52 research outputs found

    New model for datasets citation and extraction reproducibility in VAMDC

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    In this paper we present a new paradigm for the identification of datasets extracted from the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) e-science infrastructure. Such identification includes information on the origin and version of the datasets, references associated to individual data in the datasets, as well as timestamps linked to the extraction procedure. This paradigm is described through the modifications of the language used to exchange data within the VAMDC and through the services that will implement those modifications. This new paradigm should enforce traceability of datasets, favour reproducibility of datasets extraction, and facilitate the systematic citation of the authors having originally measured and/or calculated the extracted atomic and molecular data.Comment: 48 page

    Apartment rent analysis in the Republic of Slovenia - case study of the municipality of Ljubljana

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    The graduation thesis present Acts that contributed to the development of the housing policy in Republic of Slovenia from 1991 onward. The main focus of the thesis is on the different types of rentals. Prices of profit rentals are determined freely, which is not the case of the non-profit rentals, where the price of the rental is determined according to the Housing Act. Rents for apartments in Municipality of Ljubljana are analysed in details and include comparison among advertised profit rentals, actual profit rentals and non-profit rentals. The correlations between the crucial elements that influence the particular rental type and the way in which they interact are presented. The data for the advertised non-profit rentals were gathered from various internet advertising sources, the data for the actual profit and non-profit rentals were gathered from the data base of the Housing Fund of the Municipality of Ljubljana. I worked under the assumption that prices for the advertised rentals and the actual rentals are mainly influenced by the location of the apartment, its surface area and its age; on the other side rentals for non-profit rentals are influenced mainly by their age and the apartment’s surface area. It is evident from the methodology of determination of the non-profit rent and practice in Municipality of Ljubljana that the location of the apartment is not considered at the calculation. Analysis of rents mentioned previously demonstrate that in average the prices for rents are the highest for advertised profit apartments, followed by the price for actual profit apartment and the lowest prices are for non-profit apartments, as was expected. Influence of age, surface area and location on particular type of rent was determined by the regression analyse. At the same time the z-test was used to see if the average prices on the unit of surface area of particular rent type on different locations are statistically significantly different. According to the results the investigated factors influence the price of rent on the unit of apartment surface area only in some cases. Average rents in Municipality of Ljubljana are in most cases statistically significantly different for particular administrative district. In the last part of my graduation thesis I analysed the yields of investments in the real estates comparing to the yields of investments in the banks. There is no clear answer whether it is better to be paying a rent or paying off a loan, because many factors such as stability of income, amount of the loan, legal certainty, etc., influence the result

    Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations

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    This white-paper expresses common requirements of Research Communities seeking to leverage Identity Federation for Authentication and Authorisation. Recommendations are made to Stakeholders to guide the future evolution of Federated Identity Management in a direction that better satisfies research use cases. The authors represent research communities, Research Services, Infrastructures, Identity Federations and Interfederations, with a joint motivation to ease collaboration for distributed researchers. The content has been edited collaboratively by the Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R) Community, with input sought at conferences and meetings in Europe, Asia and North America

    A Decade with VAMDC: Results and Ambitions

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    This paper presents an overview of the current status of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) e-infrastructure, including the current status of the VAMDC-connected (or to be connected) databases, updates on the latest technological development within the infrastructure and a presentation of some application tools that make use of the VAMDC e-infrastructure. We analyse the past 10 years of VAMDC development and operation, and assess their impact both on the field of atomic and molecular (A&M) physics itself and on heterogeneous data management in international cooperation. The highly sophisticated VAMDC infrastructure and the related databases developed over this long term make them a perfect resource of sustainable data for future applications in many fields of research. However, we also discuss the current limitations that prevent VAMDC from becoming the main publishing platform and the main source of A&M data for user communities, and present possible solutions under investigation by the consortium. Several user application examples are presented, illustrating the benefits of VAMDC in current research applications, which often need the A&M data from more than one database. Finally, we present our vision for the future of VAMDC

    A decade with vamdc: Results and ambitions

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    This paper presents an overview of the current status of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) e-infrastructure, including the current status of the VAMDC-connected (or to be connected) databases, updates on the latest technological development within the infrastructure and a presentation of some application tools that make use of the VAMDC e-infrastructure. We analyse the past 10 years of VAMDC development and operation, and assess their impact both on the field of atomic and molecular (A&amp;M) physics itself and on heterogeneous data management in international cooperation. The highly sophisticated VAMDC infrastructure and the related databases developed over this long term make them a perfect resource of sustainable data for future applications in many fields of research. However, we also discuss the current limitations that prevent VAMDC from becoming the main publishing platform and the main source of A&amp;M data for user communities, and present possible solutions under investigation by the consortium. Several user application examples are presented, illustrating the benefits of VAMDC in current research applications, which often need the A&amp;M data from more than one database. Finally, we present our vision for the future of VAMDC.</jats:p

    Photography of domestic animals

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    Assessment of the FAIRness of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre following the Research Data Alliance evaluation framework

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    International audienceIn this paper we present the result of the analysis made on the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre infrastructure, following the FAIR Data Maturity Model framework defined by the Research Data Alliance. After recalling the technical architecture of the VAMDC e-infrastructure (subsection 1.1), we will introduce the RDA FAIR evaluation framework (section 2) and define the methodology we adopt to perform our analy- sis (subsection 2.1). In subsection 2.2 we will present the result of this analysis (the fine-grained granularity analysis from which subsection 2.2 is discussed in Appendix A). After having identified some lines of work aimed at improving the FAIRness of VAMDC (section 3), we will con- clude with some ideas for further developments of this work (section 4)