599 research outputs found

    Явище синонімії в мовленні представника східнослобожанської говірки (на матеріалі с. Шульгінка Старобільського району Луганської обл.)

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    У статті розглянуто явище синонімії у розмовному мовленні представника східнослобожанської говірки; проаналізовано синоніми, визначено їх основні типи: семантичні, контекстуальні, стилістичні (емоційні) та абсолютні. За результатами спостережень виявлено синонімічні ряди; класифіковано їх за повнозначними частинами мови, позиційним розташуванням у контексті, тематичною групою тощо. У діалектних текстах мовної особистості досліджено стилістичні функції синонімів, а також їхню емоційно-експресивну забарвленість.В статье рассмотрено явление синонимии в разговорной речи представителя восточнослобожанского говора; проанализированы синонимы, определены основные их типы: семантические, контекстуальные, стилистические (эмоциональные) и абсолютные. По результатам наблюдений обнаружены синонимические ряды; осуществлена классификация их относительно частей речи, позиционного расположения в контексте, тематической группы и т.д. В диалектных текстах языковой личности исследовано стилистические функции синонимов, а также их эмоционально-экспрессивную окраску.The phenomenon of synonymy in spoken language of spokesman of East Slobozhanshchina dialects is observed in the article; the synonyms are recorded and analysed; their main types (semantic, contextual, stylistic (emotional), absolute) are determined. The synonymic rows are shown as a result of observation; they were classified as part of speech of full meaning, as position disposition in the context, as thematic group etc. The stylistic functions of synonyms and also their emotional-expressive tint are investigated in dialectal texts of linguistic personality

    Assessing the Role of Carbonyl Adducts, Particularly Malondialdehyde Adducts, in the Development of Dermis Yellowing Occurring during Skin Photoaging

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    Solar elastosis is associated with a diffuse yellow hue of the skin. Photoaging is related to lipid peroxidation leading to the formation of carbonyl groups. Protein carbonylation can occur by addition of reactive aldehydes, such as malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-nonenal (4-HNE), and acrolein. All the proteins concerned with this modification, and the biological consequences of adduct formation, are not completely identified. The link between yellowish skin and dermal carbonylated proteins induced by aldehyde adducts was investigated. The study was carried out on ex vivo skin samples from sun-exposed or sun-protected areas and on in vitro dermal equivalent models incubated with 5 mM MDA, 4-HNE, or acrolein. The yellow color and the level of MDA, 4-HNE, and acrolein adducts were evaluated. Yellowish color differences were detected in the dermis of sun-exposed skin compared to sun-protected skin and in in vitro models following addition of MDA, 4-HNE, or acrolein. The yellowing was correlated with the carbonyl adducts increasing in the dermis and in in vitro models incubated with aldehydes. The stronger yellowing seemed to be mediated more by MDA than 4-HNE and acrolein. These observations suggest that dermal carbonylation especially induced by MDA result in the yellow hue of dermis and is involved, in part, in the yellowing observed during skin photoaging

    Thlastocoris laetus Mayr, 1866 (Hemiptera: Coreidae: Acanthocerini), nova praga do abacaxi

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    Thlastocoris laetus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) is reported for the first time as a pest of pineapple in Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon forest. The damages are commented. The species is characterized and compared with Lybindus dichrous, another coreidbug pest of pineapple in Brazil. The geographical distribution of the two species is reported.Thlastocoris laetus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) es por primera vez señalado como plaga de la piña para la Amazonia brasileña y peruana comentando los daños que ocasiona. Se presenta la caracterización morfológica de esta especie, comparandola con Lybindus dichrous que también es reconocido como plaga de la piña en el Brasil. La distribución geográfica de ambas especies es citada.Thlastocoris laetus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) é assinalado pela primeira vez como praga do abacaxi na Amazonia brasileira e peruana. Os prejuízos ocasionados são comentados. É apresentada a caracterização morfológica dessa espécie comparando-a com Lybindus dichrous, conhecida praga do abacaxi no Brasil. A distribuição geográfica dessas duas espécies é apresentada

    Análise da variabilidade genética de variedades tradicionais de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) através de marcadores moleculares microssatélites.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade genética através de marcadores moleculares SSR em uma amostra de variedades tradicionais oriundas de coletas, conduzidas entre os anos de 1978 e 1996, em lavouras de pequenos agricultores no Brasil

    Caffeine inheritance in interspecific hybrids of Coffea arabica x Coffea canephora (Gentianales, Rubiaceae)

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    Caffeine inheritance was investigated in F2 and BC1F1 generations between Coffea arabica var. Bourbon Vermelho (BV) and Coffea canephora var. Robusta 4x (R4x). The caffeine content of seeds and leaves was determined during 2004 and 2005. Microsatellite loci-markers were used to deduce the meiotic pattern of chromosome pairing of tetraploid interspecific hybrids. Genetic analysis indicated that caffeine content in seeds was quantitatively inherited and controlled by genes with additive effects. The estimates of broad-sense heritability of caffeine content in seeds were high for both generations. In coffee leaves, the caffeine content (BSH) from the same populations showed transgressive segregants with enhanced levels and high BSH. Segregation of loci-markers in BC1F1 populations showed that the ratios of the gametes genotype did not differ significantly from those expected assuming random associations and tetrasomic inheritance. The results confirm the existence of distinct mechanisms controlling the caffeine content in seeds and leaves, the gene exchange between the C. arabica BV and C. canephora R4x genomes and favorable conditions for improving caffeine content in this coffee population312498504CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQsem informaçã

    Low-Dose T-3 Replacement Restores Depressed Cardiac T-3 Levels, Preserves Coronary Microvasculature and Attenuates Cardiac Dysfunction in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus

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    Thyroid dysfunction is common in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) and may contribute to the associated cardiac dysfunction. However, little is known about the extent and pathophysiological consequences of low thyroid conditions on the heart in DM. DM was induced in adult female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats by injection of nicotinamide (N; 200 mg/kg) followed by streptozotocin (STZ; 65 mg/kg). One month after STZ/N, rats were randomized to the following groups (N = 10/group): STZ/N or STZ/N + 0.03 g/mL T-3; age-matched vehicle-treated rats served as nondiabetic controls (C). After 2 months of T-3 treatment (3 months post-DM induction), left ventricular (LV) function was assessed by echocardiography and LV pressure measurements. Despite normal serum thyroid hormone (TH) levels, STZ/N treatment resulted in reductions in myocardial tissue content of THs (T-3 and T-4 : 39% and 17% reduction versus C, respectively). Tissue hypothyroidism in the DM hearts was associated with increased DIO3 deiodinase (which converts THs to inactive metabolites) altered TH transporter expression, reexpression of the fetal gene phenotype, reduced arteriolar resistance vessel density, and diminished cardiac function. Low-dose T-3 replacement largely restored cardiac tissue TH levels (T-3 and T-4 : 43% and 10% increase versus STZ/N, respectively), improved cardiac function, reversed fetal gene expression and preserved the arteriolar resistance vessel network without causing overt symptoms of hyperthyroidism. We conclude that cardiac dysfunction in chronic DM may be associated with tissue hypothyroidism despite normal serum TH levels. Low-dose T-3 replacement appears to be a safe and effective adjunct therapy to attenuate and/or reverse cardiac remodeling and dysfunction induced by experimental DM

    Coordination chemistry of amide-functionalised tetraazamacrocycles: structural, relaxometric and cytotoxicity studies

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    Three different tetraazamacrocyclic ligands containing four amide substituents that feature groups (namely allyl, styryl and propargyl groups) suitable for polymerisation have been synthesised. Gadolinium(III) complexes of these three ligands have been prepared as potential monomers for the synthesis of polymeric MRI contrast agents. To assess the potential of these monomers as MRI contrast agents, their relaxation enhancement properties and cytotoxicity have been determined. A europium(III) complex of one of these ligands (with propargyl substituents) is also presented together with its PARACEST properties. In addition, to gain further insight into the coordination chemistry of the tetra-propargyl substituted ligand, the corresponding zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes have been prepared. The X-ray crystal structures of the tetra-propargyl ligand and its corresponding gadolinium(III), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes are also presented