256 research outputs found

    Dostojanstvo, anomija... in prihodnost človekovih pravic

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    V razpravi o prihodnosti Evropskega sodiŔča za človekove pravice (ESČP) avtor obravnava Ā»preliminarnoĀ« vpraÅ”anje, kaj so človekove pravice in kaj je njihova narava oziroma substanca. SodiŔča zadnje instance, kot je tudi ESČP, obravnavajo zgolj primere, ki se dotikajo najbolj temeljnih ustavnih in človekovih pravic in ki zato zahtevajo neko vrsto meril temeljnosti; nekatera ustavna sodiŔča jih namreč utemeljujejo na konceptu človeÅ”kega dostojanstva, katerega opredeljevanje pa je enako izmuzljivo. Avtor v odgovor osvetli Ā»protopravnoĀ« vpraÅ”anje, kaj opredeljuje družbeno in moralno naravo človeÅ”kih bitij. Predmet prava je po njegovem homo juridicus, ki ni sprejel le svojih pravic, ampak predvsem svoje človeÅ”ke dolžnosti in v ojdipskem procesu ponotranjil moralne meje, ki jih nalagata Zakon oziroma Beseda v lacanovskem smislu. Avtor opozori na s tem povezan pojav endemične in globalne anomije ter sklene, da je prihodnost Ā»prevlade praviceĀ« in s tem tudi ESČP zato odvisna od kompleksnih civilizacijskih in kulturnih procesov.In his discussion on the future of the European Court of Human Rights the author explicates the preliminary question of human rights: their definition, nature and substance. The courts of last resort such as the European Court only deal with those cases that touch on the most basic constitutional and human rights and therefore require some kind of fundamentality criteria; some constitutional courts define these rights by means of an equally elusive concept of human dignity. In response, the author elucidates a protolegal question of what defines the social and moral nature of a human being. In his view, the subject of law, Homo Juridicus, is not someone who has only accepted his rights but first and foremost someone who, through the process of oedipalisation, has adopted his human duties and assimilated moral limits imposed by the Law or the Word in the Lacanian sense. The author describes the related phenomenon of endemic and global anomie, concluding that the future of the ā€˜prevalence of justiceā€™ and by implication of the European Court depends on complex civilizational and cultural processes

    DNMR measurements of an asymmetric odd liquid crystal dimer: determination of the intramolecular angle and the degree of order of the two rigid cores

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    In this work, we present a Deuteron Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (DNMR) study of the non-symmetric odd liquid crystal dimer Ī±-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4ā€²-yloxy)-Ļ‰-(1-pyrenimine-benzylidene-4ā€²-oxy) heptane (CBO7O.Py), formed by a pro-mesogenic cyanobiphenyl unit and a bulky pyrene-containing unit, linked via alkoxy flexible chain. We have synthesized two partially deuterated samples: one with the deuterium atoms in the cyanobiphenyl moiety (dCBO7O.Py) and the other one with the deuterium atoms in the pyrenimine-benzylidene unit (CBO7O.dPy). We have performed angular distribution analysis in the SmA glassy state, obtaining the degree of order of both rigid cores and an estimation of the internal molecular angle between both structures. With the results from the angular study, we have been able to determine the degree of order of both rigid units in either the N phase and the SmA phase, far enough from the glass transition. Both rigid cores have the same degree of order close to the nematicā€“isotropic phase transition, but as the compound is cooled down, the degree of order of the cyanobiphenyl moiety is clearly higher than that of the pyrene-containing unit. The critical behaviour of the order parameter of the pyrene-containing moiety is consistent with the fact that, for CBO7O.Py, the Nā€“I phase transition is tricritical, which seems to indicate that the uniaxial order parameter of the dimer is dominated by the degree of order of the pyrene-containing core.The authors from INMA greatly appreciate financial support from projects of the Spanish Government PDI2021-122882NB-I0 [MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE] and the Gobierno de AragĆ³n/FEDER (research group E47_20R). Thanks to the nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, elemental and thermal analysis services of the CEQMA (Univ. Zaragoza-CSIC). The authors from UPV-EHU are grateful to Gobierno Vasco for funding (IT1458-22). N. S. acknowledges the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P1-0192).Peer reviewe

    A ā€œCrossomicsā€ Study Analysing Variability of Different Components in Peripheral Blood of Healthy Caucasoid Individuals

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    Background: Different immunotherapy approaches for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases are being developed and tested in clinical studies worldwide. Their resulting complex experimental data should be properly evaluated, therefore reliable normal healthy control baseline values are indispensable. Methodology/Principal Findings: To assess intra- and inter-individual variability of various biomarkers, peripheral blood of 16 age and gender equilibrated healthy volunteers was sampled on 3 different days within a period of one month. Complex "crossomics'' analyses of plasma metabolite profiles, antibody concentrations and lymphocyte subset counts as well as whole genome expression profiling in CD4(+)T and NK cells were performed. Some of the observed age, gender and BMI dependences are in agreement with the existing knowledge, like negative correlation between sex hormone levels and age or BMI related increase in lipids and soluble sugars. Thus we can assume that the distribution of all 39.743 analysed markers is well representing the normal Caucasoid population. All lymphocyte subsets, 20% of metabolites and less than 10% of genes, were identified as highly variable in our dataset. Conclusions/Significance: Our study shows that the intra- individual variability was at least two-fold lower compared to the inter-individual one at all investigated levels, showing the importance of personalised medicine approach from yet another perspective

    Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world

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    Touch is the primary way people communicate intimacy in romantic relationships, and affectionate touch behaviors such as stroking, hugging and kissing are universally observed in partnerships all over the world. Here, we explored the association of love and affectionate touch behaviors in romantic partnerships in two studies comprising 7880 participants. In the first study, we used a cross-cultural survey conducted in 37 countries to test whether love was universally associated with affectionate touch behaviors. In the second study, using a more fine-tuned touch behavior scale, we tested whether the frequency of affectionate touch behaviors was related to love in romantic partnerships. As hypothesized, love was significantly and positively associated with affectionate touch behaviors in both studies and this result was replicated regardless of the inclusion of potentially relevant factors as controls. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that affectionate touch is a relatively stable characteristic of human romantic relationships that is robustly and reliably related to the degree of reported love between partners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Videogame consumption: The apophatic dimension

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    This article applies psychological-sociological accounts of the ā€˜apophaticā€™, a form of negative thinking, to examples of gaming practices to conceptualise a new theory of videogame consumption. It challenges the prevailing notion that the games consumer is always a ā€˜cataphaticā€™ thinker ā€“ that is, an activistic, rational-pleasure seeker ā€“ and looks to the ā€˜sorrowsā€™ of gaming to find evidence of its more undesirable nature. The term ā€˜apophaticā€™ is characterised as an attempt to de-value the rational value purportedly placed on gaming practices. ā€˜Griefingā€™ other players is a good example of this apophatic ethic, where players derive value from the subversion of serious play through the disruption and destruction of other playersā€™ game worlds. The struggle with ā€˜failureā€™ is another. As such, the article concludes with a reflection on the almost unsayable nature of videogame consumption, and suggests that consumer value may be derived from its more negative, spiritual-like aspects
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