303 research outputs found

    Chaos synchronization in a 6-D hyperchaotic system with self-excited attractor

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    This paper presented stability application for chaos synchronization using a 6-D hyperchaotic system of different controllers and two tools: Lyapunov stability theory and Linearization methods. Synchronization methods based on nonlinear control strategy is used. The selecting controller's methods have been modified by applying complete synchronization. The Linearization methods can achieve convergence according to the of complete synchronization. Numerical simulations are carried out by using MATLAB to validate the effectiveness of the analytical technique

    The Aesthetic Concepts of Drawing on Rocks in Contemporary Iraqi Art

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            تناول البحث الموسوم: (جمالية الرسم على الصخور في الفن العراقي المعاصر), وقد حوى أربعة فصول: اختص الفصل الأول منه بالإطار المنهجي للبحث ممثّلاً: بمشكلة البحث التي, يمكن تلخيصها:ماهي جمالية الرسم على الصخور؟ واحتوى على هدف البحث: تعرف جمالية الرسم على الصخور في الفن العراقي المعاصر. واقتصرت حدود البحث على دراسة الرسم على الصخور وتحليل نماذج من الرسم العراقي المعاصر، باعتماد المنهج الوصفي بأسلوب التحليل في الطرح النظري الفكري والمعرفي في تحليل عيّنات البحث.أمّا الفصل الثاني فقد حوى مبحثان، تناول الأول(جمالية البيئة)0اما الثاني فتناول: (جمالية البيئة وأثرها على الفنان), اما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمن الإجراءات التي تتعلق بمجتمع البحث وعينة ومنهجية  البحث, ومن ثم تحليل العينة التي بلغت (أربعة) نماذج0 وقد تضمن الفصل الرابع نتائج البحث واستنتاجاته فضلا عن التوصيات والمقترحات, ومن ابرز النتائج التي توصلت إليها الباحثتان:-1. يستوحي الفنانين من طبيعة الصخور وملامس الحجارة التي يعملون عليها تأثيرات تستلهم العلاقة الأصيلة بين الإنسان والحجارة وعالم الكهوف المعتمة وتضاريسها لإبداع صور وخيالات تحيل المتلقي الى علاقات أصيلة وأجواء بدائية وفطرية موغلة في القدم كما في جميع النماذج.The study dealt with the following topics: (aesthetic drawing on the rocks in contemporary Iraqi art), and it contains four chapters: The first chapter is separated by the methodological framework of the research representative: the problem of research, which can be summarized: What is aesthetic drawing on the rocks? The research limits were limited to the study of drawing on rocks and the analysis of models of contemporary Iraqi painting, by adopting the descriptive method in the method of analysis in the theoretical and cognitive thesis in the analysis of the research samples. The second chapter deals with the aesthetic of the environment and its effect on the artist. The third chapter included the procedures related to the research society and the sample and methodology of the research, and then the analysis of the sample which reached (four) models. Research and conclusions preferred The most important findings of the two researchers: -1. Inspire artists from the nature of rocks and touch stones, which work on the effects inspired by the inherent relationship between man and stones and the world of dark caves and their terrain to create images and images that transmit the recipient to the original relationships and primitive atmosphere and pervasive foot As in all models

    The Influence of Intellectual Transformations in Romantic Art

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    يتضمن البحث الحالي (تأثير التحولات الفكرية في الفن الرومانتيكي). التحولات الفكرية في المنجز البصري للفن الرومانتيكي ودور تلك التحولات في توجيه آليات الاشتغال في رسوم واعمال الفن الرومانسي, ويتكون هذا البحث من أربعة فصول تضمن الفصل الأول تحديد مشكلة البحث والتي تتضح من خلال التساؤلات الآتية والتي تعد إشكاليات حقيقية تستدعي الدراسة هل هناك تأثير للتحولات الفكرية وهل عالج الفنان الرومانسي ذاك التأثير بأعماله الفنية؟. وما مدى فاعلية التحولات والعوامل والاسس التي تطال بنية الرسم الرومانسي؟.يهدف البحث الحالي إلى: تعّرف تأثير التحولات الفكرية في الفن الرومانتيكي أما حدود البحث التي تضمنها الفصل الأول, فقد اقتصرت على دراسة رسوم فناني الرومانتيكية , للأعمال المنجزة في فرنسا للمدة (1795-1840) وأما  الفصل الثاني فقد تضمن الإطار النظري، وضم الإطار النظري مبحثين، استعرض المبحث الأول: الطروحات والنظريات والعوامل التي أثرت في الفن فدرس تحرير الفن والفنان. والنقد الفني ودوره الفعال في تغير مفاهيم المدرسة الرومانتيكية. والارآء الفلسفية والأدبية ودورها الفعال في تغير مجرى الفن. وتناول المبحث الثاني: العوامل والاسس المؤثرة في الرسم الرومانتيكي. وخاتمة الإطار النظري بمناقشته واستلال المؤشرات منه للإفادة منها في تحليل العينة0أما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمن بالإجراءات التي تتعلق بمجتمع البحث  وعينة ومنهجية  البحث, ومن ثم تحليل العينة التي بلغت خمسة نماذج. وقد تضمن الفصل الرابع نتائج البحث واستنتاجاته فضلا عن التوصيات والمقترحات, ومن ابرز النتائج التي توصلت إليها الباحثتان: 1- مقصد الفنان  الرومانسي ذو طابع شخصي وأسلوب خاص متميز به.2- تعتمد الرومانسية على تغليب الخيال على الواقع بمشاهد فنتازية .3-الألم والخوف والتعب في الرسم الرومانسي يؤشر ترجيح خطاب المتخيل على حساب الواقعي , والذاتي المعبأ بالأفكار والانطباعات بقصد إزاحة حجب المرئي للكشف عن تمثلات اللامرئي.4-الانطباعات الذاتية تظهر بوضوح كما في جميع نماذج العينة. ومن أهم الاستنتاجات:1- الفن الرومانسي يغلب عليه الطابع الروحي, ويسعى الى الكشف عن الروح في الهاماتها وصراعها الداخلي وآلامها. ويصور الصراع و الألم و العذاب ويكشف لنا عن الجانب المفزع من حياتنا.2-مثلت الرومانتيكية المشاعر والخيال الإنساني وسلطة الذات فغلبت العاطفة على الفكر ,والغموض على المنطق ,والانفعال  على التحفظ  والحرية على القوانين.       The present research includes the influence of intellectual transformations in romantic art. The transformation of intellectual into the visual achievement of romantic art and the role of these transformations in directing the mechanisms of work in the drawings and works of romantic art, and this research consists of four chapters, which includes the first chapter identify the problem of research, which is clear through the following questions, which are real problems that require study Is there an impact of intellectual transformations and The romantic artist dealt with the effect of his artistic works. How effective are the transformations, factors and foundations that affect the structure of the romantic painting? The present research aims to identify the effect of intellectual transformations in romantic art. The limits of research included in the first chapter were limited to the study of the drawings of the Romantic artists for works performed in France for the period 1795-1840. The second chapter included the theoretical framework, , Reviewed the first topic: theories, theories and factors that influenced the art and studied the editing of art and artist. Artistic criticism and its effective role in changing the concepts of the Romantic school. The philosophical and literary opinions and their effective role in changing the course of art. The second chapter deals with the factors and foundations that influence the romantic drawing. The theoretical frame was concluded by discussing and extracting the indicators from it to be used in the analysis of the sample. The third chapter included the procedures related to the research society and the sample and methodology of the research. And conclusions as well as recommendations and proposals, and the most prominent results reached by the two researchers: 1 - the destination of the romantic artist with a personal character and special style distinctive 2. - Romance depends on the superiority of the imagination on the reality scenes Fantasia 3. - pain and fear and fatigue in drawing 4. Man impressions indicate the weight of the imaginary speech at the expense of the real, self-packed ideas and impressions in order to remove the visual blockage to reveal the representations of the invisible. 4. Self-impressions are evident as in all models of the sample. The most important conclusions: 1. Romantic art is predominantly spiritual, Revealing the soul in its internal struggles and struggles and pains. And depicts the conflict, pain and torment and reveals to us the horrific aspect of our lives. 2. Romanticism represented feelings, human imagination and self-power. It overcame passion for thought, ambiguity over logic, and passion for reservation and freedom over laws

    Bone Marrow Fibrosis in Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and other Myeloproliferative Disorders Evaluated by Using Special Histochemical Stains for Collagen.

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    Background: It is still difficult to give a final diagnosis in chronic myeloproliferative disorders (CMPDs) because of the overlap of the common pathological and clinical features of these disorders like bone marrow fibrosis which is considered important because it affects the normal function of the bone marrow. The collagen fibers are of different types, but in the bone marrow, the two main types are: collagen I, which is the most abundant type and collagen III (reticular) which is often associated with type I. Objectives:To study bone marrow fibrosis (BMF) in samples of bone marrow biopsies (BMB) of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and other chronic myeloproliferative disorders using histochemical stains to establish the grade of fibrosis and enabling a correct differentiation between chronic myeloid leukemia, essential thrombocythemia (ET), polycythemia rubra vera (PRV), and idiopathic marrow fibrosis (IMF) as subtypes of myeloproliferative disorders. Patients and methods: This retrospective study included collection of previously preserved formalin fixed- paraffin embedded bone marrow trephine biopsies of patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders from January 2003 through December 2008 .The relevant clinical data of patients were retrieved from the stored case sheets. Applied histochemical stains (Reticulin stain, Van Gieson stain, and trichrome stain) with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain on sections from these specimens. These stains were used to detect the presence and the degree of pathological marrow fibrosis by the most recent grading system, the European Consensus 2005(EC2005) originally described by Thiele at 2003. Using Trichrome stain for collagen type I and reticulin stain for reticulin fibers (collagen type III) and by using a special marrow fibrosis grading system as a routine work with H&E is valuable in determining the degree of marrow fibrosis on bone marrow biopsy examination and simplifies the diagnosis. Results: Sixty eight percent of chronic myeloproliferative disorders patients had no marrow fibrosis when diagnosed by H&E, while only 30% of chronic myeloproliferative disorders patients had no marrow fibrosis when the diagnosis was made by special stains and marrow fibrosis grading system. There is rare marrow fibrosis in essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia rubra vera, but present in chronic myeloid leukemia and almost always in marrow fibrosis. Some patients really have myelofibrosis of different grades and the histological findings by using histochemical stains are crucial to distinguish between myeloproliferative diseases Conclusion: Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and other chronic myeloproliferative disorders had marrow fibrosis of different grades, which is confirmed by using histochemical stains for different collagen fibers and special grading system for marrow fibrosis (EC2005) that has to be applied. It can be used routinely to avoid misdiagnosis of the primary disease or its conversion and transition to another chronic myeloproliferative disorders type, in which the clinical and laboratory features overlap, but the prognosis and therapeutic implications are significantly different

    Novel valosin-containing protein mutations associated with multisystem proteinopathy

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    Over fifty missense mutations in the gene coding for valosin-containing protein (VCP) are associated with a unique autosomal dominant adult-onset progressive disease associated with combinations of proximo-distal inclusion body myopathy (IBM), Paget's disease of bone (PDB), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We report the clinical, histological, and molecular findings in four new patients/families carrying novel VCP mutations: c.474 G > A (p.M158I); c.478 G > C (p.A160P); c.383G > C (p.G128A); and c.382G > T (p.G128C). Clinical features included myopathy, PDB, ALS and Parkinson's disease though frontotemporal dementia was not an associated feature in these families. One of the patients was noted to have severe manifestations of PDB and was suspected of having neoplasia. There were wide inter- and intra-familial variations making genotype-phenotype correlations difficult between the novel mutations and frequency or age of onset of IBM, PDB, FTD, ALS and Parkinson's disease. Increasing awareness of the full spectrum of clinical presentations will improve diagnosis of VCP-related diseases and thus proactively manage or prevent associated clinical features such as PDB. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    A direct compression matrix made from Xanthan gum and low molecular weight chitosan designed to improve compressibility in controlled release tablets

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    The subject of our research is the optimization of direct compression (DC), controlled release drug matrices comprising chitosan/xanthan gum. The foregoing is considered from two main perspectives; the use of low molecular weight chitosan (LCS) with xanthan gum (XG) and the determination of important attributes for direct compression of the mixtures of the two polymers. Powder flow, deformation behaviour, and work of compression parameters were used to characterize powder and tableting properties. Compression pressure and LCS content within the matrix were investigated for their influence on the crushing strength of the tablets produced. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to determine the optimum parameters required for DC of the matrices investigated. Results confirm the positive contribution of LCS in enhancing powder compressibility and crushing strength of the resultant compacts. Compactibility of the XG/LCS mixtures was found to be more sensitive to applied compression pressure than LCS content. LCS can be added at concentrations as low as 15% w/w to achieve hard compacts, as indicated by the RSM results. The introduction of the plasticity factor, using LCS, to the fragmenting material XG was the main reason for the high volume reduction and reduced porosity of the polymer mixture. Combinations of XG with other commonly utilized polymers in controlled release studies such as glucosamine, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), Na alginate (ALG), guar gum, lactose and high molecular weight (HMW) chitosan were also used; all the foregoing polymers failed to reduce the matrix porosity beyond a certain compression pressure. Application of the LCS/XG mixture, at its optimum composition, for the controlled release of two model drugs (metoprolol succinate and dyphylline) was examined. The XG/LCS matrix at 15% w/w LCS content was found to control the release of metoprolol succinate and dyphylline. The former preparation confirmed the strong influence of compression pressure on changing the drug release profile. The latter preparation showed the ability of XG/LCS to extend the drug release at a fixed rate for 12 h of dissolution time after which the release became slightly slower

    Substrate Activity Screening with Kinases: Discovery of Small‐Molecule Substrate‐Competitive c‐Src Inhibitors

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    Substrate‐competitive kinase inhibitors represent a promising class of kinase inhibitors, however, there is no methodology to selectively identify this type of inhibitor. Substrate activity screening was applied to tyrosine kinases. By using this methodology, the first small‐molecule substrates for any protein kinase were discovered, as well as the first substrate‐competitive inhibitors of c‐Src with activity in both biochemical and cellular assays. Characterization of the lead inhibitor demonstrates that substrate‐competitive kinase inhibitors possess unique properties, including cellular efficacy that matches biochemical potency and synergy with ATP‐competitive inhibitors. SASsy inhibitors : Small‐molecule substrate‐competitive inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase c‐Src were discovered through the application of substrate activity screening (SAS). Characterization of the lead inhibitor demonstrates that substrate‐competitive kinase inhibitors possess unique properties, including cellular efficacy that matches biochemical potency and synergy with ATP‐competitive inhibitors.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107499/1/7010_ftp.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107499/2/anie_201311096_sm_miscellaneous_information.pd

    Marine Pyrrolocarbazoles and Analogues: Synthesis and Kinase Inhibition

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    Granulatimide and isogranulatimide are alkaloids obtained from marine sources which have been shown to inhibit cell-cycle G2-checkpoint, targeting more particularly checkpoint 1 kinase (Chk1). At a structural level, they possess a characteristic pyrrolocarbazole framework also shared by the well-known rebeccamycin and staurosporine microbial metabolites which have been described to inhibit topoisomerase I and diverse kinases, respectively. This review reports precisely on the synthesis and kinase inhibitory activities of pyrrolocarbazole-based analogues of granulatimide