60 research outputs found

    Estratégias de ensino para o desenvolvimento da afinação no violoncelo

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    Mestrado em Ensino de MúsicaA afinação é imprescindível para a qualidade musical. No ensino da música, esta é uma das problemáticas mais recorrentes dos alunos que aprendem instrumentos de cordas friccionadas. Vários professores carecem de um leque diversificado de estratégias às quais possam recorrer para colmatarem as dificuldades na afinação. Tendo em conta a falta de informação específica sobre este assunto, desenvolveu-se este projeto no sentido de reunir um conjunto de estratégias que promovam o desenvolvimento da afinação. Este estudo longitudinal comparativo foi aplicado em quatro alunos de violoncelo. No grupo de controlo foi implementado um conjunto reduzido de estratégias, enquanto no grupo experimental aplicou-se um conjunto de estratégias diversificadas. Pretendeu-se comparar o desenvolvimento da afinação entre os dois grupos e o impacto das estratégias implementadas. A avaliação dos dados foi realizada através de relatórios, da gravação de aulas e de uma prova final. Os resultados sugerem que a implementação de um conjunto diversificado de estratégias contribui positivamente para o desenvolvimento da afinação nos alunos de violoncelo. Este projeto incentiva os professores a recorrerem a um leque alargado de estratégias, essenciais para o progresso no ensino da afinação.Intonation is essential for music quality. In music education this is one of the recurring problems of students who learn a string instrument. Many teachers lack a diverse range of strategies which can be used to fill difficulties in intonation. Given the lack of specific information about this issue, this project was developed with the aim of gathering a set of strategies that promote the development of intonation. This comparative longitudinal study was applied to four cello students. In the control group was implemented a limited set of strategies, while in the experimental group was applied a group of diversified strategies. It was intended to compare intonation development between the two groups and the impact of the implemented strategies. Data was evaluated through reports, recording of lessons and a final test. The results suggest that the implementation of a diversified set of strategies contributes positively to intonation development in cello students. This project encourages teachers to make use of a wide range of strategies, essential to the progress of intonation teaching

    Biomarker of Chronic Alcohol Abuse – Carbohydrate-deficient Transferrin (CDT): Methodology Verification

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    Introduction: Transferrin is a glycoprotein synthesized in hepatocytes that can appear with different isomorphic forms in the plasma, acquiring different levels of sialization (1,2). In a healthy person, penta, tetra and trisial isoforms are detectible in plasma. However, in an alcohol abuse and/or dependence, asialo, monosialo and disialotransferrin isoforms are also present called carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) (3) . This is considered a specific biomarker of alcohol abusive and/or dependence, being useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of this pathology (4) . Aim: Verify compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer of the capillary electrophoresis method in laboratory practice and its suitability in determining the CDT. Materials and methods: The MiniCap System (Sebia) was used with calibrators traceable to the IFCC international reference procedure and normal and pathological internal control samples. Repeatability and intermediate precision tests were performed on control samples. From participation in External Quality Assessment (EQA) program (5 rounds - 2 samples each), Bias%, Deviation Index (DI) and Total Laboratory Error (TELab) were obtained. The Measurement Uncertainty was calculated by the Top Down Method (combined and expanded with a factor of 1.96), using the internal (CV%) and external (Bias%) quality control results. Results: In the repeatability tests, normal control samples (n=22, mean = 1.4%) were obtained, CV = 5.7%; for the pathological sample (n=24, mean = 5.4%), CV = 2.2%. In intermediate precision tests for the normal control sample, (n= 12, mean = 1.4%), CV = 6.7%; for the pathological sample (n=12, mean = 5.3%), CV = 4.9%. In samples from EQA program, mean Bias = -1.0% and TELab = 11.5. In the evaluation of the method by DI, 1 satisfactory, 7 good and 2 excellent results were obtained. The obtained Expanded Uncertainty (1.3% ± 0.3) is consistent with that indicated by the manufacturer. Conclusion: The TELab obtained meets Westgard`s desirable specifications (5) , being considered an appropriate methodology for use in laboratory practise for diagnosis. However, it is considered important to monitor the method with Internal Control samples, and participate in EQA programs, as well as periodic evaluation of Quality Indicators.N/

    Close phylogenetic relationship between Angolan and Romanian HIV-1 subtype F1 isolates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Here, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the HIV-1 subtype F1 circulating in Angola with subtype F1 strains sampled worldwide and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this subtype in Central Africa.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-six HIV-1-positive samples were collected in Angola in 2006 and subtyped at the <it>env</it>-gp41 region. Partial <it>env</it>-gp120 and <it>pol-RT </it>sequences and near full-length genomes from those <it>env</it>-gp41 subtype F1 samples were further generated. Phylogenetic analyses of partial and full-length subtype F1 strains isolated worldwide were carried out. The onset date of the subtype F1 epidemic in Central Africa was estimated using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine Angolan samples were classified as subtype F1 based on the analysis of the <it>env</it>-gp41 region. All nine Angolan sequences were also classified as subtype F1 in both <it>env-gp120 </it>and <it>pol-RT </it>genomic regions, and near full-length genome analysis of four of these samples confirmed their classification as "pure" subtype F1. Phylogenetic analyses of subtype F1 strains isolated worldwide revealed that isolates from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were the earliest branching lineages within the subtype F1 phylogeny. Most strains from Angola segregated in a monophyletic group together with Romanian sequences; whereas South American F1 sequences emerged as an independent cluster. The origin of the subtype F1 epidemic in Central African was estimated at 1958 (1934–1971).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>"Pure" subtype F1 strains are common in Angola and seem to be the result of a single founder event. Subtype F1 sequences from Angola are closely related to those described in Romania, and only distantly related to the subtype F1 lineage circulating in South America. Original diversification of subtype F1 probably occurred within the DRC around the late 1950s.</p

    Avaliação do letramento em saúde e conhecimento sobre Terapia Renal Substitutiva de pacientes em um ambulatório multiprofissional de Doença Renal Crônica pré-dialítica

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    Introduction: Health Literacy (HL) is associated with morbidity and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Objective: To evaluate HL and knowledge of renal replacement therapy (RRT) of the patients from a multidisciplinary outpatient CKD predialysis. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study in HIPERDIA Minas clinic from March to April/2015. Assessed sociodemographic variables, HL through SAHLPA 18 (Short Assessment of Health Literacy for English-Speaking Adults), and applied a semi-structured questionnaire. Patients were divided into two groups according to HL and the variables were compared; carried out a comparative analysis between the stage and the answers to the semi-structured questionnaire and compared the SAHLPA and type of RRT. Finally, we performed a logistic regression with the dependent variable "having knowledge of RRT." Results: We evaluated 100 consecutive patients, mean age was 68.2 ± 10.7 years. The majority were men, whites, had only elementary school, the most common category of CKD was 3b, 68% had inadequate HL. When asked if had already been informed of dialysis 37.7% in stage 3b, 60.6% in the 4 and 66.7% in 5 said yes; about the modalities 68.9% in stage 3b, 60.6% in the 4 and 16.7% in 5 said they did not know about RRT. The variable related to "having knowledge of RRT" in a logistic regression model was just age. Conclusion: There was a low percentage of appropriate HL and knowledge of RRT. The most reported method was hemodialysis. Our results suggest that strategies to improve health literacy and provide appropriate information on RRT should be part of multidisciplinary care. &nbsp;Introdução: O letramento em saúde (LS) inadequado está associado a morbi-mortalidade em doença renal crônica (DRC). Objetivo: Avaliar o LS e conhecimento sobre terapia renal substitutiva (TRS) de pacientes de um ambulatório multiprofissional de DRC pré-dialítica. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal no ambulatório HIPERDIA Minas de março a abril/2015. Avaliadas variáveis sóciodemográficas, LS através do SAHLPA 18 (Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Portuguese-Speaking Adults), e aplicado um questionário semiestruturado. As variáveis foram comparadas entre os pacientes que foram separados em dois grupos de acordo com o letramento e as variáveis foram comparadas. Além disto, foi realizada uma análise comparativa entre o estágio da DRC e as respostas ao questionário semiestruturado e o SAHLPA. Ao final, realizamos uma regressão logística, tendo como variável dependente “ter conhecimento sobre TRS”. Resultados: Foram abordados e avaliados 100 pacientes consecutivos, média de idade foi 68,2±10,7 anos. A maioria era homem, branco, apenas ensino fundamental. A categoria da DRC mais frequente foi 3b. 68% apresentaram letramento inadequado. Comparando os dados sócio demográficos e letramento, podemos observar que maior idade, menor escolaridade, menor renda familiar foram estatisticamente significativos para letramento inadequado. Quando perguntados sobre já ter sido informado sobre diálise; 37,7% no estágio 3b, 60,6% no 4 e 66,7% nos 5 disseram que sim; quanto às modalidades de TRS, 68,9% em estágio 3b, 60,6% no 4 e 16,7% no 5 responderam que não sabiam os tipos existentes. A variável relacionada a “ter conhecimento sobre TRS” em um modelo de regressão logística foi apenas idade. Conclusão: Houve um baixo percentual de LS adequado e de conhecimento sobre TRS. A modalidade mais referida foi hemodiálise. Nossos resultados sugerem que estratégias que melhorem o letramento em saúde e forneçam informações adequadas sobre TRS devem fazer parte do atendimento multiprofissional

    Sucesso e insucesso no ensino básico : relevância de variáveis sócio-familiares e escolares em alunos do 5º ano

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    Tomando a globalidade dos alunos do 5º ano de uma EB2,3 da cidade de Braga, procedemos à caracterização destes alunos em termos de variáveis sócio-culturais, familiares e escolares. Particular destaque foi dado no estudo ao acompanhamento educativo e escolar que os alunos recebem no seio da família, assim como à forma como os alunos vivenciam a sua escola. Os resultados consideram os alunos diferenciados segundo o género e segundo o seu índice de aproveitamento escolar no final do ano lectivo. Em face da reduzida percentagem de alunos que não transitaram no final do ano lectivo, a opção foi por calcular a média das classificações nas várias disciplinas e, a partir dessa média, formar o grupo dos alunos com melhor e mais fraco rendimento. Algumas diferenças nos resultados, segundo o género e segundo o rendimento do aluno, são apresentadas e discutidas, mormente aquelas que poderão justificar alguma atenção por parte da escola e dos professores


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    Apresentação do Dossiê temático: Sociedade, Religião e Intervenções

    De novo colorectal cancer after liver and kidney transplantation–Microenvironment disturbance

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health burden and may arise as a complication of solid organ transplantation. Our study aimed to assess the incidence of the CRC in kidney and liver transplanted patients at a tertiary and reference center and to describe their clinical and pathological features. Twelve patients, 10 men and two women, with a mean age of 60 years, composed our cohort, ten of them submitted to CRC resection. Transplanted organ was liver in five patients and kidney in seven. Regarding overall survival, patients submitted to renal transplantation were all deceased 5 years after CRC diagnosis, while those subjected to hepatic transplantation had a survival of 60% at the fifth year. Pathology examination showed seven patients with advanced disease (stage III/IV) and high amount of necrosis. Tumor microenvironment was disturbed, with low inflammatory infiltrate, absence of natural killer cells and no PD-L1 expression. CRC exhibited microsatellite instability in 40%, with expression of cancer stem cell markers (CD133, CD44 and ALDH1), as well as P53 (50%) and KRAS mutations (41.7%). CRC cancer after kidney and hepatic transplantation is a rare, but aggressive and deadly event. Regular follow-up should be instituted in these patients