12 research outputs found

    Feline chronic gingivostomatitis with calicivirus infection: case report

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    Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is an oral inflammatory condition that frequently affects felines. Its etiology is not well defined, but several viral agents are thought to be involved. Several therapeutic protocols have been described, yet treatment response is often variable, and the therapeutic success is transient with an unpredictable duration. Therefore, the therapeutic strategy needs to be tailored for each patient. This work relates a case characterized by viral involvement in its etiopathogenesis providing an alternative to the most widely-used methods that so often frustrate both veterinary doctors and pet owners.A gengivostomatite crônica felina (FCGS) é uma condição inflamatória oral que frequentemente afeta felinos. A sua etiologia não está bem definida, mas acredita-se que vários agentes virais possam estar envolvidos. Muitos protocolos terapêuticos têm sido descritos, no entanto, a resposta ao tratamento é frequentemente variável e o sucesso terapêutico é transitório com uma duração imprevisível. Portanto, a estratégia terapêutica precisa ser adaptada para cada paciente. O presente trabalho propõe a caracterização do envolvimento viral na etiopatogenia da doença como uma alternativa aos métodos mais amplamente utilizados, que muitas vezes frustram médicos veterinários e os donos de animais de estimação

    Urachal Cyst in a Bitch

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    Background: The urachus is a tubular structure continuous with the urinary bladder and the allantois in foetal mammals. It serves as a communication between these two structures. At birth, it loses its function and undergoes atrophy by fibrous proliferation within the lumen. When this atrophy process fails at some point, congenital anomalies of the urachus occur. These anomalies are rare in animals, and to our knowledge, the urachal cyst has not yet been described in dogs. The present work is unique in that it reports a case of this congenital defect in a dog. Our aim is to increase awareness and to discuss the clinical presentation, the imaging techniques used, and the final diagnosis of this anomaly.Case: A bitch Pit Bull, 3-year-old, was presented for veterinary assistance to investigate recurrent pseudopregnancy and an irregular estrous cycle. The animal presented in good bodily condition, and the white blood count and clinical biochemistry were normal. At ultrasound, 2 tubular structures, filled by an echogenic fluid mimicking uterine topography, were found extending through the umbilical and hypogastric regions. No alterations in structure, echogenicity or echotexture of the other organs were observed, including the ovaries and uterus. On exploratory laparotomy, a cystic structure was found, with 2 segments: the larger one was on the left side, attached to the apex of the bladder by its caudal portion; the other was on the right side, attached to the spleen by its cranial portion and to the apex of the bladder by its caudal portion in connection with the left segment. The ovaries, uterus and uterine horns showed no macroscopic alterations. The structure was removed, and after analysis (macroscopic morphology, wall histopathology and biochemistry of the contained fluid), it was determined to be a urachal cyst. The animal recovered uneventfully.Discussion: Ultrasound is an important tool for the evaluation of reproductive cycle physiology and its pathologies. At first, the owner’s complaint justified a fairly straightforward evaluation and clinical management of pseudopregnancy in a very healthy animal based on the history and clinical and complementary exams. However, ultrasound examination revealed two tubular structures filled with echogenic fluid in the lower abdomen. This made the case more complex, as these were interpreted as uterine horns by three different veterinarians, leading to the possibility of pyometra. The management of this condition must be cautious, since the animal's condition could rapidly deteriorate, necessitating an exploratory laparotomy. Based on the clinical presentation, macroscopic anatomy, fluid biochemistry and histological evaluations, the diagnosis of urachal cyst was proposed. Congenital anomalies occur when the urachus fails to obliterate. Four types can be found: patent urachus, urachal sinus, urachal diverticulum and urachal cyst. The urachal cyst occurs when the urachus encompasses a cyst-like structure that is closed to the umbilicus and the bladder lumen. The urachus becomes a cystic structure since its epithelium is still intact, active and accumulating fluid, like the one analysed in this report. Most urachal cysts in humans remain asymptomatic, but when infected, they can cause focal or diffuse peritonitis and an acute abdomen. Although rare, urachal cysts can develop malignant transformation. The combination of nonspecific symptoms and the infrequent occurrence of this anomaly make its diagnosis a difficult challenge. It is commonly an incidental finding like the case reported here. Therefore, diagnostic imaging techniques, especially ultrasound, are essential for the diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a urachal cyst in a dog. This rare anomaly of the urachus was an incidental finding in the investigation of the reproductive problems of a female dog

    Desafios encontrados por enfermeiros nos cuidados a pacientes oncológicos no fim de vida

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    The aim was to identify and analyze the challenges faced by nurses in the care of cancer patients at the end of life. This is an integrative literature review based on the guiding question: What are the challenges faced by nurses in the care of cancer patients at the end of life? The search for the studies that make up this review was carried out on the Platform and databases: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Science Direct and SCOPUS, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with a period of the last five years. Nine studies were included, of which the main challenges identified were evaluating the effectiveness of communication, communicating bad news, dealing with suffering and death, great exposure to work-related stressors, maintaining the patient's dignity and identifying the moment starting end-of-life care. Personal skills such as full awareness, perspective taking and cognitive empathy, combined with technical-scientific training and psychological support for professionals, are strategies for better coping with the challenges faced by nurses in end-of-life cancer care.Objetivou-se identificar e analisar os desafios encontrados por enfermeiros nos cuidados à pacientes oncológicos no fim de vida. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura a partir da questão norteadora: Quais os desafios encontrados por enfermeiros no cuidado à pacientes oncológicos no fim de vida? A busca dos estudos que compõem esta revisão foi realizada na Plataforma e bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Science Direct e SCOPUS, nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês, com recorte temporal dos últimos cinco anos. Foram incluídos 09 estudos, dos quais, os principais desafios identificados foram avaliação da eficácia da comunicação, comunicação de más notícias, lidar com o sofrimento e com a morte, grande exposição a estressores relacionados ao trabalho, manter a dignidade do paciente e identificar o momento de iniciar os cuidados de fim de vida. As habilidades pessoais como a plena consciência, tomada de perspectiva e a empatia cognitiva, aliadas à capacitação técnico-científica e o suporte psicológico ao profissional, são estratégias para melhor enfrentamento dos desafios encontrados pelos enfermeiros nos cuidados ao paciente oncológico em fim de vida

    Economia criativa na relação entre trabalho e cultura para a juventude

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    A racionalidade neoliberal produz reorientação do capitalismo que fomenta a precarização do trabalho, a responsabilização individual, o enfraquecimento do Estado, das políticas e dos direitos sociais. Com enfoque nas políticas culturais, a Economia Criativa e a profissionalização da criatividade têm sido universos de disputa discursiva e jogos de poderes que geram diversas dificuldades, mas também de resistências e estratégias. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de um programa universitário de Terapia Ocupacional no campo da Cultura, cujo objetivo foi compreender os processos de profissionalização de jovens no campo da cultura. Para tanto, foram realizados mapeamentos para identificação dos jovens (18 a 29 anos), trabalhadores no campo da cultura e atuantes no município no qual foi desenvolvida a pesquisa. Posteriormente, foram realizadas entrevistas com foco na identificação dos processos de trabalho, suas dificuldades e potências. Em seguida foram realizados encontros formativos abertos para os interessados. Por meio de seus relatos, foi possível verificar que o trabalho está submetido à precarização, flexibilização, individualização e mercadorização da cultura. Como estratégias de resistência os jovens artistas elaboram propostas buscando fortalecimento de redes, atividades colaborativas, significado e transformação social. Ressalta-se a necessidade de políticas culturais integradas entre as diferentes dimensões da cultura, a considerando como direito e intrínsecas aos processos de cidadania.Neoliberal rationality produces a reorientation of capitalism that fosters labor precariousness, individual accountability, weakening of the State, politics and social rights. Focusing on cultural policies, the Creative Economy and the professionalization of creativity have been universes of discursive dispute and powers games that generate several difficulties, but also of resistances and strategies. This work presents results of a university program of Occupational Therapy in the field of Culture, whose objective was to understand the processes of professionalization of young people in the field of culture. For that, mapping was carried out to identify young people (18 to 29 years old), workers in the field of culture and active in the municipality where the research was carried out. Next, interviews were conducted focusing on the identification of work processes, their difficulties and potentials. Then there were training meetings open to stakeholders. Through their reports, it was possible to verify that the work is subject to the precarization, flexibilization, individualization and commodification of the culture. As strategies of resistance the young artists elaborate proposals seeking strengthening of networks, collaborative activities, meaning and social transformation. The need for integrated cultural policies between the different dimensions of culture is emphasized, considering them as rights and intrinsic to the processes of citizenship

    Urethral Obstruction in a Female Cat

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    Background: This work reports a case of urethral obstruction by urolith in a female cat. The patient had a history of hematuria beginning approximately 2 months before visiting the clinic, with anorexia, apathy, emesis, tenesmus and absence of urination. Following physical and ultrasonic examinations, urethral obstruction by urolith was diagnosed. Although feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is common in both males and females, a urethral obstruction in female cats is extremely rare. This report aims to alert veterinarians to such an occurrence, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and treatment in view of the severity of the consequences of a urethral obstruction.Case: An undefined, female cat of indefinite age, with a history of hematuria, emaciation, anorexia, apathy, emesis, tenesmus and anuria, presented at our clinic. Physical examination revealed dehydration, discrete rectal prolapse and dysuria. During abdominal palpation, a rigid spherical-shaped structure was observed in the hypogastric region, and complementary examinations were subsequently performed. Hematological examination revealed leukocytosis and increased serum urea and creatinine levels. Abdominal ultrasound examination showed that the urinary vesicle was full, with heterogeneous anechoic content with discrete sedimentation, as well as the presence of a hyperechogenic structure that formed an acoustic shadow at the transition between the bladder trigone and the urethra. In addition, both renal pelves presented dilatation byanechoic content, and measured about 0.5 cm. Treatment with amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate (20 mg/kg administered intravenously) was initiated, and the patient was referred to undergo a surgical procedure to remove the calculus. When exploring the abdominal cavity, the urinary vesicle was identified, which appeared to be rigid. Ventral cystotomywas performed, and calculus was identified in the proximal urethra, which was ‘milked’ into the bladder and removed. The patient showed good surgical recovery, presenting normorexia and normuria after anesthetic recovery. The patient remained hospitalized for 12 h. On the following day, hematological tests showed improvement in leukocytosis and azotemia, and amoxicillin was prescribed with potassium clavulanate (20 mg/kg 12/12 h), tramadol (4 mg/kg 8/8 h) and ketoprofen (1mg/kg SID). The patient was requested to return for a follow-up appointment 5 days later, but the patient did not return.Discussion: Although the low frequency of urethral obstruction in female felines does not reflect the common occurrence of FLUTD, the present report warns of the importance of the final diagnosis in patients with manifestations of urinary tract disorders, especially female animals, in order to exclude the possibility of urolithiasis. This attention will allow the correct treatment of each condition and complete recovery of the patient, avoiding possible obstructions and serious consequences related to the presence of an obstruction for a prolonged period of time. The present work reported a case of feline urethral obstruction, a condition considered rare for females of this species. Urethral obstruction is considered an emergency in the small animal clinic, and the treatment, which consists of clearing and correcting systemic effects, should be rapid as the consequences for the patient can be severe and permanent, and can even lead to death. The possibility of urethral obstruction was not ignored despite the rare occurrence in females, which allowed for rapid surgical intervention to clear and reestablish the urinary flow, which contributed to the successful recovery of the patient.Keywords: urolithiasis, feline lower urinary tract disease, urethral calculus

    Secretome of perivascular mesenchymal stromal cells from canine umbilical cord for cartilage regeneration

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    A osteoartrite é uma doença articular degenerativa que afeta milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Embora a doença seja multifatorial e envolva diversos mecanismos patológicos, o microambiente articular desempenha um papel crucial no desenvolvimento e progressão da osteoartrite. Compreender a composição e função do microambiente articular é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas eficazes. Dentre as estratégias que têm despertado um grande interesse mais recentemente está a aplicação do secretoma de células estromais mesenquimais (MSCs), que se mostra uma abordagem promissora para o tratamento da osteoartrite. Nesse contexto, esta tese tem como objetivo explorar o potencial terapêutico do secretoma de MSCs na osteoartrite. A tese foi dividida em dois capítulos principais. O primeiro capítulo consiste em uma revisão sistemática sobre o papel do microambiente na osteoartrite, analisando fatores importantes para o desenvolvimento de terapias com MSCs. O segundo capítulo é dedicado à apresentação de um trabalho in vitro investigando os efeitos do secretoma de MSCs na proliferação, migração e manutenção do fenótipo condrogênico de condrócitos articulares de coelhos, por meio de marcação de glicaminoglicanos e expressão gênica de fatores associados à condrogênese. Palavras-chave: Doença articular degenerativa. Meio condicionado. Terapia cell free.Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Although the disease is multifactorial and involves various pathological mechanisms, the joint microenvironment plays a crucial role in the development and progression of osteoarthritis. Understanding the composition and function of the joint microenvironment is essential for the development of effective therapeutic strategies. Among the strategies that have recently attracted great interest is the application of the secretome of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), which shows promise as an approach for the treatment of osteoarthritis. In this context, this thesis aims to explore the therapeutic potential of MSC secretome in osteoarthritis. The thesis is divided into two main chapters. The first chapter consists of a systematic review on the role of the microenvironment in osteoarthritis, analysing important factors for the development MSCs-based therapies. The second chapter is dedicated to the presentation of an in vitro study investigating the effects of MSC secretome on the proliferation, migration, and maintenance of the chondrogenic phenotype of rabbit articular chondrocytes, through the labeling of glycosaminoglycans and gene expression of factors associated with chondrogenesis. Keywords: Degenerative joint disease. Conditioned medium. Cell-free therapy.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Autologous matrix and cellular therapy in repair of skin wound

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    As feridas cutâneas são classificadas como uma co-morbidade ou secundária a outras condições clínicas e são um problema de saúde pública. As células estromais mesenquimais (MSCs) e as membranas autólogas tem sido estudadas para favorecer a regeneração tecidual. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho entender o processo de reparação da pele quando utilizamos terapia celular e matrizes autólogas e, para tal, foram utilizadas duas abordagens, uma revisão sistemática e um trabalho experimental. Nas bases de dados PubMed e BVS foram selecionados estudos experimentais que avaliassem a associação da terapia celular e membranas autólogas em feridas de pele de coelhos e roedores. Cinco estudos preencheram os critérios de inclusão e foram selecionados na revisão sistemática. A associação da terapia celular com as matrizes autólogas, nas suas diferentes formas de produção, teve um importante papel em relação aos parâmetros envolvidos no reparo tecidual, como organização do tecido, reepitelização, deposição de colágeno e angiogênese. Devido a heterogenicidade dos estudos, não foi possível realizar meta-análise nessa revisão. Propõe-se que seja elaborado um consenso sobre características e critérios de avaliação para realização de pesquisas no tratamento de feridas cutâneas, objetivando a padronização e consequente possibilidade de melhor comparação entre tratamentos. Em seguida, foi realizado um estudo experimental. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a influência das células tronco derivadas de tecido adiposo (ASCs) no reparo de feridas, usando a fibrina rica em plaquetas (PRF) para favorecer a adesão celular no leito da ferida, bem como discutir sobre os principais componentes do processo de reparo e como as MSCs podem influenciar suas ações. Neste estudo, as ASCs foram associadas a PRF para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas induzidas experimentalmente, medindo 8mm de diâmetro no dorso de coelhos, com seis amostras por grupo: controle (solução salina), PRF apenas e ASC associadas a PRF. Suas ações foram avaliadas por análise macroscópica e histopatológica. Os resultados mostraram que as ASCs associadas com PRF permaneceram na ferida até o dia 14. E foram capazes de aumentar angiogênese e maturação do colágeno na transição da fase inflamatória para a proliferativa, embora não tenham influenciado o tempo de fechamento das feridas em comparação aos demais grupos. Após a realização da revisão sistemática e do estudo experimental, acredita-se que a associação dessa terapia é promissora e sugerem-se novos estudos com feridas complexas e tamanho maior, a fim de conseguir uma melhor avaliação na diferença entre os tratamentos. Palavras-chave: MSCs. Plaqueta. Fibrina. Plasma. Reparo.Skin wounds are classified as comorbidities or secondary to other clinical conditions and are a public health problem. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and autologous membranes have been studied to favor tissue regeneration. The objective of this work is to understand the process of skin repair when using cell therapy and autologous matrices and, for this, two approaches, a systematic review and an experimental work were used. In the PubMed and BVS databases, experimental studies were selected that evaluated an association of cell therapy and autologous membranes in rabbit and rodent skin wounds. Five studies were selected for inclusion and selected in the systematic review. The association of cell therapy with autologous matrices, in their different forms of production, played an important role in relation to variations applied in technical repair, such as tissue organization, reepithelization, image deposition and angiogenesis. To determine the heterogeneity of the studies, it was not possible to perform the meta-analysis in this review. It is proposed that a consensus be developed on the characteristics and used to evaluate research on the treatment of skin wounds, aiming at standardization and consequent possibility of better comparison between applications. Then, an experimental study was performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of adipose- derived stem cells (ASCs) on wound repair, using a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to promote cell connection in the wound bed, as well as to discuss the main repair process components and how MSCs can influence their actions. In this study, ASCs were associated with PRF for the treatment of experimentally induced cutaneous wounds, measuring 8mm in diameter on the back of rabbits, with six samples per group: control (saline), PRF only, and PRF associated ASC. Their actions were evaluated by macroscopic and histopathological analysis. Results shown as ASCs recorded with PRF remain in the wound until day 14. And they were able to increase angiogenesis and collagen maturation in the transition from inflammatory to proliferative phase, although they were not influenced or the time of wound closure compared to the other groups. Following the systematic review and experimental study, it is believed that the association of this therapy is promising and further studies with larger and complex wounds are suggested, in order to better evaluate the difference between the tests. Keywords: MSCs. Platelet. Fibrin. Plasma. Repair

    Preconditioning Methods to Improve Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Bone Regeneration—A Systematic Review

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have long been used in research for bone regeneration, with evidence of their beneficial properties. In the segmental area of MSC-based therapies, MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have also shown great therapeutic effects in several diseases, including bone healing. This study aimed to assess whether the conditioning of MSCs improves the therapeutic effects of their derived extracellular vesicles for bone regeneration. Electronic research was performed until February 2021 to recover the studies in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The studies were screened based on the inclusion criteria. Relevant information was extracted, including in vitro and in vivo experiments, and the animal studies were evaluated for risk of bias by the SYRCLE tool. A total of 463 studies were retrieved, and 18 studies met the inclusion criteria (10 studies for their in vitro analysis, and 8 studies for their in vitro and in vivo analysis). The conditioning methods reported included: osteogenic medium; dimethyloxalylglycine; dexamethasone; strontium-substituted calcium silicate; hypoxia; 3D mechanical microenvironment; and the overexpression of miR-375, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and mutant hypoxia-inducible factor-1α. The conditioning methods of MSCs in the reported studies generate exosomes able to significantly promote bone regeneration. However, heterogeneity regarding cell source, conditioning method, EV isolation and concentration, and defect model was observed among the studies. The different conditioning methods reported in this review do improve the therapeutic effects of MSC-derived EVs for bone regeneration, but they still need to be addressed in larger animal models for further clinical application

    La Terapia Ocupacional y la cultura: Miradas a la transformación social

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    Introduction: This paper discusses the correlations between occupation and culture in a contextualized and conscious way, the dimensions of the symbolic, economic and citizen culture and the potential of the Occupational Therapy to produce practices, research and knowledge in this field. Objective: This paper aims to expand the theoretical and practical reflections of Occupational Therapy directly related to culture in connection with socioeconomic demands and problems, from the critical and social paradigms. Method: Four projects and programs are presented. They were developed by a teaching, researching and extension university group, in the areas of enjoyment, promotion, production and cultural management, with different groups (children, young people, artists, homeless, vulnerable communities and people with mental disorders). The experiences were developed by an transdisciplinary team, coordinated by an occupational therapist in São Carlos (SP Brazil). Conclusion: The occupational therapist was considered an articulated professional to promote the different dimensions of culture, in a comprehensive and integrated manner, involved in the occupations of people and groups, in the promotion of their own cultures and in defense of citizenship, belonging, plurality and social and human rights. The practices may contribute to the promotion of cultural diversity and the sense of a human, sustainable and responsible development.Introducción: Este trabajo descorre sobre la correlación entre la ocupación y la cultura de forma contextualizada y consciente, sobre las dimensiones de la cultura simbólica, económica y ciudadana y el potencial de la Terapia Ocupacional en producir prácticas, investigaciones y conocimiento en este campo. Objetivo: Busca ampliar las reflexiones teóricas y prácticas de la Terapia Ocupacional directamente relacionadas a la cultura en conexión con demandas y problemáticas socioeconómicas, desde los paradigmas crítico y social. Método: Para eso, se presentan cuatro proyectos y programas desarrollados por un grupo de enseñanza, investigación y extensión universitaria, en las áreas de fruición, promoción, producción y gestión cultural con grupos distintos (niños, jóvenes, artistas, población de la calle, comunidades periféricas y usuarios de servicios de salud mental). Las experiencias fueron desarrolladas por un equipo transdisciplinar, coordinadas por un terapeuta ocupacional en São Carlos (SP Brasil). Conclusión: El terapeuta ocupacional se revela como un profesional articulado para promover de forma amplia e integrada las diferentes dimensiones de la cultura, implicadas en las ocupaciones de las personas y colectivos, en la promoción de sus propias culturas y en defensa de la ciudadanía, pertenencia, pluralidad y derechos sociales y humanos. Las prácticas contribuyen para promover la diversidad cultural y la consciencia de un desarrollo más humano, sustentable y responsable

    Urethral Obstruction in a Female Cat

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    Background: This work reports a case of urethral obstruction by urolith in a female cat. The patient had a history of hematuria beginning approximately 2 months before visiting the clinic, with anorexia, apathy, emesis, tenesmus and absence of urination. Following physical and ultrasonic examinations, urethral obstruction by urolith was diagnosed. Although feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is common in both males and females, a urethral obstruction in female cats is extremely rare. This report aims to alert veterinarians to such an occurrence, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and treatment in view of the severity of the consequences of a urethral obstruction.Case: An undefined, female cat of indefinite age, with a history of hematuria, emaciation, anorexia, apathy, emesis, tenesmus and anuria, presented at our clinic. Physical examination revealed dehydration, discrete rectal prolapse and dysuria. During abdominal palpation, a rigid spherical-shaped structure was observed in the hypogastric region, and complementary examinations were subsequently performed. Hematological examination revealed leukocytosis and increased serum urea and creatinine levels. Abdominal ultrasound examination showed that the urinary vesicle was full, with heterogeneous anechoic content with discrete sedimentation, as well as the presence of a hyperechogenic structure that formed an acoustic shadow at the transition between the bladder trigone and the urethra. In addition, both renal pelves presented dilatation byanechoic content, and measured about 0.5 cm. Treatment with amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate (20 mg/kg administered intravenously) was initiated, and the patient was referred to undergo a surgical procedure to remove the calculus. When exploring the abdominal cavity, the urinary vesicle was identified, which appeared to be rigid. Ventral cystotomywas performed, and calculus was identified in the proximal urethra, which was ‘milked’ into the bladder and removed. The patient showed good surgical recovery, presenting normorexia and normuria after anesthetic recovery. The patient remained hospitalized for 12 h. On the following day, hematological tests showed improvement in leukocytosis and azotemia, and amoxicillin was prescribed with potassium clavulanate (20 mg/kg 12/12 h), tramadol (4 mg/kg 8/8 h) and ketoprofen (1mg/kg SID). The patient was requested to return for a follow-up appointment 5 days later, but the patient did not return.Discussion: Although the low frequency of urethral obstruction in female felines does not reflect the common occurrence of FLUTD, the present report warns of the importance of the final diagnosis in patients with manifestations of urinary tract disorders, especially female animals, in order to exclude the possibility of urolithiasis. This attention will allow the correct treatment of each condition and complete recovery of the patient, avoiding possible obstructions and serious consequences related to the presence of an obstruction for a prolonged period of time. The present work reported a case of feline urethral obstruction, a condition considered rare for females of this species. Urethral obstruction is considered an emergency in the small animal clinic, and the treatment, which consists of clearing and correcting systemic effects, should be rapid as the consequences for the patient can be severe and permanent, and can even lead to death. The possibility of urethral obstruction was not ignored despite the rare occurrence in females, which allowed for rapid surgical intervention to clear and reestablish the urinary flow, which contributed to the successful recovery of the patient.Keywords: urolithiasis, feline lower urinary tract disease, urethral calculus