4,763 research outputs found

    Knowledge, power and new professional dynamics in Portuguese home births

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    The contemporary option of an out-of-hospital birth confronts different risk perceptions, questions established organisational dynamics, and challenges medical power and expertise. Looking at the Portuguese context, this research is thus focused on home birth as a social phenomenon, where different professional actors define their own fields of knowledge and power, mostly without a formal organisation or an institutional structure. The diffuse distribution of home birth called for the use of a multi-sited ethnography, in order to understand the connections between the formal and the informal, the public and the private, the regulated and the unregulatable. The four essays that constitute this thesis propose an original and integrative sociological perspective on home birth. The first essay offers a sociohistorical analysis of the extinct figure of the community midwife. This sets the stage for the analysis of midwifery today, in the second essay, which looks at the contemporary circulation of knowledge and power among home birth professionals. In the third essay, "natural" childbirth initiatives and home births, more broadly, are analysed for its particular features regarding how gender is conceived and enacted. And the four essay presents a critical analysis of the organisation of contemporary home births in Portugal, proposing a set of recommendations for improving maternity care. Beyond the academic and sociological relevance of this research, it is expected that it can have a wider social impact, by informing the definition of maternal health policies that are sensitive to the rather invisible but relevant reality of home birth.A opção contemporânea por um parto fora do hospital confronta diferentes perceções de risco, questiona dinâmicas organizacionais estabelecidas e desafia o poder e a pericialidade médica. Observando o contexto português, esta pesquisa centra-se no parto em casa enquanto fenómeno social, onde diferentes atores profissionais definem os seus campos de saber e de poder, maioritariamente sem uma organização formal ou uma estrutura institucional. Sendo um objeto difuso, elegeu-se uma etnografia multissituada, de forma a compreender as conexões entre o formal e o informal, entre o público e o privado, o regular e o irregulável. Os quatro ensaios que compõem esta tese propõem uma perspetiva sociológica original e integrada sobre o parto em casa. O primeiro ensaio apresenta uma análise socio-histórica da figura extinta da parteira comunitária, o que serve de base ao segundo ensaio, onde é feita uma análise da atual profissão de parteira e se discute a circulação contemporânea de saberes e poderes entre profissionais do parto domiciliário. No terceiro ensaio, é discutida a forma como o género é concebido e posto em prática no parto em casa e em contextos a ele associados. E o quarto ensaio apresenta uma análise crítica da organização do parto em casa contemporâneo em Portugal, propondo um conjunto de recomendações para a melhoria dos cuidados de saúde materna. Além da sua relevância académica e sociológica, é esperado que esta pesquisa possa ter um impacto social mais abrangente, informando a definição de políticas de saúde materna que sejam sensíveis à realidade pouco visível, mas relevante do parto em casa

    A costatis approach to business sustainability in turbulent environments from 2008 to 2014

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    European countries continue to differ considerably from one another economically, not only in economic growth assessed by GDP growth rates but also in their companies' population by Economic Activities. Nonetheless these regular differences, the occurrence of crisis and other economic events can promote economic turbulence conducing to different responses, conditioned by each country's specificities. The occurrence of the 2008 financial crisis, the subsequent economic and sovereign debt crisis introduced additional factors of turbulence in the business sustainability of the European (EU) companies. This research, supported by the COSTATIS method, analyses the co-structure and measures the discrepancy between the population of EU companies for each NACE and the GDP components in their dynamics from 2008 to 2014. The results detected greater discrepancies between the population of companies and the stability of economic growth for a subset of EU countries with particularities regarding their NACE and GDP components.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Metodologia das Producoes Narrativas na Formacao de Educadores do Campo: Educacao Emancipatoria na Construcao de Um Novo Paradigma Etico-Politico-Estetico

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    A Educa o do Campo no1 Brasil emerge nos anos 1990 a partir das reivindica es de movimentos sociais por uma educa o de qualidade no Campo Os cursos de Licenciatura em Educa o do Campo LEdoCs foi uma de suas conquistas tendo como proposta pedag gica articular as experi ncias educativas dos movimentos camponeses e os conhecimentos acad micos Essa pesquisa utilizou entrevistas narrativas para auxiliar nessa articula o Foram realizadas tr s entrevistas narrativas com uma estudante de uma LEdoC buscando aprofundar esclarecer e contextualizar suas experi ncias educativas O conhecimento emancipa o foi o referencial anal tico adotado caracterizado em suas dimens es tico-pol tico-est tico A an lise das narrativas evidenciou que a percep o do universo vivido foi ampliada e apropriada pela entrevistada a narrativa favorece a emerg ncia de manifesta es do senso comum tico-pol tico-est tico fortalecendo as comunidades discursivas os movimentos camponeses organizados retiram os sujeitos do campo de condi es de abandono a educa o de qualidade pode fortalecer movimentos emancipat rio

    Nascer em casa: a desinstitucionalização reflexiva do parto no contexto português

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    A opção pelo parto em casa, em Portugal, reveste-se de interesse sociológico pela complexidade das relações entre saberes, poderes e percepções do risco que são postas em jogo. A aproximação ao tema implicou o aprofundamento teórico de questões que se revelaram imprescindíveis para a compreensão dos fenómenos sociais que se criam e se reconfiguram em torno do parto em casa, como a medicalização da gravidez e do parto, as estratégias de delimitação de campos de saber e de acção sobre o parto e o recurso à tecnologia no controlo dos riscos associados à gravidez e ao parto. Para que fosse possível analisar a experiência da mulher ou do casal que viveu o parto em casa por opção, desde o conhecimento dessa possibilidade até à fase do pós-parto, optou-se pelo método qualitativo e pela entrevista como técnica de recolha de dados. Nos discursos analisados, a definição desta opção ilustra um processo reflexivo de integração da gravidez no self e de procura de coerência identitária, onde as tecnologias médicas são um objecto de consumo que põe em evidência percepções subjectivas do risco e a percepção de um risco moral. A multiplicidade de experiências descritas revela-se incompatível com os sistemas de vigilância e controlo e conduz o parto num movimento de desinstitucionalização que, apesar de retirar poder e protagonismo à prática médica, não traduz uma rejeição do modelo biomédico, mas antes uma rejeição do monopólio e da hegemonia de saber e de acção da biomedicina sobre a gravidez e o parto.Choosing a home-birth in Portugal is of sociological interest because of the complexity of relations established between knowledge, power and risk perceptions that are put into play. The approach to this subject demanded searching the theoretical issues that have proved indispensable for the understanding of the social phenomena that are created and reconfigured around home-birth, like the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth, the strategic division of fields of knowledge and action over birth and the use of technology in controlling the risks associated to pregnancy and childbirth. For analysing the home-birth experiences of women or couples, from the acknowledgement of it as a possibility to the post-partum, it was chosen a qualitative approach and the interview as the data collection technique. In the speeches analysed, the definition of this option illustrates a reflexive process of self-integration of the pregnancy and a search for identity coherence, where medical technology is an object of consumption, which highlights subjective perceptions of risk and the perception of a moral risk. The multiplicity of experiences described proves to be incompatible with the surveillance and control systems and drives birth into a deinstitutionalization movement that, despite removing power and recognition from medical practice, does not reflect a rejection of the biomedical model, but rather a rejection of the monopoly and the hegemony of knowledge and action that biomedicine has upon pregnancy and birth

    The relation between inhibitory control measures and the perception of strengths and dificulties in portuguese pre schoolers

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    Objectivos: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal estudar o controlo inibitório (C.I.) e a sua relação com a perceção de dificuldades e capacidades por parte de pais e professores em crianças em idade pré-escolar. Por um lado, verificámos se existe uma associação entre duas tarefas de inibição de resposta, que se diferenciam pelo tipo de resposta inibitória, motora e com tempo limite (P&T - Peixes e Tubarões), e verbal e sem tempo limite na (E.F. - Escola das Formas). Por outro lado, verificámos se existe uma correlação entre os resultados obtidos pelas crianças nessas tarefas, e os resultados obtidos no questionário de capacidades e dificuldades (SDQ) para pais e professores. Adicionalmente pretende-se verificar se existem diferenças entre pais e professores na perceção das dificuldades e capacidades das crianças. Metodologia: As provas de controlo inibitório foram aplicadas como parte de uma bateria de avaliação neuropsicológica a 43 crianças a frequentar um estabelecimento de ensino público pré-escolar, com média de idades de 62 meses, 58% dos quais rapazes. Com base nos resultados das provas de controlo inibitório e do questionário realizou-se um estudo correlacional entre as diversas variáveis. Resultados: verificou-se que as duas medidas de controlo inibitório não apresentam correlação entre si. Os resultados obtidos da correlação entre as medidas de controlo inibitório e o SDQ mostram que, no caso da E.F., existe uma correlação negativa ligeira com os pais no total de dificuldades, estando a contribuir mais fortemente os problemas de comportamento, e no caso dos professores verificou-se uma correlação negativa ligeira com os problemas emocionais. Na correlação entre os P&T e o SDQ verificamos que existe uma correlação positiva apenas na escala pro social. Existem diferenças significativas entre pais e professores no total de dificuldades, nos problemas emocionais, nos problemas de comportamento, e no comportamento pro social, sendo a média dos pais superior à dos professores exceto na subescala pro social. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam que as medidas de controlo inibitório utilizadas são independentes, o que reflete a heterogeneidade dos processos inibitórios. A E.F. revelou-se um instrumento diferenciado no tipo de dificuldades a que um menor C.I. está associado, nomeadamente, problemas emocionais em contexto escolar e problemas de comportamento em contexto familiar, sugerindo a influência de variáveis de contexto. O resultado da prova P&T não se mostrou associado a qualquer dificuldade, pelo que é razoável concluir que as capacidades de inibição necessárias para a tarefa, não contribuem significativamente para a perceção dos comportamentos avaliados pelo SDQ, nesta faixa etária. Os pais relatam em média níveis mais altos de dificuldades e capacidades do que os professores, sendo as diferenças significativas nos problemas emocionais, nos problemas de comportamento, e no comportamento pro social, o que pode refletir a influência de variáveis de contexto, o conhecimento diferencial do informante, e as caraterísticas da relação entre as crianças e os informantes. Finalmente, é importante a disponibilidade de medidas de avaliação do C.I., e de outras funções executivas, que possam oferecer uma avaliação objetiva das capacidades e dificuldades de crianças em idade pré-escolar, que permitam o alargamento da investigação e que possam gerar possibilidades de aplicação no âmbito educativo.Objectives: Our main goal was to study the inhibitory control (I.C.) and it’s relation with the perception of strengths and difficulties by parents and teachers in preschool children. On one hand we have investigated if there is an association between two tasks of response inhibition, which are differentiated by the type of response required as well as by the limited response time (R.T.), motor and with limited R.T. (F&S - Fish and Sharks), versus verbal and no limited R.T. (S.S. Shape School). On the other hand, we verified if there is a correlation between the results obtained in both inhibitory task and the results obtained by a parent and teacher behavior rating scale (SDQ - Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire). Additionally we compared parents and teachers reports through behavior rating scales. Methodology: The I.C. tasks were applied within a neuropsychological assessment battery to 43 children from a public preschool, with an average age of 62 months, 58% boys. Based on the results on the I.C. tasks and the SDQ we have conducted a correlational study between the various variables. Results: The I.C. measures are not associated. Correlations between both tasks and the SDQ showed that the S.S. correlates negatively with the total difficulties in SDQ Parents, with the behavior problems being the main contributor, and correlates negatively with the emotional problems in the SDQ from the teachers. We also found that F&S does not correlate with either SDQ except in the teacher pro social scale. We found differences between parents and teachers in the total difficulties, emotional, behavior problems and pro social scales. Parents tend to score higher in every scale except in the prosocial scale. Conclusions: The results indicate that the two I.C. measures are independent, which reflects the heterogeneity of the I.C. process. The S.S. has showed to be a useful instrument in the detection of I.C. difficulties associated with distinctive behavior difficulties, depending on the context, which suggests the influence of context variables. The F&S task did not prove to be associated to any type of difficulties, which allows us to assume that the inhibition capacities necessary for this task do not contribute significantly to the behavior perception as measured by the SDQ in this age. Parents report higher levels of difficulties, as well as capacities than teachers, which indicates the influence of context variables, such as the variability of children’s behavior in different contexts, the differential knowledge of the informant and the relationship characteristics between the child and the informant, which were not accounted for in this study. Finally, it is important to include I.C. measures in the assessment of preschool aged children, together with other E.F. measures, which can contribute to an objective assessment of preschool aged children’s capacities and difficulties to allow further investigation and help generate possible applications in the educational context

    A realidade na arte: o compromisso humanista na representação pictórica (1936 - 1961)

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    Esta investigação centra-se numa proposta de compreensão crítica das artes plásticas, concretamente das representações pictóricas vinculadas a um compromisso humanista, nas décadas centrais do século XX, em Portugal. Num contexto histórico, social e político, internacional e nacional, de guerras e de ditaduras, emerge a necessidade de uma ruptura vanguardista estética, de resistência e oposição ética. Sustentada num pensamento e discurso ideológico, busca-se, em vários países, uma nova estética, alicerçada numa nova atitude do artista, consciente e comprometida, manifestando-se numa praxis artística participada e em linguagens visuais ancoradas na realidade social e na figuração. Partindo da análise compreensiva dos pressupostos teóricos fundadores de um debate estético, dos subsídios e influências, ideológicos, artísticos e visuo-plásticos, contributivos de uma estética do realismo humanista, para um estudo analítico das intervenções e experimentações artísticas, nas suas múltiplas expressões, intenta-se uma investigação e reflexão aprofundadas para uma reavaliação crítica da arte neo-realista, nomeadamente da sua importância na história da arte portuguesa contemporânea.This research focuses on a proposal for critical understanding of visual arts, specifically the pictorial representations linked to a humanistic commitment during the midtwentieth century in Portugal. In a historical social and political international and national context, of wars and dictatorships, emerges the need for an avant-garde aesthetical break, a resistance and ethical opposition. Based on an ideological thinking and discourse, a new aesthetic is sought in many countries. Such aesthetic is based on a new conscious committed attitude of the artist manifested in a participatory artistic praxis and in visual languages anchored in social reality and figuration. From a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical grounds for an aesthetical debate, of the ideological, artistic and visual-plastic grant and influences, which contribute for an aesthetical humanist realism, we progress to an analytical study of the artistic interventions and experimentations in their multiple expressions, we attempt a comprehensive research and reflection directed to a critical reappraisal of the neo-realist art, particularly regarding its importance in the history of Portuguese contemporary art

    Emergency Service of the University Hospital of Algarve in Faro: A Contribution of the DISTATIS Method to Classify and Prioritize its Main Issues and Challenges

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    Events occurring in hospital emergency services tend to be of a chaotic and complex nature, giving rise to unique challenges, mainly in the fields of finance management, equipment, workloads and human resources. The research here presented addresses the issue, first by determining the top ten problems and challenges facing the Emergency Service of the University Hospital of Algarve in Faro and second by underlining perceptions and associated levels of importance attributed by an in-house group of specialists that assist on the unit's management process. Data was collected in two phases a) a brainstorming exercise with work-shift leaders for generation of opinions and ideas regarding the evaluation of the top ten problems; b) presentation of the top ten issues to a panel of experts who, on an individual basis, classified, categorized and ranked them. Collected data was of a multidimensional nature and it was later analysed using an innovative three-way technique, the DISTATIS method (Abdi et al., 2005; Abdi et al., 2007). In our evaluation of the expert responses, we highlighted experts whose options were characterized by similarities and differences and others with stable and unstable opinions. Final results provided information on opposition and coherence among the experts, identifying common themes and problems relevant to the organization's management and decision processes

    Three-Way Multiblock Methods for Decision-Making in Health Services: A COSTATIS Approach to Improving Management at a Private Clinical Laboratory

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    In the last decade, the clinical laboratory sector in Portugal has witnessed an increase in competition through the integration of small private laboratories in multinational organizations. In this competition scenario, it is imperative that decisions related to management are made based on the analysis of varied and detailed information data in order to propose strategies and prioritize management. Thus, the growing need for data analysis, especially in dynamic contexts, to detect, identify and characterize the most relevant issues for a more efficient decision-making process, is essential. This research was based on data for the period 2014-2017, from a private clinical laboratory located in the Algarve. The use of two interrelated information structures, namely 14 collection points and the subsequent 10 clinical tests with the highest billing volume in 2017, led to the application of the COSTATIS method (Thioulouse et al., 2011) in order to capture a common co-structure that analyses the stability or instability of the two data structures. An exploratory three-way multiblock method highlights the relations between two data structures as a whole. Therefore, the interpretation of the influence relationships of the production of clinical tests on the performance of collection points can reveal particularly useful discrepancies and/or coincidences for the management. With this detailed information, it is possible to propose initiatives for improvement or correction and to promote functional strategies with the objective of assisting the laboratory management process and suggesting strategies that are more efficient

    The dynamics between economic growth and living standards in EU Countries: A STATICO approach for the period 2006-2014

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    The rate of economic growth is dissimilar between areas or regions, and these divergences generate potential impact on quality of life. The occurrence of the financial and economic crisis of 2008, can strengthen these gaps. Economic growth in this analysis includes six levels of gross domestic product growth rates (GDPgr) and seven variables with direct implications on the quality of life of families. The observations are fifteen EU countries, organized into three groups: northern, central and southern. The STATICO method (Simier et al., 1999) used in this research is a three-way multivariate analysis supported on a partial triadic analysis (PTA, Thioulose and Chessel, 1987) to find the stable part of the structure of a series of tables from 2006 to 2014, over a common structure resulting from the co-inertia analysis (Doledec and Chessel, 1994) applied to each pair of an economic growth tables and a life standard tables. With this method, it was possible to extract the stable part of economic growth-life standard common relationships and to analyze the influences of the financial crisis of 2008info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio