136 research outputs found

    Trajectories of ethnic neighborhood change: Spatial patterns of increasing ethnic diversity

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    The share of ethnic minority residents has been increasing in many major European cities during the past two decades and these cities are experiencing increasing ethnic diversity (Vertovec, 2007). For example: In 1999, non-western ethnic minorities, such as Turks, Moroccans, Antilleans, and Surinamese, comprised 8.5% of the Dutch population. By 2015, the share of the same groups had increased to 12.1%, which, in absolute numbers, means that the number of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands has increased by almost 700,000 people in 16 years (Statistics Netherlands, 2017). About 62.5% of this increase in the number of ethnic minorities is the result of natural growth (Statistics Netherlands, 2017). Geographically, members of ethnic minorities tend to be overrepresented in large cities because of the services and the availability of affordable housing (cf. Borjas, 1999) and the presence of immigrant networks (Logan et al., 2002). Studies on ethnic segregation have focused on the question of how ethnic minorities are sorting into different neighborhoods in these cities and to what extent they live together or apart from the native population (e.g. Bolt & Van Kempen, 2010a; Johnston et al., 2009; 2010; Poulsen et al., 2011). Although segregation is most often viewed as a condition of neighborhoods and cities at a certain point in time, ethnic segregation is not a static phenomenon but is a dynamic process that develops through time without a specific end point (Johnston et al., 2010). An emerging body of research is therefore focused on investigating segregation from the perspective of the changing ethnic population composition in neighborhoods (e.g. Johnston et al., 2009; Poulsen et al., 2011). Analyzing what types of neighborhoods experience change in the ethnic population composition and identifying the drivers of these changes is crucial to our understanding of processes of ethnic segregation. There are two main drivers of ethnic neighborhood change. The first is residential mobility. The selective moving behavior of different ethnic groups can affect ethnic neighborhood change in different ways. Studies on segregation have argued that ethnic heterogeneity in neighborhoods stimulates the out-mobility of the native (majority) population to more White neighborhoods (e.g. Clark & Coulter, 2015; Kaufmann & Harris, 2015). ‘White avoidance’ theories, however, argue that the native population avoids ethnically diverse areas in the first place (Clark, 1992; Quillian, 2002). In both cases, the moving behavior of the native population affects the ethnic population composition in neighborhoods. With regards to the residential mobility of ethnic minorities, studies on spatial assimilation have argued that as ethnic minorities become more assimilated into the host society over time, they tend to move away from concentration areas developing similar residential mobility patterns as the native population (Bolt & Van Kempen, 2010a; Sabater, 2010; Simpson & Finney, 2009; Simpson et al., 2008). However, there is evidence that indicates that ethnic minorities are less likely to leave and more likely to move into ethnically concentrated neighborhoods (e.g. Bolt & Van Kempen, 2010a), as a result of a lack of financial resources (Clark & Ledwith, 2007), institutional constraints (Galster, 1999; Musterd & De Winter, 1998), or specific ethnic preferences (Bolt et al., 2008). A small body of research highlights a second driver and has argued that ethnic neighborhood change is the result of both residential mobility and demographic change (Finney & Simpson, 2009; Simpson, 2004; 2007; Simpson & Finney, 2009). The share of ethnic minorities in a particular neighborhoods can change without residential mobility. Demographic events such as birth and deaths can influence ethnic neighborhood change in different ways. The relatively young age structure of many migrant groups often implies higher fertility rates when compared with the majority population (Finney & Simpson, 2009). When ethnic minorities have disproportionally more children than natives, the share of ethnic minorities in a neighborhood increases irrespective of mobility patterns. Similarly, higher mortality rates among the native population as a result of ageing might lead to high natural decline among natives, thereby reducing the share of the native population in a neighborhood (Finney & Simpson, 2009; Simpson & Finney, 2009). Residential mobility and demographic change are important drivers of ethnic neighborhood change, which affect ethnic segregation. In the context of growing ethnic diversity in many cities, it is important to question the extent to which this growth is evenly distributed over neighborhoods within these cities. Are there, for instance, particular neighborhoods that experience above average increases in their share of ethnic minorities, and if so, is this increase driven by selective sorting processes or natural growth? Or are ethnic minorities increasingly integrated, showing more variation in their residential mobility patterns over time? The present study aims to answer these questions by analyzing full trajectories of ethnic neighborhood change in the four largest cities in the Netherlands between 1999 and 2013. We employ a Latent Class Growth Model (LCGM) to categorize neighborhoods based on their unique growth trajectories of the ethnic population composition over time. This modelling strategy offers an empirical contribution to segregation research by categorizing patterns of ethnic neighborhood change, contributing to our understanding of diverging processes of ethnic segregation over time. Theoretically, this paper bridges two important fields of literature on the drivers behind ethnic segregation: residential mobility and natural growth. By integrating these theories, we seek to better understand the relative impact of both mechanisms on various levels of ethnic neighborhood change

    Speciation in the baboon and its relation to gamma-chain heterogeneity and to the response to induction of HbF by 5-azacytidine

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    In the baboon (Papio species), the two nonallelic gamma-genes produce gamma-chains that differ at a minimum at residue 75, where isoleucine (I gamma-chain) or valine (V gamma) may be present. This situation obtains in baboons that are sometimes designated as Papio anubis, Papio hamadryas, and Papio papio. However, in Papio cynocephalus, although the I gamma-chains are identical with those in the above mentioned types, the V gamma-chains have the substitutions ala----gly at residue 9 and ala----val at residue 23. The V gamma-chains of P. cynocephalus are called V gamma C to distinguish them from the V gamma A-chains of P. anubis, etc. A single cynocephalus animal has been found to have only normal I gamma-chains and I gamma C-chains (that is, glycine in residue 9, valine in 23, and isoleucine in 75). When HbF is produced in response to stress with 5-azacytidine, P. anubis baboons respond with greater production than do P. cynocephalus, and hybrids fall between. Minimal data on P. hamadryas and P. papio suggest an even lower response than P. cynocephalus. As HbF increases under stress, the ratio of I gamma to V gamma-chains changes from the value in the adult or juvenile baboon toward the ratio in the newborn baboon. However, it does not attain the newborn value. The V gamma A and V gamma C-genes respond differently to stress. In hybrids, the production of V gamma A- chains exceeds that of V gamma C-chains. A controlling factor in cis apparently is present and may be responsible for the species-related extent of total HbF production. It may be concluded that the more primitive the cell in the erythroid maturation series that has been subjected to 5-azacytidine, the more active is the I gamma-gene

    Correction: COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Pericarditis: Towards Identification of Risk Factors

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    This article details a correction to: Zwiers LC, Ong DSY, Grobbee DE. COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Pericarditis: Towards Identification of Risk Factors. Global Heart. 2023; 18(1): 39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gh.125

    COMPULS:Design of a multicenter phenotypic, cognitive, genetic, and magnetic resonance imaging study in children with compulsive syndromes

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    Background: Compulsivity, the closely linked trait impulsivity and addictive behaviour are associated with several neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). All three disorders show impaired fronto-striatal functioning, which may be related to altered glutamatergic signalling. Genetic factors are also thought to play an important role in the aetiology of compulsivity-related disorders. Methods: The COMPULS study is a multi-center study designed to investigate the relationship between the traits compulsivity, impulsivity, and, to a lesser extent, addictive behaviour within and across the neurodevelopmental disorders ADHD, ASD, and OCD. This will be done at the phenotypic, cognitive, neural, and genetic level. In total, 240 participants will take part in COMPULS across four different sites in Europe. Data collection will include diagnostic interviews, behavioural questionnaires, cognitive measures, structural, functional and spectral neuroimaging, and genome-wide genetic information. Discussion: The COMPULS study will offer the unique opportunity to investigate several key aspects of compulsivity across a large cohort of ADHD, ASD and OCD patients

    The role of visual experience in the emergence of cross-modal correspondences

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    Cross-modal correspondences describe the widespread tendency for attributes in one sensory modality to be consistently matched to those in another modality. For example, high pitched sounds tend to be matched to spiky shapes, small sizes, and high elevations. However, the extent to which these correspondences depend on sensory experience (e.g. regularities in the perceived environment) remains controversial. Two recent studies involving blind participants have argued that visual experience is necessary for the emergence of correspondences, wherein such correspondences were present (although attenuated) in late blind individuals but absent in the early blind. Here, using a similar approach and a large sample of early and late blind participants (N=59) and sighted controls (N=63), we challenge this view. Examining five auditory-tactile correspondences, we show that only one requires visual experience to emerge (pitch-shape), two are independent of visual experience (pitch-size, pitch-weight), and two appear to emerge in response to blindness (pitch-texture, pitch-softness). These effects tended to be more pronounced in the early blind than late blind group, and the duration of vision loss among the late blind did not mediate the strength of these correspondences. Our results suggest that altered sensory input can affect cross-modal correspondences in a more complex manner than previously thought and cannot solely be explained by a reduction in visually-mediated environmental correlations. We propose roles of visual calibration, neuroplasticity and structurally-innate associations in accounting for our findings

    Different Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity Correlates of Reactive-Proactive Aggression and Callous-Unemotional Traits in Children and Adolescents with Disruptive Behaviors

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    Background: Disruptive behavior in children and adolescents can manifest as reactive aggression and proactive aggression and is modulated by callous-unemotional traits and other comorbidities. Neural correlates of these aggression dimensions or subtypes and comorbid symptoms remain largely unknown. This multi-center study investigated the relationship between resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) and aggression subtypes considering comorbidities. Methods: The large sample of children and adolescents aged 8–18 years (n = 207; mean age = 13.30 ± 2.60 years, 150 males) included 118 cases with disruptive behavior (80 with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and/or Conduct Disorder) and 89 controls. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety symptom scores were analyzed as covariates when assessing group differences and dimensional aggression effects on hypothesis-free global and local voxel-to-voxel whole-brain rsFC based on functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3 Tesla. Results: Compared to controls, the cases demonstrated altered rsFC in frontal areas, when anxiety but not ADHD symptoms were controlled. For cases, reactive and proactive aggression scores related to global and local rsFC in the central gyrus and precuneus, regions linked to aggression-related impairments. Callous-unemotional trait severity was correlated with ICC in the inferior and middle temporal regions implicated in empathy, emotion, and reward processing. Most observed aggression subtype-specific patterns could only be identified when ADHD and anxiety were controlled for. Conclusions: This study clarifies that hypothesis-free brain connectivity measures can disentangle distinct though overlapping dimensions of aggression in youths. Moreover, our results highlight the importance of considering comorbid symptoms to detect aggression-related rsFC alterations in youths