1.47). Conclusion: The prevalence of malocclusion in the primary dentition was high and associated with a low family income

    Knowledge of oral health and practices among mothers attending a mother-child dental care program

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a assimilação e as práticas preventivas em saúde bucal adotadas por mães de crianças que freqüentaram um programa odontológico de atenção materno infantil. O Programa Preventivo para Gestantes e Bebês (PPGB) é um programa de extensão vinculado à Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), que tem como meta a conscientização de gestantes e mães de crianças de zero a 36 meses para a adoção de hábitos favoráveis à obtenção de saúde bucal. Realizou-se uma seleção aleatória de fichas clínicas de crianças que haviam participado do PPGB e, através destas fichas, foram enviadas cartas às mães. Houve um retorno de 281 mães, as quais foram submetidas a entrevistas envolvendo os temas abordados pelo programa. Pelos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as mães freqüentadoras do PPGB detêm um bom nível de informação e adotam, no âmbito familiar, práticas de saúde favoráveis ao controle e prevenção de doenças bucais.This study assesses the assimilation of knowledge and preventive practices in oral health among the mothers of children assisted by a mother-child dental care program. The Preventive Program for Pregnant Mothers and Babies (PPPMB) is an extension project run by the Piauí Federal University (UFPI), whose goal is to make pregnant women and mothers of children from zero to 36 months old more concerned about habits fostering oral health. After a random selection of clinical record cards for children who had participated in this Program, letters were sent to their mothers. Feedback was received from 281 mothers, who responded through interviews that included questions on matters addressed by the Program. The findings indicate that mothers attending this Program were properly informed, adopting hygienic practices in their families that underpin the control and prevention of oral diseases

    Variação temporal da comunidade fitoplanctônica em curtos intervalos amostrais no reservatório de Mundaú, Nordeste brasileiro

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    The aim of this study was to determine how abiotic factors drive the phytoplankton community in a water supply reservoir within short sampling intervals. Samples were collected at the subsurface (0.1 m) and bottom of limnetic (8 m) and littoral (2 m) zones in both the dry and rainy seasons. The following abiotic variables were analyzed: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, pH, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus and orthophosphate. Phytoplankton biomass was determined from biovolume values. The role abiotic variables play in the dynamics of phytoplankton species was determined by means of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Algae biomass ranged from 1.17×10(4) to 9.21×10(4) µg.L-1; cyanobacteria had biomass values ranging from 1.07×10(4) to 8.21×10(4) µg.L-1. High availability of phosphorous, nitrogen limitation, alkaline pH and thermal stability all favored cyanobacteria blooms, particularly during the dry season. Temperature, pH, total phosphorous and turbidity were key factors in characterizing the phytoplankton community between sampling times and stations. Of the species studied, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii populations were dominant in the phytoplankton in both the dry and rainy seasons. We conclude that the phytoplankton was strongly influenced by abiotic variables, particularly in relation to seasonal distribution patterns.O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar a influência dos fatores abióticos sobre a comunidade fitoplanctônica em um reservatório de abastecimento, em curtos intervalos amostrais. As amostras foram coletadas na subsuperfície (0,1 m) e fundo das regiões pelágica (8 m) e litorânea (2 m), durante dois períodos sazonais, estações seca e chuvosa. As variáveis abióticas analisadas foram: temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, sólidos totais dissolvidos, turbidez, pH, nitrogênio total, nitrito, nitrato, fósforo total, fósforo total dissolvido e ortofosfato. A biomassa fitoplanctônica foi determinada a partir de valores de biovolume. A influência das variáveis abióticas na dinâmica das espécies fitoplanctônicas foi determinada através da Análise de Correspondência Canônica. A biomassa algal variou de 1,17×10(4) a 9,21×10(4) µg.L-1, sendo que as cianobactérias apresentaram valores de biomassa entre 1,07×10(4) e 8,21×10(4) µg.L-1. A mais alta disponibilidade de fósforo, limitação de nitrogênio, pH alcalino e estabilidade térmica favoreceram florações de cianobactérias, especialmente durante o período seco. As diferenças entre os horários e as estações amostrais na distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica foram determinadas pelos valores de temperatura, pH, fósforo total e turbidez. As associações fitoplanctônicas que mais se destacaram foram do grupo funcional Sn, formado por Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, que predominou no sistema em ambos períodos sazonais. Concluiu-se que o fitoplâncton apresentou uma forte influência das variáveis abióticas especialmente no estabelecimento de padrões sazonais de distribuição.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico (CNPq

    Distraction osteogenesis in Goldenhar Syndrome : case report and 8-year follow-up

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    Goldenhar syndrome is a well-known condition featuring the following triad of anomalies: ocular abnormalities, microtia and vertebral anomalies. This syndrome involves structures arising from the first and second branchial arches. Craniofacial anomalies, including mandibular, zygomatic and/or maxillary hypoplasias are found in 50% of patients with Goldenhar syndrome. Patients with this syndrome may present unilateral or bilateral underdevelopment of the mandible. Several treatments for the correction of the dento-facial deformity have been described, among them distraction osteogenesis is one that shows promising results. Distraction osteogenesis is the process of bone formation that occurs during slow separation of the segments of bone after an osteotomy and it has been used to alleviate facial asymmetry. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis has been applied for many years, but long-term reports present controversial results. The purpose of the case report is to describe the immediate and long-term effects of distraction osteogenesis used to treat mandible asymmetry in a 5-year-old boy with Goldenhar syndrome