775 research outputs found

    Unión y concordia de la villa de Olot

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    El organero Fr. Florentín de Santa Cecilia deportado por la Revolución Francesa en Guipúzcoa

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    Datos biográficos y labor de Fr. Florentin Grimont, organero y carmelita belga, exiliado del convento de Bannes (Francia) en 1792. Trabajó en Guipúzcoa en los órganos de Albistur (1799), Asteasu (1801) y Lazcano (1801), de cuyas reparaciones se describen informes. Se añade la composición del órgano construido en Lazcano en 1699 por Joseph de Alssua y Fr. Domingo de Aguirre, así como datos de reparaciones de manos de otros organeros como Domingo de Galarza (1729), Ramón de Tarazona (1774), Andrés de Gasparini (1780) y Juan de Amezua (1845)Frantziako Bannes-eko komentutik 1792an erbesteratua zen Anai Florentin Grimont belgiar organogile karmeldarrare datu biografikoak eta lana. Gipuzkoako organo batzuetan lan egin zuen hala nola Albizturren (1799), Asteasun (1801) eta Lazkaon (1801), konponketa horiek informeetan deskribatzen direlarik. Lazkaon 1699an Joseph de Alssua eta Anai Domingo de Aguirrek egindako organoaren konponketa erantsi da, bai eta beste konponketa batzuen datuak, beste hainbat organogilek buruturikoak: Domingo de Galarza (1729), Ramón de Tarazona (1774), Andrés de Gasparini (1780) eta Juan de Amezua (1845)Biographical data and work of Brother Florentin Grimont, organ maker and Belgian Carmelite, exiled from the Bannes convent (France) in 1792. He worked in Gipuzkoa on the organs of Albistur (1799), Asteasu (1801) and Lazcano (1801), with reports being written about the repair of each one. He was also responsible for the composition of the organ built in Lazcano in 1699 by Joseph de Alssua and Brother Domingo de Aguirre, as well as for data about repairs carried out by other organ makers like Domingo de Galarza (1729), Ramón de Tarazona (1884), Andres de Gasparini (1780) and Juan de Amezua (1845

    Organerías (VI). Ataun: El organista-maestro de escuela (s. XVIII)

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    El nombramiento de organista es origen de conflictos desde el primero Pedro Miguel de Maiza (1761). La Concordia de 1646 que organiza la provisión de oficios, no toca el de organista, Dictamen del organista de la Catedral, Escarregui, sobre el candidato. Se determina unir los dos oficios de organista y maestro de escuela: reglamentación minuciosa de sus deberes y de los horarios de la escuela. Se incluye el acuerdo de Huarte Araquil, presentado como modelo, sobre el mismo tema.O rganojolea izendatzea beti gatazka iturria izan da, are postu horretarako lehen izendapena, Pedro Miguel de Maiza (1761), egin zenetik ere. 1646ko Concordia delakoak antolatu zuen lanbideen hornikuntza, baina organojolearena ukitu gabe. Escarregui, Katedraleko organojoleak hautagaiaz eginiko txostena. Organojole eta eskola-maisu lanbideak batzeko erabakia: horien eginbeharren eta eskola-orduen arautze zehatza. Uharte-Arakilgo erabakia aurkezten da lan honetan, gaiaren eredu gisa harturik.La nomination d'organistes est à l'origine de conflits depuis le premier nommé, Pedro Miguel de Maiza (1761). La "Concordia" qui organise le pourvoi de métiers, ne concerne pas celui d'organiste, Dictamen de l'organiste de la Cathédrale, Escarregui, sur le candidat. On décide d'unir le métier d'organiste et celui de maître d'école: réglementation minutieuse de leurs devoirs et des horaires d'école. L'accord d'Huarte Araquil présenté comme modèle, y est également inclus.The appointment of an organist is the origin of conflicts from the very first: Pedro Miguel de Maiza (1761). The Concord of 1646 that organises the provision of trades, does not include the trade of organist, as stated in the Judgement by the organist of the Cathedral, Escarregui, on the candidate. It is then determined to join both the organist and schoolteacher trades into one, with a meticulous regulation of their duties and of the school schedules. The author includes the agreement of Huarte Araquil, presented as model, on the same topic

    Hybrid Control from Scratch: A Design Methodology for Assured Robotic Missions

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    Robotic research over the last decades have lead us to different architectures to automatically synthesise discrete event controllers and implement these motion and task plans in real-world robot scenarios. However, these architectures usually build on existing robot hardware, generating as a result solutions that are influenced and/or restricted in their design by the available capabilities and sensors. In contrast to these approaches, we propose a design methodology that, given a specific domain of application, allowed us to build the first end-to-end implementation of an autonomous robot system that uses discrete event controller synthesis to generate assured mission plans. We validate this robot system in several missions of our target domain of application

    Simulation of industrial power consumption with electric energy storage

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    Este proyecto fin de carrera se basa en el desarrollo de un modelo para la simulación del consumo eléctrico de una empresa de ámbito industrial. Para proveer la carga eléctrica se dispone de la red eléctrica, una batería, un sistema de cogeneración y una entrada para potencia de un sistema solar. Matlab es el programa elegido para dicha simulación, utilizando mayoritariamente el entorno de programación visual “Simulink", que funciona bajo la plataforma de Matlab. Se ha hecho especial hincapié en la elaboración de un bloque de funciones donde, mediante lenguaje de programación, quedan expuestos los aspectos más importantes de la simulación. También se han creado varios scripts gracias a los cuales se pueden introducir datos al programa, inicializar el modelo y mostrar los gráficos y datos sobre los resultados de la simulación. El objetivo de la simulación es facilitar al usuario un balance económico, evaluando diferentes opciones en lo referente al dimensionado de la bateria y del sistema de cogeneración, con el fin de seleccionar la alternativa más rentable y eficiente. A partir de los resultados de las simulaciones se puede concluir que, para una empresa de ámbito industrial invertir dinero en la compra de una batería para evitar picos de potencia no resultaría una solución económica dado que el tiempo de amortización de la batería estaría en el rango de 45-60 años para una batería de Flujo Redox.The present project is based on developing a model in order to simulate the power consumption of a company in an industrial environment. The grid, a battery, a cogeneration system and a solar power input are used to provide the electric load. Matlab is the program chosen for that purpose, mainly using the visual programming environment "Simulink" which works under Matlab platform. It has particular emphasis on the development of a function block which, through programming language, comprises the most important aspects of the simulation. Furthermore, several scripts have been created through which the user can enter manually data into the program, initialize the model and display the graphs and data on the results of the simulation. The simulation aims at giving the user an economic balance, evaluate different options with regard to the size of battery and cogeneration system, in order to select the most profitable and efficient alternative. On the basis of the simulation results obtained, it can be concluded that, in the industrial sector, the investment of a battery is no an economic solution, because the return of investment time by saving grid power cost is in the range of 45-60 years, for a Redox Flow Battery.Ingeniería IndustrialIndustria Ingeniaritz

    Iterator-based temporal logic task planning

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    Temporal logic task planning for robotic systemssuffers from state explosion when specifications involve largenumbers of discrete locations. We provide a novel approach,particularly suited for tasks specifications with universallyquantified locations, that has constant time with respect tothenumber of locations, enabling synthesis of plans for an arbitrarynumber of them. We propose a hybrid control framework thatuses an iterator to manage the discretised workspace hidingitfrom a plan enacted by a discrete event controller. A downsideof our approach is that it incurs in increased overhead whenexecuting a synthesised plan. We demonstrate that the overheadis reasonable for missions of a fixed-wing Unmanned AerialVehicle in simulated and real scenarios for up to700 000locations

    Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment on the physical, microbiological, and antioxidant properties of calçots

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    The effect of ultrasound (US) treatment (40 kHz, 250 W) for 0, 10,25 and 45 min on the physical and microbiological quality, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and total phenolic content (TPC) of calçots (Allium cepaL.) was evaluated. Moreover, the effect of roasting (270 °C, 8 min) and in vitro simulated digestion on the antioxidant properties was studied. Overall, US treatment had no effect of the physical quality and antioxidant properties of calçots regardless the treatment time, while thermal processing produced an increase on the TAC and maintenance in TPC. Furthermore, the digestion process caused a remarkable decrease on the TAC and TPC, but that decrease was higher in roasted than in fresh samples. The microbial load of all US-treated fresh samples was below 6 log (cfu g−1) and a decrease of 1-log reduction was observed after treating for 45 min. Those results indicated that US pre-treatment had no negative effects on the quality of calçot while produced a decrease on the microbial load at high processing times.This work was supported by ACCIÓ (Generalitat of Catalonia, RD14-1-004), Sociedad Agrícola i Secció de Crèdit de Valls S.C.C.L., Cooperativa of Cambrils, and PGI ‘Calçot de Valls’. This work was also supported by the ‘Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement’ (FI-2017-B2-00164, L. Zudaire) and CERCA Programme of Generalitat de Catalunya. T. Lafarga is in receipt of a ‘Juan de la Cierva’ contract awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (FJCI-2016-29541). I. Aguiló-Aguayo thanks the National Programme for the promotion of talent and its employability of the ‘Ministerio de Economía,Industria y Competitividad’ of the Spanish Government and to the European Social Fund for the Postdoctoral Senior Grant ‘Ramon y Cajal’ (RYC-2016-19949)
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