874 research outputs found

    Collaborative Governance in Investment Programs in Makassar City

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    Collaborative governance encourages cooperation and active participation among various parties. This study aims to analyze collaborative governance in investment programs in the city of Makassar. It uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The research participants were actors involved in the investment program. Data sources included primary data obtained from observations and in-depth interviews, while secondary data were obtained from document searches. The results show that the collaborative governance process in the investment program in Makassar City is going well, as can be seen from the routine face-to-face dialogue as well as the trust that is built through the provision of information and evaluating services. Joint commitment is achieved by carrying out duties and functions. However, there are still apparatus human resources that have not participated in investment management training, which hinders the optimal implementation of the program. Meanwhile, shared understanding has been built through joint deliberations as a form of constraint discussion. The results of the investment program can be seen in the annual increase in domestic and foreign investment. Keywords: collaborative governance, investment program, capital investmen

    A Microstrip Sensor for Determination of Harvesting Time for Oil Palm Fruits

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    The conventional method to determine ripeness of the oil palm bunch is by using the number or percentage of detached fruits per bunch. However the method has the disadvantage that it does not relate to oil quantity and quality. Previous work has shown a close relationship between oil content and moisture content during fruit development. Thus,the oil content and subsequently the time to harvest the fruit bunch can be determined from moisture measurements. In this study, a microstrip sensor has been developed to determine the optimum time of harvesting the oil palm fruits based on microwave attenuation. The sensor operating at 10.7GHz was fabricated using RT-Duroidsubtrate and is suitable for single fruit measurements. A theoretical analysis has been carried out to predict the variation in at tenuati on with moisture content in the fruit mesocarp. The propagation of the electromagnetic wave in the microstripis based on quasi - transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM mode) and the at tenuation is obtained by using signal flow graph technique

    Estimation of dielectric constant for various standard materials using microstrip ring resonator

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    Microstrip ring resonator (MRR) is known for dielectric constant determination and many studies used Teflon as a standard sample. However, there are many other materials available which able to perform better or equivalence as the Teflon in calibrating certain dielectric constant measurement. This paper presents simulation of the MRR to investigate frequency shift of materials for dielectric constant estimation using the CST STUDIO SUITE 2016 software. The MRR was designed on RT/Duroid®5880 substrate (εr = 2.2, tanδ = 0.0004) with 50 Ω matching impedance where microstrip width, substrate thickness and ring mean radius were 4.893, 1.575 and 14 mm, respectively to resonate at 2.65340 GHz. Teflon, Polyimide, Isola FR408, Arlon AD250, Arlon AD270 and Gil GML1032 were alternately selected to be placed on top of the MRR as a standard sample to obtain the frequency shift. The frequency shifts for the above materials were 2.56932, 2.46149, 2.44680, 2.53748, 2.52007 and 2.48608 GHz, correspondingly. The differences in frequency shift were used in NetBeans IDE 8.1 algorithm of Java for dielectric constant calculation. The results indicated that Polyimide and Arlon AD250 had the lowest and highest mean percentage error of 0.83536 and 1.76505 %, respectively. Hence, Polyimide might as well be the most suitable candidate as a standard sample in MRR technique for dielectric constant measurement

    The Job Related Factor and Organizational Commitment at PTPL College Sungai Petani, Kedah

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between job role with the commitment of employees within an organization. This study will try to find the relationship between the sub dimensions of work role and its relationship with organizational commitment supervisor support, colleague support, access to resources and the role of employees. The research questions are developed based on questionnaires 'Organizational Commitment Questionnaire' (OCQ) introduced by, Steers, and Porter Moday, 1979, which aims to find the level of organizational commitment among employees. Question consists of 44 items using a Likert scale where it would involve the 63 respondents in this study. All data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version of twenty. In this study, it has two types of statistical analysis used descriptive statistics, to see the percentages and inferential statistics using Pearson correlation for the relationship between variables. This study expects that PTPL College Sg. Petani can maintain a high level of organizational commitment is to ensure that the company will be more productive and more competitive in the future through the study in the future

    Model Pembelajaran Pai Berbasis Tik yang Valid dan Efektif pada Sman 4 Kendari

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    Tujuan peneitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran PAI berbasis TIK yang valid dan efektif pada SMAN 4 Kendari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian Borg dan menggunakan pendekatan teknik analisis berbasis ICT untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran yang valid dan efektif di SMAN 4 Kendari. Hasil uji coba I adalah Model PAI TIK sudah terlaksana dengan baik, tetapi belum efektif, karena ketuntasan klasikal belum tercapai dan aktivitas siswa belum sesuai yang diharapkan. Kemudian merevisi model sebelum dilakukan uji coba II. Hasil uji coba II adalah Model PAI TIK sudah efektif, karena ketuntasan klasikal telah tercapai, aktivitas siswa sudah sesuai yang diharapkan, kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran sudah dalam kategori tinggi, respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran dalam kategori positif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka diperoleh model pembelajaran PAI berbasis TIK yang valid dan efektif


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    During the course of an aircraft landing and take-off, the landing gear is subjected to a very massive force that needs to be diverted so that it will not affect the aircraft. Some of the dynamic characteristics that are caused by the force that is subjected to the landing gear are gear walk, shimmy, and brake-induced vibration. Stiffness and dampers are two most important elements of the landing gear to provide smooth motion of the aircraft. However, the data is not available to the public for research purpose. This project is undertaken to establish design data of an aircraft landing gear and study its dynamic characteristics using modal analysis method where the project is carried out using ANSYS software. Modal analysis is basically the study of the dynamic characteristic of a structure when subjected to a vibrating excitation where in this case, the structure to be analysed is the landing gear of the aircraft. In this project, a specific landing gear of an aircraft from Embraer is used as the model for the analysis. After the modelling is done, all the boundary conditions such as the mechanical properties and the connections are properly defined. Modal analysis is then performed in order to obtain the deformations, mode shapes, and the natural frequencies of the landing gear. From the result, five different mode shapes are taken into account and natural frequencies of the mode shapes are in the range of 129 – 379 Hz. The obtained result is discussed and compared to the closest possible research for its validity and it can be concluded that the project is successful where the mode shapes and natural frequencies that are obtained have the same pattern as the result in other researches

    Examining the influence of safety leadership towards safety behaviour in SME manufacturing

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between employer’s safety leadership with safety behaviour among Small Medium Enterprises manufacturing sector in Negeri Sembilan. Three independent variables representing safety leadership attributes namely safety motivation, safety concern and safety policy have been selected for this study. Safety behaviour which is the dependent variable has been measured by two dimensions namely safety compliance and safety participation. The employees from SME manufacturing companies in Negeri Sembilan have been selected as a target population. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed randomly to the Negeri Sembilan SME manufaturing workers and only 210 sets were returned and usable. Correlation and Multiple Regression test were used to analyse the data. Research findings revealed that safety concern and safety policy were significant with safety compliance, with safety Policy (β=0.366, t=3.300, p=0.001) was found to have the greatest influence; while safety motivation was not significant with safety compliance. On the other hands, safety motivation and safety concern were significant with safety participation with safety concern (β=0.376, t=2.701, p=0.007) was found to have the greatest influence; while safety policy has no influence towards safety participation. Safety concern is an important component of leadership in determining safety behaviour as it has been consistently explaining the variance in both dimensions of safety behaviou

    Acceptance of smallholders toward the implementation of MSPO in Felcra Seri Mendapat / Akmal Hakim Zulkifly

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    The oil palm is the most important crop in Malaysia because its production can give profit to all parties. Sustainable oil palm is a government program that used to sustain the oil palm without harming the environment. In this study, researcher was decided to study about smallholders’ acceptance towards implementation of Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO). The objective of this survey is to study relationship between a few factors which is the independent variables such as experience, knowledge, attitude, technology enhancement and training with the acceptance of smallholders towards implementation of MSPO as the dependent variables. The population size of this study is about 225 smallholders which is independent smallholders is consist of 150 smallholders and dependent smallholders consist of 75 smallholders. For this case, the study was made for dependent smallholders only. Therefore, the researcher needs only 63 samples from 75 samples to analyzed based on Krejcie and Morgan table. The questionnaires will be use to collect data which the questionnaire will be distribute to dependent smallholders. The higher correlation among the factors is knowledge (0.530), attitude (0.601) and training (0.469). The most dominant factors that influence the acceptance of smallholders towards the implementation of MSPO is knowledge, attitude and training. Finding of this study had shown that the smallholder’s acceptance towards the independent variables for this research (R²) is 53.9% and the rest 46.1% were not included in this research

    Integrated framework for quantity surveying practices for conservation projects / Umi Kalsum Zolkafli@Zulkifly

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    Majority of heritage buildings in Malaysia are deteriorating. Previous researchers observed that the deterioration affecting the structural and fabric of the heritage buildings. Continuous care and protection are needed through conservation to limit the deterioration. Conserving heritage buildings are difficult because conservation projects are ambiguous, unique and cannot be duplicated. The scope of work, specification, duration or cost of conservation works cannot be accurately predetermined at early stage. The tender documents can be complicated and lack of critical information due to failure in exploiting the integrated heritage documents by quantity surveyors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop an integrated documentation framework to overcome ambiguities in improving quantity surveyors’ basic services in building conservation projects. This aim is achieved through the four following objectives; (1) to measure the level of ambiguities of building conservation projects; (2) to measure the level of performance of quantity surveyors’ basic services in building conservation projects; (3) to measure the level of integration of documentation used by quantity surveyors’ in building conservation projects and; (4) to establish relationships between ambiguities in building conservation projects’, integrated documentation and performance of quantity surveyors’ basic services. The study was conducted using mixed-method research design. For qualitative method, eight (8) registered quantity surveyors were interviewed using semi-structured interview and the data were analyzed using content and template analysis. For quantitative method, thirty six (36) questionnaires were analyzed using Software Package for Statistical Analysis and Partial Least Square of Structured Equation Modeling. The findings show that the variables with the highest level of ambiguity in conservation projects are the uniqueness of the building, the building technology and the complexity of the project. The result also revealed that the lowest quantity surveyors performances in basic services are in the ‘preparing bills of quantities and other tender documents’ and the ‘preparation of preliminary estimates and cost plans’. The thesis also found that the documents used by quantity surveyor are moderately integrated. The results also show that there are significant relationships between ambiguities in building conservation projects and quantity surveyors’ basic services. The integrated document is found to be partially mediating the ambiguities in building conservation project to the quantity surveyors basic services