81 research outputs found

    Utilization of nitrogen by wheat grown in soil fertilized with green manure (Crotalaria juncea) and/or urea

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o aproveitamento do nitrogênio de adubo verde (Crotalaria juncea L.)-15N e da uréia-15N, em fertilização conjugada e separada. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos contendo 5kg de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico (amostra colhida na profundidade de 0-20cm), utilizando trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), cultivar IAC-24. O delineamento inteiramente casualizado foi usado com 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições: T1 - uréia-15N (45mg kg-1 de N-uréia); T2 - Crotalaria juncea-15N (100mg kg-1de N-crotalária); T3 - Crotalaria juncea-14N (100mg kg-1de N-crotalária) e uréia-15N (45mg kg-1 de N-uréia); T4 – uréia-14N (45mg kg-1 de N-uréia) e Crotalaria juncea-15N (100mg kg-1de N-crotalária); T5 - tratamento controle (sem adição de fontes de N). A colheita das plantas de trigo foi realizada aos 50 dias após a emergência (DAE), no estádio de florescimento, separando-se a parte aérea do sistema radicular, sendo também amostrado o solo de cada vaso. Os parâmetro avaliados foram a massa de material seco, altura de plantas, conteúdo de N e abundância de 15N, sendo calculada a recuperação do nitrogênio proveniente das fontes. A recuperação do N-uréia nas plantas de trigo foi maior que o N-crotalária, que permaneceu imobilizado no solo. No sistema solo-planta, a recuperação do N-crotalária foi igual ao N-uréia. A fertilização do solo com uréia conjugada à crotalária ou aplicada separadamente, resultou em maior massa de material seco e conteúdo de N-total nas plantas de trigo. A utilização da Crotalaria juncea como fonte de nitrogênio pode ser uma alternativa para ampliar a conservação do nutriente no sistema solo-planta. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this work was to evaluate the use of green manure nitrogen (Crotalaria juncea L.)-15N and urea-15N, in conjugated and separate fertilization. The experiment was carried out in pots with 5kg of a Rhodic Hapludox (sample collected in 0-20cm depth), using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), cv. IAC-24. The completely randomized design was used with 5 treatments and 4 replicates: T1 - urea-15N (45mg kg-1 of N-urea); T2 - Crotalaria juncea-15N (100mg kg-1 of N-crotalária); T3 - Crotalaria juncea-14N (100mg kg-1 of N-crotalária) and urea-15N (45mg.kg-1 of N-urea); T4 – urea-14N (45mg.kg-1 of N-urea) and Crotalaria juncea-15N (100mg.kg-1 of N-crotalária); T5 - treatment control (without source with N). The harvest of plants was realized 50 days after emergency (DAE), at flowering stage, separating the shoot of the root, being also sampled the soil of each pot. The parameter evaluated were the dry weight, height of plants, content of N and 15N abundance, being calculated the recovery of nitrogen from the sources. The N-urea recovery in wheat was larger, compared to N-crotalária that stayed immobilized in the soil. In the soil-plant system, the N-crotalária recovery was higher then N-urea. The soil fertilization with urea conjugated with crotalária or applied separately resulted in larger dry weight and content of N in wheat. The use of Crotalaria juncea as green manure provided conservation of nitrogen, promoting larger recovery of the nutrient in the soil-plant system

    Distribuição natural de espécies arbóreas em áreas com diferentes níveis de antropização. Atributos físicos do solo

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    Com o surgimento de áreas degradadas, os atributos físicos do solo e os caracteres silviculturais, passaram a ter importância quanto ao entendimento do processo sucessional das espécies arbóreas e no planejamento da recomposição. Objetivou-se avaliar a distribuição natural de espécies arbóreas em áreas com diferentes níveis de antropização, relacionando-os aos atributos físicos do solo. O projeto foi conduzido no município de Selvíria - MS. Foram demarcadas 64 parcelas, onde coletaram-se amostras de solo em quatro profundidades para análise física do solo e avaliaram-se os caracteres silviculturais, como altura, diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) e forma. Verificaram-se diferenças na ocupação florestal, diversidade de espécies e desenvolvimento dos indivíduos arbóreos, em função do nível de antropização, estado de conservação das áreas e dos atributos físicos do solo. Quanto mais isolada a área, maior a ocupação florestal, haja vista a área pouco antropizada (APA – revegetada) e a Reserva legal, que apresentaram valores de número de indivíduos e número de espécies por parcela, superiores às demais áreas. A mata ciliar apresenta valores de área basal, altura e forma, superiores às demais áreas, entretanto, os valores de macroporosidade do solo foram inferiores, quando comparados às demais áreas. Em função da presença de vegetação e das condições dos atributos físicos do solo, nas diversas áreas estudadas, seis espécies arbóreas têm potencial para um programa de conservação genética in situ: Astronium fraxinifolium, Terminalia argentea, Curatella americana, Cupania vernalis, Qualea jundiahy e Andira cuyabensis. Entre as espécies, a C. americana pode ser considerada como espécie nucleadora

    Detection of calicivirus from fecal samples from children with acute gastroenteritis in the West Central region of Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to describe the circulation of caliciviruses in the West Central region of Brazil and its correlation with children's gender and age, as well as with the year and months of the sample collection. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect the human calicivirus genome in 1006 fecal samples that were collected in Goiânia (n = 696) and Brasília (n = 310). Viral RNA was detected in 8.6% of the samples. No significant difference in viral prevalence was found regarding gender, age or year of the sample. However, it was observed that in Goiânia, there is a higher incidence of caliciviruses from September to March. The analysis employing three primer pairs demonstrated that the Ni/E3 or JV12/13 primer pairs, which detect norovirus (NoV), detected 41 positive samples while the 289/290 primer pair, which detects NoV or sapovirus, detected the remaining 46 samples. Calicivirus circulates in the West Central region of Brazil and for better detection of this virus it is important to use more than one primer pair. Also, we conclude that the seasonality presented by this virus is related to higher humidity in the period

    MarinEye - A tool for marine monitoring

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    This work presents an autonomous system for marine integrated physical-chemical and biological monitoring – the MarinEye system. It comprises a set of sensors providing diverse and relevant information for oceanic environment characterization and marine biology studies. It is constituted by a physicalchemical water properties sensor suite, a water filtration and sampling system for DNA collection, a plankton imaging system and biomass assessment acoustic system. The MarinEye system has onboard computational and logging capabilities allowing it either for autonomous operation or for integration in other marine observing systems (such as Observatories or robotic vehicles. It was designed in order to collect integrated multi-trophic monitoring data. The validation in operational environment on 3 marine observatories: RAIA, BerlengasWatch and Cascais on the coast of Portugal is also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Randomized Clinical Trials and Observational Tribulations: Providing Clinical Evidence for Personalized Surgical Pain Management Care Models

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    Proving clinical superiority of personalized care models in interventional and surgical pain management is challenging. The apparent difficulties may arise from the inability to standardize complex surgical procedures that often involve multiple steps. Ensuring the surgery is performed the same way every time is nearly impossible. Confounding factors, such as the variability of the patient population and selection bias regarding comorbidities and anatomical variations are also difficult to control for. Small sample sizes in study groups comparing iterations of a surgical protocol may amplify bias. It is essentially impossible to conceal the surgical treatment from the surgeon and the operating team. Restrictive inclusion and exclusion criteria may distort the study population to no longer reflect patients seen in daily practice. Hindsight bias is introduced by the inability to effectively blind patient group allocation, which affects clinical result interpretation, particularly if the outcome is already known to the investigators when the outcome analysis is performed (often a long time after the intervention). Randomization is equally problematic, as many patients want to avoid being randomly assigned to a study group, particularly if they perceive their surgeon to be unsure of which treatment will likely render the best clinical outcome for them. Ethical concerns may also exist if the study involves additional and unnecessary risks. Lastly, surgical trials are costly, especially if the tested interventions are complex and require long-term follow-up to assess their benefit. Traditional clinical testing of personalized surgical pain management treatments may be more challenging because individualized solutions tailored to each patient’s pain generator can vary extensively. However, high-grade evidence is needed to prompt a protocol change and break with traditional image-based criteria for treatment. In this article, the authors review issues in surgical trials and offer practical solutions

    The Changing Environment in Postgraduate Education in Orthopedic Surgery and Neurosurgery and Its Impact on Technology-Driven Targeted Interventional and Surgical Pain Management : Perspectives from Europe, Latin America, Asia, and The United States

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    Personalized care models are dominating modern medicine. These models are rooted in teaching future physicians the skill set to keep up with innovation. In orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery, education is increasingly influenced by augmented reality, simulation, navigation, robotics, and in some cases, artificial intelligence. The postpandemic learning environment has also changed, emphasizing online learning and skill- and competency-based teaching models incorporating clinical and bench-top research. Attempts to improve work–life balance and minimize physician burnout have led to work-hour restrictions in postgraduate training programs. These restrictions have made it particularly challenging for orthopedic and neurosurgery residents to acquire the knowledge and skill set to meet the requirements for certification. The fast-paced flow of information and the rapid implementation of innovation require higher efficiencies in the modern postgraduate training environment. However, what is taught typically lags several years behind. Examples include minimally invasive tissue-sparing techniques through tubular small-bladed retractor systems, robotic and navigation, endoscopic, patient-specific implants made possible by advances in imaging technology and 3D printing, and regenerative strategies. Currently, the traditional roles of mentee and mentor are being redefined. The future orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons involved in personalized surgical pain management will need to be versed in several disciplines ranging from bioengineering, basic research, computer, social and health sciences, clinical study, trial design, public health policy development, and economic accountability. Solutions to the fast-paced innovation cycle in orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery include adaptive learning skills to seize opportunities for innovation with execution and implementation by facilitating translational research and clinical program development across traditional boundaries between clinical and nonclinical specialties. Preparing the future generation of surgeons to have the aptitude to keep up with the rapid technological advances is challenging for postgraduate residency programs and accreditation agencies. However, implementing clinical protocol change when the entrepreneur–investigator surgeon substantiates it with high-grade clinical evidence is at the heart of personalized surgical pain management

    O Programa de Cidades Históricas (PCH) no âmbito das políticas culturais dos anos 1970: cultura, planejamento e nacional desenvolvimentismo

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    Este artigo analisa o Programa de Cidades Históricas (PCH) como parte da rede de relações e de poder que implementou as políticas culturais nos anos 1970 no Brasil, de modo integrado ao setor econômico do governo, com base nas linhas do projeto desenvolvimentista orientadas para o regionalismo associado à descentralização. Apresenta, inicialmente, documentos oficiais que orientaram a formulação da Política Nacional de Cultura na década de 1970 e a rede de intelectuais envolvidos na sua elaboração, contemplando diferentes agências do Estado, historicamente atuantes no campo da cultura. Destaca em tais documentos a naturalização da associação entre turismo, cultura e patrimônio, via pela qual se deu a incorporação do campo da cultura nas discussões sobre o desenvolvimento socioeconômico brasileiro. Analisa as parcerias estabelecidas entre o MEC e a Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidência da República para a criação e implantação do PCH, compreendido como um projeto de ações interministeriais integradas. Busca evidenciar os modos de incorporação das políticas culturais nos planos de desenvolvimento do Brasil Grande e apontamos a complexificação das redes e das representações acerca dos valores da brasilidade associados ao tradicional popular nordestino. Foram trazidas para a análise memórias de protagonistas do alto escalão do regime militar e de técnicos que compartilharam vivências, relacionadas àquela conjuntura e ao próprio PCH, cotejadas com uma diversificada documentação.The article analyzes the Program of Historical Cities - PCH (Programa de Cidades Históricas) as part of the network of relations and power that implemented cultural policies in the 1970s in Brazil, in an integrated manner to the government's economic sector, based on the lines of development project, oriented to a regionalism associated with decentralization. It presents first official documents that guided the formulation of the National Cultural Policy in the 1970s and the intellectual network involved in its preparation, comprising officers from different state agencies, historically active in the cultural field. The article highlights the naturalization of the association between tourism, culture and heritage and the inclusion of the cultural field in the discussions about the Brazilian socioeconomic development. It analyzes partnerships between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Secretariat of Planning of the Presidence of the Republic (Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidência da República) for the creation and implementation of the PCH, understood as a project of integrated ministerial actions. We identify the ways of incorporation of cultural policies in development plans of the ideological program called "Great Brasil" (Brasil Grande), and pointed out the complexity of networks and representations about the Brazilianness values associated with the traditional folk Northeastern. We brought for analysis the memories of high-ranking military regime protagonists and technicians who shared experiences related to the PCH, and collated them with a diverse documentation

    Statement of Second Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Ventilarion : part I

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