Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST)
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    184 research outputs found

    Target Setting in Teacher Career Development: Analysis of Human Resource Management SMART Model

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of target setting management on the academic development of teacher careers. This study uses a quantitative method with a survey approach. The sample technique is a systematic sampling based on the order of teacher data as many as 108 respondents. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires through googleform. Data analysis was carried out with validity and reliability tests, linear regression analysis. The results of the study obtained the value of the correlation coefficient which was included in the sufficient category, and a positive value, and there was a significant influence between the target setting variables on the academic development of teacher careers. Determination of target settings in the form of increasing knowledge and skills refers to the SMART model that can be used by teachers to achieve success in career development.

    Peace Development Training for Teachers as Peace Educators in Supporting Merdeka Belajar

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    This research aims to develop the capacity for peace among school counselors in implementing Merdeka Belajar. It is based on the evidence of low competence for peace among teachers. The findings reveal that teachers need improvement in understanding concepts and skills for peace which are assumed to be beneficial for themselves and the school. Peace capacity building training for teachers is one of the right steps to overcome this problem. The training was addressed to 29 School Counselors in Kulon Progo Junior High School, divided into five sessions. The training was conducted using brainstorming methods, games, role playing, watching movies, worksheets and mentoring in the preparation of action plan. Indicators of successful delivery services are measured by pre-test and post-test using the Pengembangan Kapasitas Kedamaian Scale. Pre-test 60,34 and post-test 74,10 results shows an increase in aspects of knowledge and skills. The results of the process evaluation were shown enthusiastically by the participants in each session and the evaluation of the results of all activities was shown by the testimonials of participants who felt the benefits of the training. In addition, participants revealed that training is very important to be applied in the classroom and school. Training evaluation is carried out on the process and final results of all training activities. There are two outcomes achieved, namely the implementation agreement and articles published in journals

    Self Efficacy: A View from Junior High School Students and Its Gender Interaction

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    Self-efficacy is an essential factor in the learning process of a student. Self-efficacy is the belief in their skills to complete tasks or achieve targets. Many studies on self-efficacy have been carried out, but there are still few that examine the self-efficacy of junior high school students and how gender influences it. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the self-efficacy of junior high school students and investigate differences in student self-efficacy by gender. Data were collected from research respondents of 168 students, with 95 female and 73 male students. This research adopted a quantitative design as data were collected from questionnaires. Results show that in general students' self-efficacy is in the high category. In addition, students' self-efficacy in terms of gender, male and female students both have high self-efficacy.Furthermore, the results of the ANOVA test showed that there was a significant difference between the self-efficacy of female and male students. The average self-efficacy of female students is higher than male students. Studies show that even though male and female students have high self-efficacy, there are still students who have low or even very low self-efficacy. Therefore, it is highly recommended that schools provide bombing and counseling services for these students

    The Effectiveness of Microsoft Sway-Based Media on the Learning Outcome of Cultural Art Subject in the Elementary School

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    The study aimed to determine student Cultural Arts learning outcomes and find significant differences in student Cultural Arts learning outcomes before and after using Microsoft Sway application media. The research design used was One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design involving 32 students. Samples are taken based on saturated sampling techniques. Data collection uses test results in the form of a pretest and posttest. The data analysis used is descriptive, hypothesis test, and gain test. The results showed that the average post-test value of 73.75 was higher than the average pretest value of 40.47. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the Sig value was <0.001, which means it is smaller than α (0.05), then H0 was rejected, which showed a significant difference in the use of Microsoft Sway application media to cultural arts learning outcomes. The average value gain was 0.5466 (52.79%). The table of n-gain criteria shows that 0.3 ≤ 0.5466 ≤ 0.7, which belongs to the medium category. This shows that using Microsoft Sway application media can effectively improve student learning outcomes

    Development of M-Learning Media Illustrated Crossword Puzzles to Increase Learning Motivation for Middle School Students

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    this study aims to produce M-Learning learning media illustrated with crossword puzzles assisted by Google Sites to increase student motivation in class VII SMP and describe the feasibility of the media in terms of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research is a development research using the ADDIE model, which includes analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The results showed that the quality of M-Learning learning media illustrated with crossword puzzles assisted by Google sites to increase student motivation, for the validation aspect of M-Learning was categorized as valid with a validity of 75%. For the practicality questionnaire, the teacher response questionnaire obtained 91.67% of the very practical criteria and the 9 student response questionnaire was 90.40% with very practical criteria, so M-Learning was stated to be very practical. For the aspect of effectiveness, it can be seen from the results of the study tests where all students passed or met the KKM, student response questionnaires with a percentage of 90.20% were very effective criteria. And the N-Gain value of 0.76 indicates that there is an increase in learning motivation in the high category, so that M-Learning is effective for increasing student motivation

    The Roles of Motivation to Learn and Coping Behaviours in Managing Stress in Working College Students

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of positive self-talk to increase the self-confidence of psychology students at Buana Perjuangan University, Karawang. This study uses a one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study were psychology students from the 2018 class. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and the sample consisted of 11 students. The instrument used in this study is a self-confidence scale that has been tested starting from expert judgment to reliability testing. The reliability of the confidence scale that was tested using Cronbach Alpha obtained a coefficient of 0.896 which indicates a very good level of reliability. Hypothesis testing using paired samples test assisted through SPSS version 23 for windows program. The results showed that the treatment with positive self-talk techniques was effective in increasing the self-confidence of psychology students. This can be seen in the paired samples test, the results of the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group obtained a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.005 < 0.05, which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted

    Development of E-learning Teaching Materials Graphic Media Development Course for Students’ Educational Curriculum and Technology

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    This study aims at identifying the feasibility and efficacy of e-learning material for graphic media development subject by using the e-learning material provided by Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The study takes place in The Department of Technology of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The subject involves students who have participated in media  graphic course. The samples are selected through simple random sampling with the amount of samples in experiment and control class is 30 students each. This development research is carried out using the development model of Four-D Model with the stages of Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate. The validation test on each unit of test proved that all of them are considered valid at Sig. 5%, while the reliability coefficient of the test is = 0.83. Feasibility test on the material and media each gains 88.5%  and 87.7%, which means very feasible to apply. The effectiveness test on the e-learning material is conducted using quasi experimental group analysis technique. Based on the Independent sample t test, it was gained that (p < 0.05). N-Gain from the experiment class is 0.6 which categorized as fairly effective, while the N-Gain of the control class is 0.45 and perceived as less effective. The findings presented that e-learning material is deemed feasible and fairly effective to be used during the teaching and learning activity and could improve the students’ learning outcome

    The Effect of Demonstration Methods to Improve Science Thinking Skills In Children Aged 5-6 Years

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of demonstration methods on improving the science process skills of children aged 5-6 years. Research method quasi-experimental quantitative method, with non-equivalent control group design by comparing pre-test and post-test scores of conventional learning classes with demonstration method learning classes. Number of samples: 18 students of group B, aged 5-6 TK Tunas Bangsa Makassar. Data was collected with an observation sheet in the form of a checklist. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of the independent test of the t test sample. The results of statistical analysis descriptive the average score of classes taught by conventional methods is lower than classes taught using demonstration methods from the results of the study showed that the demonstration method was able to increase the average value of children's science thinking process skills. The results of the hypothesis test show that the value of P = sig 0.00 and the value of Tcalculate is greater than Ttabel, thus concluding that the demonstration method is able to improve the ability of science thinking process skills in TK Tunas Bangsa Makassar

    Exploring The Potential of Microlearning for Toefl Ibt Preparation Among High School Students

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    The aim of this needs analysis is to investigate the potential of microlearning as a learning approach to prepare high school students for the TOEFL iBT. Microlearning is an instructional method that involves brief participation in an activity that is intended to yield a specific result. While prior research has shown its benefits in encouraging independent learning, reducing mental fatigue, and preventing demotivation and cognitive impairments, most studies have focused on adult learners, with only a small fraction conducted in high school settings. In Indonesia, certificates of English aptitude tests, such as TOEFL iBT, are necessary for higher education and job applications. However, the topic and skills are rarely discussed in schools, resulting in many high school graduates being unprepared for the exam. Typically, students resort to private institutions or tutors to acquire the necessary skills, but the associated costs and time commitment can be discouraging. Therefore, it is essential to examine the perceived importance of TOEFL iBT, learning difficulties, and learning preferences. The findings will inform recommendations on integrating microlearning into the existing educational framework. Future studies should explore microlearning themes further, expand research to high school context, and explore mobile-based microlearning

    Development of Adventure-Based Learning Game on the Topic of Temperature and Heat

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    It has successfully developed an adventure-based learning game on temperature and heat material for junior high schools that is valid and interesting. This research uses the Rowntree development model, which consists of a planning stage, development stage, and evaluation stage. The evaluation stage uses Tessmer's formative evaluation, namely self-evaluation, expert review, one-to-one evaluation, and small group evaluation. Data collection techniques used are walkthroughs and student responses questionnaire sheets. The results of the expert review obtained an average value of 95% with very valid criteria. The results of the one-to-one evaluation stage, students' responses to the use of game learning obtained an average value of 90% with very interesting criteria. Meanwhile, in the small group evaluation stage, students' responses to the use of game learning obtained an average value of 100% with very interesting criteria. Based on the results of these studies, it can be concluded that the adventure-based learning game on temperature and heat material for SMP that was developed is included in very valid and very interesting criteria


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