54 research outputs found

    Nothobranchius as a model for aging studies. A review

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    In recent decades, the increase in human longevity has made it increasingly important to expand our knowledge on aging. To accomplish this, the use of animal models is essential, with the most common being mouse (phylogenetically similar to humans, and a model with a long life expectancy) and Caenorhabditis elegans (an invertebrate with a short life span, but quite removed from us in evolutionary terms). However, some sort of model is needed to bridge the differences between those mentioned above, achieving a balance between phylogenetic distance and life span. Fish of the genus Nothobranchius were suggested 10 years ago as a possible alternative for the study of the aging process. In the meantime, numerous studies have been conducted at different levels: behavioral (including the study of the rest-activity rhythm), populational, histochemical, biochemical and genetic, among others, with very positive results. This review compiles what we know about Nothobranchius to date, and examines its future prospects as a true alternative to the classic models for studies on aging

    Dietary fatty acids affect mitochondrial phospholipid compositions and mitochondrial gene expression of rainbow trout liver at different ages

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    Mitochondria are among the first responders to various stressors that challenge the homeostasis of cells and organisms. Mitochondrial decay is generally associated with impairment in the organelle bioenergetics function and increased oxidative stress, and it appears that deterioration of mitochondrial inner membrane phospholipids (PL), particularly cardiolipin (CL), and accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are among the main mechanisms involved in this process. In the present study, liver mitochondrial membrane PL compositions, lipid peroxidation and mtDNA gene expression were analyzed in rainbow trout fed three diets with the same base formulation but with lipid supplied either by fish oil (FO), rapeseed oil (RO) or a high DHA oil (DHA) during six weeks. Specifically, two feeding trials were performed using fish from the same population of two ages (1 and 3 years), and PL class compositions of liver mitochondria, fatty acid composition of individual PL classes, TBARS content and mtDNA expression were determined. Dietary fatty acid composition strongly affected mitochondrial membrane composition from trout liver but observed changes did not fully reflect the diet, particularly when it contained high DHA. The changes were PL specific, CL being particularly resistant to changes in DHA. Some significant differences observed in expression of mtDNA with diet may suggest long-term dietary effects in mitochondrial gene expression which could affect electron transport chain function. All the changes were influenced by fish age, which could be related to the different growth rates observed between 1- and 3-year-old trout but that could also indicate age-related changes in the ability to maintain structural homeostasis of mitochondrial membranes

    Análise Ecológica De Um Hectare Em Floresta Ombrófila Densa De Terra Firme, Estrada Da Várzea, Amaozonas , Brasil

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    Foi amostrada fítossociologicamente 1 ha. de floresta tropical densa de terra-firme, em um trecho da Estrada da Várzea, que liga Manaus aos municípios de Silves c Itapiranga, no estado do Amazonas. O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a composição florística e os parâmetros fitossociológicos, necessários para a determinação do índice de valor de importância ecológica das espécies (IVI), bem como a estrutura da vegetação. A distribuição da amostra foi efetuada mediante a análise da imagem de satélite. A amostragem foi na forma de transecto de 10 x 1 .000m dividida em 20 subparcelas de 10 x 50m, totalizando 10.000rn2. Foram abordados todos os indivíduos arbóreos, palmeiras, cipós e ervas terrestres com CAP ≥ 30cm, dos quais obteve-se amostras botânicas para posterior identificação, a qual obedeceu ao sistema de classificação de Cronquist. Como resultado foram registrados 527 indivíduos, que estão distribuídos em 47 famílias, 118 gêneros e 196 espécies. As famílias que apresentaram maior diversidade foram Lecythidaceae (20), Lauraceae (19), Sapotaceae (17), Chrysobalanaceae, Burscraceae (12) c Annonaceae (9) representando 47% da diversidade familiar, demonstrando que a diversidade local está concentrada em poucas famílias. As espécies com maior valor de importância (IVI) foram Goupia glabra Aubl. (9,34), Ocotea rubra(Meiss.) Allen (8,71), influenciados pela exuberância dos seus diâmetros, representados na dominância relativa. Contudo, quando da comparação de densidade local com as obtidas em outros trabalhos, sob os mesmos critérios amostrais, concluiu-se que o local é menos abundante quanto ao número de indivíduos por hectare. Todavia, a diversidade por família c espécies não difere dos resultados alcançados em outras áreas da Amazônia, para florestas de terra-firme

    Membrane lipids and maximum lifespan in clownfish

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    The longevity-homeoviscous adaptation (LHA) theory of ageing states that lipid composition of cell membranes is linked to metabolic rate and lifespan, which has been widely shown in mammals and birds but not sufficiently in fish. In this study, two species of the genus Amphiprion (Amphiprion percula and Amphiprion clarkii, with estimated maximum lifespan potentials [MLSP] of 30 and 9–16 years, respectively) and the damselfish Chromis viridis (estimated MLSP of 1–2 years) were chosen to test the LHA theory of ageing in a potential model of exceptional longevity. Brain, livers and samples of skeletal muscle were collected for lipid analyses and integral part in the computation of membrane peroxidation indexes (PIn) from phospholipid (PL) fractions and PL fatty acid composition. When only the two Amphiprion species were compared, results pointed to the existence of a negative correlation between membrane PIn value and maximum lifespan, well in line with the predictions from the LHA theory of ageing. Nevertheless, contradictory data were obtained when the two Amphiprion species were compared to the shorter-lived C. viridis. These results along with those obtained in previous studies on fish denote that the magnitude (and sometimes the direction) of the differences observed in membrane lipid composition and peroxidation index with MLSP cannot explain alone the diversity in longevity found among fishes

    Age-related changes in mitochondrial membrane composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) heart and brain

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    Membrane composition, particularly of mitochondria, could be a critical factor by determining the propagation of reactions involved in mitochondrial function during periods of high oxidative stress such as rapid growth and aging. Considering that phospholipids not only contribute to the structural and physical properties of biological membranes, but also participate actively in cell signaling and apoptosis, changes affecting either class or fatty acid compositions could affect phospholipid properties and, thus, alter mitochondrial function and cell viability. In the present study, heart and brain mitochondrial membrane phospholipid compositions were analyzed in rainbow trout during the four first years of life, a period characterized by rapid growth and a sustained high metabolic rate. Specifically, farmed fish of three ages (1-, 2- and 4-years) were studied, and phospholipid class compositions of heart and brain mitochondria, and fatty acid compositions of individual phospholipid classes were determined. Rainbow trout heart and brain mitochondria showed different phospholipid compositions (class and fatty acid), likely related to tissue-specific functions. Furthermore, changes in phospholipid class and fatty acid compositions with age were also tissue-dependent. Heart mitochondria had lower proportions of cardiolipin (CL), phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol, and higher levels of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) with age. Heart mitochondrial membranes became more unsaturated with age, with a significative increase of peroxidation index in CL, PS and sphingomyelin (SM). Therefore, heart mitochondria became more susceptible to oxidative damage with age. In contrast, brain mitochondrial PC and PS content decreased in 4-year-old animals while there was an increase in the proportion of SM. The three main phospholipid classes in brain (PC, PE and PS) showed decreased n- 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid and peroxidation index, which indicate a different response of brain mitochondrial lipids to rapid growth and maturation

    Field-Shift Aging Protocol on the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model: Dynamical Crossover between the Spin-Glass and Paramagnetic States

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    Spin-glass (SG) states of the 3-dimensional Ising Edwards-Anderson model under a static magnetic field hh are examined by means of the standard Monte Carlo simulation on the field-shift aging protocol at temperature TT. For each process with (T; \tw, h), \tw being the waiting time before the field is switched on, we extract the dynamical crossover time, \tcr(T; \tw, h). We have found a nice scaling relation between the two characteristic length scales which are properly determined from \tcr and \tw and then are normalized by the static field crossover length introduced in the SG droplet theory. This scaling behavior implies the instability of the SG phase in the equilibrium limit even under an infinitesimal hh. In comparison with this numerical result the field effect on real spin glasses is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, jpsj2, Changed conten

    Towards a sustainable Dunaliella salina microalgal biorefinery for 9-cis β-carotene production

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    Valorisation of the efficacy of 9-cis beta-carotene in treating atherosclerosis, psoriasis, and inhibiting atherogenesis and retinitis pigmentosa is becoming increasingly urgent, but supplies of 9-cis beta-carotene are scarce and this compound is difficult to synthesise chemically, unlike the much more common all-trans form. Innovative products, processes and services in an algal biorefinery that rely on renewable biological resources instead of fossil fuel alternatives offer the potential to lower the energy costs of traditional chemical processes and reduce carbon emissions, water usage and waste. In 2013, the European Commission supported development of 4 microalgal biorefinery projects to assess the potential for innovative approaches to tackle the major challenges intrinsic to the development of the algae biorefineries. One of these was the D-Factory (KBBE.2013.3.2-02) which sought to evaluate requirements for sustainable, industrial-scale production of Dunaliella salina and extraction of its carotenoids, especially 9-cis beta-carotene in a CO2 microalgae biorefinery. Here we present findings of the D-Factory project and propose a way forward for industrial-scale production of 9-cis beta-carotene using biotechnology based on Dunaliella salina biomass. Cultivation improvements are able to deliver more than double the current levels of productivity, with increased sustainability, whilst the use of natural hyper-accumulating carotenogenic strains combined with the use of red light to boost production of the beta-carotene pathway, will increase the relative concentration of 9-cis beta-carotene in extracts of carotenoids with consequent improvements in downstream processing. These developments pave the way for acquiring data for a Medicine Licence and prepare the market for entry of novel 9-cis beta-carotene products

    Changes in tissue and mitochondrial membrane composition during rapid growth, maturation and aging in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    Membrane compositions, particularly of mitochondria, could be critical factors in the mechanisms of growth and aging processes, especially during phases of high oxidative stress that result in molecular damage. In the present study, liver and mitochondrial membrane phospholipid (PL) compositions were analyzed in rainbow trout during its four first years of life, a period characterized by rapid growth and high oxidative stress. Specifically, farmed fish of three ages (1-, 2- and 4-years) were studied, and PL compositions of whole liver and liver mitochondria, and fatty acid compositions of individual PL classes were determined. Liver mitochondrial membranes showed a PL composition different to that of the whole tissue suggesting adaptation of cell and subcellular membranes to specific functions. Individual PL had characteristic fatty acid compositions that were similar in whole liver and mitochondrial membranes. Whole liver and mitochondria showed increased lipid peroxidation with age along with changes in membrane PL fatty acid compositions. Most PL classes showed similar changes in fatty acid composition among the age groups, with reduced proportions of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and, generally, concomitantly increased levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, which together resulted in reduced peroxidation index (PIn). However, total polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content did not change significantly with age due to increased eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid and, in most PL, increased n−6 PUFA. These results suggest there may be oxidation of PL DHA with compensatory mechanisms to maintain membrane fluidity and function. However, modification of fatty acid composition of specific PLs, such as cardiolipin, could affect the electron transport chain efficiency and propagate the oxidative reaction throughout the cell. In addition, both the content and fatty acid composition of sphingomyelin, which has been suggested as a possible mediator of cell dysfunction and apoptosis, changed with age differently to the other PL classes. Moreover, these changes showed different trends between mitochondria and whole liver. These data suggest there is marked oxidative stress associated with rapid growth and maturation in rainbow trout. Changes observed in membrane lipids point to their possible participation in the processes involved in this species response to oxidative stress and damage accumulation rate

    New constraints on the mid-IR EBL from the HESS discovery of VHE gamma-rays from 1ES 0229+200

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    Aims.To investigate the very high energy (VHE: >100 GeV) γ-ray emission from the high-frequency peaked BL Lac 1ES 0229+200. Methods: Observations of 1ES 0229+200 at energies above 580 GeV were performed with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) in 2005 and 2006. Results: 1ES 0229+200 is discovered by HESS to be an emitter of VHE photons. A signal is detected at the 6.6σ level in the HESS observations (41.8 h live time). The integral flux above 580 GeV is (9.4±1.5_stat±1.9_syst) × 10-13 cm-2 s-1, corresponding to ~1.8% of the flux observed from the Crab Nebula. The data show no evidence for significant variability on any time scale. The observed spectrum is characterized by a hard power law (Γ = 2.50±0.19_stat±0.10_syst) from 500 GeV to ~15 TeV. Conclusions: The high-energy range and hardness of the observed spectrum, coupled with the object's relatively large redshift (z = 0.1396), enable the strongest constraints so far on the density of the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) in the mid-infrared band. Assuming that the emitted spectrum is not harder than Γ_int ≈ 1.5, the HESS data support an EBL spectrum ∝λ-1 and density close to the lower limit from source counts measured by Spitzer, confirming the previous indications from the HEGRA data of 1ES 1426+428 (z=0.129). Irrespective of the EBL models used, the intrinsic spectrum of 1ES 0229+200 is hard, thus locating the high-energy peak of its spectral energy distribution above a few TeV.Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Bazer-Bachi, A. R.; Behera, B.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Bernlöhr, K.; Boisson, C.; Bolz, O.; Borrel, V.; Braun, I.; Brion, E.; Brown, A. M.; Bühler, R.; Bulik, T.; Büsching, I.; Boutelier, T.; Carrigan, S.; Chadwick, P. M.; Chounet, L.-M.; Clapson, A. C.; Coignet, G.; Cornils, R.; Costamante, L.; Dalton, M.; Degrange, B.; Dickinson, H. J.; Djannati-Ataï, A.; Domainko, W.; O'C. Drury, L.; Dubois, F.; Dubus, G.; Dyks, J.; Egberts, K.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Espigat, P.; Farnier, C.; Feinstein, F.; Fiasson, A.; Förster, A.; Fontaine, G.; Funk, Seb.; Füßling, M.; Gallant, Y. A.; Giebels, B.; Glicenstein, J. F.; Glück, B.; Goret, P.; Hadjichristidis, C.; Hauser, D.; Hauser, M.; Heinzelmann, G.; Henri, G.; Hermann, G.; Hinton, J. A.; Hoffmann, A.; Hofmann, W.; Holleran, M.; Hoppe, S.; Horns, D.; Jacholkowska, A.; de Jager, O. C.; Jung, I.; Katarzyński, K.; Kendziorra, E.; Kerschhaggl, M.; Khélifi, B.; Keogh, D.; Komin, Nu.; Kosack, K.; Lamanna, G.; Latham, I. J.; Lemière, A.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Lenain, J.-P.; Lohse, T.; Martin, J. M.; Martineau-Huynh, O.; Marcowith, A.; Masterson, C.; Maurin, D.; Maurin, G.; McComb, T. J. L.; Moderski, R.; Moulin, E.; de Naurois, M.; Nedbal, D.; Nolan, S. J.; Ohm, S.; Olive, J.-P.; de Oña Wilhelmi, E.; Orford, K. J.; Osborne, J. L.; Ostrowski, M.; Panter, M.; Pedaletti, G.; Pelletier, G.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Pita, S.; Pühlhofer, G.; Punch, M.; Ranchon, S.; Raubenheimer, B. C.; Raue, M.; Rayner, S. M.; Renaud, M.; Ripken, J.; Rob, L.; Rolland, L.; Rosier-Lees, S.; Rowell, G.; Rudak, B.; Ruppel, J.; Sahakian, V.; Santangelo, A.; Schlickeiser, R.; Schöck, F.; Schröder, R.; Schwanke, U.; Schwarzburg, S.; Schwemmer, S.; Shalchi, A.; Sol, H.; Spangler, D.; Stawarz, Ł.; Steenkamp, R.; Stegmann, C.; Superina, G.; Tam, P. H.; Tavernet, J.-P.; Terrier, R.; van Eldik, C.; Vasileiadis, G.; Venter, C.; Vialle, J. P.; Vincent, P.; Vivier, M.; Völk, H. J.; Volpe, F.; Wagner, S. J.; Ward, M.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Zech,

    Detection of very high energy radiation from HESS J1908+063 confirms the Milagro unidentified source MGRO J1908+06

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    Aims. Detection of a γ-ray source above 300 GeV is reported, confirming the unidentified source MGRO J1908+06, discovered by the Milagro collaboration at a median energy of 20 TeV. Methods. The source was observed during 27 h as part of the extension of the HESS Galactic plane survey to longitudes >30◦. Results. HESS J1908+063 is detected at a significance level of 10.9σ with an integral flux above 1 TeV of (3.76 ± 0.29 stat± 0.75sys) × 10⁻¹² ph cm⁻² s⁻¹, and a spectral photon index Γ = 2.10 ± 0.07 stat ± 0.2sys. The positions and fluxes of HESS J1908+063 and MGRO J1908+06 are in good agreement. Possible counterparts at other wavelengths and the origin of the γ-ray emission are discussed. The nearby unidentified GeV source, GRO J1908+0556 (GeV) which also remains unidentified and the new Fermi pulsar 0FGL J1907.5+0617, may be connected to the TeV source.F. Aharonian ... G. Rowell ... et al