822 research outputs found

    A Contextualized Spiral Approach for Teaching Programming in IT Vocational Secondary Education

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    INTRODUCTION: Brazilian vocational high school education in Computing faces problems such as course failure and dropout, plus dropout from the programs, factors that directly contribute to the deficit of such professionals. OBJECTIVE:  This paper reports an experience of a contextualized and spiral approach carried out with students of the technical program in Informatics. METHOD: The approach aims to facilitate learning and motivate students through the tools JES and PPlay, and the Python language. RESULTS: Learned lessons suggest the adequacy of Python as first language, and of contextualized activities, context reuse and challenges as factors contributing to motivation and learning. CONCLUSION: The use of contexts, languages and environments in sequential and spiral blocks fosters a more active posture of students regarding learning activities


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    O texto é a descrição de uma entrevista realizada com o poeta, ensaísta e artista plástico contemporâneo Nuno Ramos em seu estúdio em São Paulo. A entrevista gira em torno da relação entre Literatura e Fotografia, presente em algumas das principais obras do artista

    The new paradigms in the time of care to patients with head and neck cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic: a literature review

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    Introdução: O novo coronavirus SARS-CoV2 é uma ameaça de saúde mundial que tem como um de seus principais grupo de risco os pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Na atual conjuntura e em caso de uma segunda onda de infecção, há necessidade de um novo protocolo de quando tratar esses pacientes. Objetivo: Relatar os protocolos de manejo e atendimento dos pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, facilitando a decisão do clínico no cenário de pandemia. Materiais e Métodos: Uma busca bibliográfica foi realizada no PubMed. Uma estratégia de busca com descritores foi aplicada, onde os artigos alcançados tiveram seus títulos e resumos lidos em busca da adequação ao objetivo proposto. Foram selecionados artigos científicos publicados entre 1 de dezembro de 2019 e 10 de julho de 2020, sem restrição de país ou idioma. Revisão da literatura: Novos protocolos foram criados baseados no tipo e estágio de câncer, classificando-os para saber o momento ideal de intervir com segurança. O protocolo se dá em níveis de inicial ao avançado onde o inicial compreende as neoplasias benignas, ou seja, cânceres de pele menores de 2 mm e casos em estágios iniciais assintomáticos, e o nível avançado compreende neoplasias malignas, agressivas, com sintomatologia dolorosa e/ou que estejam comprometendo os outros sistemas e órgãos. Conclusão: Há necessidade de seguir o protocolo de atendimento detalhado que norteie o andamento dos serviços oncológicos de cabeça e pescoço, atendendo os pacientes imediatamente ou adiando o tratamento dependendo do caso e severidade.Introduction: SARS-CoV2 is a worldwide health threat, which has as its main risk group patients with head and neck cancer. In the time being and in the chance of an emerging second wave of infection, a new protocol based on when to treat patients with head and neck cancer must be implemented. Aim: Reporting the handling protocols for patients with head and neck cancer, facilitating the clinician's decision in the pandemic scenario. Materials and Methods: A bibliographic search was performed in PubMed. A search strategy with descriptors was applied to the database, aiming at reaching scientific articles. The articles reached in such database had their titles and abstracts read in search for the adequacy to the objective proposed. Only scientific articles published between December 1st 2019, and July 10th 2020, were chosen. There was no restriction either on country or language. Literature review: New protocols were created based on the type and stage of cancer, classifying them in order to identify the ideal time to operate safely. Thus, the protocol has levels from initial to advanced, where the initial level comprises benign neoplasms, skin cancers smaller than 2 mm and cases in asymptomatic early stages, and the advanced level comprises malignant, aggressive neoplasms, with painful symptoms and/or that are compromising the other systems and organs. Conclusion: It is necessary to follow the detailed care protocol to guide the progress of head and neck cancer services, by operating patients immediately or postponing surgery, depending on the case and seriousness

    Social auditing in the organizations of the cooperative sector: precedent of remarkable governance scenario

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    Las organizaciones cooperativas forman un sector cada vez más visible y relevante, cuyo fin afianza la política de ofrecer respuesta a necesidades concretas de bienestar de las personas, colectividades y de la sociedad en general. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto resaltar la importancia que representa la auditoría social en las organizaciones del sector cooperativo, como respuesta derivada de diligentes prácticas de gobernabilidad y prácticas de buen gobierno; para ello, se tomaron 7 cooperativas especializadas de ahorro y crédito definidas por la legislación colombiana como una asociación autónoma de personas que se han unido voluntariamente para hacer frente a sus insuficiencias y aspiraciones económicas, sociales y culturales. Los hallazgos enseñan que la auditoría, cuando es administrada cabalmente, forja el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos en materia social, esto es, utilizar los recursos de los fondos de destino específico en actividades propias de los mismos, tales como educación formal, salud, auxilios funerarios y otras actividades para el bienestar del asociado; actividades debidamente aprobadas por el órgano competente, reveladas en sus informes de gestión e información financiera. Como conclusión, la gobernabilidad de las cooperativas estudiadas sustenta su andamiaje en el acierto de la elección de los miembros de los comités de auditoría, quienes ejercen un efectivo control sobre los recursos con asignación específica.Cooperative organizations form an increasingly visible and relevant sector, whose purpose strengthens the policy of providing a response to specific welfare needs of individuals, communities and society in general. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of social auditing in cooperative sector organizations, as a response derived from diligent governance practices; to this end, seven specialized saving and credit cooperatives defined by Colombian legislation as an autonomous association of persons who have voluntarily joined together to address their economic, social and cultural insufficiencies and aspirations were taken. The findings show that auditing when fully administered, forges the fulfilment of strategic social objectives, i.e. to use the resources of the specific earmarked funds in their own activities, such as formal education, health, funeral aid and other partner welfare activities; duly approved by the competent body, disclosed in its management reports and financial information. As a conclusion, the governance of the cooperatives studied underpins their scaffolding on the success of the choice of the members of the audit committees, who exercise effective control over the resources with specific allocation.Escuela de Estudios CooperativosFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Emotion regulation, subjective happiness and meaning of life of university students in the pandemic

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    A regulação emocional em situações adversas pode ser essencial aos aspectos relacionados à felicidade subjetiva e ao sentido da vida. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar associações entre as estratégias de regulação emocional e os níveis de felicidade subjetiva e de sentido da vida de universitários no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19. Participaram 348 universitários, sendo aplicados questionário sociodemográfico, Questionário de Regulação Emocional (QRE), Escala de Felicidade Subjetiva (SHS) e Questionário de Sentido da Vida (QSV) por meio de plataforma online. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e inferenciais através do software JASP. Os resultados indicaram associações positivas entre a estratégia de reavaliação cognitiva e a presença de felicidade subjetiva e de sentido da vida, enquanto a estratégia de supressão emocional interferiu negativamente. A mudança cognitiva foi uma estratégia de regulação emocional que se mostrou efetiva, tanto na reavaliação da situação, quanto na capacidade de gerenciar as demandas provenientes da pandemia. Emotion regulation in adverse situations may be essential to aspects related to subjective happiness and the meaning of life. The aim was to investigate associations between emotion regulation strategies and levels of subjective happiness and meaning of life university students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. 348 university students participated in the study, being applied a sociodemographic questionnaire, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Meaning of Life Questionnaire (MLQ) through an online platform. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed using the JASP software. The results indicated positive associations between the cognitive reassessment strategy and the presence of subjective happiness and meaning of life, while the strategy of emotional suppression negatively interfered. Cognitive change was an emotion regulation strategy that proved effective, both in the reassessment of the situation and in the ability to manage the demands arising from the pandemic.La regulación emocional en situaciones adversas puede ser esencial para aspectos relacionados con la felicidad subjetiva y el sentido de la vida. El objetivo fue investigar las asociaciones entre las estrategias de regulación emocional y los niveles de felicidad subjetiva y significado de la vida entre universitarios en la pandemia COVID-19. 348 universitarios participaron del estudio, aplicándose un cuestionario sociodemográfico, Cuestionario de Regulación Emocional (QRE), Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva (SHS) y Cuestionario de Sentido de Vida (QSV) a través de una plataforma online. Los resultados indicaron asociaciones positivas entre la estrategia de reevaluación cognitiva y la presencia de felicidad subjetiva y el significado de la vida, mientras que la estrategia de supresión emocional interferido negativamente. El cambio cognitivo fue una estrategia de regulación emocional que resultó efectiva, tanto en la reevaluación de la situación como en la capacidad de gestionar las demandas derivadas de la pandemia


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    The tomato plant has narrow genetic base due to intensive breeding and domestication of wild varieties. On the other hand, accessions are a potential source of germplasm against insect pests for tomato crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the injury caused by Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in the leaves and plant of Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme. The phenotypic and qualitative variability among 15 accessions, injury in leaves and plant after 20 days were evaluated. The injury in leaves and plant were carried out by the scale notes. In general, the accession CCAUFES 40 was the most resistant to T. absoluta, what indicate that one have potential as a source of germplasm for plants breeding of tomato against T. absoluta.O tomateiro possui estreita base genética, devido ao intensivo melhoramento e domesticação de espécies selvagens. Por outro lado, acessos são fontes potenciais de germoplasma contra insetos-praga dessa cultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os danos causados por Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) em folhas e nas plantas de Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme. A variabilidade fenotípica e qualitativa entre 15 acessos, os danos nas folhas e plantas após 20 dias foram avaliados. O dano nas folhas e plantas foi avaliado por escala notas. De maneira geral, o acesso CCAUFES 40 foi a mais resistente a T. absoluta, o que indica que o mesmo possui potencial como fonte de germoplasma para o melhoramento de plantas de tomate contra T. absoluta

    The Use of Herbal Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease—A Systematic Review

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    The treatments of choice in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA-receptor antagonists, although doubts remain about the therapeutic effectiveness of these drugs. Herbal medicine products have been used in the treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) but with various responses. The objective of this article was to review evidences from controlled studies in order to determine whether herbs can be useful in the treatment of cognitive disorders in the elderly. Randomized controlled studies assessing AD in individuals older than 65 years were identified through searches of MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane Library, dissertation Abstract (USA), ADEAR (Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials Database), National Research Register, Current Controlled trials, Centerwatch Trials Database and PsychINFO Journal Articles. The search combined the terms Alzheimer disease, dementia, cognition disorders, Herbal, Phytotherapy. The crossover results were evaluated by the Jadad's measurement scale. The systematic review identified two herbs and herbal formulations with therapeutic effects for the treatment of AD: Melissa officinalis, Salvia officinalis and Yi-Gan San and BDW (Ba Wei Di Huang Wan). Ginkgo biloba was identified in a meta-analysis study. All five herbs are useful for cognitive impairment of AD. M. officinalis and Yi-Gan San are also useful in agitation, for they have sedative effects. These herbs and formulations have demonstrated good therapeutic effectiveness but these results need to be compared with those of traditional drugs. Further large multicenter studies should be conducted in order to test the cost-effectiveness of these herbs for AD and the impact in the control of cognitive deterioration